Reborn – Super Chef

Chapter 512: The name of this dish is Nine-Layer Chicken Tower


"Ms. Maria, what kind of dish would you like to compete with Chef Tian for?" Ye Chui took the microphone and asked in English, which was not very fluent but at least there was no problem in communication.

"Who are you? I want to communicate with Chef Tian in person. This is a cooking competition between the two of us." Maria Callas, who was on the other end of the phone, said immediately when she heard that the person on the phone had changed.

"I can be the full agent for Chef Tian." Ye Chui said calmly, "Ms. Maria, what kind of cooking skills do you want to compete in? Please tell me now."

"This..." Maria hesitated.

Ye Chui didn’t want to say more to the other party: “I heard that fish accounts for a large proportion of Greek cuisine, so why don’t you compete with Chef Tian by cooking fish.”

"Being a fish?" Maria was stunned, but her voice was filled with joy. "Are you sure?"

"Of course." Ye Chui said with a smile.

Fish and meat dishes are a very important part of Greek cuisine. Fifteen percent of Greece's total area is islands, and it has a coastline of 15,000 kilometers. Fish and meat occupy an important proportion in the Greek culinary culture.

Ye Chui suggested cooking fish, and there was no reason for Maria to refuse.

Sure enough, Maria then smiled and said, "Since you are so sure, then okay, our cooking competition will be on fish dishes. I will make a Greek fried fish."

"Chef Tian can also make fried fish." Ye Chui said with a smile.

Maria Callas on the other end of the phone let out a pleasant laugh, as if she felt she had gotten a great deal. Greek fried fish was her specialty, and in fact she had been planning to persuade Tian Xiaodu to make fish dishes. Now this result was exactly what she wanted, and she hung up the phone with a smile.

On Ye Chui's side, Tian Xiaodu looked at Ye Chui in surprise and said, "Master, what did you discuss with her? I seemed to hear you guys talking about fish... We are going to compete in fish and meat dishes?"

"That's right." Ye Chui also had a sneer on his face. Fish is not just a specialty of Greek cuisine. Chinese people have a long tradition of eating fish, and there are countless ways to cook fish. Fried fish? There are countless similar dishes in China.

"Then Master, what dish should I cook?" Tian Xiaodu continued to ask. He was not a man without his own opinions, but he was used to letting Ye Chui take the attention when he was with him on weekdays.

Ye Chui smiled and looked at his eldest disciple: "What kind of fried fish are you best at?"

"What's my specialty, fried fish?" Tian Xiaodu thought for a moment and said with a smile. "Xiaoyu likes the fried yellow croaker I make the most. This is what I do best."

"Then you can just do this." Ye Chui nodded affirmatively.

"Pan-fried yellow croaker?" Tian Xiaodu was a little confused. "Isn't this dish too simple? This is a super chef competition. Is this simple pan-fried fish really good?"

"What's important is that it tastes good, not that it's simple. Xiao Du, you've followed me for so long. Don't you even understand this?" Ye Chui said with a smile.

Tian Xiaodu was stunned for a moment, then nodded: "Master, I understand. I will make pan-fried yellow croaker in this competition."

Pan-fried yellow croaker can be said to be a very common dish, but being common does not mean it is not delicious. This dish has its own unique features to become a common dish. Of course, the pan-fried yellow croaker on the table of the Super Chef Competition cannot be the same as the ordinary pan-fried yellow croaker. Some changes must be made to make this dish delicious with good color, aroma and taste. These are the issues that Tian Xiaodu needs to consider. Ye Chui does not need to worry too much.

In fact, he should now start thinking about how to make the dried pork intestines dish more innovative.

No words were spoken that night.

The next morning while having breakfast, Ye Chui met Han Yuyan in the restaurant. From Sister Han he learned the result of the discussion between Han Yuyan and Handan Xian last night.

"I asked Handan Xian if she could cook egg dishes, and she readily agreed to compete with me in cooking egg dishes." Han Yuyan said with a smile, a relieved look on her face. She only knew how to cook egg dishes, and if her opponent refused to cooperate with her in the cooking competition, she would definitely not be his opponent. Fortunately, Handan Xian was easy to talk to.

"Did that Handa-sen say what dishes he wanted to cook?" Ye Chui continued to ask while eating the simple breakfast provided for the visit.

"She said she wanted to make Tamagoyaki, but Master. What is Tamagoyaki?" Han Yuyan asked curiously.

"Tamakoyaki?" Ye Chui explained, "This is fried eggs, but the shape is a little more unique."

To put it simply, the so-called tamagoyaki is actually an egg roll.

After the eggs are spread in a square pot, they are folded and rolled up, and then cut into small pieces. The golden shape is quite unique, but the essence of the spread eggs has not changed. Of course, Japanese soup or milk is often added to tamagoyaki, which makes the spread eggs more smooth and fragrant, which is very unique.

This dish is very common in Japanese cuisine and is one of Japan's home-cooked dishes.

Ye Chui smiled and looked at Han Yuyan: "So what dish are you going to make? Are you going to make fried eggs too?"

"Master..." Han Yuyan said hesitantly, "I thought about it all night last night. There is an egg dish I want to try... I made it for grandpa before, and grandpa liked it very much."

"What is it?"

"Egg custard." Han Yuyan said hesitantly, and then hurriedly explained, "Of course it's not an ordinary egg custard. I made a few changes. Grandpa said it was very good, but this dish seems a little too simple. Is it not suitable to make it?"

"Don't think too much. If you want to make this dish, just do it." Ye Chui encouraged, "Top cooking competitions are never about complexity. Just do it according to your own wishes."

Ye Chui said this and Han Yuyan nodded immediately: "Okay, then I will make my supreme egg custard!"

Ye Chui: "... This name needs to be changed."

Han Yuyan: "...Okay."

The official competition of the cooking contest will not start until tomorrow. Now all 540 contestants have arrived on the island. The day before the competition is reserved for communication among the chefs. The chefs on both sides must decide what dishes to cook and register them within this day.

As for the ingredients for cooking, there is no need to worry at all. The Food King Enterprise is very wealthy and has built a large food market warehouse on the island. Basically, all kinds of ingredients from all over the world can be found here - the pig intestines that Ye Chui needs and the stonehead fish (yellow croaker) that Tian Xiaodu needs are no problem.

By the afternoon, the other chefs on Ye Chu's side had also contacted their opponents and confirmed what dishes they were going to compete for. Tang Shanshan, who was brought to the island as a translator but had no sense of translation at all, was completely exhausted this time. She had prepared her swimsuit and was going to have a good day on the beach on this tropical island on the equator, but she was ordered around by several people and had no chance to show her swimsuit under her T-shirt to anyone...

After a busy day, the menus for several people have been decided.

Ye Chui and Robert competed in pork intestine salad and dry pot pork intestine.

Tian Xiaodu and Maria Callas's menu includes pan-fried yellow croaker and Greek fried fish.

Han Yuyan and Handasen's menu included imperial egg custard and tamagoyaki.

Qin Yiyue's first game opponent was a chef from Thailand named Raj. After negotiation, the two prepared to make fried rice.

Raj was going to make pineapple fried rice, while Qin Yiyue was going to make her best Yangzhou fried rice. Before joining Man Han Lou, Qin Yiyue had traveled around and spent several months in a restaurant that specialized in Yangzhou fried rice, from which she learned the true skills of this restaurant.

However, that was an era when meat was poisonous, and the authentic Yangzhou fried rice lacked the embellishment of eggs and ham. After coming to Manhan Building, Qin Yiyue modified the Yangzhou fried rice he had learned under the guidance of Ye Chui. Now it can be said to be well-deserved in color, aroma and taste. It is a common dish but it tastes extraordinary. Wang Shiyu especially likes to eat it.

Dong Qian's opponent is an American chef named Dogo, a fat man who looks like someone who particularly likes to eat puffed and fried food. After the two negotiated, they finally decided to cook potato dishes.

Potatoes are potatoes. Dogo's dish is baked potatoes, while Dong Qian is going to make braised potatoes.

An Xiaoxiao’s opponent is also a Thai chef named Nava.

This Nava speaks fluent Chinese and seems to have spent quite a bit of time in China. Even the name of the dish he is going to cook has a unique Chinese flavor - his dish is called Basil Chicken Pie.

After learning the name, An Xiaoxiao went straight to Ye Chui and said that she didn't know what this thing was.

After thinking about it, Ye Chui suddenly remembered a famous Thai dish called Basil Fried Chicken. This Basil Chicken Tower might have something to do with this dish, but the name of Basil Chicken Tower is quite unique...

Following Ye Chui's suggestion, An Xiaoxiao decided to make spicy chicken to compete with the other party.

And Jim met a Mexican chef named Tuco.

After some consultation, they prepared to cook a shrimp dish.

Tuke made Mexican shrimp, while Jim made braised prawns. This braised prawns was also a dish Jim learned after coming to Manhan Building with the help of Ye Chui.

Ye Chui's pork intestine salad vs Robert's dry pot pork intestine.

Han Yuyan's palace egg custard vs. Handa Sen's tamagoyaki.

Tian Xiaodu's pan-fried yellow croaker vs Maria Kallis's Greek arrowroot.

An Xiaoxiao's spicy chicken vs Nava's nine-layer chicken tower.

Qin Yiyue's Yangzhou fried rice vs Raj's pineapple fried rice.

Dong Qian's braised potatoes vs. Dogo's roasted potatoes.

Jim's Braised King Prawns vs. Tuke's Mexican Shrimp.

These matches have been officially confirmed.

And tomorrow, the semi-finals of the chef competition will officially begin. (~^~)