Reborn – Super Chef

Chapter 555: The competition is over, and a new era of gourmet food has begun


Although Ye Chui wanted to lose the game by letting others win, the result made him speechless. He actually won in the end, with nine votes higher than the second place Han Yuyan... How could this happen

Ye Chui couldn't figure out this question. Fried pancakes are popular food. Although they taste good to ordinary people, to the one hundred gourmets present, the taste of fried pancakes should only be considered average, right

Could it be that... my cooking skills have improved unintentionally

"Master, congratulations on winning the championship of the Super Food God Competition." Han Yuyan stood beside Ye Chui and said with congratulations on his face.

Tian Xiaodu also hurriedly walked to Ye Chui and said with a smile: "Master, congratulations, and Da Yu..." He looked a little depressed. He was the eldest senior brother, and Han Yuyan was not only his second junior sister, but he could even say that he taught her all her cooking skills... Now he actually lost to her in such a large-scale competition, and lost by two!

It was hard to describe how helpless Tian Xiaodu felt at the moment.

Han Yuyan probably understood Tian Xiaodu's feelings. She herself was a little confused, so she could only smile foolishly at Tian Xiaodu...

As for the many spectators around, especially Lin Wei, Dong Qian and other companions of Ye Chu, they were not surprised at all that Ye Chui won the final championship. The only thing that surprised them was... that Sister Han actually got the second place after Ye Chui and defeated Manny!

Han Yuyan defeated the world's best chef!

This is definitely big news, it can no longer be explained by luck!

"Could it be that... Sister Yuyan was able to get all the way here not by luck?" Dong Youyou suddenly became thoughtful at this time, "She relied on her true ability? Her scrambled eggs... have reached such a powerful level?"

When everyone looked at Han Yuyan's silly and cute appearance, they immediately showed that they would never believe that this girl's cooking skills had reached such a high level...

At this time, Manny was in a state of despair, with his eyes wide open, as if he had eaten shit. Not only did he lose to Ye Chui, he even lost to Ye Chui's apprentice... and he was also known as the worst cook among Ye Chui's three apprentices... Most importantly, this was not the first time he lost to Han Yuyan. In the previous Food City competition, the Mexican restaurant he was the chef of had lost to the Anran Xiaohun Fan prepared by Han Yuyan!

He thought it was just an accident, but it turned out that it was not an accident. His cooking skills were really not as good as this slightly funny woman...

How could he bear this

"Mr. Ye, congratulations on winning the Super Chef Contest." The host said loudly at this time, suppressing the noise at the scene. He pointed to a straight table in the hall. On it was a unique trophy. This trophy represented the first place in the Super Chef Contest and the honor of the world's strongest chef. The host smiled and continued: "Now, please invite Mr. Ye to receive his own trophy."

The north side of the island.

The large tanker left through the secret passage and turned eastward, heading to an unknown place. An Ruoran, who was tired of standing on the deck, was ready to go back to her cabin to rest. She already knew that Ye Chui had finally won the championship of the Super Chef Competition. She was a little surprised by the result, but it was not difficult to accept. Ye Chui would be the first person infected with the virus, and the virus would immediately spread to another person, and soon, it would completely infect everyone on the island...

She just thought with some sarcasm that An Jing had bet with him that Ye Chui would give up the top spot in super chef for her, his sister... It seems that the chef's reputation is more important than An Jing in Ye Chui's eyes

—Of course she couldn't think of it at this moment, in fact, Ye Chui was ready to give up. He made a popular fried pancake as if it was a game, but he didn't expect that at this time, his cooking skills would have a qualitative breakthrough. Even a simple fried pancake still achieved supreme deliciousness.

It can be said that Ye Chui is now standing in the realm of God. If Ye Chui's previous title of God of Food was a symbol, then he is now a veritable God of Food.

"Hmph, it's over..." An Ruoran walked towards the cabin.

But suddenly, a buzzing sound came from the sky, and some sailors shouted: "There are helicopters approaching!" "There are speedboats coming around!"

"What's going on?" An Ruoran was shocked.

"We are the International Gourmet Police Joint Operations Department. You have been surrounded. Please give up resistance!" A voice amplified by a loudspeaker resounded over the surrounding sea.

"This..." An Ruoran's face had completely changed. She left secretly, and the police should have been unaware of it, but now... What on earth was going on? How did their whereabouts get exposed

"Miss An, I'm sorry." Andrew beside her suddenly said, holding a gun in his hand and pointing it at An Ruoran.

"You?" An Ruoran looked at Andrew in surprise, "It's you... Andrew, do you know what you are doing?"

"Of course I know." Andrew said indifferently, "Miss An, I know I'm not a good person, but I have my own bottom line. I like the way the world is now, but you want to let the vegetarian virus reappear. I can't watch you do this. The world will be destroyed in your hands... So, I can only do this!"

"Andrew, don't forget that you are from the An family!" An Ruoran said gritting his teeth.

"Of course I know that I am from the An family, and An Jing is also from the An family." Andrew smiled faintly, "I think you must not know that the person who secretly sent An Jing away more than ten years ago was actually my sister. She was later killed by the An family, but I know she has never regretted it... I will protect my sister's wish."

"You!" An Ruoran looked at Andrew with gritted teeth, "I will never let you go, you traitor!"

Andrew smiled faintly: “You have no chance.”

After saying this, he fired the gun directly.

With a slap, a few spots of blood splattered on An Ruoran's forehead, and she fell to the ground with a stunned look on her face.

Andrew glanced at the panicked crew members around him, dropped his gun, put his hands behind his head, walked to the deck and knelt on the ground.

Helicopters and yachts quickly surrounded the cruise ship, and a group of fully armed food detectives quickly rushed onto the ship and quickly took control of the cruise ship.

Andrew looked at the sea ahead, with a smile on his face and moist eyes.

More than half a month ago, when Ye Chui and his group left Manhan Building for the island, he followed them to Manhan Building and met An Jing.

The main reason why he could persuade An Jing to believe in him and leave with him was because of his sister.

His sister was the one who took An Jing out of the An family and hid her. Andrew also took out some photos of his sister and some letters written to him that he had treasured. Those things gained An Jing's trust.

An Jing's memory of the woman who had carried her all the way to China was already very vague, but when she saw the photo, she suddenly felt a sense of trust and dependence, so she knew that Andrew was trustworthy.

This man is not a good person, but he has a bottom line. He is fundamentally different from those crazy people in the An family who are trying to repeat the vegetarian movement.

So she agreed to Andrew's plan, entered the island as a descendant of the An family, secretly helped Andrew collect evidence of the An family's crimes, and diverted An Ruoran's attention...

And Jing Jing did all of this very well.

Now we are just one step away. The vegetarian virus hidden inside the trophy.

The An family really likes that kind of drama. The person who wins the title of the world's number one chef will become the first person infected with the virus. In order to cooperate with the operation and obtain evidence that the vegetarian virus has really reappeared, one person must be infected with the virus before the food police can officially launch the operation...

According to An Jing and Andrew's idea, the one who can get the first place is either Ye Chui or Manny. If Ye Chui voluntarily gives up the first place, then Manny will definitely be the champion.

But... there are too many variables. Ye Chui inexplicably broke through his original cooking skills, entered the realm of God and became the first. Even Han Yuyan exploded and stepped on Manny.

As for Manny, he was really disappointing. He only got third place, but only one vote higher than Tian Xiaodu who was fourth...

The person who is about to touch the trophy is Ye Chui.

Now that the food police have begun to take action, it means that the first infected person has appeared.

That person is Ye Chui

a few minutes ago.

Ye Chui heard the host's words, looked at the trophy on the stage beside him, frowned, and considered whether he should accept the award.

Xing Sen had already arrived at the hall below, preparing to organize Ye Chui to get the trophy, but at this moment, Manny on the side suddenly rushed out, rushed to the trophy at lightning speed, grabbed the trophy in his hands, and said madly: "The trophy is mine, no one can take it from me, no one wants to get my trophy!"

Everyone was stunned.

Then there was a soft snap and Manny fell to the ground.

Xing Sen came out holding a tranquilizer gun, looking frightened.

The scene suddenly became noisy.

Several waiters were about to check on Manny's condition, and Xing Sen said coldly: "If you don't want to be infected with the vegetarian virus, stay away from him!"

The waiters shuddered and quickly stood far away.

Ye Chui was stunned: "Vegetarian virus?"

"They are planning to bring back the vegetarian virus. The trophy is the medium. The first person to touch the trophy will be the first person to be infected." Xing Sen said simply, "An Jing suggested that An Ruoran let you give up the first place because she didn't want you to touch the trophy. Unfortunately, you still won... Fortunately, this idiot took the initiative to grab the trophy!"

Ye Chui was so surprised that he didn't react for a long time.

There was a lot of noise in the hall. People from Ye Chui's side came to Ye Chui one after another. An Jing and others on the second floor also joined Ye Chui and others under the leadership of Qin Li.

"The first infected person has appeared. We can start the action now." Xing Sen continued into the intercom.

"Manny is infected with the vegetarian virus... What about us?" Tian Xiaodu said with some concern.

"Don't worry, the vegetarian virus is transmitted through skin contact. Now Manny won't be able to infect anyone else." Xing Sen explained with a smile, "He will be the only infected person and will be forbidden by Eternal Life to come into contact with other people."

"Brother..." An Jing threw herself into Ye Chui's arms. She had been forcing herself to play her role these past few days, feeling worried and frightened. Now she could finally breathe a sigh of relief.

Ye Chui gently patted his sister's back, but his face was full of confusion: "This... what is going on?"

"I'll explain it to you later." Xing Sen said with a smile, "But I can tell you first that this is a joint operation of food police from all over the world. The target is the vegetarian cult and the vegetarian virus. In this activity, your sister is the biggest contributor!"

"And me, and me!" Wang Shiyu shouted, waving her arms. Tian Xiaodu had already held her in his arms.

"Yes, that's right, there are also Xiaoyu and Xiaoxiao." Xing Sen smiled and rubbed Wang Shiyu's head.

Wang Shiyu shook off Xing Sen's big hand and looked up: "Uncle, I found that you really look like a weird uncle."

Xing Sen: “…”

The Super Chef Competition has come to an end. Ye Chui has won the title of the world's strongest chef. Moreover, the Food King Enterprise and the vegetarian cult behind it were also completely surrounded and destroyed.

A new era of gourmet food began soon... (~^~)

PS: The book is about to be finished, and there will be an epilogue chapter next~~~ Thank you for your continued support~~~