Reborn – Super Chef

Chapter 498: Mexican ghost peppers and Carolina Reaper peppers


Manny is the new world chef god, so he has his own persistence. His dishes are very expensive, and because his dishes are worth the price, he will never lower the price. This is the bottom line.

Andrew was stunned for a moment, and said angrily: "It's not that easy to run a restaurant. What should we do now if we don't lower the price? Can you bring out another dish like the cactus before to promote sales?"

"I have another way." Manny's intense emotions calmed down a lot, and he said in a deep voice.

"What method?" Anthony asked curiously.

"A few days ago, I found that one of Ye Chu's restaurants held a spicy food eating competition, which made that restaurant rush to the top ten on various lists..." A smile slowly emerged on Manny's face.

Andrew's expression could not help but change, and he showed approval in his eyes. He smiled and asked, "Do you also want to hold a spicy food eating competition?"

It may seem a bit of a loss for a Mexican restaurant to hold a spicy food eating competition, but it's better than lowering prices.

"No, I'm not going to hold a spicy food eating competition." Manny sneered.

"what is that?"

"Eat stinky food."

"… "

Andrew was stunned for a moment, and then emphasized: “Eat stinky food?”

"That's right!" Manny said proudly, "I went to a night market a few days ago and found a kind of snack in their night market. It smells terrible from a distance, but there are still many people patronizing it. It's very popular. It seems that the taste of Chinese people is really strange..."

Andrew's face was filled with worry again, and he hurriedly persuaded, "Manny, the thing you are talking about is called stinky tofu, a Chinese delicacy. In Chinese, it smells bad but tastes delicious... You want to hold a stinky tofu eating competition, are you going to compete in eating stinky tofu? We can't make this kind of food."

"Of course, what I want to compete in is not stinky tofu!" Manny sneered proudly, "but a unique Mexican food. Humph, eating stinky food is not exclusive to the Chinese. I have asked someone to bring back the seasoning I need from Mexico. I can use it to make a Mexican delicacy. We can start the stinky food eating competition tomorrow!"

"Manny... you should think about it." Andrew didn't know what the delicacy Manny was talking about was, but he always felt that this matter was unreliable...

"I've made up my mind!" Manny was very determined. "Humph, I'll show the Chinese that they are no match for us in every aspect!"

Andrew: “…”

The delicacy Manny is preparing to make is a dish called comino pork chops.

This is a pork chop. It looks just like a normal deep-fried pork chop, but the condiments wrapped around the pork chop actually contain a mysterious condiment called comino.

These spices are very popular in Spain. They are a kind of condiment that people can't get enough of.

But... this stuff stinks.

Of course, it’s not that kind of foul smell, but a smell with some kind of wonderful taste, which is similar to China’s stinky tofu.

The very next day, at noon on June 16th, the Mexican restaurant launched their wonderful stinky eating competition.

"Our Comino Pork Chops are made with a unique Mexican seasoning that is completely non-toxic and harmless. It is a traditional Mexican food, similar to Chinese stinky tofu. Anyone who can eat more than three pieces of Comino Pork Chops within one minute will get a free meal in our restaurant..."

At the entrance of the Mexican restaurant, Ye Chui read the introduction on the sign and couldn't help but frowning, and then he showed an expression that was neither funny nor sad.

Many diners were attracted by this impressive stinky food eating competition.

“Eating stinky contests… it feels so gross.”

“Food like stinky tofu?”

"I couldn't eat stinky tofu before. I wanted to vomit when I smelled it, but after I endured it and took a bite, I immediately felt that it was delicious. Even the stinky smell was not that annoying anymore..."

"Does this Comino Pork Chop smell bad but tastes good?"

"I want to try..."

Listening to the discussions around him and seeing people actually approaching the Mexican restaurant to try this unique stinky delicacy, Ye Chui shook his head speechlessly and prepared to leave.

"Master. Do you know what this thing is?" An Xiaoxiao who was following Ye Chui asked hurriedly. It was An Xiaoxiao who first discovered and informed Ye Chui about the stinky-eating competition held in the Mexican restaurant. She is now considered the proprietress of the small hotpot restaurant. No matter whether it is the chef or the waiter, when they see her, they call her the proprietress for real.

"It's a traditional Mexican condiment, and it's really popular in Mexico." Ye Chui explained. Then he laughed and said, "But in China... no one would accept this."

"Why, Master?"

"Stinky tofu smells bad but tastes good, this comino seasoning smells bad... and tastes even worse." Ye Chui smiled bitterly. In his previous life, he had tried food made with this seasoning and it almost made him vomit up all his leftover rice. It can only be said that some unique foods may only be popular in a certain area, but in other areas, it is really hard for people to accept them.

An Xiaoxiao said "Ah" with a surprised expression: "Then they are really courting death by holding this event."

"Yeah, it's a death wish."

Ye Chui said with a smile, not taking the stinky eating contest to heart at all. Instead, he suddenly thought of another important thing, so he stared at An Xiaoxiao: "But you... Xiaoxiao, today is Monday, why are you here instead of going to school?"

An Xiaoxiao immediately stuck out her tongue: "I went to school, but the teacher at school understood that I wanted to run this hot pot restaurant, so he let me come over."

"Do you think I will believe it?" Ye Chui said seriously.

"If you don't believe me, you can ask Sister An Jing, or you can call the teacher." An Xiaoxiao said immediately, and then she smiled slyly, "I told our teacher that if he lets me take a leave, I'll give him a 50% discount when he comes to eat at Hotpot City in the future, so he immediately let me go - Xiaoyu was so envious, she was also preparing to get some restaurant discounts to bribe her teacher."

Ye Chui: “…”

He pretended to hit.

An Xiaoxiao hurriedly held her head and ran back to Xiaoxiao Hotpot City.

Ye Cui thought about it, laughed, and did not chase after him.

An Xiaoxiao is not suitable for school at all, and she has basically learned nothing in the past six months since entering school. She has only caused trouble for others... It's actually pretty good now.

At the end of the day, the Mexican restaurant's daily profit ranking returned to the top spot again. Obviously, the stinky food eating competition won a lot of attention today.

It's just... this is just like some movies that are popular but not well-received, and there was a flood of bad reviews on the Internet.

In the past, Mexican restaurants may not have received all positive reviews, but the negative reviews were mainly focused on the fact that the food was too expensive or the waiters had a bad attitude. But now, the practices of Mexican restaurants can be described as inhumane.

"I ate what they call comino food. Holy crap, is that something that people can eat? At first I thought it was something like stinky tofu, but I was wrong. I deeply apologize to my taste buds for my error in judgement!"

"Damn it, I was determined to finish three-quarters of the pork chop within a minute, but I couldn't handle it after just one bite!"

"I just couldn't hold out on my second pork chop."

"Damn it. The god upstairs can actually eat a whole piece of that thing. A mortal can never do that!"

"Stop talking. It'll just be tears... I'll eat with my nose pinched."

"What does that stuff taste like?"

“It’s too hard to describe… If I describe it, readers won’t be in the mood to continue reading. You can try it yourself when you get a chance.”

"No, I won't go against my taste buds..."

The internet can be described as flooded with negative reviews.

However, this stinky food eating contest still won a lot of attention to a certain extent. On the second day, the stinky food eating contest was carried out as usual, but this time the number of participants was obviously much smaller. On the third day, the daily profit was once again surpassed by the Anran Xiaohun Rice.

On the fourth day... when the daily profit ranking came out in the evening, the first place was Anran Xiaohun Rice, and the second place was surprisingly the Lameizi Sichuan Restaurant which has been making rapid progress in recent days.

The third place is a Mexican restaurant.

The fourth place is Fengwei BBQ Restaurant, which has received enough attention due to hosting the eating contest...

"Lower the price." In a hotel suite, Andrew persuaded Manny helplessly, "The higher-ups are already very disappointed with us. The stinky food eating contest has caused our restaurant to receive a lot of bad reviews... If this continues, I'm afraid our restaurant's ranking will continue to decline."

"No, I will never lower the price!" Manny said with red eyes, holding a glass of liquor tightly in his hand.

"Then what else do you have?" Andrew asked angrily.

Manny drank the liquor in his hand and said, "Let's... hold a spicy food eating competition!"

Andrew looked at Manny and said, "We are also holding a spicy food eating competition?"

"That's right!" Manny said fiercely, "I admit that the stink-eating contest is a bad move, but... it doesn't matter. When it comes to eating spicy food, Mexicans are definitely not worse than Chinese people. I have had someone bring back a batch of ghost peppers from Mexico, and even some Carolina Reaper peppers specially cultivated by the Food King Enterprise!"

The Mexican ghost pepper, or sabina in Spanish, is one of the hottest peppers in the world!

Ordinary people might have to be hospitalized if they taste it. The spicy smell emitted by crushing the pepper is enough to make people cry.

The Carolina Reaper...

It is the world's best pepper bred by hybridizing various peppers.

Several times hotter than ghost pepper!

That's a spicy pepper that's so spicy it's going to kill you! (~^~)