Reborn – Super Chef

Chapter 520: Mexican shrimp vs braised prawns


Whether it is butter rice or soy sauce rice, they are the kind of dishes that refresh people's definition of food. They are so simple that it is difficult for people to imagine that such dishes are delicious.

The three gourmets looked at the two bowls of rice in front of them, frowned, and some even showed unhappy expressions on their faces, but in the end they still tasted the two simple rices respectively.

The first thing they tried was Li Yanfu's soy sauce rice.

The rice in the soy sauce rice is golden yellow, with a slight dark color of soy sauce, and goes well with a piece of lettuce.

In fact, if you look at this bowl of rice for too long, it seems to be quite good-looking, a bit like the rice of ecstasy. The three gourmets used rice spoons to put the rice into their mouths one by one. After the first bite, their expressions changed slightly, and then they took the second bite at the same time. The expressions of the three became a little strange at this time, as if they were not sure whether this dish was delicious or not, but just wanted to eat a few more bites. This scene made the onlookers a little agitated.

"Is the rice porridge made in this way really delicious? These three gourmets seem to be addicted to it."

“I’m going to try this approach later.”

"I have just seen the entire cooking process of Chef Li Yanfu. I am now looking forward to what the food tastes like."

"It looks like Li Yanfu is going to win this match."

Hearing these discussions, Lin Wei couldn't help but become curious. She looked at Ye Chui and said, "Can you help me make this soy sauce rice when you go back? I want to try it and see if it's really that delicious."

"The taste of this dish is not outstanding." Ye Chui concluded.

"Boy, you are so young, don't talk nonsense if you don't understand." A Korean man next to him said to Ye Chui in stiff English, "Li Yanfu is one of the best chefs in Korea. The soy sauce rice he made is absolutely delicious. How can you say this dish is not outstanding?"

Ye Chui glanced at the man and said with a smile, "You just saw how to make soy sauce rice. What kind of flavor do you think it will taste like?"

"This is the power of a great chef!" the Korean said proudly, "Didn't you see that those gourmets couldn't stop eating? Doesn't this prove that Li Yanfu's rice porridge is not good enough?"

"Wrong." Ye Chui shook his head. "The reason why those gourmets can't stop eating is not because this soy sauce rice is delicious, but because... it comes from the original temptation of the ingredients."

"Primitive temptation?" Lin Wei asked curiously.

Ye Chui nodded and said in stiff English: "That's right, whether it's eggs or bacon. Even lettuce, these dishes are just simply warmed up with rice temperature, which can keep the original flavor of the ingredients to the greatest extent. The original flavor of the ingredients is almost light without any trace of cooking. The reason why these judges ate a lot of mouthfuls is because of this plain but not mediocre taste. They can't help but want to eat a few more bites. They are all people who love food very much. They have a deep love for the original flavor of ingredients. This is the temptation of ingredients for them."

After hearing Ye Chui's explanation, Lin Wei and the Korean both showed puzzled expressions, indicating that they did not understand what Ye Chui meant.

"Then Ye Chui... Is the butter rice made by that Japanese chef better?" Lin Wei asked, thinking of Ye Chui's previous judgment.

Ye Chui nodded again. The three judges on the judging panel had already started tasting Xiao Lin Xun's beef rice. Ye Chui explained, "Butter contains the essence of beef. This dish is actually the original flavor temptation of beef. And when it comes to the use of the original flavor of beef, Xiao Lin Xun is obviously better!"

Although the Korean still didn't understand what Ye Chui was saying, he could hear Ye Chui praising Xiao Lin Xun. He said with some disdain: "I don't know what you are talking about, but Li Yanfu is sure to win this game..."

Almost at the same time he finished speaking, the three gourmets put down their spoons and began to discuss in low voices after tasting a spoonful of butter rice. This was in stark contrast to the half bowl of soy sauce rice they had eaten before. The Korean then said to Ye Chui proudly, "See, kid, Chef Li Yanfu will definitely win."

"We think Chef Kobayashi Fumio is better." A gourmet suddenly spoke up.

"Did you hear that? The one who's even better is Xiaolin Xun..." Han Guoran shouted proudly, but suddenly stopped and turned to look at the judges. "What? Do these judges know how to taste food?"

Ye Chui smiled and shook his head, pulled Lin Wei's arm, and led her out of the examination room.

Lin Wei looked at Ye Chui with surprise and even a little admiration along the way.

Ye Chui couldn't help but smile and asked her, "What are you looking at?"

"Ye Chui, you are so awesome." Lin Wei said with a smile.

"That's nothing." Ye Chui explained, "It's because the gap between Li Yanfu and Xiao Lin Xun is too big... If I'm not mistaken, the person who will qualify in the end is Xiao Lin Xun. This is a formidable opponent."

The cooking method that Ye Chui followed was that big soups were not harmonious, and there was no doubt that Xiao Lin Xun had already achieved a high level of accomplishment in this regard. Even if Ye Chui met him, it would be a bit tricky.

"That guy is so powerful." Lin Wei said in surprise, "Fortunately, our people are not in the same group with him."

"Well, this is considered lucky." Ye Chui said with a smile.

Then Ye Chui and Lin Wei walked around other squares, but did not find any more noteworthy opponents. At noon, the two had lunch in a restaurant in the entertainment town. The food was delicious. In the evening, the two chatted all the way to the hotel where they were staying. When they walked through the street, a luxury car, which was very rare on the island, suddenly drove past them.

Ye Chui's body suddenly started and he turned to look at the car going away.

"Ye Chui, what's wrong?" Lin Wei asked curiously.

"I seemed to see An Jing in that car..." Ye Chui smiled and rubbed his head, "I must have seen it wrong. How could An Jing appear here?"

"Yes, An Jing has been staying at Manhan Building the whole time," Lin Wei consoled her. "You must have missed your sister too much."

"Well, maybe."

Ye Cui didn't care too much about this matter.

In the car that was driving away.

The person sitting in the back was An Jing. She was wearing a long dress that looked rather gorgeous. She looked very calm, but her hands were tightly grasping the hem of her dress. The fleeting sight of Ye Chui outside the car window just now made her feel a little nervous.

The person driving the car was An Ruoran.

She also saw Ye Chui and Lin Wei outside the car window and chuckled, "Ye Chui has a great talent for cooking and is the person our Food King Enterprise needs the most. Sister, with your relationship, he might join Food King Enterprise and work for us."

"Brother will never join Food King Enterprise." An Jing said in a deep voice.

"Silly sister, a man like Ye Cui will not compromise on anything, but when it comes to the people around him, especially his dearest sister, he will become a wolf in shackles." An Ruoran turned her head to glance at An Jing who was sitting in the back, and said with a mysterious smile.

An Jing didn't say anything but lowered her head deeply. If she really encountered such a situation, she would...

Ye Chui soon forgot about An Jing after vaguely seeing him in the car. After returning to the hotel, Ye Chui met with other people one after another and talked about their gains of the day. Most people did not encounter any particularly powerful opponents, so Ye Chui and Lin Wei gained the most.

Then everyone started discussing Jim's competition tomorrow.

Jim's opponent is a Mexican chef named Tuke, who agreed with Jim to cook shrimp.

Jim was ready to cook something - he was going to make a dish that was very famous in China, braised prawns.

As for Tuke, the dish he would make had already been decided, which was the famous Mexican dish, Shrimp Scampi.

The recipe of braised prawns in oil is what Jim learned from Ye Chui after coming to Manhan Building. He was very confident about the competition, but after waiting for the next day, some shadows still formed in Jim's heart because of one person.

"Tuke is my senior brother, and his cooking skills are only slightly inferior to mine." When Ye Chui and the others arrived at the No. 10 competition field, the person standing in front of Ye Chui and the others was Manny Prichette. Next to him stood a short and fat man with a fierce look on his face. That man was obviously Jim's opponent this time, Tuke.

Jim was slightly nervous facing this Tuk, but he showed no fear: "I will defeat you!"

"Hehe, in this chef competition, I don't take anyone seriously except Manny." Tuke said in somewhat awkward English. He pulled out a dagger from his waist and played with it gently in his hand.

"You've already lost." Ye Cui said at this time.

"What?" Tuku's face suddenly became furious.

Ye Chui sneered and said, "You just said that you didn't take anyone seriously except Manny... It seems that you didn't think you could win the competition from the beginning. With such a mentality, what good can you gain from the Super Chef Competition?"

“You…” Tu Ku’s face showed a fierce look.

Manny also had an angry expression.

"How about a bet?" Ye Chui looked at Manny leisurely, "If Jim wins the game, you withdraw directly. If Tuke wins, then I will withdraw directly. How about it?" (~^~)

PS: The name Tuke comes from the drug lord boss in the first two seasons of Breaking Bad~~~~~