Reborn – Super Chef

Chapter 518: Basil Chicken Tower vs Spicy Chicken


Handa Sen is a Japanese girl who looks like an immortal with an otherworldly temperament. She wears a Japanese kimono, but there is absolutely no sense of inappropriateness in it.

After losing the game, she was stunned for a moment, then she walked to Han Yuyan with a smile and said in fluent English: "Chef Han, I didn't expect your cooking skills to be so good. I have to admit that you are better than me. When I have the chance in the future, I will definitely come to China to visit you in person."

"Ah? Okay, I'll visit you if I have the chance." Sister Han's head was still dizzy. Dong Qian lost the first game yesterday, so she didn't even think that she could pass it today. She knew the gap between herself and Dong Qian very well. If she could win this game, it would be a miracle...

Ye Chui and his group who were watching from the sidelines were also stunned. Dong Youyou shouted in surprise, "What's going on? My sister lost the first game, but Sister Yu Yan won the first game smoothly? How... did this happen?"

The expressions on other people's faces were also very interesting.

"That Hantianxian is just a half-baked guy, right?" Tang Shanshan said at this time, "Look at Hantianxian's age, he is not much older than us."

"Handanxian's skill is not low, but..." Ye Chui said with a wry smile, "Dayu's skill in cooking egg dishes is too high."

"Second Senior Sister's skill in making eggs is really high..." An Xiaoxiao sighed leisurely, "This is simply beyond measure."

On the way back to the hotel from the examination room, Han Yuyan seemed to have not come to her senses yet. One moment she showed a silly smile and the next she showed a puzzled expression. She walked unsteadily like a drunk, making others who were traveling with her feel a little embarrassed. Would this sister faint from happiness

During this day, Han Yuyan seemed unable to free himself from this happy feeling.

At around nine o'clock in the evening, Mr. Han, who had been busy as a judge for the past two days and had not had time to meet them, came to the hotel where they were staying. It was obvious that Mr. Han had heard that his granddaughter had inexplicably won the first game of the rematch and came to congratulate her.

"Haha. I think Yuyan is just lucky. She happened to meet someone who was not doing well. I have seen that Hantianxian a long time ago. She inherited the cooking skills of Bantian when she was sixteen. At that time, I was invited to attend her inauguration ceremony. She made a steamed radish, which tasted very delicious. Now, more than ten years have passed. I am afraid that her cooking skills have already reached the pinnacle. Yuyan has only learned cooking for a year, so there is no way she can be her opponent."

Although Old Han said this, his face was actually filled with pride and satisfaction. His granddaughter actually defeated the young genius Han Tianxian. No matter what the situation was, this made him very happy.

Ye Chui smiled and said, "Dayu's performance was very good. I am now looking forward to seeing how far she can go in the competition."

"Maybe Sister Yuyan will qualify directly for the finals." Lin Wei interrupted at this time.

Everyone sitting at the table couldn't help laughing when they heard this - it sounded like a joke.

Of course, when they later recalled what Lin Wei had said unintentionally, they could no longer laugh...

"Mr. Han, you haven't eaten yet. Just wait, you can use the hotel's kitchen at will, I'll go and cook something." Ye Chui said, standing up and smiling.

"I'm still hungry." Old Han said with a smile, "Boy, go and cook a few dishes for me to eat. Yuyan, don't be idle either, go and make me another portion of the imperial egg custard you made today so that I can taste it."

"Oh, okay." Han Yuyan stood up quickly.

Seeing Ye Chui and Han Yuyan going to the kitchen to cook, An Xiaoxiao didn't know what she was thinking of, and followed them: "I'm going to help Master and Second Senior Sister."

More than half an hour passed like this. An Xiaoxiao came out first, holding a plate of red and green dishes, and placed the dish in front of Old Han, smiling and saying, "Grandpa Han, try this dish."

"Spicy chicken?" Seeing this dish, Han Lao's eyes lit up. "Yes, this dish is one of my favorites."

As he spoke, Old Han couldn't wait to pick up a piece of meat with chopsticks and put it into his mouth. He chewed it carefully and nodded with satisfaction: "This is the taste, delicious, spicy and tender. I have been busy with the Super Chef Competition recently. I haven't eaten such authentic dishes for a long time."

Seeing that Old Han was eating so happily, the other people at the table also felt hungry and picked up their chopsticks to taste the dish. Spicy chicken can be said to be the first dish that Ye Chui gave to Tian Xiaodu. At that time, Ye Chui spent more than 100,000 yuan to sell this dish to Wan Laifu. Tian Xiaodu made this dish when entertaining Old Han and received praise from him. Of course, it was not as delicious as Ye Chui's.

At this moment, Tian Xiaodu took a bite of the spicy chicken, and a look of enjoyment appeared on his face. He suddenly saw An Xiaoxiao standing next to Han Lao, grinning. He thought of something and immediately understood. He said, "Xiaoxiao, this spicy chicken... is it made by you?"

These words immediately made all eyes involuntarily shift to An Xiaoxiao.

An Xiaoxiao smiled and nodded: "That's right."

Everyone was so shocked that they couldn't help themselves. Old Han turned around and looked at the sixteen-year-old girl. He was stunned for a long time before he came to his senses: "This spicy chicken... did you make it?"

An Xiaoxiao giggled and nodded: "I will have a competition tomorrow morning. I discussed with my opponent about making chicken dishes. My opponent wants to make a dish called Basil Chicken Pie, and the dish I want to make is this spicy chicken."

Old Han still looked at An Xiaoxiao with some surprise, which made An Xiaoxiao blush. Others were also more or less surprised that Old Han could not taste that the dish was made by An Xiaoxiao and not Ye Chui. Doesn't this mean that An Xiaoxiao's cooking skills have reached Ye Chui's level

This is an incredible thing to think about.

Ye Cui often said that An Xiaoxiao had the greatest potential among anyone he had ever met, and now it seemed to be true.

"Master picked up An Xiaoxiao by accident. It seems to be the luckiest thing in the world." Tian Xiaodu couldn't help but joked with a smile.

Old Han couldn't help but nod his head and said, "It is indeed the case. I am now looking forward to tomorrow's competition."

After a while, Ye Chui cooked some of Mr. Han's favorite dishes, which made Mr. Han very happy. Sister Han's palace egg custard was highly praised by Mr. Han. It was obvious that the old man liked the dish made by his granddaughter very much.

The next morning, Ye Chui and others arrived at the No. 9 stadium early.

Both An Xiaoxiao and Jim will have competitions today, but fortunately their competitions are staggered, one starting at eight o'clock in the morning and the other at ten o'clock in the morning.

When Ye Chui and his group arrived at the arena, An Xiaoxiao's opponent, the Thai man Nava, had already arrived here early.

"Master, what exactly is this nine-layer chicken tart that the Thai people are making? The name sounds quite mysterious." Tian Xiaodu asked Ye Chui in some surprise.

In fact, other people also showed great interest in this dish. Basil Chicken Tower, the name is really interesting.

Ye Chui smiled bitterly and shook his head: "How should I know? It looks like it is his own original dish. Let's wait and see."

There is a ten-minute Thai dish of fried chicken with basil. The basil here is not the literal basil, but refers to a spice called basil. Basil is an annual herb of the Lamiaceae family (Ocimum-basilicum-L). The flowers of this plant are in the shape of multiple layers, so it is called "basil". This plant comes from the huge basil family. Because its leaves, stems and flowers have a strong star anise flavor, it has other names in Asia called sweet basil, extremely fragrant basil and orchid basil.

The fried chicken with basil that Ye Chui knew was actually a chicken dish cooked with this spice.

But it is obvious that there is another mystery behind the nine-layer chicken tower made by Nava.

This dish is actually very simple to make. Tear the chicken thighs into long strips, then mix the coconut milk, soy sauce, rice wine vinegar, fish sauce and red pepper flakes evenly, heat the oil in a frying pan or wok over high heat, add the sliced onions, ginger and minced garlic and stir-fry until brown, then add the chicken and stir-fry for three minutes, then add the prepared sauce, cook over high heat until the sauce is reduced, then add the basil seasoning, and the basic steps of the dish are complete.

This is also how Ye Chui understands how to make fried chicken with basil.

However, what Nava did next opened Ye Chui's eyes: he used chopsticks to carefully place pieces of chicken on the plate, and built a tower out of the chicken.

Seeing the chicken tower on the plate at the end, Ye Chui couldn't help laughing: "So it's a nine-layer chicken tower."

The chicken fried with basil actually tastes quite good and is a delicacy. Finally, the chicken is plated in a unique way to look like basil, which is quite artistic. However... Ye Chui looked at the three gourmets who were the judges. They were all Americans, so it was unknown whether they could appreciate this artistic conception.

On the other hand, An Xiaoxiao was cooking the spicy chicken in a proper manner. The red peppers combined with the aroma of the chicken were brewing in the wok into a spicy delicacy. The aroma made people salivate. It was obvious which one was better, the chicken with nine layers.

When seeing the two people bringing their dishes to the judges' table, Ye Chui chuckled: "No need to watch, Xiao Xiao will definitely win this competition." (~^~)