Reborn to be a Noble Wife

Chapter 122: A bad fate that I had when I was a kid


When I first met Liu Jingyu, I could see her disgusted look from afar. This time, she suddenly attacked me in the Duke of Qi's Mansion, full of malice.

Several things happened in the Duke of Qi's mansion. First, her clothes were wet by the maid. She almost changed clothes in the yard and ran into the eldest son of the Duke of Qi who came with a group of young masters. Then, Miss Yan Yujiao from the Marquis of Fengyang's mansion was angry for no reason. Then, Miss Yan left with Liu Jingyu who happened to come over.

The last thing was done by Qu Qiuyan, and it should have been decided by Qu Qiuyan long ago, but when the wife of Duke Qi went to investigate, she found nothing. If this was also Liu Jingyu's involvement, it would make sense, after all, she was the wife of Duke Qi's most beloved granddaughter. In the Duke Qi's Mansion, she was more like a master than Miss Qi, Qi Xiangyu.

Liu Jingyu? His heart was hit hard. Some memories had never come to mind. Now, after thinking about it again and again, he suddenly felt that maybe, maybe the two of them had really met before.

When she was very young, she seemed to have met Liu Jingyu. Was it Liu Jingyu she met at that time

This happened a long time ago. She was still young at that time, probably only about seven or eight years old. A mother and daughter passed by the village to take shelter from the rain. Could that lady and daughter in gorgeous clothes be Liu Jingyu and Madam Liu

At that time, Qu Moying was a loner and didn't like to talk. He secretly avoided Nanny Zhou and hid in a side room alone. It happened to be a side room in the front yard. Was the young girl he met at that time Liu Jingyu

If that was true, then Liu Jingyu's dislike for her had existed since that time.

When the young Liu Jingyu saw her, he first asked her if she was the fourth lady of the Qu family, and mocked her for being worse than a maid. Finally, when he left, he pushed Qu Moying hard. Qu Moying was small and was pushed into the corner of the table. Liu Jingyu was not reconciled and even wanted to go up and hit her.

Just at this moment, voices were heard outside, so Liu Jingyu did not take any further action and turned away.

Only Qu Moying was left, covering the blood on his forehead and falling to the ground in tears.

This incident happened many years ago, and Qu Moying never thought about it, after all, it was something that happened when he was a child. But when he thinks about it now, he feels a little more familiar. That girl clearly looks a bit like the current Liu Jingyu, so it must be her!

“Miss…Miss…” Seeing that Qu Moying remained silent and looked as if she was thinking about something, Yu Dong called her a few more times.

Qu Moying came back to his senses and looked at Yu Dong.

"Miss, do you want to arrest this old woman and interrogate her?"

"Not yet, let's wait and see." Qu Moying shook her head. She really didn't understand why Liu Jingyu was so resentful when she saw her. This hatred was even similar to that of Qu Qiuyan, as if she had done something wrong to her and made her feel so resentful.

How old was she at that time, and how many people had she met

After all, Liu Jingyu's matter was just speculation, so she had to wait and see. If it was really the action of this Jingyu County Lord, then she would not be polite next time. She had to be careful now and find out the whole story. I'm afraid it was a big deal. At this moment, she should focus on Yu's mother and daughter.

"Miss Fourth, Miss Third has sent someone over." A maid reported loudly in the corridor.

Qu Moying glanced at Yudong, who understood and lifted the curtain and walked out. After a while, she brought in a maid from Qu Qiuyan's yard.

"What's the matter?" Qu Moying asked.

"Miss Four, Miss Three asked if you need anything to bring to the Great Compassion Temple tomorrow. If you need anything, Miss Four, just tell me.

, I will go and prepare it now." The old woman said with a smile.

Now Qu Qiuyan is in charge of most of the affairs in the mansion, so it is reasonable for her to send someone over to ask. Although Qu Qiuyan secretly wants to tear Qu Moying apart, they are still sisters in the same mansion on the surface, so she has to do it for others to see, and must not let the lady know.

"Is grandma ready?" Qu Moying asked after a moment of hesitation.

"The lady has prepared some ordinary offerings for worship." The old woman replied with a smile.

"Prepare one for me, too. Just prepare one similar to what Madam has." Qu Moying said, "As for the rest, I can prepare it myself."

She also needed to prepare a sacrifice, and Yue's eternal lamp was also lit in the Great Compassion Temple.

"Yes, I know." The old woman didn't try to be too attentive, but nodded in agreement, then left politely. She came just to ask, and now everyone in the mansion knew that the third young lady and the fourth young lady had a bad relationship, and it would be better for her, a servant, not to get involved. The fourth young lady looked weak, but she had walked steadily since she entered the mansion.

No servant in the mansion dared to look down on the fourth young lady, whom they had looked down upon in the past.

"Miss, what other offerings do you want to prepare?" Yu Dong asked after the old woman left.

Qu Moying walked to the window, thought for a moment, picked up a pen and wrote down the sacrifices he needed on a piece of paper. After letting it dry, he handed it to Yu Dong, "Go buy these things for me, go to this store."

She pointed to the name of the store at the bottom of the paper.

"Miss, I have never heard of this shop. It must not be famous, right?" Yu Dong looked at the name of the shop and thought about it. He really couldn't remember such a shop selling sacrificial offerings.

"It's indeed not very big, but I want this one. Even though it's not famous, the food is good." Qu Moying said, explaining the path he had taken clearly.

This shop is indeed inconspicuous, but because it is related to the Ling Anbo Mansion, whenever there is such a thing in the mansion, Madam Ji always sends people to this shop to purchase. This time she lured Madam Ji out, so naturally she had to use the same offerings as she did.

"Purchase two first, just as required here, exactly the same. Then go to another store to purchase three more, just buy some ordinary offerings. You need to bring the last three into the mansion. For the other two, you can go get them tomorrow. Go get them after you leave tomorrow, then call a car to go there yourself. Don't bring them into the mansion."

"Miss, you don't want people to know about the sacrifices you ordered?" Yudong understood immediately.

"There's no need to know. I'm going to pay tribute to my uncle and cousin and don't want anyone to know." Qu Moying nodded and spoke.

"Okay, I understand. I'll go now." Yu Dong obeyed the order and withdrew.

"Yuchun, bring the needle and thread here. The sachet I made earlier is almost finished." Qu Moying said softly, turning around and sitting down in front of the chair.

Yuchun knew what she was talking about, and went to the inner room to get out the needle and thread. Qu Moying picked out a sachet that was half finished and carefully sealed it. Although her needlework skills were not very good, she still had the basics. However, she was still a little lacking in the particularly delicate embroidery.

Whether in her past life or this life, she was just ordinary in needlework. But even though she was ordinary, she had prepared this sachet early on. Not just one, but a pair, one for each of them. Her biological mother in her past life and this life was both her mother, so she prepared one for each of them.

The other one has no lock yet.

"Miss, let me help you." Yuchun knew that Qu Moying's sewing skills were not very good, so she reached out her hand.

Come to help.

Qu Moying shook his head: "No, I can do it myself."

She had prepared some things long ago, and now the only things she needed to prepare were these two sachets. Although they were not very good, they were made by her own hands after all. She bit her lip, tears inexplicably filled her eyelashes, and she felt sad in her heart.

After rebirth, it’s not that I won’t be weak, but I just learned to rely on myself for everything!

She had to hold on no matter how hard it was. Apart from herself, she had no one else to rely on...

Seeing that she spoke softly but firmly, Yuchun could only step aside helplessly and help thread the needle...

"That's it?" Qu Qiuyan flipped through the things in her hand and said impatiently.

This is a small sachet, which is really inconspicuous and not a good thing. It is just an ordinary offering. The thread is also very rough, and it is filled with the most common mugwort. The smell is very strong and not pleasant.

"Yes, that's it. I haven't put it in yet. It will be used tomorrow." Nanny Qing came close to Qu Qiuyan and whispered.

There was no one else in the room but the two of them.

"Is it really feasible?" Qu Qiuyan was still looking through the sachet when she noticed that there was indeed a small hole left at the end. If you didn't look carefully, you wouldn't be able to see it. You would just think that the needle and thread were a little thick and it wasn't locked completely.

But for something like this that is burned, even if a few stitches are lost, it is nothing. Who would care about it

It was not originally intended for use by living people.

"When the time comes, I will stuff the medicine in there as well. When it's lit, the smell will come out and make people feel dizzy and weak." Nanny Qing said.

"No, it won't work, right?" Qu Qiuyan asked.

"No, I promise nothing will happen. This happened when I was in the palace, and it was related to Yuan..." When Nanny Qing said this, she stopped talking immediately, knowing that she had said something wrong.

"Yuan what?" Qu Qiuyan asked with a side glance. It sounded like it was related to the concubine who had been tricked, but she didn't know which one.

"I was wrong. I just heard it from some of my old sisters. Don't take it seriously." Nanny Qing shook her head hurriedly, her face turned slightly pale, and she didn't dare to say anything else.

She really heard this from hearsay. If that really happened, she would not be alive today.

Thinking of the river of blood in the palace that day, Nanny Qing shuddered and dared not say another word. Even if this kind of thing was just a rumor, it could cost lives. Not to mention her, even the master behind her could not withstand such a thing and would never mention it again even if he died.

"It's not true?" Qu Qiuyan frowned, a little annoyed, and her voice unconsciously rose a few degrees, "Are you saying that this thing is useless, and what you said before was not true?"

"No, Third Miss, that's not what I meant. This thing is certainly useful and has been used in the palace, but this kind of thing cannot be said. Moreover, there are some things that I don't know in detail. The only thing that is clear is that this thing is definitely useful. Third Miss, don't worry."

When Nanny Qing saw that Qu Qiuyan had misunderstood, she quickly made assurances.

Seeing her say that, Qu Qiuyan flipped through the sachet again with a half-believing and half-doubting look, then looked at Nanny Qing's expression and threw the sachet in her hand to her: "Then go ahead and do it. Be careful and go after nightfall to avoid making any mistakes."

"I understand!" Seeing that Qu Qiuyan stopped asking questions, Madam Qing breathed a sigh of relief and nodded. She wanted to go and change the things prepared in the mansion. It would indeed be more appropriate after nightfall...