Reborn – Super Chef

Chapter 506: Rely on scrambled eggs to make your way through the levels


It is difficult to define dark cuisine in detail, but generally speaking, it refers to dishes made with ingredients that are not recognized by people. Although it is called dark cuisine, there is actually nothing unacceptable about it in Ye Chui's eyes. The concept of dark cuisine also existed in his previous life, but the atmosphere was not as tense as in this world.

In the previous life, no one had ever seen anyone being locked up for doing a "Looking Up at the Stars"...

In the small courtyard behind the Manhan Building, Ye Chui and Xing Sen sat and talked about dark cuisine. Then Xing Sen suddenly changed his tone and said solemnly and seriously: "Ye Chui, you are my friend, and you are involved in some things now, so I am willing to tell you some secrets, but I don't want you to leak these things, even to the people closest to you."

"What's the matter?" Ye Chui frowned. He could see that Xing Sen looked very serious.

"It's about this super chef competition." Xing Sen picked up another glass of wine, drank it all, and then continued, "We, the food police, have only recently found some clues... Do you still remember An Ruoran?"

"Of course I remember. What's wrong?" Ye Cui certainly remembered An Ruoran, a member of the vegetarian sect who had targeted Ye Cui and also bewitched He Chengfei to go against Ye Cui. In the end, she jumped into the sea and escaped under the siege of the Food Police. After that, the Food Police had been investigating this woman but to no avail. Ye Cui was almost forgetting about this matter, but now she reappeared

Ye Chui looked at Xing Sen: "Did you catch her?"

"That's not the case, but we have found some clues." Xing Sen looked around and his tone became more serious. "According to some of the information we have investigated, the family that An Ruoran was born in is very likely related to the Food King Enterprise. It is even possible that the Food King Enterprise was founded by the An family."

"What?" Ye Chui was stunned. "The Food King Enterprise was created by the vegetarian sect?" After a pause, Ye Chui thought of something deeper. "The person who once triggered the vegetarian movement. Is he from the Chinese community?"

"That's right." Xing Sen nodded. "This is actually no longer a secret. When Food King Enterprise first appeared, some people suspected their relationship with the Vegetarian Cult. Now it seems to be true. Food King Enterprise is a front for the Vegetarian Cult. As for the real purpose, it is still unclear."

"So... this super chef competition?"

"The purpose is unknown, but... maybe it has something to do with you." Xing Sen continued to look at Ye Chui and said.

"Why?" Ye Cui didn't think that Food King Enterprise would hold a world-class chef competition just to suppress him.

"Our intelligence shows that the people from Food King Enterprise have conducted a detailed investigation of the people around you. We have interrogated some of the people in charge of the investigation at Food King Enterprise. We learned an important piece of information from them: they are looking for a very important little girl who was once lost. The little girl's surname is An, and she is now with you."

Ye Chui's body suddenly shook, and he looked at Xing Sen with a pale face: "Could that little girl be a member of the An family?"

"That's our guess." Xing Sen nodded affirmatively.

" old is that little girl now?" Ye Chui felt his heartbeat slowly getting faster.

Just at this time, An Jing, An Xiaoxiao and Wang Shiyu walked into the courtyard from the restaurant in front. The three of them walked towards the room hand in hand and smiled. They waved to Ye Chui from a distance, but did not come over to disturb the two of them drinking. Xing Sen looked at the three of them and said, "She should be fifteen or sixteen years old."

Fifteen or sixteen years old.

An Xiaoxiao and An Jing are both fifteen years old this year, and will be turning sixteen in a while.

Ye Chui felt a little bit unbelievable: "Then... is it Xiao Xiao or An Jing?"

Xing Sen shook his head this time: "I'm not sure about this. But... I think it should be An Xiaoxiao. We found out that the people of the An family have some special features compared to ordinary people. The old man of the An family created the vegetarian virus eighty years ago because of his own special features... I heard that your little apprentice's talent in taste buds is comparable to that of Mr. Han?"

Ye Chui understood what Xing Sen meant. An Xiaoxiao... was the descendant of the wealthy man who caused a global disaster eighty years ago. The reason why Food King Enterprise held the Super Chef Competition was not because of him, but actually because of An Xiaoxiao.

But what exactly are they going to do

Ye Chui felt a little cold, looked at Xing Sen and asked, "So, what are you going to do?"

"We are prepared to let nature take its course." Xing Sen looked at Ye Chui and said, "I know you care about your apprentice very much. But... please trust us, we will arrange as many people as possible around Xiao Xiao to strictly ensure her safety. In fact, if she is really the descendant of the old man of the An family, Food King Enterprise will definitely not let her go. This time is her chance to fight against her own destiny."

Ye Chui pondered for a moment, then continued, "If this is over, how will you treat her?"

"She is herself, and the blood on her body does not represent her sin... But this is just my idea. Some people in the Gourmet Detective will not think so. They are suspicious of An Xiaoxiao. Letting An Xiaoxiao participate in such a dangerous thing is actually a kind of atonement. I can fully listen to your opinion, but I hope you can agree to let this matter take its course." Xing Sen continued, this was the main purpose of his coming here this time.

He could have kept An Xiaoxiao's identity a secret from Ye Chui, but out of friendship, he told Ye Chui everything, hoping to gain Ye Chui's understanding and cooperation with their actions.

Ye Chui thought silently for a moment, and finally nodded.

In the room next door that Ye Chui used as a study, An Xiaoxiao and Wang Shiyu were sitting in front of the computer watching a cartoon. Wang Shiyu was holding some snacks in her hand, and the three of them were eating very happily.

Ye Chui walked into the room and came to the three of them with a smile.

"Brother, what's wrong with you?" Wang Shiyu looked at Ye Chui with a smart look, "You seem a little strange."

"Really?" Ye Chui smiled, stretched out his hand to rub Wang Shiyu's little head, and suddenly looked at An Xiaoxiao, "Xiaoxiao, when did you meet Su Laosan?"

"Huh?" An Xiaoxiao was stunned, not understanding why Ye Chui asked her this question. She thought for a while and said, "When I was about three years old, an uncle picked me up in a field. I carried a piece of paper with the word 'An' written on it. I was skinny and small, so the uncle named me An Xiaoxiao... Master, didn't you know about this a long time ago?"

"Hehe... nothing." Ye Chui shook his head, but a trace of sadness flashed in his eyes. It seems that An Xiaoxiao is really the descendant of the old man of the An family...

However, Ye Chui had completely not thought of another thing at this moment.

An Xiaoxiao has a high talent for cooking. This peculiarity makes him, Xing Sen and the food detectives subconsciously associate her with the little girl named An that Food King Enterprise is looking for. In fact, another little girl named An around Ye Chu also became an orphan at the age of three.

An Jing didn't know why Ye Chui asked An Xiaoxiao these questions. She wondered in her heart that she was about three years old when she was stranded in the orphanage...

The audition stage of the Super Chef Competition came to an end very quickly. In this audition, a total of 123 contestants were selected from the testing center in Yanjing. Together with the famous chefs who directly qualified for the competition, the number of chefs participating in the competition in Yanjing alone reached 189.

After the auditions, the preliminary rounds will follow.

The preliminary round is divided into three rounds, and thirty chefs will be selected from the 189 chefs.

Thirty chefs will be qualified to participate in the semi-finals. There are a total of eighteen test sites in the world, with thirty semi-finalists in each test site. In the end, a total of 540 semi-finalists will be invited to a small island in the Pacific Ocean to participate in the final competition.

This super chef competition will test all the chefs in the world, and it is bound to be the largest chef competition in the world.

The preliminary round begins.

From Manhanlou, Ye Chui, Tian Xiaodu, Dong Qian, Qin Yiyue, An Xiaoxiao, Han Yuyan and Jim are the candidates for the preliminary round. There are also many people from Manhanlou who are qualified to enter the preliminary round under the Manhan Banquet Food Enterprise, but these people have voluntarily given up their qualifications because they know that they can never match up to Ye Chui and others.

People who directly qualified for the preliminary round, including Jiang Yuemei and Chen Tian, did not participate.

The preliminary round was held at the test site in Yanjing. There were a total of 189 chefs participating in the competition. All of them were divided into six groups, and the top five were selected from each group. In order to avoid competition between them, Ye Chui asked Old Han to do some tricks and disperse the six people from Manhanlou into the six groups.

The exciting preliminary round will begin soon.

This was only the warm-up match for the Super Chef Competition, but it still attracted countless attention. In the Chinese competition area, the information of every chef who entered the preliminary round was published on the Internet. Even the food police uncovered several illegal gambling games on the chefs' qualifications for the preliminary round. The preliminary round would last for one week.

There will be countless cooking competitions every day during this week. Some of the competitions have almost no suspense, such as Ye Chui, Jim, Tian Xiaodu and others who are already at the top of the Chinese food industry.

Some are full of amazing surprises - like Han Yuyan.

Beef and egg stew, scrambled eggs with potatoes, diced eggplant and eggs…

Sister Han won the qualification to compete in the final competition by making one scrambled egg dish after another.

The scrambled egg beauty is indeed worthy of its reputation. (~^~)