Reborn – Super Chef

Chapter 480: Both old and new chefs are here


Of course, Feng Shui was just something Han Yuyan said casually, but it was true that the shop that Andrew liked was surrounded by Ye Chui's shops. I don't know why Mr. Han didn't value the shop in the middle.

When Andrew heard the conversation between Ye Chui and Han Yuyan, his face immediately turned bad. He thought that the conversation between Ye Chui and Han Yuyan was purely to attack him, which of course could not be true. He sneered and showed an expression of "I didn't expect Mr. Ye to be so childish". Just as he was about to speak, the man in a suit who had been working hard to introduce the shops to him suddenly walked to his side and whispered to Andrew: "Mr. Andrew, I just took a look, and what Mr. Ye Chui said is right. The two shops opposite and the two shops on both sides are all under the name of Mr. Ye Chui's Man Han Banquet Food Enterprise."

"What?" Andrew couldn't help but shudder.

Although the man in the suit was the staff member responsible for receiving Andrew, he was only responsible for reception. In fact, he did not have any good feelings towards this foreigner in his heart. Huaxia Food City was to be built into an international food center, which would naturally attract interested foreign investors to open restaurants here. However, after the exchanges in the past few days, the man in the suit felt that Andrew had great hostility towards Chinese food. Of course, he was embarrassed to say anything in his position, but as a Chinese, now seeing that Ye Chui was arguing with Andrew, he would of course stand on Ye Chui's side.

He paused, then continued in a somewhat malicious voice: "In addition to the four stores here, Mr. Ye Chui has a total of thirty-nine stores in the Luohe District of the Food City."

"What!?" Andrew continued to be shocked.

This time, what he said was no longer in Chinese, but in English: "What!?"

The man in the suit explained, "Mr. Ye Chui's Manchu-Han Banquet Food Company has a total of 43 stores in Luohe City."

Andrew: “…”

He looked at Ye Chui with eyes wide open. Their Food King Enterprise only had five shops. These were the five shops that they had high hopes for as they prepared to take the lead in entering China's food market. However, Ye Chui actually owned forty-three shops in the food city area. The gap was too big.

Ye Chui didn't expect that the man in the suit would be such a good helper. Of course, it's more fun to brag about yourself at this moment than to have others help you brag. What's more, this is not bragging, but stating the facts. Ye Chui smiled at Andrew with a face that deserved a beating, and then glanced at Han Yuyan: "Dayu, we still have many shops to visit, so let's not waste time here. Let's go to the next one." He smiled and glanced at Andrew again, "Mr. Andrew, it seems that we will compete for business on this street in the future. Haha, I am looking forward to that day."

Having said that, he took Han Yuyan into the shop next door.

Andrew looked at Ye Chui's back and gritted his teeth.

Back in Chinatown, he was sent by his superiors to deal with Ye Chui’s affairs. At that time, he simply disdained Ye Chui. He thought he was just a teenager. What was there to take seriously about him? But this teenager completed the task of challenging Chinatown step by step, and also drove He Chengqing crazy, forced Madam Gao to death, and forced all the chefs in Chinatown to no longer dare to bring up the issue of Chinatown cuisine independence...

Andrew was completely defeated by Ye Chui during the trip to Chinatown. This time, Food King Enterprise was preparing to enter the Chinese food market. In order to repay Ye Chui for his humiliation, he volunteered to come to China. Originally, he could have gotten what he wanted, but now he felt that humiliation again.

Ye Chui actually has as many as forty-three shops in Luohe City. How can his five shops compare with Ye Chui’s forty-three shops

"Mr. Andrew, do you want to continue looking at this shop?" the man in the suit asked softly beside him.

Andrew glared at the man in the suit fiercely and was about to tell him that he didn't want this shop anymore. When the restaurant opened, it would be completely surrounded by Ye Chui's four restaurants. How could this restaurant continue to operate

But just when he was about to speak, his cell phone suddenly rang, and he quickly took out his cell phone and walked aside to answer it.

"Andrew, I have something to arrange for you." A somewhat gloomy male voice came from the other side of the phone.

This man holds a high position in Food King Enterprise and is Andrew's boss. This made Andrew immediately become serious: "Vernon, what do you want me to do?"

"Manny has arrived in China." Vernon on the other side of the phone spoke and uttered a shocking message.

Manny is the new chef who defeated Gordon Ramsay.

"What is he... doing in China?" Andrew said in surprise. The goal of the Food King Enterprise is to occupy all the food markets in the world and create a large-scale food company that monopolizes food. There are many places in the world that are more difficult to deal with than the food market in China. There is only one Ye Chui in the food industry in China, but there are many other places with more world-famous super chefs who have reached eight or nine stars. As a super chef trained by the Food King Enterprise, Manny should be in other places now. Why is he in China

"This is because when Manny defeated Gordon before, Gordon told Manny that even if Manny defeated him, he would not be the world's number one chef because there was someone whose cooking skills were better than Manny's, and that person was waiting for Manny in China."

"Waiting for Manny in China... Could it be?" Andrew was shocked and thought of something, "The person Gordon mentioned is Ye Chui?"

"That's right!" Vernon said in surprise, "I didn't expect Ye Chui to have such a high status in Gordon's eyes. It was because of these words that Manny took the initiative to ask to go to China. I will tell you his contact information later. You will be responsible for contacting him in the future. Our Food King Enterprise is planning to build a restaurant in the newly built food city in China? Let Manny open one of them."

"Okay, I just know what to do." Andrew's face was filled with indescribable surprise. He didn't expect Manny to come to China to help him. Now he had no reason to be afraid of Ye Chui anymore.

"Oh right..." Vernon thought of something at this time and continued, "After the MasterChef competition, Gordon disappeared. I don't know where he went, but if we are not mistaken, he should be in China now."

"Gordon is here too?" Andrew sneered, "There's no need to worry about that loser!"

"Be careful!" Vernon warned.

After the call ended, Andrew took another look at the four shops on both sides of the street. He smiled with great pride: "Manny is now the new god of cooking. What's the point of you buying more shops, Ye Chui? Humph, in the end, you will all be beaten to a pulp by Manny!"

The man in the suit saw that Andrew had finished his call, and walked over impatiently and asked, "Mr. Andrew, do you want this shop or not?"

"Yes, of course." Andrew said immediately with a smile.

"This shop is big and in a good location. It's the most suitable place for Qin Feng's barbecue restaurant to open here." Ye Chui made this decision after taking a look at the interior space of the shop next to the one he planned to turn into a porridge shop.

Han Yuyan nodded, wrote down Ye Chui's words in his notebook, and continued, "Master, you promised to help Qin Feng open a barbecue restaurant in Yanjing a long time ago. He will definitely be very happy to know this news."

"His barbecue business is getting better and better now, and he is willing to study the ins and outs of it. After he opens a barbecue restaurant, he will definitely become famous in China." Ye Chui also said with a smile.

Ye Chui has a special feeling for Qin Feng's barbecue restaurant. He started his business in this world by selling grilled lamb skewers. Later, after the small restaurant was opened, he gave the lamb kebab stall to Qin Feng. Under Ye Chui's suggestion, Qin Feng gradually transformed the grilled lamb kebab stall into a barbecue stall, and now he has even opened a barbecue restaurant. Of course, he has never forgotten to open a barbecue restaurant in Yanjing.

Ye Cui is very confident in Qin Feng and believes that his barbecue restaurant will be very popular in Yanjing.

"I'll call Qin Feng to Yanjing later and see what he thinks about how to decorate the barbecue restaurant." Ye Chui finally said this to Han Yuyan and left the shop. After he got outside, he saw the shop opposite.

Andrew and the man in the suit had already left, but a "Sold" sign was already hung on the door of the shop.

"It seems that Andrew has decided to buy the shop opposite." Ye Chui smiled and found this matter very interesting.

"Master, what kind of restaurant are you planning to open with those two shops next to it?" Han Yuyan asked.

"Let's open the one on the left as a hot pot restaurant, and the one on the right as a Sichuan restaurant." Ye Chui thought about it and said with a smile.

"Oh." Han Yuyan hurriedly wrote down Ye Chui's decision.

Afterwards, Ye Chui went with Han Yuyan to see the remaining shops. For each shop, Ye Chui made some suggestions on decoration and business strategies. This work was not completed until the evening.

Ye Chui and Han Yuyan were just about to find a place to have dinner, but at this time Ye Chui suddenly received a call from Tang Shanshan.

"Boss, someone came to our restaurant to cause trouble." Tang Shanshan said with some panic.

"Kicking out the crowd?" Ye Chui was stunned for a moment, thinking back to when he first came to Chinatown, Tang Shanshan didn't understand what kicking out the crowd meant. He confirmed, "Shanshan, do you understand what kicking out the crowd means now?"

"Of course I know. Someone is looking for trouble." Tang Shanshan said hurriedly, "Boss, please come back soon. They look very fierce."

"Who are they?" Ye Cui also became serious.

"They said they were from the Gourmet Association." (~^~)

PS: I am advertising the new book. The plot of this book seems to be a little dull recently. But don't worry, exciting plots will come soon. Although it is nearing the end of the book, Cannon doesn't want to see the performance plummet.