Reborn – Super Chef

Chapter 547: Your granddaughter's cooking skills are really hard to fathom


Hundreds of gourmets were discussing the topic at this time. They were very interested in Han Yuyan's method of scrambling eggs. Soaking the eggs in water when they were just cooked must have some special effect. It made people look forward to how the eggs would taste.

Among these gourmets, Old Han was sweating profusely and did not participate in any comments. Han Yuyan was his granddaughter, so he naturally knew her best. What happened just now was not a special effect. It must be that Han Yuyan accidentally dropped the egg into the basin...

"Mr. Han, your granddaughter's cooking skills are really hard to fathom." An elderly female gourmet nearby said with a smile. This gourmet had been a judge when Ye Chui challenged Chinatown. Her name was Michelle. According to Ye Chui's speculation, she should have had a close relationship with Mr. Han in the past.

When Old Han heard Michelle's words, he nodded, but didn't say anything else. It was beyond his expectation that his granddaughter could make it this far. He knew in his heart that Han Yuyan's cooking skills were just as good as Michelle's. Although he also understood that there is a saying that if you master one cooking method, you will master all cooking methods. If you cook one dish extremely well, you can apply it to other similar dishes and fully understand them, but his granddaughter... shouldn't have reached that level yet. Although her fried eggs are a delicious dish that even he admires, it shouldn't be that profound to say that she has mastered one cooking method and mastered all cooking methods. She made it to the finals in a daze. Her good luck probably ends here, right

No matter from which aspect, Elliot is much better than her. After all, he can be said to be a top master of Greek cuisine.

While Old Han was thinking about these things, Han Yuyan and Elliot had finished preparing their dishes.

Han Yuyan fried a super-large egg, which was golden yellow and placed on a plate, emitting bursts of heat. Han Yuyan used a few more eggs considering that there were 100 gourmets on the scene, so that each gourmet could have a bite. As several waiters came up, the super-large egg was quickly divided into small plates, and each gourmet could get a lot.

Elliot's moussaka was also ready. This is a pizza-like dish that is round and placed on a plate. After the waiter's careful sorting, each gourmet can get a lot, at least enough to judge which of the two dishes is better. Soon, one gourmet after another began to taste the two dishes.

"I'm really worried about you, Sister Yuyan." Tang Shanshan said with some sweat next to Ye Chui. They certainly didn't think that Han Yuyan's action just now had any deep meaning. They knew that it was purely a mistake. "Is this dish edible?"

"It seems that Heavy Rain's good luck has come to an end..." Tian Xiaodu also sighed.

Even Ye Chui himself thought that Han Yuyan lost more than he won this time.

However...the gourmets who tasted Han Yuyan's dishes didn't think so.

"This egg is so fresh!" A gourmet said to the people around him in surprise, "I have never tasted such a fresh and delicious egg!"

"Although the egg is fried, it has the texture of a boiled egg. It's simply amazing!"

"It turns out that she put the eggs in water for this reason. When the eggs are immersed in water, the water heats up and gives the eggs a steamed texture, making the texture of the eggs soft... As a gourmet, this is the first time I have eaten such a perfect egg!"

“The taste of this moussaka is also wonderful, but I feel that it is not as innovative as this fried egg!”

"Is this still a fried egg? I think it should be called a poached egg!"

"Good name!"

“This is an excellent chef with a lot of ideas!”

Mr. Han, who is a gourmet, was sweating profusely at this time. He is an excellent chef with ideas...

Is he really talking about his granddaughter who has always been extravagant

He had been skeptical about Han Yuyan's fried eggs from the beginning, and didn't think it was a delicacy at all. When he heard people around him talking about it, he couldn't help but pick up a piece of egg with a knife and fork, gently put it into his mouth, and tasted it carefully. Then, Han Lao's eyes changed completely.

"This egg..."

Fresh and crispy. It melts in your mouth. There is no extra seasoning. Simple salt can make the egg taste extremely delicious. Is this really a fried egg? This excellent taste reminds Han Laohui of the first time he ate Ye Chui's dishes!

He couldn't believe that such an excellent dish was made by his granddaughter!

“This dish… is enough to impress me!”

Old Han is a very fair person. Although the contestant of this competition is his granddaughter, he never thought of favoring Han Yuyan from the beginning. However, when he tasted the dish at this time, his heart was moved. The winner of this dish must be this simple fried egg or scrambled egg!

The gourmets were talking about it, but Han Yuyan looked completely unconcerned. The eggs were all put into the basin of water. It would be strange if she could win this competition. She raised her head slightly and looked at An Jing and others at the second-floor window, wondering what her three sisters were doing.

Elliot beside her was a little nervous, always paying attention to the expressions of the gourmets. She had noticed that these people seemed to prefer Han Yuyan's dishes, and she couldn't help feeling a little worried. When she found that Han Yuyan looked indifferent, or calm, she felt even more bitter.

"This woman... doesn't even take me seriously!"

Elliot couldn't help but think so in her heart. She thought about how she had deliberately gone to trouble Ye Chui and his gang before, and she also thought that one day she must defeat Ye Chui, the Chinese God of Food, and let Greek cuisine become famous in the world again. However... she just met one of Ye Chui's apprentices, and she actually... Looking at Han Yuyan's look, it was clear that she didn't take her seriously at all.

"My cooking skills...are still far from perfect!" Elliot realized this deeply in his heart at this moment.

One hundred gourmets made their choices one after another, and the waiter counted the choices and told the host the results.

The host smiled and said, "The results of our selection are out. The votes for this contest are quite different, 78 to 22."

Hearing this, Han Yuyan was somewhat surprised: "I actually got 22 votes?"

Then the host continued, "The winner is Chef Han Yuyan!"

Han Yuyan subconsciously turned around and smiled at Elliot, ready to say congratulations on his victory or something, but as soon as he opened his mouth, he was stunned: What? I'm the winner? Are you sure? I can win like this

Elliot looked at Han Yuyan's smile at him, and the humiliation in his heart increased exponentially. This was a mockery!

She said coldly: "Chef Han, sooner or later I will go back to China to challenge you!"

After saying this, Elliot took off his scarf and left the stadium with an angry look on his face.

Han Yuyan: “…”

This sister has a silly and cute face. Oh, I won again? (~^~)