Reborn – Super Chef

Chapter 94: The gnawed chicken started to walk


It has been two days since Xizhou No. 32 Middle School implemented the school closure policy. Naturally, the students have strong opinions about this, and some parents even went to the school to inquire about the situation. When they were told that this was for the safety of the students, even the parents began to support the school closure policy.

Ye Chui's restaurant had fewer students at noon, and business was much slower. Although Ye Chui had never expected to make a lot of money from this, he was still a little unhappy about it these past two days. However, he had no good solution for the time being, but at noon that day he suddenly made an interesting discovery -

There were not many guests in the restaurant at noon, so Ye Chui prepared lunch boxes for Lin Wei and An Jing himself, and went upstairs to clean up Wang Shiyu's dishes. When he went downstairs, he saw Tian Xiaodu sneaking out of the restaurant with an incubator in his hand. Wang Shiyu followed behind him with the lunch boxes prepared for An Jing and Lin Wei.

Seeing Ye Chui coming down from upstairs, the little thing smiled crisply and waved to Ye Chui: "Brother, I'm going to school."

Then he quickly pulled Tian Xiaodu away.

Ye Chui put the bowls and chopsticks into the kitchen, with a puzzled look on his face. He asked Han Yuyan, who was eating elegantly, "Dayu, what are Xiaodu and Xiaoyu doing?"

"I don't know." Han Yuyan also showed a hint of curiosity on his face, "They have been sneaking around every noon these two days. I don't know what they are doing."

"I'll go with you and take a look." Ye Cui thought about it and made up his mind.

"I'll go too." Han Yuyan stood up immediately afterwards.

"You stay and look after the store." Ye Chui turned around and ordered.

“Oh…” The sister looked very unhappy.

After leaving Xiaoyu Home Cooking, Ye Chui followed Wang Shiyu and Tian Xiaodu from a distance. The thermal box in Tian Xiaodu's hand was the one that Ye Chui had prepared when he was selling lamb skewers. Now Qin Feng was preparing to expand his business and tried to make skewers according to Ye Chui's requirements. This thermal box could not be used for the time being, and no one knew what was inside it.

Tian Xiaodu was fat, so it was inconvenient to hold him. Wang Shiyu kept urging him, "Hurry up, why are you so slow? Will you compensate me for my loss if you delay my business?"

"Business?" Ye Chui was surprised. Where did this little thing get business from

He hurriedly followed and soon arrived at the school gate of Xizhou No. 32 Middle School. The iron fence of the school gate was tightly closed, and there were actually quite a few students waiting at the gate. When they saw Wang Shiyu, they greeted him one after another.

Tian Xiaodu put the incubator down at the door. Wang Shiyu took out a notebook from her backpack and said to the people in a serious tone, "We are starting to ship the goods. You have to pay for the goods. Those whose names I call can come up to get the goods. First up is Wang Xiaochun. Your tomato and egg rice bowl is priced at eight yuan."

As Wang Shiyu said this, a man immediately stepped out from the door and handed eight yuan to Wang Shiyu through the fence. Wang Shiyu put the money in his pocket. Tian Xiaodu had already swiftly taken out a tomato and egg rice bowl from the thermal box and handed it over through the fence.

Seeing this scene, Ye Chui's expression immediately became upset: this big and small person actually ran here to sell lunch boxes...

There were a dozen lunch boxes in the insulated box. After they were all sold out, Wang Shiyu took out a pile of bills from her pocket and counted them carefully. She looked very professional when counting money. Finally, she nodded to Tian Xiaodu with satisfaction, took out a ten-yuan bill and handed it to him: "Not bad, Uncle Tian, we made one hundred and forty yuan today. You can use this ten yuan to have a cup of coffee."

Ye Chui: “…”

He saw clearly that when Tian Xiaodu took the ticket, he looked extremely depressed...

"I have to go bring lunch boxes to my sister. Uncle Tian, you go back first. Remember, don't tell my brother about this, otherwise he will be rude to you." Finally, Wang Shiyu raised her little head and warned Tian Xiaodu seriously.

Tian Xiaodu nodded helplessly - such a grown man was being eaten by a little girl, who could he go to for justice

"Xiaoyu." At this time, Ye Chui finally couldn't help but walked out from the side. He waved at Wang Shiyu and said, "Come here. I promise not to spank you."

Wang Shiyu saw Ye Chui's face suddenly changed, and then the next moment she pointed at Tian Xiaodu: "Brother, this is none of my business, it was Uncle Tian who ordered me to do this."

"..." Tian Xiaodu's face was full of grievance...

Ye Chui said with sweat dripping down his face: "Do you think I will believe it?"

"Oh no." Wang Shiyu saw that the trick of framing someone didn't work, so she suddenly seemed to think of something. She picked up the love lunch box that Ye Chui had specially made for her and turned around and ran towards the guard. "I'm going to deliver the lunch box to my sister. Goodbye, brother. Goodbye, Uncle Tian."

Seeing Wang Shiyu acting cute with the security guard at the side gate of the school and then being allowed to enter the school, Ye Chui turned around with a sweat on his forehead and looked at Tian Xiaodu: "What on earth is going on?"

Tian Xiaodu felt more embarrassed than anyone else at this time. He packed up the incubator and explained to Ye Chui, "Well, a few days ago, when I was teaching Dayu to cook, Xiaoyu suddenly took a photo from behind, and then she secretly threatened me that if I didn't do what she said, she would send the photo to my wife's phone..."

Ye Chui: “…”

She is quiet, pure and kind, so she can be considered a good person. But I wonder who Wang Shiyu learned these weird ideas from

But Tian Xiaodu is incredible. He was actually blackmailed by a seven-year-old little girl... and this happened more than once or twice.

Ye Chui rolled his eyes and said to Tian Xiaodu: "Xiaodu, you are such a grown-up, but you are still being played around by a little kid like her. Don't you feel ashamed?"

Tian Xiaodu laughed: "Actually, I was just playing with her. After getting to know her for a long time, I feel that this little girl is quirky and quite likable." As he said this, Tian Xiaodu thought of something else and said with difficulty, "By the way, Master... Can you spare some time to help me delete the photo in Xiaoyu's phone? If my wife really sees it, I won't be able to live. My wife still can't forget the kiss Xiaoyu gave her last time..."

"... Don't worry, I will find time to delete it for you." Ye Chui said with some sweat, and then a smile appeared on his face again, "But speaking of which, I really have to thank Xiaoyu for coming up with this and giving me a good idea. Since the school is closed and students are not allowed to go out for meals, we can sell food to students directly at the school gate."

"Master, are you saying that we are going to sell a large number of boxed lunches?" Tian Xiaodu asked curiously.

"Of course not." Ye Chui shook his head. "After all, the appeal of boxed lunches is limited, and it takes too much time to prepare. Ten or twenty portions are fine, but if there are more, it will be too much trouble. I have a better idea."

"What idea?" Tian Xiaodu asked hurriedly.

Ye Chui chuckled: "It seems that we should start preparing the chicken for eating."

Previously, Ye Cui also wanted to solve the problem of the school not letting students go out at noon, but he was thinking about this problem in the wrong direction - he had been thinking about how to make the school change its mind and not close the school at noon, but the school implemented this policy from the perspective of safety issues. Is it so easy to change it

Today, when Ye Chui saw Wang Shiyu and Tian Xiaodu selling lunch boxes together, he suddenly thought of a good idea: he might as well set up his business in front of the school gate!

Selling boxed lunches is certainly a good choice, but Ye Chui's is a restaurant after all. It is easy to prepare a few boxed lunches, but if there are too many, the work will be too busy. Besides, boxed lunches are for convenience and are not attractive enough. It is not certain how many students they can attract. So Ye Chui thought of the Kenji fried chicken set.

After all, the income of the restaurant is limited. Ye Chui also wants to save money as soon as possible to prepare for opening a big hotel in the future. Gnawing chicken is a money-making project he thought of. One reason is that this kind of food was originally a model of successful fast food in the previous life. Another reason is that Ye Chui has enough chicken sources: Maple Leaf Mountain Chicken Farm. He originally planned to prepare for this matter after a while, but now it seems that he has to put it on the agenda in advance.

Now he was going to do an experiment with the students of Xizhou City No. 32 Middle School. He planned to get a small cart, the kind that was easy to move around in. He could park the cart at the school gate every day and do some cooking on the spot. Ye Chui just didn't believe it. When the aroma of fried chicken nuggets filled the air, would the students in the school still be able to eat the food in the cafeteria


Today is the third chapter. Please continue to recommend and collect~~~~