Reborn – Super Chef

Chapter 466: An Xiaoxiao original white water shrimp


"Don't be restrained, just treat this place as your home." Ye Chui sat down in front of Chen Tian and Jim and said with a smile.

Jim smiled helplessly. Of course he was not just restrained. He had deliberately targeted the Chinese food industry. In the eyes of many people in China, he was probably already a heinous bad guy.

From the moment he first entered the hotel, he seemed to be transparent. No one came to talk to him. Even Chen Tian, who had been standing with him, people kept coming to care about him, especially the girl named Dong Youyou. She is quite friendly, and she is arm-in-arm...

This attitude of others towards him is naturally the main reason why he is so reserved.

"I will introduce you properly later. After all, you will also be a member of Manhan Tower in the future." Ye Chui continued.

Regardless of the level of cooking skills, the joining of an eight-star chef is undoubtedly a big event for Manhanlou.

Jim nodded, thinking that although he had gone his own way and refused to listen to Huang Yiyuan's advice, he came to China and tried to learn cooking skills from Ye Chui, but looking at the current situation, he might not have an easy time in the Manhan Building in the future. He suddenly thought What, so he opened his mouth and said to Ye Chui: "Then shall I call you master from now on?"

"No need." Ye Chui shook his head and looked at Chen Tian again, "The master-disciple thing is very sacred and strict in my opinion. If you really want to call me master, then I will tell you I am fully responsible for your cooking skills, setting the direction for you, and allowing you to reach the peak of your cooking skills step by step... But if you two, Xiaotian and Jim, just want to learn some cooking skills from me, this time the master will There is no big need." After a pause, Ye Chui laughed again, "I will teach almost all the nine chefs in Manhan Tower something, but I can't let them all call me master, so Jim Just call me by my name or boss from now on, and so will you, Xiaotian."

Xiaotian is called Chen Tian, but although Chen Tian looks like a beautiful girl, she is actually thirty years old. Ye Chui's "Xiaotian" sound felt a little weird no matter how he heard it, but Chen Tian didn't feel anything at all, facing someone whose cooking skills were much better than his own. The other party's position as an elder was quite appropriate. She even smiled a little flatteringly and said to Ye Chui, "I'm used to it. I'll call you master from now on."

"That's fine." Ye Chui said helplessly.

"I'll call you boss from now on." Jim also said with a smile.

"Brother!" At this time, a little girl's voice suddenly sounded, but it was the child Wang Shiyu who finally woke up and was running over. The little thing knew that Ye Chui was coming back this morning. He had been so excited that he couldn't sleep since last night. Then when he went to pick up the plane in the morning, he fell into Tian Xiaodu's arms and slept soundly. He completely missed meeting Ye Chui. Only now did he finally wake up. He quickly ran from his room to the hall. When he saw Ye Chui, he rushed directly into Ye Chui's arms.

After all, the little girl's relationship was a bit weak. She hadn't seen her for two months, and she missed her unspeakably. At this moment, she put herself in Ye Chui's arms and started to cry. So Ye Chui comforted her for a while, while An Jing and Lin Wei were chatting with Han Yuyan about what happened in Chinatown. No matter what, they were all good sisters. When they heard Wang Shiyu's cry, they came over to comfort her.

After a long while, Wang Shiyu finally stopped crying, and rubbed her big eyes with her little hands, but her eyes stared at Ye Chui faintly, with a slight complaint on her face. When she was in the United States, Ye Chui would call home almost every day. I also talk to Wang Shiyu frequently. But the phone calls at that time seemed to be nothing, and even Wang Shiyu rarely took the initiative to say "I miss you", but feelings are very strange, and I don't feel like them on weekdays. But when we finally met, the feeling of thinking seemed to be whizzing over, filling my heart in an instant.

Adults may be better off, but children are always the least able to control their emotions, so they cry profusely and with a bit of resentment. It's been two months since I left, bad brother!

Ye Chui stretched out his hand and rubbed Wang Shiyu's slightly baby-fat face: "Stop crying. If you cry any more, you'll turn into a tabby cat."

"I'm not crying." Wang Shiyu, whose eyes were red and swollen from crying, said to Ye Chui with a bit of stubbornness.

These words actually made everyone else around laugh.

Ye Chui gently picked her up, let her sit on his lap and comforted her for a while, and finally said: "Brother, I will promise never to leave you for such a long time again, okay?"

He glanced at An Jing who was standing next to him again, and found that the expression on An Jing's face was also a bit resentful. She would not show her emotions directly to Wang Shiyu like this, but after not seeing each other for two months, she did miss Ye Chui, and she was very fond of Ye Chui. Ye Chui was more or less resentful, and this emotion was even higher than Lin Wei's longing for him. After all, it was a brother-sister relationship that had depended on each other since childhood.

Ye Chui continued: "If we go to the United States next time, we can all go there together."

"Master, do you still want to go to the United States in the future?" Chen Tian immediately asked with a smile.

"Yes." Ye Chui smiled and nodded.

"What are you going to do?" Chen Tian continued to ask.

"Go challenge the new chef god." Ye Chui said softly in a particularly casual tone while teasing Wang Shiyu in his arms.

Then everyone else fell silent in shock.

Challenging the new Chef God is something that Ye Chui has already decided on, but for the time being, only Han Yuyan and Tang Shanshan have heard Ye Chui's remarks in this regard, so many people were shocked when they suddenly heard Ye Chui's words. .

Fortunately, the little silence in the hall did not last long. Tian Xiaodu, An Xiaoxiao, Qin Yiyue, and Dong Qian walked out of the kitchen each carrying their own dishes.

After not seeing each other for two months, what better way to express the joy of welcoming Ye Chui than to make a dish for Ye Chui to taste

These dishes can be said to be the original creations of the four of them. They had already started preparing them shortly after Ye Chui left China. While Ye Chui was fighting in Chinatown, they were also constantly perfecting their own dishes, hoping that they could Give Ye Chui a surprise.

These four dishes are Tian Xiaodu's braised large intestine, Qin Yiyue's double crispy dishes, Dong Qian's hibiscus scallops, and An Xiaoxiao's original white water shrimp.

Watching the four people put four plates of food on the table, Tian Xiaodu, Qin Yiyue, and Dong Qian were all five-star chefs. It was reasonable to cook the dishes for Ye Chui to taste, but Chen Tian, Dong Qian, Tang Shanshan, and others, for An Xiaoxiao, The little girl who was obviously no more than fifteen or sixteen years old came over to join in the fun and became a little curious. There are nine chefs in Manhan Tower. In addition to Tian Xiaodu and others, there are three five-star chefs and six four-star chefs. These are all already Even among the famous chefs, none of them cooked for Ye Chui to taste. Why did this little girl have this qualification

Dong Shanshan was outspoken and asked in a low voice a waiter with whom she had just become acquainted: "Is that little girl good at cooking?"

"Of course she is awesome. An Xiaoxiao is the boss's third apprentice. Even though she is young, Master Qin admits that his talent is not as good as hers. She will definitely be the best chef in the world in the future. The dishes she cooks are very delicious. "Yes." The waiter said with a bit of amazement, "Oh, people are so annoying."

An Xiaoxiao didn't hear the waiter's praise for her. She pointed to her original white water shrimp dish with a smile, and said to Ye Chui with a smile: "Master, you taught me the cooking principle of "big soups don't mix" before. This dish I made is based on the principle of big soup disharmony. I have tried it many times. Try it and see if it tastes good."

"Really? Then I'm very interested. Let's try your dish first." Ye Chui said and looked at An Xiaoxiao's original white water shrimp.

This dish is mainly based on shrimps, and it really lives up to the word "original". The shrimps look very fresh, as if they were just caught from the river. Only a thin layer of sauce is spread on the bottom of the plate, and it is arranged like There are a few coriander leaves dotted between the spiral shrimps. Judging from the color and aroma, the color of this dish is outstanding enough to score nine points.

The aroma seems too bland, but since it is the original flavor, this aspect can naturally be ignored - although color and aroma are the main ways to evaluate dishes, there are always some dishes that are not applicable, such as a plate of stinky tofu. What about the color and aroma? It can't be satisfying, the most important thing is the taste.

Ye Chui picked up a pair of chopsticks, picked up a piece of shrimp, gently peeled off the shrimp shell, dipped some sauce on the bottom of the plate, and put it in his mouth.

The shrimp has no extra flavor, only the original flavor, which is fresh, sweet, tender, and a bit refreshing on the tip of the tongue. The sauce at the bottom of the plate is made of light soy sauce, shredded green onions, and shredded ginger, which can keep the shrimps in place. While the original flavor makes up for the lack of taste buds, it is refreshing, delicious, sweet and tender.

Ye Chui couldn't help but nodded: "Xiao Xiao, it seems that you are very attentive. The taste of the shrimp is maintained perfectly. It should only be blanched without extra seasoning, so that the shrimp can keep its original flavor as much as possible. It is very good."

An Xiaoxiao saw that Ye Chui was quite satisfied, and immediately smiled proudly, and quickly explained: "When I was a beggar, occasionally my uncle and the others would catch shrimps from the river and ask me to cook them for them. I didn't know at that time To make shrimps, you put all the seasonings in and stew them. Then one time I accidentally poured some live shrimps into the boiling water. I thought the shrimps cooked like this would be unpalatable and tasteless, but As a result, I found that the taste of boiled shrimp in white water is not bad, it is very fresh and sweet. Unfortunately, my uncle and others have never liked the taste of boiled shrimp in white water. During this time, I thought of the original method, so I cooked it in white water again. A base of shrimp with some dipping sauce makes this dish. ”

Saying this, An Xiaoxiao looked at Ye Chui with some expectation: "Master, what do you think of this dish?"

"It's very good, full of umami and smooth texture. This dish is very complete." Ye Chui said with a smile.

An Xiaoxiao's face suddenly became happy, but then she became worried again, because Ye Chui immediately said: "Then let's talk about the shortcomings of this dish..." (~^~)

PS: There will be two updates today~~~~~