Reborn to be a Noble Wife

Chapter 117: If you can still stay, then live!


"Hai Lan, am I really not feeling well?" After the doctor left, Yu asked Hai Lan who was standing aside from the gauze tent.

This was the fourth doctor she had invited, but every one of them said the same thing. Yu was very nervous, anxious and irritated. She had gained a lot of weight in the past few days, and looked almost the same as before, except that her expression looked a little gloomy.

"Madam, if you take good care of yourself, it's not impossible." Hai Lan didn't dare to say it too firmly, so she could only answer carefully. She walked forward and lifted up the gauze curtain, and saw Yu sitting in the gauze curtain holding her belly.

Yu was found to be pregnant after she came back from the Prince's Mansion, but at that time she had already taken a lot of strong and powerful drugs. It was only because her health was so poor that she had to use these strong and overbearing drugs to keep her life back.

Yu had a gloomy face, put her hands on her stomach, and said nothing.

The room fell silent, and after a long while, Yu's voice was heard: "If...something really happens, just blame it on that blind girl."

Hai Lan was startled and looked up at Yu: "Madam... do you want to give birth?"

The doctor said that the possibility of this child being bad is too high. Even if it can be born, it probably won't be a normal child.

With such a strong medicine, this child is almost useless.

“Even if I can’t have a baby… I can’t just let it go like this. It’s all that blind girl’s fault. She killed my child. I won’t let her go.” Yu gritted her teeth and said.

She had already heard that Qu Moying had returned safely. It seemed that her brother had failed again. When she thought about her brother's failure and letting this blind girl come back, Yu became more and more angry. This blind girl was really lucky and had not died for so many years.

It's not that she didn't try. Whether in the manor or back in Qu Mansion, Yu had made many plans.

There was a strange look on Hailan's face. She was Yu's confidant, so of course she knew the truth behind this. But even though she was Yu's confidant, she couldn't say a word to blame Qu Moying at this time.

Yu knew what caused the incident, and she also knew it.

"Madam, what should we do?" Hai Lan asked with her head down. She was Madam's confidante, so of course she would follow Madam wholeheartedly. As for the Fourth Young Lady, she was not her master, so why should she care about her

"Go and ask for another doctor," said Mrs. Yu.

Hailan hesitated for a moment, "Madam, I invited so many people before, and they all said the same thing."

“Go find the Third Miss and ask her to ask for my favor openly, saying that my health has suddenly deteriorated again and it seems... I am about to die... ” Yu said.

Hailan knelt down in fear, "Madam, why say such unlucky words? You should be fine."

Yu shook her head: "It's not auspicious or unlucky. Let the third lady go and invite someone first, and then find a way to let that blind girl know..."

Yu paused here, touched her belly with her hand, and a hint of cruelty flashed in her eyes, "Bring that blind girl over here and push this thing onto her. No matter what she did, even if she did nothing, as long as she comes over, this thing can fall on her."

"Madam... you... you really don't want this child?" Hai Lan said tremblingly. Not being able to give up and giving up voluntarily are completely different concepts.

"What are you afraid of? I came here this way too." Yu said coldly, with a hint of coldness in her eyes.

This reminded Hai Lan of what happened more than ten years ago. At that time, Yu was about to give birth, but she used the baby in her belly to plot against Yue. Then she gave birth to the baby prematurely and blamed Yue for the incident, forcing Yue to leave. Later, Yue died in the nunnery due to poor delivery conditions.

"At that time, I was pregnant with Yan'er and Cheng'er, so I dared to do this. What am I afraid of now? At worst, the child is really gone. If I can still keep it, then I will give birth to it." Yu said, clasping her hands together in the air, closing her eyes, and muttering to herself, "Buddha bless you. After this matter is settled, I will definitely rebuild a golden body for you. I hope the Buddha blesses you!"

Hailan knelt in front of the bed without daring to move.

Yu opened her eyes again, her expression became a little kinder, and she reached out to pull Hailan. Hailan did not dare to struggle, and stood up: "After dealing with this blind girl, you can also live in honor. I will also give you a house, and your child... You can enjoy the happiness of family in the future."

"Thank you, ma'am. Thank you, ma'am." After hearing what Yu said, Hai Lan choked up and kowtowed repeatedly, and her expression no longer had the heaviness it had just had.

That incident has been a hidden pain for her for many years, and no one else knows about it. The child is now in the Yu family, who are raising him for her.

"We have been master and servant for so many years. There is no need to thank each other. Look at the moment, we are just dependent on each other." Yu let go of Hai Lan, pointed around, and laughed sarcastically.

"Madam, everything will be fine. I will go find the Third Miss in a moment and ask her to call the doctor first, and then let her pass the message out." Hai Lan said.

"That's the best. Remember to remind the Third Miss to find a way to get that blind girl over here at least once, no matter what." Yu said with a gloomy face. This time, she would risk herself to bring this blind girl down. She didn't believe that the Second Master would not care if this blind girl "intentionally" caused her to lose her child.

Since she found out that she was pregnant, although Qu Zhizhen still kept her at his place, he treated her much better and even came to see her once.

Qu Zhizhen only has one son, which is indeed a little too little. If he could give birth to another legitimate son, it would be of great significance. Even if he is a little sickly, Yu still wants to give birth to him.

But thinking that the child might not be healthy, Yu was really worried, so she simply left it to fate. If the child could still be born after she plotted against Qu Moying, then she would give birth to it. God was blessing her, and the child would be safe.

After Qu Moying is gone, the whole mansion will be hers, and she will have a child. Even if that old beggar woman is very harsh on her, she will have to think twice.

At this time, Yu was fully focused on making her plan against Qu Moying more perfect, but she didn't expect that her daughter was in trouble again. She had no intention of doing anything for her at this time. Hailan was driven out without even seeing Qu Qiuyan, and was told to go to the lady if she had any problems.

"Hai Lan went to find her third sister?" Qu Moying's hand fell on the strings in front of him, plucked them lightly, and asked indifferently.

"Yes, but I didn't see the Third Miss. Someone around her said that she wanted to be quiet and copy Buddhist scriptures. If Madam really has something to do, she should go find Madam Tai."

"Did you go there later?" Qu Moying frowned slightly and asked slowly.

"No, Aunt Hailan wandered around outside for a while, then reluctantly went back." Yuchun reported, "Did they come up with some evil plan to harm the young lady?"

"Are you saying that Madam is not feeling well?" Qu Moying pondered for a moment, thought about Yu's current situation, and suddenly smiled.

"I don't know about this, but I heard from Nanny Miao that someone said something like this. The Madam is not feeling well, and everyone in the mansion knows it. Otherwise, why would they invite doctors in every few days to see her, and she is still lying in bed unable to get up." Yu Chun said indifferently. It was for this reason that Yu escaped the blame in the first place. Even if she wanted to "get better" now, she probably couldn't.

"With such a serious illness, it will take at least a year or half a year."

This is good. At least Yu will be locked up during this period to prevent her from colluding with the third young lady to harm the young lady.

"Let Nanny Miao continue to keep an eye on that side." Qu Moying had already made some connections, and his lips curled up slightly. At any time, Yu was considering harming him. At this time, he still didn't stop. It was a coincidence that when he came back from Dabei Temple, the secret that Yu wanted to hide would no longer be hidden.

Yu Dong hurried in and saw that only Yu Chun was in the room, so he went up to her and reported, "Miss, Madam Qing sneaked out and went to Minister Liu's residence."

After Nanny Qing left the house, Yu Dong specifically asked his men to keep an eye on her outside the house. Unexpectedly, they discovered such a big surprise this time.

"Minister Liu, the Minister of Works?" Qu Moying was slightly stunned, her long eyelashes fluttered twice, her eyes were filled with surprise, this was really unexpected.

The only connection between the Qu Mansion and the Liu Mansion is that Qu Zhizhen is a subordinate of Minister Liu. As for other things, there seems to be no connection, except for this trip to the Duke of Qi's Mansion. After entering the mansion, this Nanny Qing has been very well-behaved. How is she now related to Minister Liu's Mansion

"Yes, she did go into Minister Liu's residence. Madam Qing was very cautious. She circled outside for several times and even went around the backyards of some nearby residences before finally entering through the back door of Minister Liu's residence. Fortunately, the people I sent out were not ordinary people and watched closely, so they found out where she really went in."

"Is it County Lord Jingyu?" Yuchun interrupted.

"What does County Lady Jingyu mean? Why does she want to deal with the young lady? Is she helping the third young lady to plot against the young lady? This was her intention before at the Duke of Qi's Mansion, and now it's the same again. What on earth does she want to do?" Yu Dong's face also darkened. Putting the whole thing together, it was easy to think of this.

At the Duke of Qi's Mansion, the Third Miss plotted against her own Miss once again. If there wasn't someone familiar with the Duke of Qi's Mansion who cleared everything for her, it would be impossible for her to leave no evidence at all. The maid who delivered the message actually disappeared all of a sudden, which explained the problem already.

Is there a grudge between the Qu and Liu mansions? Qu Moying's first thought was to rule out this reason. Hearing that Minister Liu and Minister Qu had similar personalities, not only were they superiors and subordinates, but they also had a good relationship in private. Minister Liu had no reason to deal with Qu Zhizhen, and he was doing it from the inner courtyard.

If this is excluded, then it is really my own reason. Does Liu Jingyu have any grudge against me

My heart moved, and some things slowly connected together...