Reborn – Super Chef

Chapter 538: Tom Yum Goong vs Fish Fillet in Soy Sauce


The veal in white sauce looks like an ordinary dish on the alien planet. The veal is covered with a layer of milky white, dotted with herbs and potatoes, and has a charming aroma. Although it does not look attractive from the outside, the smell makes people want to taste the delicacy as soon as possible.

The leaves are drooping like a phoenix spreading its wings, and the ingredients are exquisitely carved into a dish that looks like a work of art. The aroma of the braised duck is very strong, and the whole dish gives a refreshing feeling from every aspect.

Food carving is not the exclusive domain of the Chinese, but it is unique to be able to make food carvings look like works of art and be full of artistic conception like the Chinese. Ye Chui has brought this art of food carving to the top and pinnacle.

Ye Chui glanced at Daniel's dishes with a calm expression, while Daniel looked at Ye Chui's Phoenix Spreading Wings with a hint of worry on his face. The dishes were delicious and most importantly, Ye Chui's dishes had two other completely different things - meaning and form.

The excellence of dishes in the world can be roughly divided into three aspects: color, aroma and taste. Maybe the names are different in some places, but the general meaning is the same. In China, in addition to these three aspects, there is a higher level of cooking, that is, meaning and form.

"Shape" refers to the way the dish is presented on the plate, and "meaning" refers to the connotation of the whole dish. "Phoenix Spreading Wings" is a dish with perfect color, aroma, taste, meaning and shape.

After seeing the two dishes, the three gourmets showed great interest in their eyes. They tasted the veal in white sauce, which was obviously delicious. As the gourmets who had reached the last one, Daniel's cooking skills were unquestionable. The three gourmets almost ate up all the veal. But when it came to the Phoenix Spreading Wings, they all couldn't eat it anymore - this dish was simply a work of art. How could they bear to eat it if they were asked to destroy the beauty of the dish

That is simply a blasphemy against art.

Seeing the three gourmets looking at the whole dish in amazement, as if they didn't know how to eat it, Ye Chui couldn't help but smile. He smiled and said, "Three judges, the meaning of food is delicious and brings enjoyment to the mouth. Even if a dish is like a work of art, its ultimate meaning is just delicious. Its art will be finally sublimated when it is eaten."

As a top chef, Ye Chui had encountered such scenes many times. Some people couldn't even bear to eat because the dishes he made were so delicious. In the end, it was only Ye Chui's constant persuasion that made them give up the idea of sympathizing with the artwork.

After hearing what Ye Chui said, the three gourmets finally began to taste the Phoenix Spreading Wings.

The dish "Phoenix Spreading Wings" is not only beautiful in appearance, but also tastes absolutely first-class. If it only looks good but has no good taste, it is just a facade.

Although Ye Chui did not use Buddha Jumps Over the Wall when stewing the duck, he also used some of his own unique marinade recipes to make the duck meat fresh and delicious, with a refreshing aroma, and most importantly, not greasy. The three gourmets were very happy when they ate it, and they kept praising it in low voices.

At this moment, one of them suddenly picked up a piece of cucumber peel with a fork and put it into his mouth.

The cucumber peel was only pickled, so its taste should be very bad. However, to the surprise of gourmet David, the taste of this cucumber was actually quite distinctive, slightly salty, yet with the fresh fragrance of vegetables. The most important thing was the unique refreshing feeling that complemented the piece of duck meat he had just eaten.

At this moment, the cucumber is still a cucumber, but when paired with the duck meat, it has completely surpassed the deliciousness that cucumber can express, which makes the gourmet look amazed.

The three gourmets, from not being able to bear to eat it at first, to now being in a panic and eating it without any choice, this already explains a lot.

The outcome of this game is almost clear at this point.

The people outside who were watching were talking about it.

Although they knew that Ye Chui would definitely win the competition, Han Yuyan and others still couldn't help but feel a little worried, and at this moment someone came to Han Yuyan.

"Dayu, how did Master's competition go?" The speaker was Tian Xiaodu.

"Big Brother?" Han Yuyan was stunned for a moment, and found that Dong Qian, Dong Youyou, and Tang Shanshan, who had gone to the competition with Tian Xiaodu before, had already arrived. So Han Yuyan asked curiously, "Big Brother, is your competition over? Did you win in the end?"

"Hehe..." Tian Xiaodu smiled modestly. Just as he was about to speak, Dong Youyou slapped Tian Xiaodu on the shoulder and said with a smile, "This fat guy performed very well today. He directly crushed his Thai opponent and won. He now officially has the qualification to enter the finals and is one of the top ten of the Super Chef Competition."

"Really? That's amazing." Han Yuyan said subconsciously.

Tang Shanshan curled her lips and said, "Sister Yuyan, are you bragging about yourself? You are already one of the top ten."

Han Yuyan: "Huh? It seems to be true... I'm so sorry."

Everyone: “…”

Top Ten, this is the world's top ten chefs. The name sounds impressive, but it feels like Han Yuyan's status has dropped a lot when he is among them...

"Brother, what dish are you competing in?" Han Yuyan asked Tian Xiaodu with a smile in order to avoid embarrassment.

Tian Xiaodu was about to answer when Dong Youyou started talking: "The Thai chef who was the opponent of the fat man made a Tom Yum Goong soup, while the fat man made a braised fish fillet in wine sauce, and he directly knocked out the Thai chef 3-0."

Fish fillet in fermented wine is a classic Shandong dish. The "zao-liu" here is a classic Shandong dish. The so-called "zao" refers to the lees, but of course there could be no lees in the ingredients given by Tian Xiaodu when he was cooking. So Tian Xiaodu used wine instead of the lees, and made this fish fillet in fermented wine, which turned out to be delicious and tasty, and won the competition.

"Oh, and there's also Qin Yiyue, the wooden guy." Dong Youyou said immediately, "He has also finished the game and won, but he was probably too tired, so he didn't come over and went straight back to the hotel."

"So, the only contestant left on our side is Master?" Han Yuyan was stunned.

While Dong Hanyuyan was speaking, after a brief discussion on the field, the three judges had already selected the winner of this match.

"After our discussion, we think that the two dishes have their own merits in terms of taste, but Chef Ye's phoenix spreading wings is beautifully shaped and has a noble aura. The whole dish can be called a work of art. Therefore, we think that the winner of this competition is Chef Ye Chuiye!"

Following these words, there was cheering from outside the stadium.

The four people here from Ye Chui, Ye Chui, Han Yuyan, Tian Xiaodu, and Qin Yiyue, all four of them have obtained the right to enter the top ten finals.

Among the ten best cooks in the world, four are from China!

And these four people, without exception, have a close connection with Ye Chui. (~^~)