Reborn to be a Noble Wife

Chapter 108: Waiting for the right time, protecting Xiang Yi Niang


When they arrived at the East Palace, Qu Qiuyan and Qu Moying did not see Luo from the first house, and heard that she had gone out.

Not seeing Luo, the two planned to go back, but when they went out, they saw Qu Caiyue.

This was the first time they both saw Qu Caiyue since they came back last time.

Qu Caiyue was also slightly stunned when she saw the two of them.

"Why doesn't second sister go out with eldest aunt? I heard that eldest aunt took eldest sister out today." Qu Qiuyan's eyes turned and she walked forward and asked with a smile.

When they went to ask just now, the maid in the main room told them that Luo had taken Qu Xuexin out for something, saying that they went out of the city, but didn't say anything specific.

Qu Moying turned sideways and bowed to Qu Caiyue.

"Third sister..." Qu Caiyue didn't look very well. She glanced at Qu Moying with impatience in her eyes and felt that Qu Moying was an eyesore here.

"Second sister and third sister have something to say, so I'll go back first." Qu Moying looked at the two of them and said.

"Fourth sister, please go and get busy first." Qu Qiuyan said with a smile.

Qu Moying nodded at them and left slowly. Qu Caiyue had something to say and Qu Qiuyan looked like she was willing to stay and listen, so she was redundant here.

I just don't know when Qu Qiuyan has been so enthusiastic? The eyes behind her veil darkened, and the corners of her lips curled up silently. The things that the lady had just ordered must have disgusted Qu Qiuyan!

It was just the order of her adoptive father and the lady dowager. Even if Qu Qiuyan was dissatisfied, she didn't dare to really argue!

Seeing Qu Moying taking Qu Qiuyan away, Qu Caiyue said to Qu Qiuyan: "Third sister, why don't you come sit with me?"

"No need to go over there, just sit over there!" Qu Qiuyan pointed to the pavilion next to her. The gentle smile on her face faded a few steps, and she turned and walked towards the pavilion.

She was still very familiar with everything in the East Palace.

Although Qu Caiyue felt uncomfortable, she had to follow. Actually, she didn't want to say anything when she saw Qu Qiuyan, but when Qu Qiuyan winked at her, she had to pretend that she had something to say to Qu Qiuyan.

"Tell me, what's the matter?" Qu Qiuyan sat down on the stone bench in the pavilion and said with a cold expression.

Qu Caiyue looked around uneasily and waved her hand to ask the maids from the East Palace to step back. Only she, Qu Qiuyan and Qinglian were left in the pavilion.

“Third sister…” Seeing that everyone had left, Qu Caiyue moved her mouth and looked at Qu Qiuyan dryly.

"Aunt went to arrange a blind date for elder sister?" Qu Qiuyan said straight to the point. Although the East Mansion was separated from the West Mansion by a wall, Qu Qiuyan deliberately asked people to pay attention to this side and knew something about the East Mansion.

Similarly, if Luo, who is in charge of the East Palace, has everyone keep an eye on the West Palace, he will also know some things about the West Palace.

Qu Qiuyan brought Qu Moying here but didn't tell him that Luo was not there. She did that on purpose.

"Yes." Qu Caiyue felt very aggrieved when this matter was mentioned. Obviously, the two sisters were not engaged now, but the lady only cared about the eldest sister and did not care about her own affairs. It seemed that as long as the eldest sister's marriage was not settled, her own marriage would never be settled. Qu Caiyue felt depressed when she thought about it.

"It's not easy to find a good marriage for my eldest sister, so I plan to keep waiting. If I wait too long and die young, how can I get a good marriage?" Qu Qiuyan curled her lips and said slowly.

Asked in a loud voice.

Qu Caiyue's eyes also turned red. She looked up at Qu Qiuyan and begged, "Third sister, help me."

"How can I help you? I'm still your sister. Besides, even if I were your eldest sister, I couldn't help you. The East Palace is not a place we can reach out to." Qu Qiuyan refused without hesitation, "It's a pity for my second sister. With such a beautiful face, she was originally one of the best in the capital, but she has to delay it... Really..."

After saying this, he seemed to sincerely sigh for Qu Caiyue and shook his head.

"Third sister, save me." Qu Caiyue was about to cry and crumpled the handkerchief in her hand. She was in a bad mood and was thinking about this matter. The more she thought about it, the more aggrieved she felt, but she was helpless. It was still unclear when her eldest sister would finish her matchmaking. Qu Caiyue also knew how picky the lady was about her eldest sister's marriage.

Just because of the lady's enthusiasm in choosing a son-in-law, Qu Caiyue felt that when it was her turn, she probably wouldn't have much to choose from. By then, she might really not be able to get married.

"Actually, there is another person who can decide your marriage." Qu Caiyue said slowly.

"Who... is it?" Qu Caiyue was very excited. "Please give me some advice, Third Sister."

"It's not really advice, I'm just giving you this out of consideration for the kindness you showed me in the past." Qu Qiuyan said calmly.

"Yes, yes, I know. Only heaven can tell how I feel for my third sister." Qu Caiyue nodded repeatedly to show her loyalty.

"Grandma can help you." Qu Qiuyan was very satisfied with this and smiled slightly.

These words made Qu Caiyue's expectations fade away. Her face fell and she smiled bitterly, "Third sister, how can I tell grandma about this? Besides, even if I did, grandma wouldn't pay any attention to me. Madam is here, and grandma doesn't like to get involved, let alone argue with Madam over this matter."

It's not that she hadn't thought about this idea, but how could she, an unmarried young lady from a noble family, say such things and look like she was eager to get married

If she really said that, not only would the Madam not let her go, even the Madam would not let her go.

"Did you go and tell them yourself?" Qu Qiuyan raised her chin proudly and said with a bit of arrogance, "You won't let others tell grandma, just like today when your aunt is not at home, shouldn't you tell grandma if something happened to you?"

There are actually quite a few times like this in Dongfu recently.

What Luo is most concerned about now is her eldest daughter's marriage. From time to time, she will take her eldest daughter out, leaving all the things in the mansion behind, just to find a good marriage for her eldest daughter.

“You mean I... I..." Qu Caiyue understood, her face changed drastically, and her voice began to tremble unconsciously.

"It depends on your own decision whether to do it or not. My aunt has not been at home recently. It shouldn't be difficult for you to do such a thing!" Qu Qiuyan stood up, pulled the hem of her skirt, and said.

She has thought of a solution for Qu Caiyue, and now it depends on Qu Caiyue herself what to do next. Of course, she is not really doing this out of kindness for Qu Caiyue.

As for whether Qu Caiyue would use this method, since she said it, it was certain that Qu Caiyue would definitely do it.

"I understand." Qu Caiyue was not stupid. She gritted her teeth and said that this seemed to be the only chance now. Even for this opportunity, she would give it a try.

If my marriage falls into the hands of my grandmother, it will naturally be much better than falling into the hands of my wife.

Madam, where can I find a sincere replacement

Find a good marriage for yourself...

Qu Moying went back to the West Mansion first. After returning, she asked Nanny Miao to report to the lady-in-waiting that Luo was not there. She went back to the West Mansion first. Qu Qiuyan stayed in the West Mansion to talk to Qu Caiyue.

After Nanny Miao went to report, she brought back another piece of news, a matter concerning Concubine Xiang. She said that it happened that Nanny Wu was talking to the Dowager Madame about Concubine Xiang, and Nanny Miao overheard it while waiting outside for a while.

It seems that the lady also paid attention to Xiang Yi Niang's affairs.

"Miss, it is said that Jingzhao Yin has accepted the case of Concubine Xiang. After Concubine Xiang was beaten, Jingzhao Yin sent people to Ling'anbo's mansion to investigate the matter of Miss Ji Er, but it seems that nothing was found. I only heard that Miss Ji Er left with someone, and the people in Ji's mansion could not find her. There is no other evidence. Will you say that Concubine Xiang made a false accusation?"

Nanny Miao said worriedly.

Qu Moying put down the music score in her hand, and her fingers unconsciously stroked the strings in front of her twice. The strings made a crisp sound. As her fingers pressed down, the sound vibrated a few times and gradually stabilized.


Qu Moying shook his head, his eyes darkened slightly, and sent Concubine Xiang to the yamen. The most important thing was to protect Concubine Xiang and provide a strong premise for overturning the case in the future.

With such a legitimate reason and such a high-profile event, Jingzhao Yin had no choice but to accept Xiang Yi Niang and investigate the matter to get evidence. Now it was time for investigation.

Aunt Xiang is safe in the yamen now.

My current identity is not legitimate and I cannot provide protection for Concubine Xiang.

This period of time was enough for her father to bring the matter of wanting an heir to the attention of the Emperor. All she had to do now was to wait and see how the situation developed.

"Madame Miao, please ask Madame Zhou to visit Concubine Xiang and send some food and medicine over." After hesitating for a while, Qu Moying said again.

Everyone knew that both Concubine Xiang and Nanny Zhou were from the Yue family in Jiangnan. Some well-informed people even found out that it was Concubine Xiang who followed him out that day. Although it was said that Concubine Xiang left on her own initiative and went to the yamen, it must have aroused the suspicion of some people.

In this case, there is no need for her to hide and she can just let Nanny Zhou go and take a look.

The people of the Yue family in Jiangnan are so powerful that even if they break bones and tendons, it won't be a big deal for me to intervene. Although it may damage my reputation, so what

"Should only Madam Zhou go? How about I, an old servant, go with you as well?" Madam Miao thought more deeply and said after a while.

This was a good suggestion. Qu Moying nodded and said, "Then I'll have to trouble Madam Miao and Madam Zhou to make the trip."

Nanny Zhou is there out of affection, and Nanny Miao is there for consideration. It is indeed best for the two of them to go together!

Judging from the time, Daddy’s matter should be settled soon.

After it reached his ears, the emperor thought that these things were trivial and reasonable. Since it was his father's last wish and it was certified to be true, there was no reason for the emperor not to appease the hearts of his loyal subjects.

Originally, Qu Moying thought that this matter should have been resolved long ago. It seemed that Crown Prince Pei Luoan and Ji Youran were still unwilling to give up, so she would intensify her efforts to make it difficult for them to have any more evil daughters.

If this title fell into the hands of the second branch of the Ji Mansion, she would rather destroy it than let them succeed...

The day when Aunt Xiang is released won’t be far away!