Reborn – Super Chef

Chapter 470: The boss is so fierce


Li Xiuyun left Manhanlou very quickly because the CEO of Food Weekly called him personally to urge him to go back. After getting off the plane in the early morning, Li Xiuyun followed Ye Chui and others to Manhanlou. Then Tian Xiaodu and others cooked for Ye Chui to taste, as a welcome for Ye Chui's return. Li Xiuyun stayed here out of curiosity.

It was already ten o'clock in the morning. The magazine knew that he was coming back today, so they immediately called him to the magazine office to ask him in detail about Ye Chu's challenge to Chinatown.

Han Yuyan sat on the swing in the courtyard for a long time, imagining certain things that were most likely happening in Ye Chui's room. She felt increasingly depressed. When children encounter setbacks, they will always subconsciously seek comfort from their elders. Han Yuyan was like this at this time. Thinking of her grandfather whom she hadn't seen for two months, she missed him indescribably, so she got up and left Manhan Building and went to her grandfather's residence.

Well, when he got on the plane back from the United States, grandpa said he had something to tell him and also wanted to give her something important. I wonder what it was

Noon was approaching.

Gradually, more and more guests came to Manhan Building, so the chefs and waiters who had gathered in the hall were about to start their day's work. Only then did they realize that Ye Chui was missing, and Lin Wei also disappeared.

Dong Youyou smiled and teased, "I wonder where the two of them went to be so affectionate."

"I just seemed to see the boss taking Weiwei to the backyard." said a waiter.

"You haven't been back for two months, and you're not in love right after you come back. How can you not do your work? I'll go get him." Dong Youyou was about to walk away, but although this girl was as carefree as Tang Shanshan, she was not as stupid as Tang Shanshan. She quickly thought of something, paused slightly, and then turned to look at Wang Shiyu: "Xiaoyu, you should go get your brother."

If Ye Chui and Lin Wei were doing something embarrassing, it would be bad to bump into them. It would be fine to let the kids go.

"Oh." Although Wang Shiyu was a little kid, she didn't understand the situation clearly, so she immediately jumped to the backyard. An Xiaoxiao and Wang Shiyu had the closest relationship, so she also ran over.

Arriving at the backyard, Wang Shiyu ran to Ye Chui's room. Usually, the door of Ye Chui's room was not locked. Wang Shiyu was really excited at this time and wanted to run over and push the door open as usual. But when she got close, she heard a bang and bumped into the door, falling to the ground.

That little face suddenly revealed an expression of extreme grievance, and his cheeks puffed up, as if he was about to burst into tears but was holding it back.

An Xiaoxiao quickly ran to her side and carefully helped her up: "Master, why did you lock the door in broad daylight?"

"What's wrong?" Ye Chui's panicked voice came from inside the door.

"Bad brother, why did you lock the door? My head hurts." Wang Shiyu rubbed her smooth forehead, where a very obvious red mark had appeared, and there was an unspeakable complaint in her voice.

An Xiaoxiao rubbed Wang Shiyu's forehead and said to the inside of the door: "Master, it's almost noon. There are more and more guests in the hotel. You have to come out to make arrangements. What about Jim? What about Aunt Jiang and Sister Chen? Oh, and what about Sister Tang who seems a bit funny?"

This matter seemed very important, but Ye Chui was sure that what he was doing now was more important, so his voice continued to come out from inside the door: "Let Dayu help me take care of them first."

"Sister Yuyan just left." An Xiaoxiao replied, "She seemed a little unhappy."

"..." Ye Chui was silent for a while. He seemed to have guessed the reason why Han Yuyan was unhappy. After a pause, he continued, "Jim will join Manhanlou in the future. Let him go to the kitchen to help first. Let Xiao Du make some arrangements. As for Aunt Jiang, Chen Tian, and Tang Shanshan, they said on the plane that they wanted to have a good time in Yanjing. Then you, An Jing, and Xiao Yu will be their guides to take them out for fun. Oh, and ask Dong Youyou to come along as well."

After hearing Ye Chui's words, An Xiaoxiao and Wang Shiyu's eyes lit up immediately. Wang Shiyu's face was originally tearful, but then she burst into laughter.

An Xiaoxiao thought of another important question: "What about the expenses for traveling..."

"Just blame it on me and have fun." Ye Chui continued.

Now Ye Chui gives pocket money to An Jing, An Xiaoxiao and Wang Shiyu according to a fixed amount. However, An Jing doesn't spend much on weekdays and doesn't buy clothes often. Every time, she needs Lin Wei to drag her to the clothing store or shopping mall before she is willing to go shopping. An Xiaoxiao and Wang Shiyu often don't have enough money, so they don't have time to have fun on weekdays. When they hear Ye Chui asking them to have fun, they are immediately very happy.

"I know, I know." An Xiaoxiao said immediately, pulling Wang Shiyu up from the floor, and then squatting down to carefully brush off the dust on her body. When the two were about to leave, they were suddenly stunned again - there was a sound coming from the room, and it sounded... like Lin Wei's voice, as if she was softly screaming in pain...

An Xiaoxiao and Wang Shiyu looked at each other. An Xiaoxiao's face suddenly turned red, but Wang Shiyu was full of surprise: "Sister Xiaoxiao, brother and sister Weiwei..."

"It's nothing, don't think too much..."

An Xiaoxiao hurriedly pulled Wang Shiyu towards the living room. An Xiaoxiao, who had always been fearless, seemed to want to leave the backyard immediately at this moment.

"Where is the boss?" The restaurant was already busy. Tang Shanshan was feeling bored. When she saw An Xiaoxiao and Wang Shiyu coming back, she immediately asked hurriedly. She was still thinking about what to do next.

An Xiaoxiao thought about the thrilling voice she had just heard and considered how to say it. Then Wang Shiyu's clear voice rang out: "Sister Weiwei seems to have done something wrong. Brother is beating her."

There were only a few people in the hall at the moment. Jim had entered the kitchen at the invitation of Tian Xiaodu. Aunt Jiang and Chen Tian were sitting at a dining table next to them, chatting with Dong Youyou. An Jing was also sitting quietly on the side. Yu Yan was sitting at another table drinking tea by himself. The other guests in the hotel were sitting farther away and did not hear what Wang Shiyu said.

But after hearing what Wang Shiyu said, the faces of several people all turned grim.

Yu Yan had always treated Lin Wei as his sister. Although he respected Ye Chui very much, when he heard that Ye Chi actually chased and beat Lin Wei, he became angry for a moment and stood up with a bang.

An Xiaoxiao hurriedly grabbed Wang Shiyu and said, "Xiaoyu, don't talk nonsense..."

"I'm not talking nonsense. I heard Sister Weiwei moaning... Should we quickly persuade her brother?" Wang Shiyu, who has always been a little smart, was indescribably naive and a little anxious at this moment. She imagined that Ye Chu must be letting Lin Wei lie on his legs and masturbate...

Then everyone's expressions became subtle.

Yu Yan originally had an angry expression on his face, but after hearing these words, he felt embarrassed. He scratched his head with his hand, and sat down again with a complicated expression.

Among the crowd, An Jing didn't know much about those things, so she didn't quite understand some of them, but she vaguely guessed some of them. Her face blushed and she quickly lowered her head.

An Xiaoxiao used to be a beggar, and everything she saw and heard was somewhat vulgar. Although she didn't understand much, she knew what was happening. She covered her face with her hands, unable to bear to look at it.

As for the others, they all smiled knowingly. So that's how it is...

"Boss..." Tang Shanshan was stunned for a while, and couldn't help but sighed, "So fierce."

According to Ye Chui's arrangement, Dong Youyou, An Jing, An Xiaoxiao, Wang Shiyu, Jiang Yuemei, Tang Shanshan, and Chen Tian left the hotel and went to some interesting places in Yanjing. Since Ye Chui was going to pay the bill, everyone was very happy, and Tang Shanshan was the happiest among them...

At noon that day, Lin Wei stayed in the room and did not go out.

Ye Chui went outside to bring lunch back at noon. Lin Wei was very worried about something and asked Ye Chui if anyone had any doubts. Ye Chui thought about it and felt that except for Yu Yan's strange look at him, everyone else seemed normal. So he said, "No one has any doubts, Weiwei, don't worry."

Lin Wei's red face calmed down a little. Because she was still feeling a little uncomfortable, she had lunch in Ye Chui's room and took a nap at noon. It was not until the afternoon that she regained some energy. Her originally hot mood also gradually calmed down. She knew that if she kept hiding in the room and didn't go out, there must be something fishy going on. So with some guilty thoughts in mind, she left the room.

As usual, go to the hall to help.

Everyone saw that there really didn't seem to be anything unusual about her, which made her feel relieved. It seemed that what happened between her and Ye Chui was really not known to everyone.

This went on until the evening. Dong Youyou and the others who had been out playing for half a day returned to the Manhan Building in a mighty procession. Lin Wei went over to greet them with a smile. Dong Youyou, who had walked in first, smiled at Lin Wei and walked over to pat Lin Wei on the shoulder with a smile: "Weiwei, you will be a woman from now on. Do you want me to teach you a few tricks to ensure that Ye Chui will not go anywhere else to mess around with other girls in the future?"

Lin Wei: “…”

Tang Shanshan added, "The boss is really fierce."

Although they had only known each other for a short while, Jiang Yuemei, who was already very familiar with everyone, said to everyone in the tone of an elder: "Stop talking, girls are shy - isn't it enough that you guys have been discussing this outside for a whole day?"

—This was a fatal blow.

At this moment, Lin Wei felt like she was going to faint, and she thought it would be best if she fainted quickly. (~^~)

PS: Advertise the new book~~~~Almighty Magician, I am in the climax now~~~~