Reborn – Super Chef

Chapter 522: Milanese steak vs fried eggs


The three judges quickly tasted Jim's braised prawns and Tuke's Mexican shrimps. The two Indian judges continued to discuss in a low voice, as if they were considering which dish was better. The Japanese gourmet still did not communicate with the two Indian judges, but just closed his eyes and thought about something.

Under the host's questioning, the three finally spoke.

"We in Japan are experts in using raw fish as sashimi. This Mexican shrimp has the essence of sashimi and feels very delicious. It tastes great even in Japanese cuisine, so I chose this dish as the winner."

The Japanese gourmet pondered for a moment and then spoke.

He was speaking English, but the word sashimi was said in Japanese, which should be difficult to translate into English as the Japanese accent was very obvious.

Everyone around Ye Chui was a little surprised. Lin Wei asked Ye Chui, "What did he say?"

"Sashimi," Ye Chui explained. "This is a typical Japanese way of eating. Simply put, it means eating seafood raw. The Mexican shrimp was only half-cooked and then marinated before being served. It felt a bit like sashimi, which is probably why the Japanese gourmet thought it was more delicious."

"Japanese cuisine is really strange. Can fish be eaten raw?" Tang Shanshan said in surprise, then showed a curious expression, "Then I must try it later."

"Ordinary fish won't work. You'll just have a fishy taste in your mouth." Ye Chui joked, "You need to use special coastal fish and add some seasonings to make the most perfect sashimi. But if you really want to eat it, I can make it for you later."

"It's settled then."

A few little foodies in the group quickly said with a smile.

Then Tang Shanshan said with some concern: "The first of the three gourmets has already chosen the Mexican shrimp. Will Jim lose this game?"

"Not sure yet..." Ye Chui said as he looked at the other two Indian gourmets who were still discussing, "Whether it's the braised prawns or the shrimps, they are both cooked perfectly. To judge the quality of the two dishes, it depends on the taste of the gourmets. The Japanese gourmet would choose shrimps because shrimps are similar to Japanese sashimi, but the braised prawns may be more suitable for the taste of the two Indian gourmets."

Ye Chui could be said to be an encyclopedia of food, and he also had a very comprehensive knowledge of the food tastes in various regions.

"Then among the remaining two gourmets, the possibility of choosing Jim is even higher?" Tang Shanshan asked.

Ye Chui nodded: "That should be the case."

Ye Chui spoke Chinese to the people around him. Manny standing by naturally didn't understand what they were saying, but from their expressions he knew they were not worried about Jim on the field, which made him a little nervous. He had never eaten braised prawns, but he was a world-class chef after all. Seeing how Jim cooked it, he vaguely felt that this dish was not simple.

Sure enough, after the two Indian gourmets discussed for a while, one of them said, "We both think that this braised prawns is more delicious, so... we choose this braised prawns as the winner!"

In this cooking competition, Jim won with a score of 2 to 1!

When the Japanese gourmet chose him, Tuke was so proud that he thought he was sure to win. However, he did not expect that the two Indian gourmets both chose Jim. His expression suddenly became very ugly, and there was even a hint of ferocity in the look he gave Jim.

However, Jim didn't care. He looked relieved and walked down the stage. When he came to Ye Chui, he whispered, "Thank you."

He could see that Tuke's true level should be better than his own, but it was precisely because of the previous bet between Ye Chui and Manny that Tuke became shaken. This Mexican shrimp did not actually show his full strength. If he really had to compete with the confident Tuke, the outcome was still unknown.

Ye Chui smiled and shook his head, indicating Jim not to worry about it.

At this point, Ye Chui and his group had finished the first round of the re-examination. Ye Chui, Tian Xiaodu, Qin Yiyue, Han Yuyan, An Xiaoxiao, and Jim passed the test, and only Dong Qian failed because of bad luck.

"Ye Chui, I hope to have a final competition with you in the end!" Manny left this sentence and left the stadium with Tuke.

Ye Cui also brought his people back to the hotel where they were staying.

The first game of the re-examination is over.

The Super Chef Competition still has a long way to go.

After a day of rest, the second game started immediately, and at this time, the dishes for the second game had been negotiated and prepared.

In the second game, Ye Chui's opponent was a Korean chef named Meng Qiyong. After negotiating with the Korean chef, the two decided to make rice cakes.

Meng Qiyong was going to make spicy rice cake, a famous Korean dish, while Ye Chui was going to make hot and sour rice cake, also a famous Chinese dish.

Han Yuyan's opponent in the second game was an Italian chef named Monica Bellucci. Ye Chui didn't know how the two negotiated, but the dish they finally chose was fried food - the beautiful chef named Monica Bellucci chose fried steak Milan, while Han Yuyan chose fried eggs.

Fried eggs means fried eggs. This seems to be a dish name that Sister Han came up with at random. From this dish, we can see that she has completely lost hope of winning the game...

Of course, the final result still surprised everyone.

Tian Xiaodu's opponent is an American. There is only one name registered, Penny. After discussion, the two decided on the dish of apple. Penny will make apple roast turkey, while Tian Xiaodu will make candied apple.

Qin Yiyue’s opponent in the second match was a little special, he was the Chinese seven-star chef Miao Shengsong.

Miao Shengsong once had a competition with Manhanlou. In that cooking competition, Miao Shengsong defeated Qin Yiyue in the first round, lost to An Xiaoxiao with the help of Ye Chu in the second round, and was completely defeated by Ye Chu in the third round. For Qin Yiyue, it has always been his wish to compete with old man Miao Shengsong again, and this time his wish has come true.

After discussing, the two decided that the competition dishes were all Chinese dishes, and they were all quite special, using relatively rare ingredients: lung slices.

Qin Yiyue can make pork lung wonton, while Miao Shengsong can make a classic dish, Fuqi Feipian - the recipe of Fuqi Feipian was bought from someone else at a high price, and it can be regarded as a famous dish that has been passed down for a long time.

Jim's opponent is a Frenchman named Alain Delon. The two will compete in onion dishes. Alain Delon will make French onion soup, while Jim will make a dish with a large proportion of onions in the shredded chicken breast.

Finally, it was An Xiaoxiao's competition with the Greek chef Elliot, who was rated nine out of ten. Both of them chose lamb as their dish.

Elliot will make a dish called goat cheese with minced lamb, while An Xiaoxiao will make a delicious dish that can be said to be a classic snack in China - mutton soup with steamed buns.

This choice was made by Ye Chui on the behalf of An Xiaoxiao. Goat cheese with minced lamb is a classic Shila dish. With Elliot's cooking skills, this dish will definitely be delicious. If An Xiaoxiao wants to beat Elliot, she must do it in the area she is best at. And it is obvious that An Xiaoxiao, who once had the experience of being a beggar, has the greatest talent for snacks like mutton soup with steamed buns.

Of course, Ye Chui asked An Xiaoxiao to choose mutton soup with steamed buns, but in his opinion this dish gave her a better chance of winning. But in the final analysis, Ye Chui was not optimistic about this competition.

An Xiaoxiao has also been mentally prepared and doesn't care much. She just wants to do her best.

The menu for the second game has been officially finalized.

Competition between Ye Chui and Meng Qiyong: hot and sour rice cake vs spicy rice cake.

Competition between Han Yuyan and Monica Bellucci: Milanese fried chicken vs fried eggs.

Qin Yiyue and Miao Shengsong: Lung Pian Hun Chaos vs. Fuqi Feipian.

Jim and Alain Delon: French onion soup vs shredded chicken breast.

Ann Little and Elliot: Goat cheese with lamb mince.

There are a total of 270 contestants in the second game, and the competition will be completed in three days in ten venues.

This also caused many of Ye Chu's matches to overlap. On the first day, Ye Chu's matches overlapped with An Xiaoxiao's, and they were all scheduled at 10 o'clock in the morning. At 8 o'clock in the morning of the same day, Sister Han's match would also begin.

At eight o'clock in the morning, An Xiaoxiao did not come to watch the game because her opponent was very strong. Instead, she stayed in the hotel with Lin Wei, Dong Youyou, Dong Qian and Wang Shiyu to prepare. The others accompanied Han Yuyan to the No. 2 examination room for the competition.

Han Yuyan's opponent, Monica, is a woman full of mature charm. She is about 40 years old, but still very charming. At least many people on the field are attracted by her.

Of course, Sister Han is not bad either.

This is a cooking competition between beauties.

The host was a Chinese. He gave a brief introduction to the two chefs, revealing Monica's identity and the dish she made, Milanese fried steak, which is a world-famous dish. Monica even made this dish specifically for the President of the United States. As for Sister Han's fried eggs... well, the host couldn't help laughing when he heard the name.

Some people who knew Chinese at the scene were also very curious about this name.

What Han Yuyan called fried eggs actually means fried eggs. There is nothing wrong with the English translation of this dish, but the Chinese language is broad and profound, and the other meaning of this word makes people feel like they can't look directly at it.

Seeing the commotion at the scene, Tang Shanshan was the first to be unable to bear it: "It's over, I feel like Sister Yu Yan has completely given up from the beginning, she is really giving up on herself, right..."

Ye Chui also had the same feeling: "Zhadan... I don't know how she came up with this name." (~^~)