Reborn – Super Chef

Chapter 526: Beef ragout vs beef brisket stewed with tomatoes


In the cooking competition between Qin Yiyue and Miao Shengsong, there were also three judges, but Mr. Han was the main judge, and the other two were a Korean and an American.

According to the competition format of the contest, if two contestants are both Chinese, then for the sake of fairness, the judges cannot choose Chinese. However, Mr. Han is an exception. His reputation is obviously very loud even in the International Gourmet Association. He applied to be the referee for the duel between Qin Yiyue and Miao Shengsong, and the International Gourmet Association directly agreed because they believed in Mr. Han's fairness and would not show any favoritism in the competition.

The Korean and American judges were also extremely respectful to Mr. Han.

A plate of Fuqi Feipian and a plate of Feipian wonton were soon tasted by Mr. Han and two other gourmets.

Most of the people watching the game were Chinese. No matter whether it was Qin Yiyue, Miao Shengsong or Old Han, they were all popular figures in the eyes of everyone and naturally attracted a lot of popularity. They looked at the three plates of authentic Chinese food with a mouth-watering expression. Naturally, these people also recognized Ye Chui and his gang.

Someone couldn't help but walk up to Ye Chui and asked, "Ye Food God, what do you think of these two dishes? Why does the Fuqi Feipian have such a name?"

“The dish Fuqi Feipian originated from a couple who used discarded beef offal to make a dish that became an instant hit, so they named it Fuqi Feipian. This dish is a classic,” Ye Chui explained, “but… probably because the recipe is incomplete, the dish made by Miao Shengsong has a little flaw. In contrast, Qin Yiyue’s Feipian Hunwu, although it is a dish he created himself, is actually not much different from Fuqi Feipian. Both are different ways of eating beef offal, and Qin Yiyue’s dish completely makes up for the shortcoming of Fuqi Feipian.”

The person who asked earlier hurriedly asked curiously: "What exactly is the shortcoming?"

"Beef." Ye Chui gave the answer with a smile.

"Beef?" The others were a little confused.

The three judges had already tasted two dishes. The Korean and the American looked at Mr. Han and lowered their heads to discuss. Mr. Han did not participate in the discussion, but just lowered his head to think about something. Soon, he seemed to have made a decision.

"Have the three judges made their choices?" the host asked respectfully.

The American spoke first, "We both came to the same conclusion after discussing it, but I don't know if Mr. Han made the same choice as us." He paused and pointed at the wonton stew. "We both think that the taste of these homemade dumplings is fuller and more delicious, better than the other dish of stew."

This foreigner didn't know what wontons were. When he saw wontons, he thought they were dumplings. He also called Fuqi Feipian a hodgepodge.

However, he spoke for two people, which means that both judges directly chose Qin Yiyue's lung slice wonton. Qin Yiyue had already advanced in this competition, but there was no happy expression on Qin Yiyue's face, and Miao Shengsong did not see any frustration. Both of them looked at Han Lao. For them, Han Lao's judgment was the most important.

"I agree with the other two gourmets." After a moment of contemplation, Old Han finally spoke, pointing at the Fuqi Feipian. "This dish was made for me by Ye Chui. Miao, you have cooked it at least 80% of the way, but it is missing something... It is not as complete and perfect as this plate of Feipian Wontons. I can't figure out what it is missing for the time being..." Old Han suddenly looked at Ye Chui outside the stadium. "Boy, come up and take a look."

Ye Chui smiled bitterly and had to walk towards the competition venue and came to the judges' seat.

"What's missing from this dish? Try it." Old Han asked Ye Chui with a smile.

"No need to taste it. I saw Master Miao cooking just now, and I already know what's missing from this dish." Ye Chui smiled and looked at Miao Shengsong. "In the authentic Fuqi Feipian, beef is added. Although the taste of beef offal is wonderful, it can only be perfected with the addition of beef. January's Feipian wontons use beef offal as soup and beef as stuffing. The beef offal and beef complement each other, so it's even better. The shortcoming of your Fuqi Feipian is that it lacks beef."

"That's right!" Old Han suddenly shouted, "It's beef! I was wondering, this dish is a little different from the one you made last time. It turns out the difference is the beef!"

Miao Shengsong finally couldn't keep calm anymore and couldn't help asking, "Master Ye, you already knew how to make my father's lung slices. I bought the recipe for this dish specially..."

"I have only tasted this dish for Mr. Han. Since you have the recipe, you can make it your signature dish in the future. I won't compete with you for it." Ye Chui looked very easy to talk to. He smiled and said to Miao Shengsong, "Master Miao, congratulations on breaking free from your own shackles."

Miao Shengsong smiled and said, "I am old after all. It seems that Qin Yiyue has made great progress in your Manhan Building. I am convinced of my defeat in this game."

The match between Qin Yiyue and Miao Shengsong ended here, and Qin Yiyue advanced.

In this second round of competition, Ye Chui's team has already finished the competition. Ye Chui, Tian Xiaodu, Han Yuyan, Qin Yiyue and Jim have successfully advanced.

In the afternoon of that day, Ye Chui and others began to contact their opponents and discuss the third round of competition.

In the third round, Ye Chui's opponent was an Italian chef named Massimo Chini. After discussing with him, the two decided to make pasta.

Massimo Chini was going to make Milanese macaroni, while Ye Chui was going to make beef stew noodles.

In fact, macaroni is not considered a type of noodle, but when Massimo Chini knew that Ye Chui was going to make pasta, he suggested making macaroni. Although macaroni is not a noodle, in a way, it can be said to be a type of Western noodle. Choosing to do so is equivalent to a showdown between Eastern and Western pasta.

Qin Yiyue's next opponent is also an Italian chef. The dishes they both have to make are both pasta. Qin Yiyue is going to make fried noodles with egg, a very common delicacy in China, while the Italian chef Jim Stewart is going to make an Italian delicacy, ink noodles.

Jim's opponent was a French chef. The chef was a beautiful lady who didn't look very old. Jim seemed to get along well with her. They even went to the beach together in the evening. When they came back, Jim had already discussed with Adele what dish to make: strawberry.

Adele is going to make a salad of strawberries and apples.

The dish Jim is going to make is sweet and sour pork with strawberries, a famous Cantonese dish.

Then there is Tian Xiaodu and his traitor Fang Tao.

The dish they finally decided to make was beef. Fang Tao was already very deep into dark cuisine, and no one knew where he had learned a bunch of dark recipes. This time, in a competition with Tian Xiaodu's master and apprentice, he was still going to make dark cuisine, a dish called Lasa Raw Beef Sauce. As for Tian Xiaodu, he was going to make a famous Chinese dish: beef brisket stewed with tomatoes.

The last one is Sister Han. This time, Sister Han’s opponent is a French chef. The chef is very powerful. Besides being a chef, he is also a famous film director who has even been nominated for an Oscar. His name is Luc Besson.

Although Han Yuyan won two games in a row, her confidence in herself had long been exhausted. After consulting with Luc Besson, they decided on fried dishes. Luc Besson would make a famous French dish, pan-fried foie gras, while Han Yuyan... would just have ordinary fried eggs - giving people the feeling that she had completely given up on herself and had no hope at all.

In this way, the third round of the competition was officially confirmed.

Ye Chui versus Italian chef Massimo Chini, beef stew noodles vs Milanese pasta.

Qin Yiyue competes with Italian chef Jim Stewart, fried noodles with egg vs ink noodles.

Jim versus French chef Adele, sweet and sour pork with candied strawberry vs. strawberry apple.

Tian Xiaodu versus Fang Tao, Lhasa raw beef sauce vs. tomato-braised beef brisket.

Han Yuyan versus French chef Luc Besson, fried eggs vs pan-fried foie gras.

In the third round, Ye Chui's opponent Massimo Chini was not a famous chef. Ye Chui won very easily, winning three votes and getting the final victory. There was no suspense between Qin Yiyue and the Italian chef. The ink in ink noodles refers to octopus ink. This kind of pasta is a specialty, but in fact the taste is not that outstanding. Even a British gourmet who served as a judge vomited after eating ink noodles. It was far less delicious than the traditional Chinese food fried noodles with egg. In this game, Jim successfully advanced.

The third game is between Tian Xiaodu and Fang Tao.

It just so happened that the time of this competition overlapped with Han Yuyan's. At Han Yuyan's request, Ye Chui and others went to Tian Xiaodu's examination room. Only Wang Shiyu and Tang Shanshan went to accompany Han Yuyan to take the exam. In Sister Han's words, she was going to fail anyway, and she didn't want everyone to watch her... Of course, the final result still surprised everyone.

At two o'clock in the afternoon of that day, in the No. 3 competition field, the master and apprentice pair of Tian Xiaodu and Fang Tao officially started the competition.

The name of Fang Tao's raw beef sauce is chilling enough, and in fact the way this dish is prepared is really challenging to people's bottom line - this is made by grinding raw beef into meat sauce, and there is blood in the beef. It is then added with some unique spices and medicinal herbs to make the dish, which is served in a bowl. The whole dish is blood red in color and exudes a faint smell of blood.

It is truly worthy of the name that this is dark cuisine.

Tian Xiaodu's beef brisket stewed with tomatoes is also a red dish, but from a sensory point of view, this dish is much more comfortable. (~^~)