Reborn – Super Chef

Chapter 505: Weird Southeast Asian cuisine


Han Yuyan only knows how to make scrambled eggs.

Her skill in making scrambled eggs has reached a pinnacle, just like in martial arts novels, one method can lead to all methods, using scrambled eggs, she can extend it to a variety of other dishes - scrambled eggs with cucumbers, scrambled eggs with tomatoes, scrambled eggs with eggs, scrambled eggs with bitter melon, scrambled eggs with shredded pork...

Various types of scrambled eggs are simple, but when they are extremely simple, they are the most difficult to make, because it is very difficult to make simple dishes delicious.

Ye Cui believed in Han Yuyan's cooking skills, but after waiting outside the examination room for nearly an hour, he couldn't help but consider whether his apprentice had failed.

He was very sure that Han Yuyan's dishes were delicious and that she was qualified enough to pass the auditions, but at the same time, he was also worried about whether the judges in charge of the assessment would be able to taste the beauty of Han Yuyan's dishes. Since there were almost no restrictions in the auditions, almost everyone who could cook and had a dream of becoming a chef wanted to try their luck, so there were a lot of people participating in the auditions.

The audition will last for a full month, depending on the registration time. Hundreds of people will be tested at each examination location every day...

In this case, it is really worrying whether a plate of scrambled eggs can make the judges patiently taste it carefully.

But fortunately, Ye Chui's worries did not come true: the reason why Han Yuyan was delayed in the examination room for so long was not because her dish was not favored by the judges, but because several judges had a fight over her dish...

When the people waiting heard Sister Han's confused and confusing statement of the truth, they were all speechless, thinking that she was now truly a scrambled egg beauty...

Then, naturally, everyone congratulated her happily. Han Yuyan finally woke up from the atmosphere of doubt and a happy smile appeared on her face. She looked at Ye Chui who was standing at the back of the crowd and said proudly, "Master, I passed the audition. Those gourmets all thought that the dishes I cooked were delicious."

"Your grandfather thinks your scrambled eggs are top-notch. If the gourmet judges think your dish is not good, it only means they don't know what's good." Ye Chui smiled and walked in front of Han Yuyan, patting her shoulder. "The current world chef god has been defeated by your Sad and Ecstasy Rice. When will you be able to have the consciousness of a famous chef?"

"Huh?" Sister Han was suddenly stunned.

The others were also stunned.

Han Yuyan was stunned because of Ye Chui's words. Others were stunned because they saw Han Yuyan was stunned.

Then Tang Shanshan said in a somewhat noisy voice: "Sister Yuyan, you haven't realized yet that Manny Pritchett's Mexican restaurant was defeated by you, right?"

Han Yuyan did not realize it until now: "I thought it was Master..."

“No matter if it’s the rice, the barbecued pork or the most important fried egg, none of it has anything to do with me.” Ye Chui shook his head with some sweat. How slow were his apprentice’s reaction nerves? Or... stupid and cute

Han Yuyan thought blankly for a long time. Finally, he smiled stiffly: "I'm so powerful."

"… "

The others were speechless again.

The Super Chef Competition is a worldwide chef competition, and the scale of this cooking competition is naturally world-class. If it were not for the "era of gourmet food", such a competition would never have happened.

The auditions were divided into 18 regional groups around the world, including seven in Asia. In addition to China's three, Japan and South Korea each had one, and India had two.

Among the top ten cuisines in the world, Southeast Asian cuisine is one of them.

The two audition test sites in India will assess chefs from Southeast Asia, including Thailand, Vietnam, and India.

Among the top ten cuisines in the world, Southeast Asian cuisine is not ranked at the bottom, but its reputation is not very good - because in the eyes of many people, Southeast Asian cuisine is almost the same as dark cuisine.

The environment in these areas is generally poor, which means dirty and messy, and dirty and messy makes their diet particularly worrying. When traveling from Western countries to these areas for work or travel, various epidemic prevention measures will be put first. Although the food in these regions enjoys a reputation in the world, in fact, many Westerners have already had deep prejudices in their hearts.

Leonard is one of those people.

He is a four-star gourmet in the International Gourmet Association. According to the requirements of the Gourmet Association, he is responsible for the audition of a competition point in India.

Half a month had passed since he came to this place, but he still couldn't get familiar with the environment here, and he had a hard time every day. He was a gourmet, he liked food, but the food in this place really didn't interest him. Thousands of people came to participate in the auditions every day. Poverty seemed to make many people regard this super chef competition with no threshold as a springboard for success, and then they kept bringing Leonard all kinds of messy food...

Because of prejudice, or because they had no interest in Indonesian food, in half a month, only three people like Leonard passed the audition.

Therefore, he was considered the strictest gourmet in this competition area. Any contestant who saw him as a judge would subconsciously show an evasive and fearful look, which made Leonard feel a little better.

That afternoon, Leonard was in a worse mood than usual.

Perhaps because the ingredients of a dish he tasted in the morning were not fresh enough, he had been suffering from diarrhea since noon, and the squat toilets that were common in this place were really inconvenient for him to use.

"When can we leave this damn place!" When one of the contestants brought up his dish, he couldn't help but complain in his heart.

The contestant in front of him was a middle-aged man with a big beard, wearing Indian-style clothing and dark skin. Leonard swore that he could smell curry from him, which made his already small appetite even weaker. He squinted his eyes and took a look at the dishes on the table.

It was a kind of black fried food that seemed to be mixed with some flour or eggs. It didn't look very delicious.

"What is this?" Leonard asked as he picked up his knife and fork.

"This is a specialty here, but it's only available in the fall. I tried to grow some myself..." the contestant said in awkward Indian English.

Leonard waved his hand to interrupt him, finding it difficult to understand the contestant's words. He took a bite of the thing with his knife and fork and put it in his mouth. His face had originally shown a lifeless look, but when the thing entered his mouth, his expression suddenly changed - this fried dish didn't seem to taste too bad actually tastes delicious.

This seemed to revive Leonard's taste buds, which had been dry for half a month, and his originally lifeless eyes suddenly lit up with excitement.

He continued to use his knife and fork to put the unknown ingredient into his mouth. It seemed like he had never tasted that flavor before.

"What is this... It seems to be some kind of meat, but what kind of meat? I don't think I've ever tasted it before..." Leonard then thought of asking the contestant, "What on earth is this?"

The bearded contestant smiled and did not answer directly, but asked back: "Mr. Judge, did I pass the audition?"

"Of course!" Leonard said firmly, and quickly stamped the contestant's registration form with a pass stamp, "You have officially passed the audition... Oh, Mr. Kapil, what is this?"

The bearded man named Kapil lowered his head and looked at the form in his hand carefully, then laughed: "This is the Indian grasshopper I raised specially. How is it? Does it taste good?"

Leonard stopped forking food into his mouth with a fork and stared blankly at the black thing on the plate. It was hard to tell what it was because it was coated with flour and fried. But if you look carefully, you can still see some legs and locust heads extending from the flour...

This is fried locusts...

Eating insects...

Suddenly, Leonard couldn't help but crawled to the side and vomited violently, as if he wanted to vomit out everything in his stomach.

In the past half month, he had received the fourth seal of passing the audition, and this person made him a plate of fried grasshoppers...

Kapil showed a faint smile on his face. Now that he had obtained the preliminary qualification, nothing else mattered.

He bowed to Leonard who was vomiting and left the examination room with a smile.

"Because the Super Chef Competition held by Food King Enterprise has no threshold, many people whose chef qualifications have been revoked will participate." In the small courtyard behind Manhan Building, it was already summer, the garden was full of green, and there were several small dishes on the stone table. Xing Sen, who had not been seen for a long time, was sitting with Ye Chui drinking and chatting. After happily drinking a glass of wine, Xing Sen continued to complain, "The goal of our food police is to arrest those guys who make dark cuisine, but suddenly those guys seem to be legal and can participate in this chef competition openly. We have been exhausted recently."

"No country should allow the existence of dark chefs, right?" Ye Chui asked with a smile.

"Most countries prohibit dark cuisine." Xing Sen explained, "However, there are many things in Southeast Asian cuisine that are considered dark cuisine. Those regions can be said to be a paradise for dark chefs. I estimate that there will be a lot of dark chefs in this supermarket chef competition." (~^~)