Reborn – Super Chef

Chapter 525: Fuqi Feipian vs Feipian Hunchao


Snake meat was not a very surprising ingredient in Ye Chui's previous world, but in this world, when people had just recovered from the damage caused by the vegetarian movement, snake meat was obviously the type that could not be easily accepted directly. I am afraid that in the eyes of many people, snake meat is more difficult to accept than pork and mutton offal. Looking at the two plates of snake meat dishes, not only the three gourmets had male lust on their faces, even the audience on the scene showed a disgusted expression.

An Xiaoxiao was relatively brave. She pulled Ye Chui's arm and asked, "Master, how did they make this dish? Snake meat can actually be eaten."

"Of course you can eat snake meat. In fact, snake meat contains all kinds of amino acids that humans need. It is a very nutritious meat for humans." Ye Chui said with a smile, looking at the two dishes, and then continued, "The so-called three shreds in the three-shred snake soup refer to shredded chicken, shredded civet meat, and shredded mushrooms. After coating them with egg white and wet starch, they are stewed together with the steamed snake meat and boiled. Add salt, pepper, water starch, and a little cooked lard, and the dish is ready."

Someone nearby looked at Ye Chui in surprise. Ye Chui had just arrived here, but he had figured out how this dish was made with just one look. He had been watching from the side, and Ye Chui's explanation was exactly the same as this three-strand snake soup!

Ye Chui could figure out at a glance how the three-strand snake soup was made because of two reasons. The first reason was that he had already known how snake soup was made. Although this world was different from the previous one, the food was the same and the cooking methods for making delicious food could not deviate from those established methods.

Another reason is Ye Chui's vision. He can roughly understand how the dish is made and what steps are involved by observing the color of the dish.

Taking all the information into consideration, Ye Chui can determine the general cooking method of a dish.

An Xiaoxiao nodded in admiration and continued to ask Ye Chui: "What about the charcoal-grilled water snake?"

"This..." Ye Chui looked at the dish Fang Tao had made, and frowned. The dish consisted of pink strips that were only two centimeters long and tangled together. Just looking at the appearance, there was nothing special about it. Ye Chui couldn't figure out how this dish came about in a short time.

The man standing next to him who had shown a surprised expression before said with a smile: "Mr. Ye, you don't know this time. Then let me tell you."

This person is from China. Zhang Jianzhong and Fang Tao are both from China, so most of the people watching here are from China. This person continued, "Fang Tao is so cruel in making this dish. He caught a bunch of small water snakes that are only two centimeters long from somewhere. He poured these snakes into the pot, added a little milk and some seasonings, and heated it over high heat. Then the water snakes slowly started to run around in a mess."

After hearing this person's story, everyone around Ye Chui showed a disgusted expression, but Wang Shiyu raised her head and continued to ask: "What's next?"

"What happened next was even more cruel." Thinking of that scene, the man showed a trace of fear on his face. "Fang Tao set up a grill on the side. It was full of red-hot charcoal stones that were burning with flames. When the water snakes in the pot were half dead, he poured everything in the pot into the grill... Tsk tsk, that scene is really indescribable. The milk evaporated immediately when it touched the coal, and the little snakes kept trying to drill under the coal, but they were burnt halfway through. Fang Tao just stood there and watched, then used chopsticks to pick up the little snakes one by one, peeled off their skins, and they became like this now."

After saying this, the man curled his lips again. "This thing is too cruel, can we eat it?"

Ye Chui was also silent, and Tian Xiaodu even gasped in anger. He didn't expect Fang Tao to have learned such a cruel cooking method!

"I don't think this kid will win this game," Tang Shanshan said from the side.

Ye Chui frowned, thinking that this might not be the case.

First, boil the water snake with milk and seasoning in a pot, which will allow the milk and other ingredients to enter the snake's body. Then pour the charcoal fire, and the milk will be directly vaporized when it encounters the charcoal fire. That temperature will give the water snake a steamed texture and make it more flavorful. In addition, the water snake subconsciously wanted to find a place to hide in panic, but it plunged into the hot charcoal fire and was burned black. This dish is no different from the cruel dishes in China. As for the taste... Although Ye Chu didn't want to admit it, he knew in his heart that the taste of this dish would definitely not be too bad.

After hesitating for a long time, the three judges tasted two dishes respectively. The two American men were brave enough to taste the snake soup and the grilled water snake respectively. As for the Japanese woman, after eating the snake soup, she refused to eat the grilled water snake and announced that she would vote for the three-shred snake soup.

After eating the charcoal-grilled water snake, the two American men discussed in a low voice for a while, and then they gave an answer that Ye Chui expected but surprised everyone: they thought the charcoal-grilled water snake was better.

So, Fang Tao won the game.

After the match, the Chinese chef Zhang Jianzhong left in a somewhat dejected manner. Fang Tao saw Ye Chui and the others early in the morning. He walked up to Tian Xiaodu with an arrogant look on his face and said with a bit of contempt: "Mr. Tian, you will be my next opponent. I hope you won't let me down!"

"Fang Tao, you... have become like this now!" Tian Xiaodu's voice was indescribably sad.

"You guys are the reason why I'm like this now!" Fang Tao looked at Ye Chui coldly, "Ye Chui! Just wait, I will defeat Tian Xiaodu, and then I will defeat you! I am no longer the same as before."

Ye Chui shrugged indifferently: "Just relying on these crooked ways you learned?"

Fang Tao seemed even angrier: "You will regret this!"

After saying these words, he turned around and left coldly.

Ye Cui and others watched Fang Tao leave.

After a moment, Dong Youyou couldn't help but complain: "Who did he learn this coldness from? Fatty Tian, you should clean up the mess quickly. People like him are a disgrace to the Chinese food industry."

Tian Xiaodu sighed.

Ye Chui patted his shoulder and said, "Play well in the second match tomorrow, and teach Fang Tao a lesson when you meet him. Dark cuisine... is not the right path after all."

"Master, don't worry, I know." Tian Xiaodu nodded vigorously.

I don’t know if it was because of Fang Tao that Tian Xiaodu became more serious than ever. When he competed with the American chef Penny the next day, the candied apples made by Tian Xiaodu won Penny’s apple roast turkey by three votes. It was an overwhelming victory. Then he began to prepare for the competition with his traitor Fang Tao.

On this afternoon, Jim's competition with French chef Alain Delon began. In the end, Jim's shredded chicken breast narrowly defeated Alain Delon's French onion soup and officially advanced.

On the third day, there was a heavyweight match between Qin Yiyue and Miao Shengsong.

Qin Yiyue was once defeated by Miao Shengsong, and then Miao Shengsong was defeated by Ye Chui. He had been silent for a while. In this super chef competition, Miao Shengsong, who is over 70 years old, can be said to have made a comeback. Coincidentally, the judge of this match was arranged to be Old Han. This seemed to be a deliberate request by Old Han, because in the last match between Qin Yiyue and Miao Shengsong, it was Old Han who was the judge.

The dish they both wanted to make was lung slices.

Qin Yiyue wanted to make lung slices in a tangle, while Miao Shengsong wanted to make qi and fu lung slices.

After losing to Ye Chui last time, Ye Chui accused Miao Shengsong of being complacent. Even after the ban on meat was lifted, he was still obsessed with vegetarian dishes, which greatly reduced his level. With Ye Chui's advice, Miao Shengsong regained his ambition and took his cooking skills to a higher level. He accidentally got the recipe for Fuqi Feipian and made a comeback, ready to use this dish to compete with Qin Yiyue.

Fuqi Feipian is a classic old dish.

The so-called Fuqi Feipian actually does not contain any lung ingredient - similarly, Qin Yiyue's Feipian Chaozhou also does not contain any lung.

The lung slices here actually refer to beef offal.

Including beef head, beef heart, beef tongue, beef tripe, etc.

As for why these things are called lung slices, there is a story behind it. The original name of lung slices was waste slices, which referred to the discarded offal from slaughterhouses. However, waste slices does not sound nice, so it became lung slices.

The so-called beef lung slices are actually beef offal.

The preparation of Fuqi Feipian is quite complicated. Various beef offal are stewed in a pot and seasoned with various spices. The spice is one of the two key points of this dish. How to mix the spices is related to whether the dish is delicious. The stewing process lasts for one and a half hours. First boil it with high heat and then simmer it with low heat. Finally, take out the beef offal to cool, cut into thin slices for later use.

Next is another highlight of this dish, which is the sauce. The preparation of the sauce is more complicated. Fry the sesame seeds and crush them into powder together with the cooked peanuts for later use. Add the best marinade, soybean oil, MSG, pepper powder, red chili oil, and of course the most indispensable celery segments, and mix well with the previously prepared beef offal slices.

Jim's beef lung wonton is actually beef offal wonton, and this dish is completely original to him.

The filling used for wonton is beef filling, while the soup for cooking wonton is beef offal soup. This soup is the most important part. It also needs to be simmered for an hour and a half before adding the beef wonton and finally serving it in a bowl.

A plate of Fuqi Feipian and a bowl of Feipian wonton, both were finished at this time.

Both dishes had a refreshing aroma. Mr. Han, who looked a little tired from waiting for a long time, suddenly brightened up his eyes! (~^~)

PS: The Magician will be available soon, it seems that the God of Cookery needs to speed up the progress~~~