Reborn – Super Chef

Chapter 553: Fried pancakes, meat in fermented bean curd sauce, eggs in persimmon sauce, pork belly


In the afternoon, the final of the Super Chef Competition finally began.

This round will be competed by the final five contestants. The five of them will cook at the same time. The final dish will be taught to the 100 gourmets for evaluation and ranking according to votes.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, the five contestants had submitted the dishes they were about to prepare.

Because three of the five were Chinese chefs, after the host got the names of the five dishes, he invited Mr. Han to focus on introducing the dishes of the three Chinese chefs. Mr. Han readily agreed and took the note handed over by the host.

"The dish that Master Tian is going to prepare in this competition is meat in fermented bean curd sauce. This dish is probably created by Master Tian himself. Fermented bean curd is a folk delicacy that has been passed down in China for thousands of years. There are three categories: green square, red square, and white square. You must have heard of China's stinky tofu, right? This is actually the green square of fermented bean curd. Haha, Master Tian's dish is called meat in fermented bean curd sauce. It should be a dish cooked with fermented bean curd soup. It's hard to judge how this dish tastes, but I'm looking forward to his dish."

Old Han said with a smile in English. He thought Tian Xiaodu had been a disciple for a long time and had high expectations for this disciple who was personally trained by Ye Chui.

At this moment, An Jing, Wang Shiyu and An Xiaoxiao, who were on the second floor, were suddenly stunned.

"Is the dish that Senior Brother is going to make using fermented bean curd juice as an ingredient?" An Xiaoxiao looked at Wang Shiyu beside her, "Xiaoyu, don't you usually like to eat fermented bean curd the most? It seems that Senior Brother made this dish for you."

Wang Shiyu nodded, looked at Tian Xiaodu downstairs with her big eyes, and smiled sweetly: "Uncle Tian's dishes must be delicious."

"Next is Han Yuyan's dish." Old Han continued to comment. When he mentioned his granddaughter, he couldn't stop smiling. He laughed and said, "The name of her dish is persimmon juice eggs. Persimmon juice undoubtedly refers to tomato juice. I am looking forward to how persimmon juice and eggs can be made into a dish. This dish is also her original dish. I am looking forward to it."

Han Yuyan is undoubtedly the most amazing player in this competition. No one thought she could make it this far, and judging from her current momentum, she might even get a good ranking in the top five finals. It’s a bit inappropriate to call her a dark horse…

Her persimmon juice eggs made all the judges look forward to it.

Then, Old Han saw the last name on the note. Just after he got the note, he saw that name and was puzzled. He couldn't figure out why Ye Chui wanted to make this dish. Is this... is this really okay

This dish...isn't it a bit too bad

After a pause, Mr. Han glanced at Ye Chui in the audience, and then continued, "The dish that Chef Ye is going to make is called fried pancakes..."

When some Chinese people in the audience heard this name, they all started to stir. They were all a little stunned. Was this a mistake? The God of Cookery was going to make fried cakes? Fried cakes!

He was actually going to prepare this kind of common civilian food that can be found everywhere in such a super competition

Is the God of Cookery crazy

The people around Ye Chu also looked at him with puzzled eyes. They really didn't understand what Ye Chu was doing. Fried pancakes... He actually wanted to make fried pancakes. This kind of popular food was totally different from such a super competition, right

The quiet person on the second floor was stunned for a moment when she heard that the dish Ye Chui was making was fried pancakes, and her eyes became moist.

Fried cakes.

That was when the orphanage had just gone bankrupt. Ye Chui, An Jing and Wang Shiyu were living on the streets. Ye Chui, who was only fifteen years old at the time, rented a simple room by working in a small supermarket. Every day, the three of them could only eat steamed buns and vegetable noodles. It was very hard.

At that time, there was a small restaurant next to where they lived. The most famous dish in this restaurant was fried cakes. This kind of popular and cheap food was a luxury for Ye Chui and his two sisters. Every day, smelling the tempting aroma, the three of them felt salivating.

A serving of fried pancake only costs five dollars, but they can't afford it at all.

On An Jing's birthday that year, Ye Chui asked her what her wish was, and she said she wanted to eat fried pancakes.

Then Ye Chui mercilessly bought a portion of fried pancakes and asked An Jing and Wang Shiyu to share them. It was the most delicious food that An Jing had never tasted before.

But later she found out that Ye Chui hadn’t eaten for two days in order to buy this fried pancake…

Five dollars is enough for his food expenses for two days!

In this super chef competition, Ye Chui finally chose to make fried pancakes, which represented that he had given up on winning the final victory of the competition. This dish was made for his sister!

Ye Chui raised his head and glanced in the direction of the second floor with a faint and gentle smile on his face. The story about the fried pancake was not actually something Ye Chui experienced personally. It was the story of the original Ye Chui. However, Ye Chui could feel the deep bond with the fried pancake. He was not a person who was afraid of threats, but this threat concerned his own sister. Although Xing Sen had always been guarding An Jing, Ye Chui still didn't want to take risks. The champion of the Super Chef Competition

He never cared about this. Three of the top five finalists were Chinese chefs. This was enough for the rise of Chinese cuisine. He could completely give up the title of the strongest chef. The most important thing was his sister!

So he will make this fried pancake in the final that will deeply move his sister!

There was a lot of discussion all around.

Manny frowned deeply, he didn't know what the so-called fried cakes were, but looking at the reactions of the Chinese people at the scene, he knew that it should be a bland dish, which made him smile involuntarily. Very good, it seems that Ye Chui finally decided to give up this game.

"Mr. Han!" The host saw Mr. Han pause and stopped talking, so he asked curiously, "Excuse me, what exactly is this dish called fried pancakes?"

"Fried pancakes are the staple food in northern China. The method is very simple. Cut the cooked pancakes into thin strips and stir-fry them with oil. It is very popular in China." Han Lao explained with a puzzled look on his face. Of course, he had eaten fried pancakes before, and he actually liked this kind of food very much. However, the appearance of this popular food on the field puzzled him. He didn't know what Ye Chu was going to do...

The host here didn't know the secret, and said with a smile that he was looking forward to it. Then he invited a Japanese gourmet and a Mexican gourmet to introduce two dishes made by Kobayashi Kaoru and Manny respectively. One was called Pork Belly Tomato Roll, and the other was called Cheese Roasted Asparagus. Both were regional delicacies with unique flavors.

The dishes that the five people had to make were: fried pancakes, meat in fermented bean curd sauce, eggs in persimmon juice, pork belly and tomato rolls, and grilled asparagus with cheese.

Five chefs then entered the arena and began the cooking competition.

The fried pancakes that Ye Chui wants to make are very simple, but at the same time not simple, because there is no such ingredient as pancake shreds in the Super Chef Competition, so he has to make the pancake shreds himself, and the first thing he has to do is to make the pancakes.

Ye Chui puts the flour into a basin, pours in an appropriate amount of warm water, kneads the dough slowly, lets it rest, and rolls the dough into a pancake shape. In order to ensure the softness of the pancake, he overlaps it back and forth several times to create layers of interlayers inside the pancake. As there are no special pots for making pancakes on the island, Ye Chui chooses a large frying pan, pours in vegetable oil, puts the pancake into the pan and carefully makes it. Ye Chui is also an excellent pastry chef, so his pancakes are soft, fragrant and delicious.

Ye Chui used a frying pan to make two large pancakes, and then made pancake shreds, using a kitchen knife to cut the pancakes into thin strips. The audience around who didn't know what fried pancakes were were all curious, while the audience who knew what fried pancakes were had particularly strange expressions on their faces.

Soon, a large bowl of shredded pancakes was cut out. Then Ye Chui took out a cabbage - the most suitable vegetable for stir-fried pancakes is bean sprouts, but there is no such ingredient on the island, so Ye Chui can only use cabbage as a second choice.

At this point, the fried pancake dish is almost done.

At this moment, the dishes of Tian Xiaodu, Han Yuyan, Xiaolin Xun, and Manny are about to come to an end.

Han Yuyan was very serious this time. She never thought of herself as a good cook, but in fact she was now standing in the top five of the super chef competition, competing with her master, senior brother, and the world's chef god. This finally gave her the confidence of a famous chef and the determination to win the competition.

So she puts a lot of effort into the dishes she makes.

Persimmon juice eggs is a dish she created herself. The method is also very simple. Spread the eggs and then pour thick tomato juice on them. Tomatoes and eggs are a perfect match. Han Yuyan's method is actually very clever.

Turn off the heat when the scrambled eggs are about three-quarters cooked, leaving the egg liquid above the eggs yet to solidify. At this time, use another pot, add vegetable oil, heat it up, pour in crushed tomatoes, and stir-fry into a thick red tomato soup. Then pour the soup onto the omelet that has not been completely solidified. The boiling tomato juice will make the egg liquid completely solidify, and the taste will perfectly combine with the taste of tomatoes. Carefully place it on a plate, and a plate of persimmon juice eggs is ready.

The method is simple but wonderful. The most important thing is to have a deep understanding of the characteristics of eggs to complete this dish. There is no doubt that Han Yuyan's grasp of the time for frying eggs is so good that even Ye Chui can't compare to him. This dish of persimmon juice eggs, with red and yellow colors, makes people's appetite grow at the sight of it.

Tian Xiaodu's pork with fermented bean curd sauce is a kind of braised pork. Red fermented bean curd is used as the main seasoning. The fermented bean curd is stirred into crumbs with chopsticks. When cooking the pork belly, the red fermented bean curd sauce is poured into the pork belly. The pork belly cooked in this way has the deep red color of the fermented bean curd sauce and a rich and fragrant taste. It is a variant of braised pork, but the taste is more delicious than ordinary braised pork. (~^~)

PS: First update, two updates today, 3,000 words per chapter~~~ The next chapter will be around 9pm~~~~