Reborn – Super Chef

Chapter 371: Ye Chui's eyes were focused only on the food, and at this moment


"Master, another one who voluntarily admitted defeat. It has been three days since Zheng Yun came to challenge us, and no one dares to continue the challenge. I thought we were going to experience a bloody storm during this period."

It was morning when Ye Chui met Tian Xiaodu in the lobby of Manhan Building. Tian Xiaodu said to Ye Chui with an expression of "I'm so lonely being invincible".

Ye Chui rolled his eyes: "These people came in droves to challenge us, and we must be exhausted. The current situation is unexpectedly good."

"Master, do you think there will be anyone who will challenge you?" Tian Xiaodu asked with a few laughs. Within three days, ten six-star chefs successively issued statements of surrender, making Ye Chui's name unrivaled on the Internet. At the same time, the business of Manhanlou also reached a new level. Now it basically maintains a daily turnover of about 350,000. This is definitely the most profitable restaurant in the whole of China.

Of course, the hotel's current turnover is so high because of some recent promotional effects, and it may decline after this event is over.

Ye Chui smiled and shook his head, and said to Tian Xiaodu, "No one will challenge me before the Spring Banquet. One chef after another admitted defeat. Those who originally wanted to challenge me had to consider their own level. Whoever dares to continue to challenge me at this time will definitely attract huge attention. Chefs are a profession that attaches great importance to reputation. If they really lose, it will not be worth the loss. So there should be more people who continue to announce their surrender."

"I understand these principles. Now it all depends on how we perform at the Spring Banquet." Tian Xiaodu said with a smile, "By the way, Master, the menu for the Spring Banquet will be handed over to the Gourmet Association today. At 10 o'clock tonight, the menus of all the restaurants participating in the Spring Banquet will be announced directly on the official website."

"Well, Dayu told me about this yesterday. I have prepared the menu and am waiting for Dayu to submit it to the Gourmet Association." Ye Chui nodded and looked around. "Where is Dayu?"

"I just saw her in the lobby, but it seems that the Spring Banquet emcee costumes she ordered early in the morning have been delivered. She should have returned to her room now." Tian Xiaodu said casually.

"Okay, I'll go find her."

As Ye Chui spoke, he walked all the way to the backyard. Now that spring was in the air, the courtyard, which was originally full of desolate atmosphere, had been dyed with a layer of lush green and was glowing with vitality. Ye Chui stood in the small courtyard and took a deep breath, feeling very comfortable. Then he turned around and pushed open the door of Han Yuyan's room - at this time, if Ye Chui had paid a little attention to what Tian Xiaodu had just said, he would have known that he should not push the door in so casually.

Han Yuyan returned to the room because the Spring Banquet emcee costumes he ordered were delivered.

The Spring Banquet Master of Ceremonies is responsible for standing on one side of the banquet tables of their respective restaurants and briefly introducing the identities of the various delicacies to the diners. This is also the tradition of the Spring Banquet. This year, Han Yuyan, the master of ceremonies of the Spring Banquet of Manhan Building, volunteered to take on the role. In addition, there was also Su Xin, one of the waiters. As a master of ceremonies, one naturally needs special attire to appear formal, so Sister Han specially ordered a beautiful blue cheongsam for herself and Su Xin, which just matched the atmosphere of Manhan Building.

When the cheongsam was delivered early in the morning, what Sister Han had to do immediately after returning to her room was simple: she had to try on the dress…

"Dayu, about the menu for the Spring Banquet..."

Ye Chui's words were suddenly stuck in his mouth, and he stared blankly at the room.

Han Yuyan had just taken off her clothes and was holding the green cheongsam in her hand, ready to put it on. At the moment, she was only wearing a black underwear, with fair skin and a sexy figure. The most attractive thing was the high heels on her feet that she had not had time to take off, which set off her long and slender legs that fascinated men and envied girls.

And I don’t know if Sister Han wants to show that she is an adult, the style of ** is also very simple...

This was obviously the first time that Sister Han was seen in this state. At that moment, her brain obviously short-circuited and her eyes stared blankly at Ye Chui who was standing at the door.

At this time, Ye Chui was also going through a series of problems related to hormone secretion among adolescent boys, and he stood at the door in a daze.

Ye Chui was a young man in his thirties at heart, so he might have developed some feelings for Han Yuyan, but it was more of a master-disciple relationship. Sister Han often couldn't help but act funny, which always made Ye Chui ignore the fact that she was such a lovely beauty...

The only thing Ye Chui was focused on was the food, and she looked so beautiful at the moment.

This is completely different from the pure first love feeling between me and Lin Wei. It is more intense and more uncontrollable.


A full ten seconds passed... maybe even longer. She didn't know if it was the cool breeze blowing in from the door that finally woke Han Yuyan up. She shouted in a low voice with a bit of embarrassment, and hurriedly covered her body with her cheongsam.

But she couldn't cover it completely, which made her a little frustrated.

Ye Chui was also panicked at this time. What was going on

As a master, he absolutely cannot allow any blemish on his impression in the eyes of his apprentice!

So Ye Chui continued to stand at the door and explained to Han Yuyan with a righteous look: "Um, I just came here to tell you that I have prepared the menu for the Spring Banquet. When will you send it over with the Food Association? I really didn't mean it. I should have knocked before coming in, but I didn't expect you to change clothes in broad daylight, I..."

"Get out!" Han Yuyan had gone from shy to angry. He had never seen a boy who accidentally broke into the girls' locker room and apologized profusely while standing at the door to feast his eyes...

In a hurry, Han Yuyan grabbed something on the corner of the table and threw it towards Ye Chui.

Ye Chui dodged and finally realized how irritating he looked standing at the door. He quickly left the room and closed the door.

After standing at the door for a long time, Ye Chui's heartbeat gradually returned to normal...

Adolescent boys, even if they are already adult men at heart, their bodies are still full of energy.

At this moment, a pleasant cell phone ringtone suddenly rang.

"Huh?" Ye Chui took out his cell phone and looked at it, then found that it was not his own phone, and his eyes looked at the ground - the phone that Han Yuyan had just thrown away was hers. As a wealthy woman with a net worth of 18 billion, the phone she used was naturally extraordinary and of excellent quality. It didn't even break after falling down and being handed over. At this time, he didn't know who called.

So Ye Chui bent down and picked up the phone.

The name flashing on the phone was Li Xiuyun.

"Hello, reporter Li." Ye Chui thought for a moment and answered the phone.

Li Xiuyun has been reporting on special topics related to Manhanlou for a while now, and he is very familiar with Manhanlou. Han Yuyan is usually responsible for contacting Li Xiuyun. In Han Yuyan's opinion, she has handled her relationship with Li Xiuyun very well. Whenever Han Yuyan brags about her deep brotherly love with Li Xiuyun, Ye Chui and others can't help but wipe the sweat off their foreheads...

"Han Xiao... Hey, are you Boss Ye?" Li Xiuyun's somewhat excited voice suddenly turned cold, and he stammered and asked, "Why is it Boss Ye who answered the phone? Where is Miss Han?"

"Oh, she's getting dressed." Ye Chui said honestly. He had to admit that he hadn't recovered from the situation just now. His brain was a little short-circuited, so he didn't realize how much misunderstanding his words would cause...

Li Xiuyun on the other side of the phone fell silent immediately.

I called Han Yuyan early in the morning, but it was Ye Chui who answered the phone and said that Han Yuyan was getting dressed... What would you think if it were you

"Reporter Li, do you have anything to say?" Ye Cui asked curiously when he heard silence on the other side.

"That... Oh... That..." Li Xiuyun came back to his senses after a long while. Thinking of the purpose of his call, he hurriedly continued, "Have you read today's Food Weekly? I just got the news. There was originally an article of mine about the Man Han Banquet Challenge in today's Food Weekly, recording what happened in the Man Han Building in the past two days. But I just found out this morning that there is another article about the Man Han Banquet Challenge in this issue of Food Weekly. It was written by my senior brother Wei Cheng. This report article has completely opposite views to my article..."

"What's written in this article?" Ye Chui was stunned and asked quickly.

"My article recorded the content of the Man Han Banquet Challenge and praised your cooking skills, but my senior brother's article accused you, Boss Ye, of deliberately hyping up the upcoming Spring Banquet. Most of the dishes that the chefs challenged you to prepare were pork dishes from the Man Han Banquet. My senior brother's article accused you of doing this on purpose to make the dishes you were going to prepare at the Spring Banquet very famous, so that the Spring Banquet would naturally attract attention!"

Ye Chui set up a Man Han Banquet challenge. The challenge was probably influenced by the Spring Banquet. The six-star chefs who came to challenge Ye Chui chose pork dishes from the Man Han Banquet to challenge Ye Chui. The Spring Banquet was about to begin, and most of these six-star chefs were also going to participate in the Spring Banquet. If they could win a pork banquet from Ye Chui before the Spring Banquet, it would definitely be the icing on the cake for their own Spring Banquet.

It is understandable that they chose to challenge Ye Chui's pork dishes.

But with what happened now, with just a little verbal guidance, people could feel that if the entire challenge was directed and acted by Ye Chui himself, the purpose was to make these pork dishes in the Manchu Han Banquet extremely famous before the Spring Banquet began, which would definitely add a lot of points to the Spring Banquet.

—Of course, the premise of this thinking is that Ye Chui will prepare pork dishes for the Manchu-Han banquet at the Spring Banquet.

"Master Ye, this report will definitely cause many people to accuse and doubt you." Li Xiuyun continued worriedly.

After hearing what Li Xiuyun said, Ye Chui sneered: "Reporter Li, don't worry about this matter. It will be settled by ten o'clock tonight..." (~^~)