Reborn – Super Chef

Chapter 60: Homemade pickles vs. special shark fin (Part 2)


Hearing Ye Chui calmly answer Lin Wei that the glass jar contained pickles, everyone in the living room was subconsciously stunned. They suspected that they had heard it wrong. It was no wonder that they reacted this way. Pickles and shark fins were completely worlds apart, two extremes in food. Seeing Ye Chui's confident look before, I thought he would bring something amazing, but it turned out to be just a jar of pickles. But he looked so calm when he answered, as if his food could completely surpass people's shark fins...

"Salted... vegetables?" Lin Wei confirmed cautiously.

"That's right." Ye Chui nodded.

Wu Haimei was stunned, with a look of astonishment on her skinny face. Regardless of whether she agreed with Ye Chui's pursuit of Lin Wei, this was the first time he came to meet her today, and this guy only dared to come with a can of pickles... She continued to ask patiently, "Is this pickle made of something amazing?"

"The pickled ingredients are just ordinary mustard greens, which I pickled at home." Ye Chui replied with a calm smile.

The living room fell silent again. After a few seconds, He Chengfei laughed. He looked at Ye Chui with a strange look in his eyes and said with a smile, "Just now, Ye Chui, you spoke so well. I thought it was some amazing delicacy. It turns out it's just a can of ordinary pickles?"

"Did I say this is just ordinary pickles?" Ye Cui asked He Chengfei with a smile.

He Chengfei snorted: "Didn't you say that you pickled it yourself with ordinary mustard greens?"

"Yes, but did I say that the pickles I made with ordinary mustard greens at home are ordinary pickles?" Ye Chui asked with a smile. He turned to look at Lin Wei, "Weiwei, go get me a small plate and chopsticks."

"Oh." Lin Wei now had an almost blind obedience to Ye Chui when it came to food. She nodded obediently and turned to run to the kitchen. After a moment, she brought back a small plate and two pairs of chopsticks: one pair of chopsticks was not enough, she also wanted to taste it.

He Chengfei snorted, thinking that Ye Chui was being unreasonable. He wondered if Ye Chui had been so shocked by his shark fin that he had lost his mind. He wanted Wu Haimei to taste his pickles right now. Did he really think that a rich lady like Wu Haimei would eat such a mess? He looked at Wu Haimei quietly, and found that she had a hint of impatience on her skinny face. It seemed that this wealthy young lady, who always had a good temper, was a little angry at the moment.

At this time, Ye Chui gently opened the jar of pickles.

The next moment, a fragrance mixed with sour and sweet smell emanated. The smell was not very strong, but it immediately attracted Wu Haimei's attention. She was already impatient with it, so she let out a light sigh and looked towards the source of the smell with strange eyes.

The pickles in the glass jar were golden and translucent, quite pleasing to the eye. Ye Chui held the bamboo chopsticks in his hand and put a few pickles into the small dish. Being a chef, arranging dishes is one of the basic skills. The way Ye Chui arranged these pickles was quite ornamental. He pushed the dish in front of Wu Haimei, put the bamboo chopsticks aside, and said to Wu Haimei with a smile, "Aunt, are you interested in trying it?"

"Ye Chui, are you making things difficult for your aunt?" He Chengfei said coldly, "You clearly know that your aunt suffers from anorexia, and she has little appetite even for the most delicious food. You served her a plate of pickles and asked her to taste them. You..."

The words came to an abrupt end here, because He Chengfei was stunned to see Wu Haimei picked up the chopsticks, picked up a pickled vegetable leaf with some anticipation on her face, slowly put it into her mouth, and then ate it carefully.

This is just a very ordinary eating process, but when it comes to Wu Haimei, an anorexic patient, it is extremely shocking. Lin Wei was so excited that her eyes were wet. She hadn't seen her mother eat like this for a long time. On weekdays, she would just drink half a bowl of porridge at most!

Lin Wei's eyes shifted to the plate of pickles. She couldn't wait to pick up another pair of chopsticks, picked up one and put it into her mouth. An expression of enjoyment appeared on her pretty face. She felt that the pickles were thick, crisp and boneless, with moderate saltiness. When she chewed them carefully, she could feel the slight sourness in the saltiness and the slight sweetness in the sourness. It was a combination of saltiness, sourness and sweetness in one, just right, which was very memorable.

In fact, the pickles were not very delicious, but the sour and refreshing taste that made people salivate was very appetizing. Lin Wei couldn't help but pick up another one.

He Chengfei was already stunned, and what shocked him even more was that at this moment, he only heard Wu Haimei say to the servant who was standing beside him: "Auntie Wu, is there any porridge left from this morning? Go and heat up a bowl for me."

The servant quickly agreed and went to the kitchen.

After a while, the hot porridge was brought back. Wu Haimei took it in her hand and felt that she had never been so demanding about food in the past few years. She actually had an appetite with Ye Chui's pickles and soon drank most of the bowl of hot porridge. At this time, both Lin Wei and He Chengfei were completely speechless. It was obvious at a glance which gift Ye Chui brought or He Chengfei's gift was more important.

He Chengfei also understood why Ye Chui said that the pickles made from ordinary mustard greens were not ordinary pickles. He thought that he was actually fooled. Ye Chui's pickles looked ordinary, but they were obviously of great origin, more extraordinary than his shark fins. He looked at Ye Chui with surprise: "This... How is this pickled... It must be very precious?"

"Precious? Maybe, but we eat this every day at home." Ye Chui said with a faint smile. He was not lying. Now Wang Shiyu is complaining every day that she is tired of eating this pickled vegetable...

He Chengfei was speechless. The pickles that stimulate the appetite of anorexic patients were eaten with rice every day? As a rich young man with a luxurious life, he couldn't help but sigh to Ye Chui: Is it necessary to be so extravagant

After Wu Haimei put down her bowl and chopsticks, she elegantly wiped the corners of her mouth with a towel. When she looked at Ye Chui again, her expression was indescribably pleasant - just like the look a mother-in-law gives when she looks at her satisfied son-in-law.

Pickles may seem simple and not presentable, but they actually have a long history in China. There are records of pickles as early as the Zhou Dynasty. There is a description in "The Book of Zhou" that "the pickler pickles four kinds of beans: leek pickles, green pickles, Chinese cattail pickles, sunflower pickles, celery pickles, and bamboo shoot pickles." The "pickle" in this sentence means pickles, and the way of pickling pickles with hanging leaves is derived from the famous "Chaoshan pickles."

Of course, there are Chaoshan pickles in this world, but with the same craftsmanship, the taste will be very different depending on the pickler's skills. Ye Chui is not only good at making meat dishes, he is also at the top in other delicacies.

Today, when meeting his future mother-in-law for the first time, Ye Chui confidently brought a jar of pickles with him because he knew that for an anorexic patient, a jar of appetizer pickles was definitely more precious than any delicacies from land and sea - He Chengfei's priceless shark fin, in Wu Haimei's eyes at this moment, was not even as good as a pickle in Ye Chui's jar!


The third update is here. Tomorrow is a new week, and it is also the last week for us to rush to the new book list. It’s the last week, I hope we can get good results~~~~~