Reborn – Super Chef

Chapter 96: New employee in the hotel


The woman named Ruoran stood on the road beside the Maple Leaf Mountain Chicken Farm. She looked at the chicken farm, which was just beginning to take shape, and explained some things to the scarred man Zhang Han. Then she got back into the car. Zhang Han also returned to the driver's seat and asked respectfully, "Ms. Ruoran, where are we going next?"

"I'm going to accompany Ren Haibo to attend the opening ceremony of a shopping mall later. Please take me back to the hotel so I can touch up my makeup. This old man has been completely obsessed with me recently. I should be able to win him over soon." Ruoran replied. She put her sunglasses back on her face and said in a light tone, "Ren Haibo is a big fat sheep. If I can take him down, my status in the family will definitely increase greatly."

"Ms. Ruoran, you will definitely succeed." Zhang Han said respectfully as he started the car - this big man with a ferocious appearance seemed to have only respectful reaction in front of this beautiful lady.

The car had already started and was about to drive away. Ruoran accidentally glanced out the window, and suddenly his eyes moved. He hurriedly said to Zhang Han, "Wait a moment."

She saw Ye Chui.

Ye Chui, who had just visited several chicken coops, was discussing something with Chen Sitang at the foot of Maple Leaf Mountain. It seemed that they had reached some agreement and the two shook hands.

Zhang Han watched this scene through the car window. He knew that Ruoran was paying attention to this young man, but he was a little curious, so he asked: "Who is this young man? Is there anything special about him?"

"Haha, this young man is definitely an extraordinary person." Ruoran's voice was mixed with some strange emotions. "Some time ago, Lin Zhengdao celebrated his wife's birthday, and Ren Haibo also sat at the table. After he came back, he told me about a young chef who stole the show at the birthday party. Later, I investigated and found that the young man was this person. His name is Ye Chui. He should have a lot of ancient recipes in his hands. These are also things that our vegetarian sect must destroy!"

"Ms. Ruoran, what do you mean?" Zhang Han asked in confusion.

"Just take care of the chicken farm. I'll contact Ye Chui myself." Ruoran said with sparkling eyes. She seemed to have thought of something interesting. She licked her red lips with her bright red tongue. "I'm most interested in this kind of young chef genius... It would be very interesting if I could destroy them myself."

There were no problems in the negotiation with Chen Sitang. The reason why Ye Chui chose to build a chicken farm with Chen Sitang was not only because it was more convenient, but also because Chen Sitang was a very nice person. After discussing the chicken supply with Chen Sitang, Ye Chui was ready to leave. He did not realize that someone had been secretly thinking about him during that time...

After returning to Xiaoyu Home Cooking, Qin Feng was already waiting there. Ye Chui had greeted him before he went out in the morning. He rode Ye Chui's three-wheeled truck over here. Recently, the kebab stall was going to be upgraded to a kebab stall. Ye Chui also bought a second-hand three-wheeled electric vehicle for Qin Feng. Naturally, this small three-wheeled vehicle was of no great use, and it was just used to modify Ye Chui's chicken fast food truck.

The stove used for the oil pan can be directly the original stove for grilling lamb skewers, which is very convenient. With the help of Tian Xiaodu and Han Yuyan - mainly Tian Xiaodu, Han Yuyan's sister was just standing aside pretending to be cool, eating melon seeds and pointing - the simple fast food truck was finally ready. A stove and an oil pan were installed on the car, as well as a safe for storing chicken nuggets, a wooden barrel for rice and three soda barrels for drinks, and a parasol was set up on the car. On it were five crooked and childish characters written by little Wang Shiyu: Xiaoyu Home Cooking. Finally, the fast food truck was completed.

It is worth mentioning that fast food trucks also exist in this world. As long as they have a license from the restaurant they belong to and do not interfere with public transportation, they can be used. In the era of food, the regulations in this regard are relatively relaxed.

The fast food truck was ready, but at this moment Ye Chui thought of another very important problem: he had to hire another waiter.

Although the number of customers at the restaurant has decreased a lot recently, there are still some. Ye Chui, Tian Xiaodu and Han Yuyan all have to keep an eye on the restaurant, so they have to find someone to look after the fried chicken fast food. For this reason, Ye Chui prepared another recruitment advertisement and posted it outside the door that afternoon. Maybe it was God's blessing, but not long after he posted the notice, someone walked into the restaurant: "Boss, are you hiring?"

The person who came was a young man in his thirties, who was quite sturdy and had a beard on his face. He looked a little weathered. Although the weather was getting hotter, he was still wearing a half-worn black jacket and carrying a travel bag in his hands, which made him look tired and exhausted.

Ye Chui saw the person coming, looked him up and down, nodded and said, "That's right, but our requirement here is at least to have basic knowledge of cooking."

"That's no problem. I have a first-level chef certificate." The young man said hurriedly, opened his travel bag, took out a certificate from it, and handed it to Ye Chui.

Ye Chui looked at the certificate. Although Ye Chui had obtained a first-level chef certificate, the certificate had not yet been issued. This was the first time he had seen a chef certificate in this world. After opening it, he saw simple information filled in and a photo of a person. Ye Chui compared it with the young man and could tell it was the same person, but the person in the photo looked much younger than the real person. The name filled in showed that the person was called Xing Sen.

"Xing Sen?" Ye Chui repeated the name, thinking it was a bit strange. He turned around and called Tian Xiaodu, "Xiaodu, can you check if this certificate is real?"

Tian Xiaodu, who was cutting vegetables in the kitchen, agreed and came out. He wiped his hands on his scarf, took the chef's certificate, looked at it for a few seconds, and nodded: "Yes, it's true."

"That's good." Ye Chui returned the chef certificate to Xing Sen. He thought of something and asked curiously, "Since you have a one-star chef certificate, it shouldn't be difficult for you to find a job in a larger restaurant. Why did you come to me to apply for a job?"

Xing Sen smiled bitterly: "Boss, everyone has their own difficulties. I just want to find a stable job first. I don't care about the size of the restaurant."

Ye Chui looked at Xing Sen seriously, and saw a certain disheartened aura on his face. He was still very confident in his own judgment. If this man was not so good at acting, then he must have really been through something. However, Ye Chui was more inclined to the latter. He was still very confident in his own judgment. Ye Chui thought for a while, then nodded at him: "Okay, I can try you first. You have seen the job advertisement outside the hotel. Do you have any questions about this?"

"No, the treatment is pretty good." Xing Sen nodded with a smile, looking like he didn't have high demands.

"Well, then, I'll teach you what to do first and see if you can do it well." Then Ye Chui led Xing Sen to the front of the fast food truck and taught him how to make fried chicken nuggets - Ye Chui didn't mind letting people learn the method of making fried chicken nuggets casually. After all, the most important part of this food is the crispy fried powder wrapped around the chicken nuggets, which is a secret recipe developed by Ye Chui.

After KFC became popular, many fast food restaurants followed suit, but KFC is still the world's largest fried chicken chain, and its unique recipe of fried flour is one of the main reasons for this.

Ye Chui was very satisfied with Xing Sen's performance. He quickly mastered the trick of frying chicken nuggets. After signing a simple contract, Xing Sen officially became a member of the restaurant, specifically responsible for the operation of the fast food truck.

After agreeing on these things, Xing Sen temporarily left the hotel. He would not officially start work until tomorrow.

As soon as he left Ye Chui's sight, his face, which seemed to have experienced many hardships, suddenly changed. It looked more shrewd and sophisticated, which was completely different from Ye Chui's judgment of him: this man was obviously a superb actor.

"It's done. I joined the restaurant successfully." Across the street, Xing Sen took out his cell phone and dialed a number. "But I just can't figure it out. Is this kid who looks only sixteen or seventeen years old really as good as you say?" He listened attentively to the message on the other end of the phone with an impatient look on his face. "Okay, okay, I get it. I will complete the task seriously and make sure no one will hurt him... But Xiaoli, after this mission is over, let's go out for dinner together... Hello? Hello!"

Xing Sen turned off his phone indignantly and cursed fiercely: "Tomboy, you deserve to be single until death!"

Putting away his phone, Xing Sen turned around and took another look at the new sign of Xiaoyu's Home Cooking. He chuckled, "The fried chicken nuggets this kid researched really taste great. Maybe those vegetarians will really attack him."

—Ye Chui didn’t know that because he had been in the limelight at Wu Haimei’s birthday party, some forces related to food had begun to stir. His wish to quietly open a small restaurant to accumulate funds to prepare for opening a big restaurant in the future seemed destined to suffer some twists and turns...


Today is the second update. Cannon has just made a decision. From now until the book is put on the shelves, we will start to update three times a day~~~~The first update is around 10 am, the second update is at 3 pm, and the third update is at 9 pm~~~~Please check the book page during these time periods. Logging in to the book page every six hours will increase member clicks~~~Finally, please vote for recommendation~~~