Reborn – Super Chef

Chapter 484: An extraordinary plate of scrambled eggs


Ye Chui finished the dish of "veal with French mushroom sauce" that Manny sent. He only took one bite and then put down his knife and fork. This dish came with beef and mushroom sauce, as well as some other side dishes. , such as fried golden potato balls, such as bright tomatoes and green beans.

The characteristics of French cuisine are its delicate texture, delicious sauces and gorgeous presentation. This plate of veal with French mushroom sauce fully embodies these three points. The delicateness of the veal, the deliciousness of the mushroom sauce, and the whole dish. The beauty of the dish is what makes this dish eye-catching.

But Ye Chui only tasted the veal and mushroom juice, because for him, with this bite, he could fully appreciate the level of cooking skills.

That man's cooking skills are indeed very high.

Gordon's defeat at his hands was not unjust.

Now that he brought such a dish, it was obvious that he wanted to provoke Ye Chui. Since he was provoked, of course he had to provoke him back.

So he said to Han Yuyan: "Dayu, go and fry a plate of eggs."

Han Yuyan was stunned: "Huh?"

"Scramble a plate of eggs." Ye Chui repeated his words, "Use your best scrambled eggs."

Han Yuyan was still a little strange, and everyone in the hall couldn't explain why. No one could figure out what Ye Chui meant by what he said. He wanted to eat scrambled eggs at this time

But now that Ye Chui said that, although Han Yuyan was a little confused, he finally nodded and walked into the kitchen with a puzzled look on his face.

In the hall, Ye Chui sat calmly at the dining table. The plate of exquisite dishes was placed in front of him, but he seemed to be in no mood to take another bite.

This is obviously a waste.

The expression on the face of the butler man who brought the food had become very ugly. He thought it was Ye Chui's insult to the world's chef god, but he was still very curious about Ye Chui's request to make scrambled eggs. So he endured and said nothing, and just watched with cold eyes what Ye Chui was going to do.

After a while, Han Yuyan came back with a plate of yellow-orange scrambled eggs with a puzzled look on his face.

Because the eggs are very finely chopped before frying, the fried eggs are as uniform as gold. The texture is even softer, and it is displayed on a dinner plate, which is simple yet grand. It is also garnished with a few cilantro and a few sliced tomatoes on the side. The three colors of red, yellow and green complement each other, making this dish not only the simplest gourmet temptation, but also very refreshing and exquisite.

Scrambled eggs, this is the simplest dish, even for the stupidest young woman. It is a dish that everyone can cook, even if it is the first time they come into contact with the kitchen, they can make this dish very well.

But the chef at Manhanlou knew that the dish served by Han Yuyan was not simple.

This is scrambled eggs, there are no special extra steps, but everyone in Manhan Tower knows that Sister Han’s scrambled eggs have reached a certain level. When Ye Chui teaches Tian Xiaodu and others cooking skills, he never They were all very stingy with their compliments, but Han Yuyan was the only one who praised Han Yuyan's scrambled eggs.

It's just... everyone still doesn't understand. What exactly was Ye Chui trying to do when he asked Han Yuyan to bring out a plate of scrambled eggs at this time

"Master, the scrambled eggs are ready." Han Yuyan put the dinner plate on the dining table anxiously.

Ye Chui nodded with a smile, took the dinner cover from when the butler man had brought the "veal with French mushroom sauce", and gently placed it on the dinner plate. He held up the dinner plate and brought it to the dumbfounded butler: "Please return this plate to your young master."

Housekeeper: "..."

other people:"… "

Han Yuyan was stunned and trembling slightly: "...Master, please stop making trouble."

There was a faint smile on Ye Chui's face, which looked like a slap in the eyes of the housekeeper. He said coldly: "Mr. Ye, what do you mean by this?"

"There is an old saying in China called Reciprocity. That's what it means." Ye Chui explained with a smile.

The man in the housekeeper stared at Ye Chui angrily. Is this how courtesy should be reciprocated? The young master worked hard to prepare this plate of veal with French mushroom sauce. When such a high-end dish was delivered, after receiving Ye Chui, he just asked his apprentice to scramble a plate of eggs...

This is an insult!

What an insult!

"Mr. Ye, I will definitely bring this courtesy of yours to the young master." The butler man had long lost the gentlemanly demeanor he had when he came before. After saying these words coldly, he turned and left Manhan Tower.

There were many guests in the Manhan Building. This scene in the hall had attracted the attention of the entire hotel. But before, everyone held their breath and concentrated. When they learned that the new chef god had specially sent a dish to Ye Chui, everyone Everyone was excited and thought they would see the wonderful scene of the God of Cooking vs. the God of Cooking. But many people were disappointed when he took it. Ye Chui just asked the beautiful sister Han to make a plate of scrambled eggs and sent it over...

Is Ye Chui afraid of the new cooking god

It didn't feel like it. If he was afraid, he should deal with it with all his strength or simply avoid fighting, but what's the point of asking his apprentice to fry a plate of simple eggs and send it over

This... is clearly an insult to the other party!

After the butler man left the hotel, there was a buzz, and the hotel seemed to explode in an instant. Everyone started discussing, and some were quick to post the scene that had just happened on the Internet.

There is no doubt that this is the first collision between the new God of Cooking and the God of Food in China, but the result is somewhat unexpected, and it is bound to become a hot topic on the Internet!

What's the deep meaning of Ye Chui's doing this

This will definitely become a question that will puzzle netizens for a long time.

In fact, everyone in the Manhan Building including Tian Xiaodu, Qin Yiyue, Dong Qian, Jim, Lin Wei, Jing Jing, Tang Shanshan and even Gordon Ramsay had no idea what Ye Chui was doing. What.

As for Han Yuyan... At this time, she was completely stunned. She was overwhelmed by the happiness and satisfaction that came like a huge storm: the most famous chef in the world sent a dish to challenge her. Master, it turned out that Master rewarded the other party with the scrambled eggs she made...

Although Gordon Ramsay was curious about Ye Chui's intentions, he didn't ask any more questions and quickly headed to a nearby hotel under the leadership of Tang Shanshan.

Tian Xiaodu waited for the chef to go back to work in the kitchen.

Wang Shiyu'an Xiaoxiao also went back to the backyard to review her homework under the supervision of Lin Wei and Jing Jing.

Ye Chui brought Han Yuyan to his office.

"Master, you... why did you do this?" When they arrived in the office, Han Yuyan finally couldn't help but ask Ye Chui.

"Today we met Andrew at the food city. It seems that the Food King Enterprise is ready to invade China's food industry. The restaurants in the food city are the first step. Their primary goal is to make the Food King Enterprise brand in the food city. Carrying forward, now Gordon Ramsay appears here, followed by Manny Pritchett, who brings another dish. The provocation is obvious, maybe... The shop that Andrew visited today will be the next one. It will be left to Manny for a while.”

Ye Chui said in a deep voice.

After knowing that Manny had provocatively brought him a plate of food, he began to think about these things in his mind: "Manny regards me as his opponent now, so he will definitely find a way to suppress us. The restaurants in the Food City This is the stage for our comparison, so I have to prepare in advance.”

"But... what does that have to do with my scrambled eggs?" Han Yuyan asked confused.

"Of course it matters."

Ye Chui smiled mysteriously. He did not directly tell Han Yuyan what the purpose of his words was. Instead, he suddenly changed the subject and said, "Dayu, can you contact an advertising company for me?"

"Advertising company?" Han Yuyan was stunned.

Ye Chui nodded: "I want to shoot a commercial to promote the hotel."

"Promote the hotel?"

Han Yuyan thought for a while: "Grandpa's company has contacts with several advertisers. It shouldn't be too difficult to find an advertising company. I'll contact Grandpa right now."

Han Yuyan turned around and walked to the door of the office. Suddenly something came to his mind. He turned to look at Ye Chui and said, "Master, can my scrambled eggs... really be compared with that dish of veal with French mushroom sauce?"

"Of course it's not comparable in terms of taste alone, but from another aspect, such as taking advantage of the delicious ingredients, your scrambled eggs are not much worse than that dish." Ye Chui explained with a smile, "I believe he will be very surprised after eating your scrambled eggs."

When chefs at the level of Ye Chui and Manny were competing, the competition was no longer just about delicious food.

Han Yuyan smiled brightly and left the office with a smile.

On the other side, after the housekeeper man left Manhan Tower, he arrived at a nearby large hotel after about a five-minute drive. He carried a tray and went directly to a high-end suite on the top floor with a somewhat unhappy expression. , pushed the door open and walked in.

There were two people in the room, one of them was Andrew, and the other was a Mexican man in his thirties, none other than the now-famous Manny Pritchett.

When he saw the dinner plate brought by the butler man, his eyes lit up and he said in Spanish: "He also brought me a plate?"

"Master, this is..." the housekeeper said quickly.

"Let me try his food first!"

Manny couldn't wait, so he put the dinner plate on the table next to him and opened it. When he saw that it was just a plate of scrambled eggs, his expression changed slightly, but he still carefully picked up a piece of egg with a knife and fork and brought it to his mouth. middle.

The meal cover had a perfect heat preservation effect. Although the eggs had been fried for five minutes, they were still steaming hot and very fresh. After taking a bite, Manny nodded lightly.

"The eggs have a very delicate taste and are very soft. This is the first time I have eaten such delicious scrambled eggs. The leaves really have two brushes!"

The butler's face already looked ugly. He said in a deep voice in Spanish: "Master, these are not the scrambled eggs made by Ye Chui, but made by the girl named Han Yuyan, Ye Chui's apprentice."

Manny: "..."(~^~)

PS: Everyone can guess what Ye Chui is going to do~~~ In addition, a dish that has been written before will appear in the next chapter, but that dish was only written in two or three chapters at that time, and it felt not enough, so I specially So I arranged a role for this dish again~~~~