Reborn – Super Chef

Chapter 474: Do you think you are the God of Cookery just because you look like Ye Chui?


The establishment of the Man Han Banquet food enterprise was on track within a week.

Mr. Han even specially bought an office floor in a commercial building near the Manhan Building to be used as the company office for the Manhan Banquet Food Company. The company is currently being renovated.

Lin Zhengdao also officially returned to work and recruited talents. Some of his former subordinates were happy to join him. After Lin Zhengdao left Lin's Enterprise, some employees who were loyal to him even resigned and set up their own businesses. Now most of these people have returned to Lin Zhengdao, and it is obvious that they have deep feelings for him.

Forty-three shops need to start renovation and design, and these matters will be handled by the management team of Lin Zhengdao Xinjianli.

As for Han Yuyan, as the general manager of the executive department, he has already begun recruiting chefs to run the restaurant.

The forty-three restaurants in Huaxia Food City are now all franchise stores of Ye Chui's food enterprise. The words "Man Han Banquet" are written on the signs. As for the type of each restaurant, it is decided by Ye Chui.

"Shanshan, please give these materials to Dayu for me." Ye Chui rubbed his numb eyes and said at the desk in Manhan Building.

Tang Shanshan is his secretary now, but it is obvious that this woman is not a competent secretary - Ye Chui said this for a long time, but she didn't respond. Ye Chui couldn't help but look at this girl with a little sweat: She was sitting on the sofa in the corner of the office, wearing a decent women's suit, which gave her a sense of uniform temptation, but now this girl was sitting cross-legged on the sofa. What was she doing? He was watching the program on TV with great interest. In order to avoid disturbing Ye Chui, the TV volume was very low, but the program was obviously very interesting, which made Tang Shanshan have a silly smile on her face all the time. And because she wanted to listen carefully to the content of the TV, she didn't hear what Ye Chui said at all.

"Shanshan..." Ye Chui couldn't help but raise his voice.

"Ah, Boss!" Tang Shanshan was stunned and looked at Ye Chui hurriedly. He ran over in a panic, "Boss, do you want some tea? I'll pour it for you right away. Chrysanthemum or Pu'er? Or coffee?"

"… "

At this moment, Ye Chui couldn't help but think in his heart, was it a huge mistake to let this girl be his secretary

He handed the documents he had just sorted out to Tang Shanshan again: "Please give these documents to Da Yu as soon as possible."

"What are these documents?" Tang Shanshan took the documents and looked at them and asked.

"It's about some standards for recruiting chefs. I sorted out the recruitment requirements for each chef in the forty-three restaurants." Ye Chui explained that he wanted to open forty-three restaurants, and each restaurant had to have a different flavor, so during this period of time, Ye Chui seriously considered the management methods of each restaurant. Fast food restaurants and barbecue restaurants were indispensable, and several major cuisines were also indispensable. There were also some very famous dishes that could be taken out to open a restaurant separately.

Similar to Mapo Tofu, Maoxuewang, Hainanese Chicken Rice, Ye Chui added big plate chicken, four-happiness meatballs, boiled fish, etc. Of course, this type of dish cannot be without Buddha Jumps Over the Wall.

In this way, Ye Chui gathered the types of each of the forty-three restaurants. Han Yuyan was recently recruiting chefs and waiters. According to the business policy of each restaurant, the selection of chefs must be carefully selected. The document compiled by Ye Chui can be used as a standard for recruiting chefs. Of course, if a chef wants to take up the position, he needs to go through a test and assessment process. When the test is passed, he will sign a confidentiality contract and officially join the Man Han Feast Food Enterprise. At this time, Ye Chui will hand over the corresponding recipes to them.

Although Tang Shanshan was unreliable, she knew that the document in Ye Chui's hand was important. She took it quickly, nodded and said, "Okay, I'll give it to Sister Yuyan immediately."

As he was about to leave, Ye Chui suddenly became curious and asked, "What were you looking at just now?"

"Hey, it's a program about you." Tang Shanshan immediately explained with a smile, pointing to the TV next to her, "The TV is reporting news about you now. The news that you founded the Man Han Banquet Food Company has become known to everyone. The host of the program just now said that you are the savior of Chinese cuisine, and your title of God of Food has been publicized. Now when people mention you on TV, they call you the God of Food, or Ye God of Food."

"So that's how it is..." Ye Chui smiled with some sweat on his face.

Tang Shanshan smiled, waved, and left the office.

Ye Chui sat behind his desk, which he rarely used, for a while, but he couldn't help it in the end. He stood up and walked to the TV, wanting to see how the TV would broadcast his news.

Unfortunately, when Ye Chui came to the TV, the news program on TV had changed to something else, and there was no information about Ye Chui. Ye Chui suddenly felt a little disappointed, but then a piece of news that appeared on TV immediately piqued Ye Chu's interest - this year's chef qualification examination was about to begin!

Ye Chui is now eighteen years old. According to the provisions of the Gastronomy Law, he can apply for the two-star chef qualification examination!

A chef who is called the God of Cookery is actually just a one-star chef... This doesn't seem to make sense.

"Well, should we take some time to take the two-star exam and get the two-star chef certificate first?"

With Ye Chui's current level, let alone a two-star exam, even a ten-star chef certificate would be no problem for him. However, the relevant certificates would not be handed to him casually, and he would need to take the exam himself.

Thinking of this, Ye Chui immediately dialed Han Yuyan's number.

"Master, I'm interviewing a chef here." Han Yuyan's happy voice came over as soon as the phone was connected, "This is my first time interviewing someone, and it feels great."

"..." Ye Chui was speechless for a moment before continuing, "I have compiled a list of chef recruitment standards and am asking Tang Shanshan to send it to you. Also, the chef qualification assessment is about to begin. If you have time, please help me sign up."

"Chef qualification exam?" Han Yuyan was stunned for a moment, "Master, what other qualifications do you need to prove yourself?"

“I’m only a one-star chef now. I can’t always be a one-star chef, right?” Ye Chui said with a smile.

"Oh, okay. I'll help you register later." Han Yuyan replied immediately.

Actually, helping the boss sign up is obviously the job of a secretary, but with Tang Shanshan's professionalism... Ye Chui thought it would be better to let Han Yuyan do it, and then after a pause, Ye Chui smiled and said to Han Yuyan: "Also, Dayu, please sign up for yourself as well."

"Ah?" Han Yuyan was shocked.

"You also have to take the assessment to become a one-star chef." Ye Chui said with a smile.

Han Yuyan was immediately surprised, and her voice revealed a strong lack of confidence: "This... this is not good, I... can I pass the exam?"

Speaking of which, Han Yuyan's cooking skills are still very bad, but that kind of bad is only compared to the senior chefs like Man Han Lou. In fact, the assessment for junior chefs only tests knife skills and some basic cooking methods. Even ordinary people can pass as long as they have cooked in the kitchen for a period of time. But Sister Han has always been with Ye Chui. When Ye Chu challenged Chinatown alone, she was Ye Chui's assistant in the kitchen.

Although Han Yuyan was not confident, Ye Chui was full of confidence in her. Han Yuyan's level was now at least three stars or above.

"Don't worry, you are my apprentice after all." Ye Chui consoled with a smile.

"Oh, then I'll try..."

After hearing what Ye Chui said, Han Yuyan finally made up his mind.

After ending the call, Ye Chui thought about Han Yuyan who was nervous about going to take the chef qualification exam, and then found that he had obtained the qualification smoothly. I wonder if he would be surprised

Of course, Han Yuyan was indeed shocked afterwards.

But it was not because she had successfully passed the one-star chef qualification exam, but because... Ye Chui, the God of Cookery who was preparing to challenge the world's new God of Cooking, was actually eliminated in the two-star chef qualification exam!

That’s right, Ye Chui didn’t pass the exam to obtain the two-star chef qualification certificate…

Of course, that’s a story that will follow.

The chef qualification exam was in a week, and Han Yuyan went to register for Ye Chui and himself that afternoon. When everyone met in the evening, An Xiaoxiao heard that Han Yuyan had registered for the exam, and she immediately had the urge to sign up for the chef assessment as well. Unfortunately, she was only fifteen years old this year and had to wait until next year to take the exam.

The one-star, two-star and three-star levels of the chef qualification exam only assess the chef's basic cooking skills. Starting from four stars, the dishes are assessed to showcase the chef's personal cooking skills. The one-star, two-star and three-star levels are also called the junior chef assessment, intermediate chef assessment and senior chef assessment.

Every city will have a special chef assessment location.

After all, this is the era of gourmet food, and chef is a very respected profession. Countless people are eager to join in. And because of the sensation caused by Ye Chui's challenge to Chinatown, and the fact that Yanjing is the capital, there are even more people taking the test in Yanjing.

On the day of the chef assessment, Han Yuyan drove with Ye Chui to the location of the chef assessment in Yanjing, which was a culinary school.

"Master, you are a famous person now. Will it cause a sensation if you continue like this?" Thinking of the news about Ye Chui that can be seen frequently on TV recently, Han Yuyan suddenly said to Ye Chui who was sitting in the passenger seat with some concern.

Ye Chui thought for a moment and said, "Not really, right?"

After all, chefs are not celebrities and their exposure is not high, so they shouldn’t be recognized by others, right

But there's nothing I can do even if I'm recognized.

But it turned out that Ye Chui thought... too much.

Because just after he and Han Yuyan got out of the car, he immediately heard a burst of exclamations and discussions coming from the side.

"Hey, look, that young man over there seems to be Ye Chui!"

"What is he doing here?"

"He's still holding his test number plate... Is he a candidate here to take the test?"

"Oh my god! Is the God of Food going to use it to take the two-star exam? I think this guy just looks like Ye Chui."

"That's right, how could the God of Cookery come here?"

"Tsk, do you think that just because you look like Ye Chui, you're really as powerful as Ye Chui?"

Ye Chui: “… ”(~^~)