Reborn – Super Chef

Chapter 4: XJ big plate chicken


Ye Chui came back from the vegetable market in the morning. He first cleaned and processed the 50 kilograms of mutton. He was busy until almost noon. Then he began to prepare the feast he promised Wang Shiyu, and the feast he wanted to make was - XJ big plate chicken.

Dapanji is a modern dish whose main ingredients are chicken and potatoes. However, since vegetarian activities have taken place in this world, this dish naturally has no chance of being created.

There are many ways to cook this big plate chicken. Ye Chui learned the most authentic cooking method from a master chef from XJ. However, he doesn't have enough kitchen utensils and ingredients at home, so he can't present the original flavor. But with his cooking skills known as the God of Cookery, he can still make this dish extremely delicious. It has just come out of the pot, and the rich aroma can even be smelled by the whole neighborhood - at least it attracted the fat man.

Seeing that it was time for his two younger sisters to get home from school, Ye Chui had just brought the large plate of chicken to the dining table and was preparing the accompanying noodles when there was a sudden knock on the door.

"Could it be that Xiaoyu and Anjing forgot to bring their keys? But the knocking sound doesn't sound like theirs..." Ye Chui thought curiously and went to the door.

As soon as the door opened, a fat man rushed in. He twitched his nose twice and ran to the dining table. When he saw the tempting big plate of chicken on the plate, his eyes lit up. He couldn't wait to pick up a pair of chopsticks, picked up a piece of chicken and put it into his mouth. Then he tilted his neck back and gasped for breath - the dish that had just come out of the pot was scalding hot, and he was completely scalded.

But even though he was gasping for breath due to the burn, the expression on his face was one of extreme enjoyment. He refused to spit out the piece of meat in his mouth and just endured the heat, chewing and swallowing it.

At this time, his face was already full of ecstasy. Thinking of the urgent things he had encountered recently, he suddenly saw this big plate of chicken, as if someone had delivered a truck of life-saving coal in the dark and cold night. He was moved and grateful. With an irrepressible smile on his fat face, he turned his head and looked at Ye Chui...

"go out!"

Ye Chui had already picked up the broom, and with a cold expression on his face, he was waiting for this strange and slightly wretched fat man. If someone suddenly rushed into your house to eat the food you just cooked, you probably wouldn't be in a good mood, not to mention that this was a fat man with a bad image. Looking at the fat man's appearance, it felt like he had just escaped from a mental hospital.

"Friend, how do you cook this chicken?" The fat man was not angry, but asked Ye Chui anxiously, "Can you teach me? This tastes so good, I never thought that chicken could taste like this... Oh, my name is Tian Xiaodu, and I'm the chef of Wan Lai Fu Hotel. I tell you, your dish tastes absolutely amazing. Can you tell me how to make this dish? As long as it passes through my hands, I can definitely make it famous!"

The fat man Tian Xiaodu was extremely excited and almost incoherent. After he finished speaking, he raised his fat face with pride, as if the subtext was telling Ye Chu to come and worship me.

Ye Chui smiled and waved the broom in his hand: "Get out!"

Ye Chui knew Wan Lai Fu Restaurant, it was a famous restaurant nearby. How could this wretched fat man in front of him say that he was the chef of Wan Lai Fu

Would you believe this

Ye Chui firmly believed that he had encountered a mental patient, and waved a broom to chase him out: "What chef? Get out of here right now, or I will call the police."

"I am really the chef of Wan Lai Fu, I am not lying to you..." Tian Xiaodu shouted hurriedly.

But Ye Chui already had a prejudice in his heart, so he wouldn't listen to him. In fact, based on Ye Chui's knowledge, he had seen some chefs like Tian Xiaodu who gave people a sense of unreliability, but they were very rare. He didn't believe that he could easily meet one.

Amidst the shouting and yelling, Tian Xiaodu was kicked out by Ye Chui. The fat man continued to knock on the door unconvinced, but Ye Chui opened the door with a kitchen knife in hand, and the fat man immediately ran away like a rabbit.

"Psycho." Ye Chui snorted as he looked at the fat man's back and closed the door with a bang.

Outside, under a residential building, the fat man Tian Xiaodu was standing under a locust tree with sweat all over his face, still looking behind him with lingering fear to see if anyone was chasing him. He suddenly became angry. As a chef, he was a big shot. Normally, if he said something good about someone's cooking, that person would be happy for several days. But today, he had never paid so much attention to anyone's cooking before, and he was chased out with a kitchen knife.

Tian Xiaodu was about to leave immediately, but when he thought about the taste of the big plate of chicken he had just eaten, he felt particularly reluctant to leave.

After thinking it over, he decided to find a way to visit Ye Chui again. If he could learn how to make this dish, it would solve his urgent problem...

Tian Xiaodu's eyes rolled back and forth, and he came up with an idea. He planned to investigate Ye Chui's identity first. He was a smart man. He walked around the community and then went into the small grocery store at the entrance of the community. After buying a bunch of things, he went to the counter and handed the salesperson a cigarette. After chatting for a few words, he mentioned Ye Chui.

"Oh, that young man you are talking about. I heard he is an orphan with two younger sisters. He is quite hardworking. It is said that he now sets up a stall at the night market at night." The grocery store owner did not think much about it and told Tian Xiaodu all the information he knew.

"He has two younger sisters?" The fat man narrowed his eyes, thinking that this was a breakthrough.

"Look over there, they just came back from school." The grocery store owner suddenly pointed outside the store with a snort at the fat man.

An Jing and Wang Shiyu just happened to be walking by outside, a tender-looking girl and a lively and lovely little girl. Both of them were dressed simply but neatly. They looked like a beautiful landscape painting as they passed by the door.

The fat man hurriedly thanked the boss and followed them out. Sure enough, he saw the two men enter the house he had just been kicked out of. Standing at the door and smelling the tempting aroma wafting out from inside, the fat man felt like drooling. This made him more determined to learn how to cook this dish.

"The older one doesn't look easy to deal with, but it's much easier to deal with the kid..."

The fat man pondered over it.

The plot begins to unfold~ Please recommend and collect~~ The next chapter will be at 8 pm

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