Reborn – Super Chef

Chapter 388: Either of these two people would be a bit disappointed with his ordinary beauty


Ye Chui has never been a person who would curry favor with others, and what's more, the two people in front of him are not worthy of his attention. A director of a food association and a gourmet from abroad are no different from other ordinary guests in Ye Chui's view. Since the restaurant's business is so hot, and those who want to dine here without making a reservation in advance, please go outside and queue up first.

Ye Chui had a polite smile on his face, but his voice was unyielding.

Qi Huaidong was stunned for a moment. Ye Cui actually spoke to him like this. How could he, a restaurant owner, speak to him, a director of the Food Association, like this

As a director of the Gourmet Association, he was always invited directly to a private room in other restaurants, even Jingjialou. But Ye Chui actually asked him to queue

What's more, he brought a foreign gourmet with him this time. It would be fine if Ye Chui didn't treat such an important person well, but what kind of attitude is this? This is simply a disgrace to the country...

All sorts of thoughts flashed through Qi Huaidong's mind in an instant. He just felt that Ye Chui was a bad person and that he would inevitably cause trouble for this restaurant in the future.

At this time, Channing Tatum, who was standing nearby, seemed to have noticed the unhappiness between Ye Chui and Qi Huaidong. He didn't understand Chinese, but he could vaguely sense something, so he curiously asked Qi Huaidong in English: "Mr. Qi, what's going on?"

Qi Huaidong quickly said in a somewhat flattering tone: "Mr. Channing, there is a problem. Hey, this Mr. Ye actually asked us to line up outside. This is simply confusing us with other ordinary guests. It is too disrespectful to us."

"As a foodie, I don't need to queue up to eat abroad, but I have to queue up here?" Channing Tatum immediately became angry. "This is just a six-star hotel, and it's so arrogant!"

"That's right, that's right. I think the reason why Chinese food culture can't rise is because there are too many self-righteous people like this." Qi Huaidong quickly echoed, "They are pretentious and think they are so great."

They were talking in English. Although their voices were not loud, at least Ye Chui and Han Yuyan could hear them. Sister Han's eyebrows were already raised. She gritted her teeth and said to Ye Chui: "Master, their conversation is too abominable. They are saying..."

"I understand." Ye Chui said with a faint smile, his eyes had turned cold. Ye Chui hated people like Qi Huaidong who relied on his status as a high-ranking official of the Food Association to eat and drink for free everywhere. What he hated most was that he was the kind of person who showed off to his countrymen and fawned on foreign friends. In the end, he even shamelessly said that the domestic food culture had not developed because others did not cooperate with him in fawning on foreign friends...

Listening to Qi Huaidong's words, Ye Cui had the urge to slap him hard a few times.

"Heavy rain." Ye Chui turned his head and looked at Han Yuyan.


"Send them out. If they don't go out, kick them out. If they still don't go out, kick them out." Ye Chui said calmly, and it really echoed what An Xiaoxiao said just now: Business is too good, so let's kick them out...

Han Yuyan agreed immediately, clenched his fists, and looked at Qi Huaidong and Channing Tatum with a sneer.

As Ye Chui's personal gold medal fighter, she is finally going to play her true role...

"What are you doing? I tell you, I'm a director of the Food Association. If you dare to hit me, believe it or not, I will seal off your restaurant!" Qi Huaidong heard Ye Chui's words and saw that Han Yuyan looked like he was really going to take action, so he immediately shouted hurriedly.

"The Gourmet Association's director is just an honorary title. Do you think I don't know that?" Han Yuyan said with a smile. "Back then, the Gourmet Association asked my grandfather to be the director, but he didn't agree. So what does a mere director count for?"

"You... this..." Qi Huaidong suddenly became anxious.

When Channing Tatum saw this tall and beautiful girl with long legs looking like she was about to hit someone, a cold and arrogant expression immediately appeared on his face. The Chinese girl was so rude, so he was the one to teach her a lesson. Don't look at his big belly, he used to practice free fighting...

A conflict was about to break out in the hotel lobby.

Of course Ye Cui would not really let Han Yuyan deal with the two of them alone. He waved to Pan Qingguo to come over, and was about to grab a stool next to him, but at this moment, someone suddenly walked into the restaurant.

This was also a foreigner with golden hair. There was another short and fat American man following him. After the two men walked into the hotel, they were shocked at first by the huge crowds of customers in the hotel. They didn't expect that a restaurant, especially a high-end one, could be so popular.

Then they noticed the place where the conflict was happening. When the foreign man with golden hair saw Han Yuyan, his eyes lit up and he immediately waved and walked over: "Hello, Miss."

"Eh?" Sister Han's face was filled with fear. When she saw the two people approaching, her face froze. "Why are you here?"

The two people who came were the first two foreign gourmets who voted for Manhanlou at the Spring Banquet, Gordon Ramsay, who has the title of World Chef God, and Mr. Robert.

At the Spring Banquet, Gordon Ramsay had agreed with Han Yuyan that he would come to consult Ye Chui in person after the banquet. However, Ye Chui was very busy after the banquet, so they didn't get in touch. The most important thing was...

Han Yuyan had no idea who these two people were, but he didn't expect that they would come here on their own initiative.

"Dayu, do you know them?" Ye Chui asked Han Yuyan curiously. At the beginning, he was observing from a distance on the side of the square, and Ye Chui did not have such a good eye to recognize that these two people were the first to vote for Manhan Building.

"Master, these two were the first to vote for us. The one over there ate three plates of braised pork intestines and half a plate of braised pork in brown sauce in one breath, and also drank a big bowl of pork bone soup. The one over here was even more amazing. He cursed for five minutes without even taking a breath." Han Yuyan hurriedly whispered to Ye Chui.

Ye Chui: “…”

Why doesn't Han Yuyan's description sound like that of a normal person

However, since he was the first person to vote for Manhanlou at the Spring Banquet, Ye Chu was naturally grateful. He immediately went over to say something to the two of them. However, Qi Huaidong and Channing Tatum, who were temporarily left aside, were not happy as soon as they stood up. Qi Huaidong even pulled Gordon Ramsay's shoulder arrogantly and said, "Sir, please move aside. Can't you see we are talking to them?"

Gordon Ramsay and Robert just walked in from outside and came directly in front of Ye Chui and Han Yuyan, so Qi Huaidong and Channing Tatum did not see them. At this time, Gordon Ramsay was pulled over and showed his front. Qi Huaidong was still surprised - this guy obviously had no knowledge, otherwise he would definitely know that Manhanlou was not someone a small director like him could offend. He still had an angry expression on his face, but Channing Tatum, who was standing behind Qi Huaidong, trembled all over and almost fell to the ground: This guy is the world's chef god!

Although Robert is not as famous as Gordon Ramsay, he is not an ordinary person. He is a famous gourmet who owns three eight-star restaurants and holds an important position in the International Gourmet Association...

Any one of these two people would be as heavy as a mountain to an ordinary gourmet like Channing Tatum...

Qi Huaidong didn't feel anything strange at all. He even said to Gordon Ramsay and Robert standing next to him with great pride: "You two are also foreigners. Are you here to eat? Oh, since you are foreigners, you must know Mr. Channing. He is a great gourmet. This Manhanlou is very strict about rules. They made us queue up when we came to eat. It seems that you know them. Please tell them about it."

Gordon Ramsey was stunned for a moment, and looked at Channing Tatum with a strange expression. Robert also looked at him strangely.

Channing Tatum was no longer as cold and arrogant as before. He was sweating profusely. He hated Qi Huaidong in his heart. He was also one of the foreign guests invited to this spring banquet. He was persuaded by Huang Yiyuan to vote for Shenghuayuan. Because he looked down on this spring banquet held by China, he voted for Shenghuayuan in the first five minutes and left the venue. But he didn't expect that Manhanlou would win the game. He felt quite regretful. It happened that Qi Huaidong took the initiative to talk to him. He treated him very well in the past few days. Thinking of his regret, he prepared to go to Manhanlou. Qi Huaidong naturally agreed wholeheartedly and said that with his status, Ye Chu would definitely treat him well...

Who could have thought that he would meet these two people here whom he could not afford to offend

"A great gourmet?" Gordon Ramsay asked with a smile.

Han Yuyan was already a little excited, and whispered to Ye Chui: "Here it comes..."

"What's coming?" Ye Chui was stunned.

Then Gordon Ramsey pointed at Channing Tatum's nose and cursed: "Shit, you dare to say you are so great, you have made the American people lose face, fuck..."

Ye Chui finally understood what Han Yuyan meant by cursing for five minutes without taking a breath...

Tian Xiaodu, who rushed out from the kitchen after hearing about the conflict in the lobby, happened to hear Gordon Ramsay's scolding. He didn't know much English, so he walked to Ye Chui and Han Yuyan curiously and asked, "Master, Dayu, what is this foreigner saying?"

"If translated, it would probably be..." Han Yuyan thought for a moment, then said in a silly and cute way, "Ding ding, you ding ding ding, ding ding ding, ding ding ding ding..."

Ye Chui: “…”

Tian Xiaodu: “… ”(~^~)