Reborn – Super Chef

Chapter 490: Your hot pot base is not worthy of being served on the table


At noon, Mr. Han had a hearty hotpot meal in the hotpot restaurant and then left in a hurry as he still had a lot of things to do.

After Ye Chui asked the waiter to clean up the private room, he planned to check out other restaurants in the food city. As he was the head chef of a restaurant, he had to take care of every aspect of each restaurant.

Just as he walked down the second floor and passed by the restaurant on the side of the first floor, Ye Chui heard An Xiaoxiao's crisp roar in the kitchen: "No, no! The spicy base you made is not up to standard at all. It's too spicy and there's no numbing taste at all. Moreover, when you stir-fried the butter, the butter didn't melt at all and the ginger slices inside are still raw. How can others eat the base you made like this!"

"Little girl, I have made this spicy base many times. There is absolutely no problem doing it this way. The customers have no objections. You are the one being messed up here." A voice that sounded indifferent continued.

"How can you have such an attitude? The customers have no objections because they don't know what spicy hotpot should taste like. You will lower the reputation of our hotpot restaurant by doing this!" An Xiaoxiao said angrily.

"Business is so booming, how can it be as serious as you say? You'd better not make trouble here. My customers are about to complain." The chef continued in a tone that seemed to show that he didn't take An Xiaoxiao seriously at all.

Ye Chui was standing at the kitchen door listening to the conversation coming from inside, his brows furrowed. An Xiaoxiao was supposed to go to school today, but when she knew this place was opening, she had to go to the hot pot restaurant to take a look - the name of this hot pot restaurant is Xiaoxiao Hot Pot Restaurant.

Strictly speaking, the motivation for Ye Chui to launch hot pot in this world was that An Xiaoxiao brought out the beggar's rice that she had researched during the cooking competition with the seven-star chef Miao Shengsong.

Beggar's rice is actually the prototype of hot pot, so when Ye Chui opened a restaurant in the food city, and when he was preparing to open a hot pot restaurant, he named the restaurant Xiao Xiao Hot Pot Restaurant, and the chef of the restaurant was also named An Xiaoxiao.

Although she was young and had not yet obtained a chef qualification certificate, she was Ye Chui's official third apprentice. Moreover, her culinary talent was recognized by many people, and she was more than qualified to be a nominal chef.

However, although Ye Chui knew that she was qualified, it did not mean that others knew it. It was obvious that the chef in the hot pot restaurant did not take An Xiaoxiao's opinion seriously.

Ye Chui walked into the kitchen with a somewhat grim look on his face.

The kitchen is busy. There are seven chefs in total, including An Xiaoxiao, in the kitchen of more than 30 square meters.

Because hotpot restaurants are still new in the world, the hotpot bases have to be prepared by hand, and there are no on-site seasonings available. The clear soup base for Lao Yanjing shabu-shabu mutton is easier to prepare, but other bases are particularly difficult, especially the base for spicy hotpot, which requires skilled craftsmanship to create a spicy, fragrant and charming taste.

The chef in the kitchen who was responsible for the spicy soup base was a three-star chef. He had been trained by Ye Chui for a period of time. However, his cooking skills were obviously not up to standard, which made An Xiaoxiao not very satisfied.

Just as Ye Chui walked into the kitchen, An Xiaoxiao stood in the middle of the kitchen with a wronged look on his face. The chef in charge of the spicy hot pot said to another chef in a teasing manner: "What's the point of a little brat coming here to win the championship? How can I, a three-star chef, be worse than him? It's ridiculous..."

He was holding a large pot in his hand, which contained the hotpot base of the spicy hotpot that had just been cooked. He was about to pour it into the copper hotpot pot and serve it to the customers, but suddenly saw Ye Chui walking into the kitchen. Although Ye Chui was still a teenager, he was definitely not a brat in his eyes, but a big shot. He quickly said, "Boss, you are here..."

Ye Chui glanced at An Xiaoxiao, who still felt a little aggrieved, and said nothing. He picked up a small spoon from the chopping board beside him, reached into the pot in the chef's hand, scooped up a spoonful of boiling soup, and after the soup had cooled down a little, he put it into his mouth.

The chef knew that Ye Chui was testing his success, and his face showed anticipation.

"I've said it before. The spicy and numbing tastes in a spicy hot pot should be 50-50, and the ratio of chili peppers to Sichuan peppercorns should be 1:1. But you put too little Sichuan peppercorns in the soup base, so the whole base is only spicy but not numbing. This is the first unqualified point. In addition, when frying the butter, the butter was not melted at all, and the ginger slices were not fried at that step, so the taste of the whole dish lacked the freshness of ginger, and the use of various spices was also a bit careless."

Ye Chui said with a somewhat cold expression, almost repeating what An Xiaoxiao had just said.

He stared at the chef blankly: "Your hot pot base is substandard and not worthy of being served on the table!"

The chef's face also turned ugly, but he still didn't care and continued, "Boss, there's no need to be so serious. Look at how popular the business is now..."

"The more popular the business is, the more picky the customers will be!" Ye Chui interrupted the chef, "You should be more attentive when making the soup base." He looked at the chef and said, "If I remember correctly, it seems that you have been a three-star chef for ten years? You have been running this restaurant before, but the restaurant's performance has not been good. In the end, it closed down. I think this is directly related to your lazy and indifferent attitude. A successful chef should demand the most stringent methods of himself!"

The chef's expression changed a little, but he was still a little unwilling. He glanced at An Xiaoxiao and said, "But she is just a little girl. Even if there is something wrong with my base material, what can she see?"

"Little girl?" Ye Chui couldn't help laughing. "You know that Manhanlou now has three six-star chefs and one eight-star chef, and these chefs all admit that they can't compare to her in terms of taste buds and food tasting. Her tongue can be compared with that of Old Han - now you still think she can't taste the problem in your base sauce?"

The chef was immediately shocked by Ye Chui. He was only a three-star chef until now. The four-star chef had worked hard for many years but still hadn't gotten the certificate. He certainly knew how amazing the six-star and eight-star chefs were. They all admired this little girl. Ye Chui even said that the little girl's tongue could be compared with that of Old Han...

He really had no right to blame the little girl!

Seeing this, Ye Chui continued, "Forget it this time, but don't let me or Xiao Xiao catch you doing things carelessly in the future, otherwise I will fire you directly!"

"Boss, don't worry, I will be serious in the future." The chef said quickly, looking at An Xiaoxiao with awe. He originally thought that this little girl was able to show off her power in the hot pot restaurant because she was Ye Chui's apprentice, but he didn't expect that she was so powerful...

The chef silently poured out the hot pot base he had just prepared and started cooking it again.

Ye Chui walked up to An Xiaoxiao, smiled and rubbed her hair: "Don't be angry, you have to be on your own in the future, and the chefs in the kitchen must learn how to suppress them."

After Ye Chui came back from his two-month trip to Chinatown, An Xiaoxiao dyed her hair all colorful, looking like a non-mainstream style. Later, under Ye Chui's strict request, she reluctantly dyed her hair back to black. She looked much more refreshed and pleasing to the eye. Now she was wearing a well-fitting chef's uniform, which made her look even more fresh and lovely.

An Xiaoxiao enjoyed Ye Chui's touch and nodded vigorously with a smile: "Yes, I understand, Master."

"Then you continue to be busy here, and I will go to other restaurants to have a look." Ye Chui continued with a smile.

After talking to An Xiaoxiao for a few more words, Ye Chui left the bustling little hotpot restaurant, stood outside on the street, and glanced at the crowd queuing in front of the Anran Xiaohun Rice Restaurant and the rather deserted Mexican restaurant across the street. This seemed to form a sharp contrast. He cracked a faint smile, turned around and began to walk towards other restaurants in the Huaxia Food City.

Spicy Sichuan Restaurant - This is a Sichuan restaurant opened by Ye Chui after he found a four-star female chef. The female chef happened to be a Sichuan girl and liked to put a lot of chili peppers when cooking. The name Spicy Sichuan Restaurant couldn't be more appropriate. The restaurant sells all kinds of Sichuan dishes. The flavor is definitely spicy enough, which makes the spicy girl crazy happy. She can use a lot of chili peppers to cook every day, which is simply the most wonderful thing for a chef who loves spicy food...

Lao Yangtou Mutton Offal Soup - This is a small shop specializing in mutton offal soup. The chef of this restaurant is only a two-star chef, but he is over 60 years old. His surname is Yang, and everyone calls him Lao Yangtou on weekdays. He had been running a roadside stall selling sesame cakes. After Ye Chui found that his cooking skills were very good, he invited him to join the Manchu Han Banquet Food Enterprise and opened this Lao Yangtou Mutton Offal Soup. In addition to mutton offal soup, the shop also has mutton tripe, covered cakes and other foods. Of course, the perfect match for mutton offal soup is sesame cakes. Lao Yangtou's sesame cakes are absolutely unique.

There are also Jiang Yuemei's Maoxuewang, Chen Tian's Chenjia Restaurant, and branches of representative restaurants in Chinatown such as Laobian Dumplings, Lamb and Eggplant Casserole, and other stores.

Ye Chui visited all the 43 restaurants under the Man Han Banquet Food Enterprise one by one and provided guidance on the management of each restaurant and the skills of the chefs.

On the opening day, the business of these 43 restaurants was very good. Ye Chui felt that within the first day, more than seven of these 43 restaurants would be in the top ten of the sales ranking of Huaxia Food City! (~^~)

PS: This is the only update today. It's a bit stuck. I need to think about the plot outline first~~~~