Reborn – Super Chef

Chapter 537: Veal Bechamel vs Phoenix Wings


After lunch, Ye Chui realized that Wang Shiyu had disappeared somewhere. The island was full of dangers, so Ye Chui immediately became worried and wanted to ask someone to look for this little thing.

Before he could say anything to Xing Sen, Wang Shiyu came jogging in with a smile on her face.

Ye Chui suddenly became puzzled: "Xiaoyu, where did you go?"

"Hehe, it's nothing. I was just playing outside." Wang Shiyu said with a smile, looking very happy.

"Xiaoyu, what happened to you? Why are you so happy?" Han Yuyan walked to Wang Shiyu and touched Wang Shiyu's head with some surprise.

An Xiaoxiao beside him also asked curiously: "Yes, what's the matter?"

"I won't tell you." Wang Shiyu said immediately, but then she turned her head and looked at An Xiaoxiao, "Miss, I'll tell you later, okay?"

"Okay." An Xiaoxiao smiled and nodded.

Seeing Wang Shiyu being so mysterious, and only telling An Xiaoxiao, everyone smiled. It seemed that it was not an important matter, it should be just some little secrets between little girls. These two were naughty kids, what could happen to naughty kids? So Ye Chui told Wang Shiyu not to make trouble and didn't care much.

After lunch, it was time for the afternoon game.

The afternoon match is very important as it determines the qualification.

Ye Chui, Tian Xiaodu and Qin Yiyue will compete at the same time. Han Yuyan luckily got the qualification. After discussion, Lin Wei, An Xiaoxiao, Han Yuyan, Wang Shiyu, Xing Sen and Qin Li will pay attention to Ye Chui's competition, while the others will go to cheer for Qin Yiyue and Tian Xiaodu.

"The dishes for the afternoon competition are not fixed." On the way to the examination room, Han Yuyan told Ye Chui the rules he had just heard from Old Han, "The organizer will randomly divide some ingredients into several categories in the examination room, and the chefs will choose them. Of course, when choosing, they don't know what the ingredients they have chosen are, and then they will cook according to the selected ingredients."

"In that case, you are really lucky to be promoted automatically." An Xiaoxiao looked up and said, "You can only cook dishes related to eggs. If there is no egg in the dish you choose, you will definitely fail."

"Yeah..." Han Yuyan also admitted what An Xiaoxiao said, and she looked at Ye Chui again. "But Master should be fine, right?"

"I think so." Ye Chui said with a smile.

He has the confidence that he can cook any kind of ingredients into delicious food.

The final exam room for the group qualifying match was also different from other times. There were five tables in the exam room, all covered with white cloth, and underneath were various ingredients. The contestants had to rely on luck to choose the ingredients.

Ye Chui's opponent in this match was an American chef named Daniel, a skinny black man. He was quite polite to Ye Chui, but his eyes were full of confidence. He was a nine-star chef himself.

On the five tables, Ye Chui picked number one and Daniel picked number three. After opening the table, Ye Chui found that the ingredients on the table in front of him included various vegetables and a plucked duck, while Daniel's table had various vegetables, good beef and even a bottle of white wine.

They both thought for a short while before deciding on what dish they were going to make.

"I want to make a French dish." Daniel finally made up his mind. Although he is an American chef, he also knows a lot about French cuisine. "The dish I want to make is veal stew in white sauce."

After thinking for a while, Ye Chui immediately said, "The dish I'm going to make is a traditional Chinese dish, and it's one of the dishes in the Manchu-Han Banquet. Its name is Phoenix Spreading Wings."

Daniel's ingredients include white wine, beef, leeks, shallots, onions, carrots, garlic, thyme, parsley, flour, butter, and seasonings such as pepper and cardamom powder.

The ingredients chosen by Ye Chui were: the duck, cucumbers, carrots, bread, cherries, pigeon eggs, eggs and various condiments.

Phoenix Spreading Wings is a [imperial] dish in the Manchu-Han Banquet. This dish is a duck dish. In addition to skilled techniques, cooking this dish also requires extraordinary knife skills. Various ingredients are spliced into a pattern of phoenix spreading wings, and the extraordinary beauty of the dish itself makes this dish particularly famous.

Soon the two began cooking two dishes.

Ye Chui first prepared the ingredients. After washing the cucumber, he removed two roots and cut them into inch-long pieces. Then he peeled the cucumber and marinated it with salt. The carrots were cut in half and also needed to be marinated.

Then you have to make mayonnaise and egg white sauce.

The so-called egg white cake and egg yolk cake, the so-called egg yolk cake and egg white cake are pastries made by steaming egg white and egg yolk. These are important ingredients for embellishing this dish.

Of course, the most important part of the whole dish is the cooking of the duck. Wash the duck carefully, put it in a pot of clean water and stew it for half an hour, take it out and put it in another pot, add onion and leek segments, and then add various seasoning ingredients, and then put it in a half-cooked state and stew it under high pressure. This is braised duck.

At the same time, you need to prepare the sauce, which includes soy sauce, minced garlic, minced green onion, minced ginger and at least half of sesame oil. After the duck is braised, evenly spread the sauce on the duck to make braised duck.

After drying it for five minutes, the duck will be deboned and the meat will be taken out. At this moment, Ye Chui's top-notch knife skills are perfectly demonstrated, and the chopping board in his hand is flying around.

The marinated duck is not the complete dish. The next part is the key point. The reason why it is called Phoenix Spreading Wings is because of this point. The egg yolk cake, protein cake, cucumber peel and duck skin are all cut into long strips. The cucumber peel is then carved into the shape of a phoenix's mouth and claws. The carrots are then carved into the shape of a phoenix crown, the cherries are carved into eyes, and the remaining cucumber and carrot strips are carved into phoenix wings.

Next is the bread. Cut the bread into two ovals. Dissolve the butter with a little boiling water, add sugar, stir and spread on the bread. Put half a cherry pit on the butter and place two thin strips of cucumber peel on both sides of the cherry.

Put the marinated duck pieces and cooked ingredients on a plate, arrange them into the shape of a phoenix spreading its wings, use thin strips of cucumber and carrot to make the tail, and place the cooked pigeon eggs on top.

Just like that, a lifelike plate of a phoenix spreading its wings was completed.

Meanwhile, Daniel's veal stew was ready. (~^~)