Reborn – Super Chef

Chapter 529: Cream stew vs pork stew with vermicelli


Onion and Black Pepper Beef and Lamp Shadow Beef are both beef dishes, but the tastes are completely different. One is full of Mexican flavor, while the other is authentic Chinese style.

Two of the three gourmet judges were French and the other one was Italian. They tasted two dishes in turn, and the way they tasted the dishes revealed a lot about how they felt about the two dishes - for the onion and black pepper beef, all three showed expressions of satisfaction and enjoyment, and the Italian even took one more bite. However, when they tasted the lantern shadow beef, their reactions were completely different. If one had to describe it, it would be that they had encountered a delicious surprise. The eyes of the three lit up, and then they began to wolf down the delicacies on the plate as if they wanted to put them into their mouths.

Dengying Beef is a type of beef jerky with a refreshing taste and is very chewy, but this chewiness will not give the user any unpleasant dining experience, but will only make the user feel full of joy. This dish can be said to be pleasing to the eye in terms of taste, flavor, and appearance, and it stimulates the taste buds.

In the end, the whole dish was actually divided among the three of them. Some of them even looked at Ye Chui dimly, as if they were not satisfied with the meal and wanted to ask for some more delicacies from Ye Chui.

Since the start of the Super Food God Contest, some rules have been summarized to determine the winner. The simplest one is to see how much of the dish the gourmets eat. Three gourmets only ate a little of one dish, but ate a lot of another dish. Even a child can tell the difference between the two dishes. Now, the three gourmets almost wolfed down Ye Chui's dishes, so it was very obvious who was the winner.

Gustavo, who was standing next to Ye Chui, showed a look of disappointment on his face. He knew that he was doomed to lose this time. He turned to look at Ye Chui and said in a friendly manner, "Mr. Ye, I admire your cooking skills."

"Thank you. This onion and black pepper beef looks delicious too." Ye Chui responded with a smile.

"I think everyone already knows the result of this competition. Mr. Ye's beef jerky is very delicious. The three of us like it very much. Although Mr. Gustavo's black pepper beef has a unique flavor, Mr. Ye's beef jerky is better."

The three gourmets then announced the result of the competition. Ye Chui won the championship with his dish of beef in lantern shadow without any suspense.

Ye Chui won this game.

While this match was going on, Qin Yiyue's match with Jean Reno was also going on. Lin Wei, Han Yuyan, Tian Xiaodu, Tang Shanshan, Wang Shiyu and Chen Tian followed Ye Chui, while the others went to Qin Yiyue's examination room. When Ye Chui won and left the examination room, Qin Yiyue's match had also been completed.

A group of people were coming over to meet Ye Chui.

"Qin Yiyue beat the French chef." Dong Youyou chattered and told Ye Chui about the competition. "The guy who made Renault look weird, I heard he is a famous movie star, but he is far inferior to Qin Mutou. The squirrel fish made by Qin Yiyue amazed all the onlookers."

Squirrel fish is a traditional Jiangsu dish, made with carp, yellow croaker, crucian carp, etc. Qin Yiyue uses mandarin fish. The fish is cut into dense diagonal patterns, coated with dry starch, fried in oil, and then drizzled with sauce. The whole dish really looks like a furry squirrel, which is very vivid and unique in shape. The appearance is also the reason why this dish is famous.

Qin Yiyue has learned all the true skills from Ye Chui, so it is understandable that this dish caused exclamations from the judges and onlookers.

Qin Yiyue advanced successfully, and the next match was Tian Xiaodu's.

Tian Xiaodu's opponent this time is more difficult. It is the cheerful Japanese chef Kensuke Kumimon.

Mr. Han had been a judge for this Gumeimen competition and spoke highly of this chef's cooking skills. He thought this chef might be the best contestant Tian Xiaodu had ever met since he participated in the competition. So after everyone found a place to eat, they immediately returned to the hotel to help Tian Xiaodu prepare for a competition in the afternoon.

In this game, Gu Meimen has to make a Japanese-style stew, cream stew, while Tian Xiaodu has to make a stew that is famous in China, pork stewed with vermicelli.

Pork and vermicelli are a perfect match. Northeastern people have a famous saying of "eight stews in the Northeast", and this pork and vermicelli stew is one of them.

While helping Tian Xiaodu prepare the pork stew with vermicelli, everyone also talked about the cream stew that Gu Meimen was going to make. Tang Shanshan was very curious about the name: "Cream stew, does this dish need cream? I really can't imagine how cream and stew can be blended together. Is this dish edible?"

Lin Wei also looked at Ye Chui curiously: "Is this dish really stewed with cream?"

"No cream is used, but it's almost the same." Ye Chui knew a little about cream stew. After thinking for a while, he explained, "The meat used in cream stew is chicken thigh meat, with carrots, mushrooms, potatoes, and onions as side dishes. After stewing, a paste made of milk and flour is poured in at the end. This dish is milky white in color, so it is called cream stew."

This method is of Japanese style. Ye Cui can't say how much he likes it, but he has eaten it several times in his previous life. It can be said to be unique, but it is very different from the unique Chinese stew.

"Can Uncle Tian's pork stewed with vermicelli win this dish?" Wang Shiyu asked Ye Chui with her little face raised.

Ye Chui thought for a moment and said, "It all depends on how Xiao Du cooks the pork stewed with vermicelli. If the dish is fully delicious, it will definitely not be comparable to the cream stew. The flavor of the vermicelli and pork in the pork stewed with vermicelli is definitely better than the cream stew."

"In the end, it all depends on whether Senior Brother can perform well." An Xiaoxiao said immediately, she looked at Tian Xiaodu and asked, "Senior Brother, do you think you can win?"

"I'll do my best." Tian Xiaodu smiled amiably. He didn't cook pork stewed with vermicelli very often on weekdays, but that didn't mean he couldn't make it delicious. Such a stew depends most on the cook's timing. The dish itself is not difficult to make, but how long does it take to stew the two ingredients for a perfect blend of flavors? This is the most difficult part and the part that best reflects the cooking skills.

"With Xiao Du's current cooking skills, if he performs well, it shouldn't be difficult to beat the opponent." Ye Chui said with a smile, "Then let's help Xiao Du prepare the ingredients. The most suitable meat for pork stewed with vermicelli is pork belly, and the best vermicelli is sweet potato vermicelli. We also need cabbage, and the cabbage should be of the right tenderness, and freshly picked is best. Let's split up and help him search for ingredients."

After hearing Ye Chui's words, everyone immediately agreed and went their separate ways to search for ingredients. There was a warehouse dedicated to supplying ingredients on the island, and there were also some merchants who would specially transport some fresh ingredients to the island every day. There were already several food markets supplying ingredients on the island. In the previous competitions, Ye Chui had also gone to these places specifically to search for ingredients.

When it was the afternoon when Tian Xiaodu and Qin Yiyue were competing, Ye Chui and the others gathered in front of Tian Xiaodu's examination room, each holding the ingredients they had searched for.

Ye Chui was holding two pounds of pork belly in his hand. This was top-quality pork belly. Ye Chui specially selected the tip of the pig's hind hip, which was fat and lean. The fat in this place melts easily when heated, and the lean meat does not fall apart even after long cooking, making it the best choice for stewing. The whole pig was only about two pounds. People in this world have not yet fully explored the quality of meat. Ye Chui easily bought this piece of top-quality pork belly from the pork vendor.

Tang Shanshan, Dong Youyou and others also picked out the necessary condiments, while Chen Tian and An Xiaoxiao brought the best sweet potato vermicelli.

Tian Xiaodu, Wang Shiyu and Han Yuyan also brought some fresh and tender cabbages.

Little girl Wang Shiyu was holding two large cabbages with a proud look on her face. These two cabbages were picked by her herself.

When Ye Chui and others arrived at the competition venue, Gu Meimen had also arrived. He should be very famous in Japan. He was followed by several kitchen helpers to help him carry the necessary ingredients. He was a man who gave people a crazy feeling, with a big side-parted hair. As soon as he arrived at the examination room, he walked straight in front of Jim and stared at Jim.

Jim looked puzzled and said in English: "Your opponent is the one next to you."

Kensuke Kumimon: "…"

He suddenly took a few steps back, then rushed forward again. This time he found the right person. He stood in front of Tian Xiaodu, staring at Tian Xiaodu coldly - well, he recognized the wrong person before, so he had to start over again.

Tian Xiaodu looked helpless: "Mr. Gu Meimen, let's start."

"You're dead. My nickname in Japan is the undefeated chef. I have never failed in a cooking competition." Kumimon said proudly in English with a provocative look on his face.

Tian Xiaodu didn't know what to say. Dong Youyou kicked Tian Xiaodu's leg from behind and said, "You're just bragging and afraid of him. Why don't you say something?"

It was obvious that Tian Xiaodu was not suited to this situation, and he stammered, "I won't lose."

Gu Meimon let out a series of hahahahaha with an arrogant look on his face, then turned around and walked towards the stadium. He seemed to be trying to act particularly disdainful, but he accidentally tripped and fell facefirst to the ground with a bang.

Everyone: “…”

Where did this funny guy come from

Gu Meimen quickly got up from the ground, pretending nothing had happened, walked to her stove, turned her head and looked coldly at Tian Xiaodu, hooking her side-parted hair with her finger.

Tian Xiaodu was stunned.

Dong Youyou patted Tian Xiaodu on the shoulder and said, "Hey Fatty, if you lose to this idiot, wait and see how we will teach you a lesson!"

Tian Xiaodu: “… ”(~^~)