Reborn – Super Chef

Chapter 551: French roasted snails vs wine steamed clams


Cooking is a laborious job and requires a lot of patience and time to make a good pot of porridge.

As everyone was eagerly waiting, nearly two hours later, the porridge made by Manny and Pritchett was finally completed. Because it was a porridge video, the porridge made by both of them was large in quantity and filling. After distributing it to the 100 judges, almost every judge could get a small bowl, which was enough to taste the quality of the food.

Looking at the one hundred gourmets enjoying the delicious food, the others became restless.

"Master, is Mr. Gordon's corn and lean meat porridge okay?" Han Yuyan asked Ye Chui with some concern, because Gordon Ramsay cooks Chinese cuisine, so she naturally cares about his success or failure.

Ye Chui shook his head. "Each has its merits. Gordon's cooking skills are really amazing. His bowl of porridge has reached the level of ordinary porridge chefs who have made it for decades. Every step is perfect. It is the ultimate delicacy that corn and lean meat porridge can achieve. However, Manipuri's unique pozole is also extraordinary. It has also reached the ultimate level of soup. It's hard to say who is better in this dish."

“Is that so…” Han Yuyan nodded, a little worried in his eyes.

As for which of the two dishes was better, not only Ye Chu was puzzled, but even the one hundred judges encountered this difficult problem at the same time. They all frowned and were unable to make a decision.

There was some worry on Manny Pritchett's face. He had already beaten Gordon Ramsay once, and this victory brought him countless honors, so he wanted to continue winning and didn't want to lose.

In sharp contrast to him, Gordon Ramsay seemed exceptionally calm. It was not because of confidence, but because of indifference. After losing once, he had washed away his original bad temper and could treat winning or losing calmly. He did not care much about the outcome of the game.

In such a tense wait, the gourmets finally began to fill in their comments. After a while, the waiter collected the gourmets' votes, counted them, and handed them to the host. The host looked at the results with a complicated look. He said to the audience around him: "The results are very close. The difference between the two people's votes is only two votes!"

As soon as these words were spoken, they immediately sparked discussions among countless people. The difference was only two votes, which was too small!

You know. In the previous three matches, Ye Chui and Qin Yiyue's match was 100 to 0, and Han Yuyan and Tian Xiaodu's two matches also had a difference of about 50 votes each. In this match, the difference was only two votes. Even if he won, it proved that the cooking skills of the two were almost the same, which made Manny's face suddenly become a little ugly.

This was not the victory he expected, he was supposed to defeat Gordon Ramsay overwhelmingly, by two votes, and even if he won... he wouldn't be happy.

The last time he competed with Gordon, he won overwhelmingly. But now... the gap has been shortened to two votes!

The host paused for a moment, looked at Gordon apologetically, and continued, "The winner of this game is Mr. Maniplicht."

Manny is the winner after all.

But Manny was not happy at all.

He glanced at Gordon Ramsay, his eyes full of reluctance.

Gordon Ramsay just smiled and said, "Next time, I will beat you."

After saying that, he left the competition venue with a faint smile.

It is ironic that the winner of the game looks unwilling, while the loser has a smile on his face.

That was the end of the Manny Pritchett-Gordon Ramsay race.

"What a pity!" Han Yuyan said with some regret after seeing this.

Ye Chui smiled and said, "Gordon has already let go of everything. Since he doesn't care about the result, why should we mention that he cares?"

"But Gordon uses Chinese cuisine. After losing to Manny, it feels like Chinese cuisine lost to Mexican cuisine..." Han Yuyan said somewhat unhappily. Now she has gradually begun to have some awareness of being a famous Chinese chef, and she also thinks about problems from the perspective of Chinese cuisine.

Ye Chui looked at his apprentice with amusement: "In that case. In the next match, you will be responsible for defeating Manipuriquit."

"Ah?" Han Yuyan was surprised, not because of Ye Chui's joke, but because she suddenly realized that she would have to compete with Manny in the next game - she would actually compete with this person who has the title of the world's cooking god, and most importantly, in the next game, her opponents also include her master Ye Chui and her senior brother Tian Xiaodu...

This had to make her feel a little dreamy.

There will be another competition tomorrow morning. After the competition between French chef Adele and Japanese chef Kaoru Kobayashi, the top five contestants will be officially selected. In the final, the five people will cook together, and the rankings will be determined based on the number of votes.

The final is scheduled for tomorrow afternoon.

Adele once competed with Jim and finally beat Jim, a French chef with superb cooking skills who could perfectly demonstrate the elegance and delicacy of French cuisine.

And Kaoru Kobayashi can be said to be the most low-key among all the contestants of the Super Chef Competition. This low-keyness is reflected in his dishes. The dishes he prepares in every competition are almost all extremely simple, yet seem to have some kind of touching charm. It is said that he did not open any big restaurant in Japan, but runs a small restaurant which is open at night. The restaurant opens at twelve o'clock in the evening and closes at seven in the morning. This is its feature, which is specially opened for those who are accustomed to nightlife. The name of the restaurant is called Midnight Diner.

Even Japan made a TV series called Midnight Diner based on his deeds, which was a huge success.

But after becoming successful, he still guards his late-night canteen, neither surprised nor happy, and faces it calmly. This time, among the 540 chefs before the start of the Super Chef Competition, he was probably the one no one thought would enter the finals at the beginning. But he overcame all obstacles and made it to the final five. He is the biggest dark horse in the Super Chef Competition except Han Yuyan.

This evening.

Ye Chui discussed tomorrow's game with Han Yuyan and others, then called Xing Sen to confirm the situation of An Jing, Wang Shiyu and An Xiaoxiao. Knowing that the three were safe in the villa, Ye Chui breathed a sigh of relief.

However, at the end of the conversation on the phone, Xing Sen suddenly said to Ye Chui: "Tomorrow, you all should be careful, there may be big problems..."

"What's the problem?" Ye Chui was stunned.

"The final will be held tomorrow afternoon. When the final is over, that's when the Food Police will start their arrest operation." Xing Sen hesitated for a moment and said, "I shouldn't have told you this news. We have made detailed arrangements and there can't be any deviations. But I trust you and hope you won't tell this news to others to avoid rumors." After a pause, Xing Sen continued, "Don't worry, my mission with Qin Li is to ensure the safety of An Jing, Wang Shiyu, and An Xiaoxiao. You can rest assured about this. Unless Qin Li and I are both dead, nothing will happen to them."

"What about the other people on the island?" Ye Cui thought for a moment and asked nervously.

"Don't worry, most of the world's famous chefs are now on the island. They are the backbone of the food industry. This event is participated by all the food police in the world, and nothing will happen to anyone."

"With such a large event, will the news leak out?" Ye Chui was a little worried.

"People involved in the operation are forbidden to contact the outside world, so you are the only one who knows what is about to happen." Xing Sen answered seriously.

Ye Chui pondered for a moment and replied, "I will cooperate and participate in the finals, but... as long as you can guarantee An Jing's safety!"

After ending the call with Xing Sen, Ye Chui felt a little gloomy, but he soon realized that he was just a chef after all, and he now represented the Chinese food industry. He had his mission and meaning, and he believed in Xing Sen's assurance.

"Tomorrow... all this will be over!" Ye Chui thought silently.

In the competition between Adele and Kaoru Kobayashi, after a brief discussion, the two decided on the dishes they would make. Adele would make an authentic French delicacy: French roasted snails, while Kaoru Kobayashi would continue with his previous simple style and make an authentic Japanese delicacy: sake steamed clams.

Adele's French roasted snails are made with the brown cloud agate snail, a type of snail with delicious meat, also known as the white jade snail in China.

The French have a long tradition of eating snails, which are even hailed as a symbol of wealth. In Ye Chui's previous life, France consumed 300,000 tons of fresh snails every year. The most authentic way to eat snails is to roast them.

In this life, snails have just been introduced to the French dining table because of the vegetarian movement. However, the background of French chefs allowed them to quickly understand the most authentic way to use this delicacy. This dish of French roasted snails has been highly anticipated by countless judges.

Kobayashi Kaoru's steamed clams is a very simple dish, continuing Kobayashi Kaoru's usual style. The main ingredients are clams, red wine, cream, condensed milk, pepper and other small amounts of seasonings. Cooking ingredients with alcohol is not exclusive to Japan, but Japan's unique method is enough to give this steamed clams a unique Japanese flavor, making this dish also highly anticipated.

Neither snails nor clams are mainstream ingredients, which is why countless people are looking forward to the outcome of this competition.

The final five competition, steamed clams vs French roasted snails, officially began soon after the host announced it. (~^~)