Reborn – Super Chef

Chapter 450: I can make too many noodles, so I don't know how to make them


During the preparation days in Chinatown, Ye Chui didn't know that he had become the owner of 20 shops in the Luohe Food Street District, which had just started to attract investors, and half of the night market stalls had also become his possession...

And this is just Lin Zhengdao's side. Old Han must have also started to take action.

In just a few days, with the opening of the Luohe Food Street to investors, Ye Chui became the biggest beneficiary of the first phase of the Huaxia Food City project...

Of course, Ye Chui didn’t know all this for a short period of time. During this time, he began to prepare for the seventh game in Chinatown, the game against Wangfu Noodle House.

The rules of the competition were negotiated with Ye Chui through a manager of Wangfu Noodle House on the third day after the challenge of Shengdefu ended.

Wangfu Noodle House’s signature dishes are two noodle dishes, one with oil and one with meat.

Since Ye Chui was aiming to slap someone in the face, the format of the competition was very direct, which was a competition of making pasta.

The judges this time will no longer be gourmets from the International Gourmet Association, but passers-by selected by the BBC Food Channel in the next few days. The selection scale is completely random, and no one is notified before the start of the competition. In other words, no one knows who the judges are before the start of the competition, which will completely eliminate the problem of fairness of these judges.

As the chairman of the Gourmet Department of the International Gourmet Association, Robert will supervise the all-important judges selection process on site to prevent the possibility of Food King Enterprises interfering.

The next problem Ye Chui will face is what side he should play in the competition.

Regarding this issue, Ye Chui has been showing a distressed expression on his face these past two days since he decided on the competition format.

"Master, what kind of noodles can you make?"

Han Yuyan asked with some curiosity. Ye Chui was a master at cooking on weekdays, but when it came to making noodles… Sister Han hadn’t seen much of him, mainly because the girls in the family didn’t seem to like eating noodles that much, so she rarely saw Ye Chui making noodles. The one that impressed her the most was probably the beef noodles that Ye Chui made during the cruise carnival…

At this moment, they were in the lobby of Chen's Hotel. In addition to Han Yuyan, there were Tang Shanshan, Li Xiuyun, Chen Tian, Chen Jiao, Jiang Yuemei, and even Chris, a gourmet who was staying in Chinatown recently to experience the beauty of Chinese cuisine.

After hearing Han Yuyan's question, these people looked at Ye Chui curiously. They were also very curious about this question.

Ye Chui smiled and said, "I can cook quite a lot of noodles."

"For example?" Han Yuyan asked eagerly.

More... means a lot.

In other words, Ye Chui has dabbled in all kinds of delicious Chinese noodles. How do you explain this

So Ye Chui thought about it, and continued, "For example, noodles with soybean paste, hot dry noodles, sliced noodles, stewed noodles, pulled noodles, dandan noodles, covered pot noodles, cold noodles, pianerchuan noodles, and aodu noodles." Ye Chui finally stopped after talking so much in one breath. When everyone in the living room was looking at Ye Chui in surprise, not knowing what to say, Ye Chui took a breath and continued, "There are also noodles with scallion oil, noodles with oil splashing, Chongqing noodles, dragon beard noodles, Yangchun noodles, beef noodles, Yifu noodles, sauerkraut noodles, noodles in soup, noodles with garlic dipped in water, noodles with stewed sauce, and noodles with wonton intestines."

This series of noodles completely silenced the lobby of Chen's Hotel.

They only found out today that there are so many ways to eat noodles. What surprised them the most was... all the noodles Ye Chui was talking about were the noodles he knew how to make!

Han Yuyan should have been accustomed to the astonishment brought by Ye Chui's cooking skills, but at this time he couldn't help being shocked again. He stared at Ye Chui blankly and couldn't help asking: "Then Master, what have you been worrying about this morning?"

"I'm thinking again... Which of these noodles should I make that would be the most suitable..."

Ye Chui smiled bitterly.

"Depend on!"

Everyone in the hall shouted at the same time.

They gathered here today because they heard Han Yuyan say that Ye Chui has been worried since the competition format was decided, so they wanted to come together to come up with ideas, turned out that this guy was so worried because he didn't know which kind of noodles to make because there were too many of them!

Could you please not be so annoying

A group of people looked at Ye Chui with sweat on their faces.

After a while, Aunt Jiang Yuemei, who was a big foodie, licked her lips and asked Ye Chui, "Ye Chui, which of these noodles is the most delicious?"

Ye Chui stretched out his hand and rubbed his nose: "How should I put it? They each have their merits."

There are many varieties of noodles, and the tastes vary when made by different chefs. Especially when made by the God of Food Ye Chuizhen, even noodles that originally tasted a little bad can become fine products.

Ye Chui shrugged: "That's why I'm worried about what kind of noodles to make... By the way, what are the oil noodles and meat noodles in Wangfu Noodle House? Can they deliver food there?"

Chen Jiao shook his head and said, "I went over to check it out this morning. I was planning to bring back two takeouts, but they told me that Wangfu Noodle House will be temporarily closed for the next few days until the competition officially starts. I think Madam Gao is going to burn her boats."

"So what do these two noodles look like?" Ye Cui thought for a moment and continued to ask.

"Oil noodles are very thin noodles with a slightly yellowish color. I don't know how they are made, but they are very oily, as if they were fried." Jiang Yuemei explained. As an eight-star chef, she was obviously very good at tasting. "As for meat noodles, the most important part is the noodle sauce, which is a mixture of tofu, diced meat, eggs, and day lily. The production process has always been a secret. I tried many times but couldn't taste how it was made."

After saying this, Jiang Yuemei looked at Ye Chui, wanting to know if Ye Chui could figure out anything from her description.

Ye Chui looked thoughtful, and after a moment he said, "Hearing what you said, Aunt Jiang, I feel that these two noodles with oil and meat are very similar to the two noodles in China... No, I should say that the noodles with oil and meat are the versions of these two noodles after they were spread to Chinatown."

Ye Chui's words made everyone happy.

Han Yuyan asked hurriedly: "Then Master, you already know what oil noodles and meat noodles are? What are they?"

"No hurry." Ye Chui smiled and glanced at the people in the hall. These people gathered here to help Ye Chui. Ye Chui was quite grateful. He continued, "It's already noon. Everyone, wait a moment. I will make these two noodles for everyone to taste."

Ye Chui glanced at Han Yuyan and walked towards the kitchen at the back of the hotel.

Han Yuyan understood and followed immediately.

Tang Shanshan was curious and wanted to follow, but Jiang Yuemei stopped her and said, "Child, the recipes must be confidential. Outsiders can't just look at them."

"Ye Chui didn't mind my presence when he was cooking the other day." Tang Shanshan asked puzzledly.

"That's because you're so stupid that you can't cook the dish even if you know how to make it." Chen Tian said jokingly, "But you should also know the rules of this business, especially now that Ye Chui's status in Chinatown is different from before. You shouldn't be so reckless anymore."

Hearing Chen Tian's words, Tang Shanshan said "oh" as if she understood, but a hint of disappointment flashed across her eyes...

At this moment, Han Yuyan, who had already left, suddenly looked back and said, "Shanshan, Master said he still needs your help. Come to the kitchen."

"Ah?" Tang Shanshan was stunned for a moment, then her face immediately lit up with joy. She quickly jumped up and walked outside. She couldn't help but ask Han Yuyan, "Sister Yuyan, isn't it a secret how the chef cooks? Doesn't the boss mind if I watch?"

"Oh, Master doesn't mind." Han Yuyan said casually, "Master said that you look so stupid that you won't be able to learn even if you watch it."

Tang Shanshan: “…”

Everyone sitting in the hall laughed at the same time.

After waiting for about half an hour, just as Jiang Yuemei and Chris were already walking back and forth impatiently in the hotel lobby, Han Yuyan and Tang Shanshan finally came out of the kitchen with bowls of noodles on the bowls.

There are two types of noodles. One type is similar to clear soup noodles, but the noodles are slightly yellowish and very thin, with some coriander and chopped green onions floating on them. It looks simple, but it is very appetizing.

The other one gives people a feeling of extreme prosperity. The soup is bright red and is embellished with various marinades. The aroma is charming and appetizing.

Of course, the people in the hall were even more shocked.

Of course, they had all eaten the oil noodles and meat noodles from Wangfu Noodle House. Even Chris, who was not very interested in Chinese cuisine, had eaten them before, so they all recognized the appearance of these two types of noodles. But now when they saw the noodles made by Ye Chui, they were all surprised at the same time.

"This... Is this what Ye Chui just made in the kitchen?" Jiang Yuemei stared at the two types of bowls of noodles, her face full of surprise and speechlessness.

"Aunt Jiang, are the oil noodles and meat noodles at Wangfu Noodle House like this?" Han Yuyan asked with a smile as he placed bowls of noodles on the dining table.

Jiang Yuemei nodded: "Yes, this bowl is very similar to the oil noodles at Wangfu Noodle House, and this bowl... Oh my god, the sauce looks exactly like the meat noodles at Wangfu Noodle House! These two noodles are really from Chinese cuisine. What are these two noodles called?"

Ye Chui, who was wiping his hands with a towel and walked in from outside, smiled and explained: "The oily noodles that look like clear soup noodles were originally called Longxu noodles, and the other one with a complicated marinade was called Qishan Saozi noodles - it seems that the two noodles at Wangfu Noodle House have inherited the recipes of these two Chinese noodles, and the inheritance is still very complete." (~^~)