Reborn – Super Chef

Chapter 41: Instead of finishing off the opponent, he was stabbed


"So Yang Yong spent 150,000 yuan to ask you to prepare this meal. Not bad, very good. This meal is indeed worth 150,000 yuan, or even more!"

In the ward, Old Han listened carefully to Han Yuyan's explanation of the whole process. It was Tian Xiaodu who told him about Yang Yong paying Ye Chui. After listening to it, Old Han nodded hurriedly, then smacked his lips, with a look of aftertaste on his face: "When I was a teenager, the vegetarian movement had not yet emerged. At that time, I liked chicken. Our family ran a restaurant at that time, and my father's specialty was cooking chicken dishes. Unfortunately, I didn't know how to cherish it at that time. Now, more than 80 years have passed, and I can finally eat chicken again. Unfortunately, I have never found a dish that allows me to relive the taste of my youth... Ye Chui, I really have to thank you. Your dishes let me recall the taste of my youth. Ha, if it weren't for this, I wouldn't be greedy and eat a few more bites."

Mr. Han is one of the few people who have experienced the era before "animals were poisonous". At that time, he tasted delicious chicken dishes, and the taste has become deified in his heart. In the past two years, he has been trying to relive the taste of his childhood but failed. However, Ye Chui's dishes finally made his wish come true.

Han Yuyan joked, "Grandpa, you didn't just eat a few more bites."

Old Han couldn't help laughing: "You girl, you dare to tease grandpa!"

After all, Old Han had just gone through the torture of gastric lavage and was still feeling a little uncomfortable. He was also a little sleepy, so Ye Chui suggested that Old Han take more rest. Old Han nodded, but looked at Ye Chui seriously with his eyes, his mouth corners slightly raised, which made people subconsciously feel the word "cunning and treacherous", but he did not say anything more.

But before Ye Chui and the others left the ward, he reminded Han Yuyan: "Yuyan, Yang Yong owes Ye Chui a reward of 150,000 yuan. Please help keep an eye on this money and don't let that person go back on his word."

Although Old Han was old, he was not confused. He was very shrewd. He knew that Yang Yong might refuse to pay his debt if he got angry, so he asked Han Yuyan to keep an eye on the matter. This made Ye Chui feel more favorable towards the old man, and Han Yuyan quickly agreed, "Okay, Grandpa."

Out in the corridor.

Tian Xiaodu wiped the sweat off his face vigorously. Only then did he finally recover: "Today's event was really exciting."

Ye Chui smiled and patted Tian Xiaodu on the shoulder: "But Xiaodu, you trust me a lot."

Tian Xiaodu laughed a few times: "I don't know what's going on, but I always feel that there is nothing wrong with your cooking skills. Maybe it's just my intuition."

Han Yuyan, who was standing on the side, showed a surprised expression on his face. When Ye Chui called this fat guy Xiao Du, didn't he feel that it was a bit wrong? Not to mention that Tian Xiao Du was in his thirties, Ye Chui was only seventeen or eighteen years old. Even though Tian Xiao Du was a five-star chef, he shouldn't be so respectful to Ye Chui... But thinking of his grandfather's praise for Ye Chui's cooking skills, Han Yuyan nodded thoughtfully. It seems that Tian Xiao Du, like his grandfather, pursues and respects food above all else.

They were in the corridor outside the hospital at the moment. Han Yuyan thought of something and said to Ye Chui apologetically, "My attitude towards you may have been a little barbaric before. Please don't mind it."

Ye Cui smiled and shook his head. He didn't take that matter to heart. But before he could say anything, an unpleasant figure suddenly appeared on the side of the hospital corridor - Cao Kangzheng walked towards him excitedly.

Fang Tao followed him. No one knew where Fang Tao had gone since he arrived at the hospital. It seemed that he had contacted Cao Kang. Cao Kang would definitely be interested in seeing Ye Chui in an ugly state. Fang Tao was still determined to climb up the big tree of Cao Kang.

Looking at the two men's expressions at this moment, it is obvious that they don't know that Old Han's illness is due to overeating. They think that there is something wrong with Ye Chui's cooking skills, which caused Old Han to be admitted to the hospital. Ye Chui's situation in the future must be extremely miserable. Cao Kang hates Ye Chui to the core, and of course he will not miss this opportunity to mock him.

He shouted arrogantly from a distance: "Ye Chui, I heard that Mr. Han got sick after eating your food? Haha, this is your fault. If you can't cook, don't show off. Mr. Han is a leader in the food industry. The food you cooked made him sick and hospitalized. How can you survive in the chef industry in the future? I rushed here as soon as I heard the news. Do you need my help because you are my friend? Haha..."

There is a kind of people in this world who give you a headache as soon as you see them, and then you can't help but curse them as "idiot" - Cao Kang is obviously this kind of person. He obviously came here eagerly wanting to make the finishing blow, but he was destined to fail in making the finishing blow and be stabbed instead.

Ye Chui turned his head and looked at Han Yuyan: "Just now you said that your attitude was a bit barbaric before, and asked me not to care? Haha, I do care about this kind of thing."

Han Yuyan's expression changed: "Then what do you want?"

"It's very simple." Ye Chui laughed and pointed at Cao Kang who was walking over. "Can you kick him again as you did to Yang Yong just now?"

Han Yuyan: “…”

“… Ye Chui, do you need me to plead for you? My father and Old Han have some say. If you call me Brother Cao, we can discuss all this, hahaha!” Cao Kang taunted and arrived in front of Ye Chui in a blink of an eye. Thinking of what happened in the past few days, he felt extremely happy in his heart - he had been grinding his teeth in his dreams these few nights, wanting to bite Ye Chui a few times. Today’s event is definitely a great relief…

But when he was thinking this happily in his heart, he suddenly felt a black shadow flash in front of his eyes. Before he could pay attention to what it was, he heard a bang, felt a pain in his face, and then he was kicked away.

Han Yuyan slowly retracted her long and beautiful legs, her movements were so graceful and sharp.

Ye Chui hadn't noticed Han Yuyan kicking Yang Yong before, but now he was watching the whole process and couldn't help but applaud. This sister must have practiced before, and this kick was beautiful and even more satisfying. After Cao Kang got up from the ground in a daze, his face was bleeding from the nose and his eyes were full of fear. This child probably had never been beaten since he was a child. He was suddenly kicked like this and was full of fear. Looking at Han Yuyan as if she was going to kick him again, he screamed a few times and ran away in a panic, accidentally falling halfway...

"Tsk, what a coward." Han Yuyan said in a low voice with some disdain, and looked at Fang Tao again, asking Ye Chui, "What about this?"

Hearing Han Yuyan's words, Fang Tao shuddered all over and subconsciously took a few steps back, looking at Tian Xiaodu for help. Ye Chui had no good feelings towards Fang Tao, but thinking that he was Tian Xiaodu's master after all, he didn't make it difficult. He shook his head and said to Han Yuyan: "Forget it, haha, your skills are pretty good, you must have practiced before, right?"

"I am the three-time champion of the Yanjing City Women's Sanda Competition." Han Yuyan said with some pride, "So now we are even, right?"

"Yes, we owe each other nothing." Ye Chui smiled. Anyway, he had never intended to care about Han Yuyan's anger at him from the beginning. Being able to let Han Yuyan beat up Cao Kang, Ye Chui was already satisfied. As for whether Han Yuyan's beating of Cao Kang would cause any trouble, he was not too worried - it was obvious that Mr. Han was a business tycoon of the same level as Lin Zhengdao. Cao Kang could only curry favor with his father, so how could he dare to provoke him

"That's good. I, Han Yuyan, don't want to owe anyone anything." Han Yuyan smiled and nodded. Then she looked at Ye Chui, and her expression became charming again. "Then let's talk about you being my grandfather's personal chef."

Ye Chui: “…”


This is the second update today. There will be a third update around 9pm. I will keep my word and update more when I reach the 25th place. Also, I will continue to ask for recommendation votes and collections.