Reborn to be a Noble Wife

Chapter 27: It seems that the couple is looking for their daughter


Qu Zhizhen sprained his foot, but it wasn't actually serious. He can now walk. As long as he doesn't walk too fast, it won't be a big deal.

"Miss, that day I saw a couple waiting at the back door. They were not from our house. Then the maid next to Miss Four, Yudong, talked to that person for a while and seemed to have some arguments. Then Yudong gave them a package and pushed them away."

"I feel strange. I heard that the fourth young lady was being taken care of in the manor, with only a wet nurse staying by her side, and there was no couple serving together. After Yudong left, I went to ask the maid guarding the back door, and she said that the couple had come several times in the past two days, and... and..."

"And what?" Qu Qiuyan asked in surprise.

Qu Zhizhen behind the wall also attracted all the attention.

"And I heard from the maid at the back door that Yudong had been giving things to the couple, from a very small package at first to larger ones later. It sounded like Yudong was telling the couple to stay away and not to come again. If they came again, she would report to the police. She said it very harshly, but in the end, she was just threatening them. The maid at the back door said that although she was standing far away, she occasionally heard a few words..."

"It seems that the couple is here to look for their daughter."

The last sentence shocked Qu Qiuyan so much that she was speechless for a while. After a long while, she said, "Does that mean that Yu Dong's parents are here?"

Who would care about a maid's background, let alone Qu Moying's. I heard that all the maids around her were found by herself.

Some of them were picked up.

"If they are Yudong's parents, they are not shameful. Besides, Yudong is just a little maid, how could she give so many gifts to others?" Qinglian shook her head, very confused. "I don't know either, but one thing is certain, they mentioned the fourth young lady from time to time."

"This... This can't be..." Qu Qiuyan seemed to have a guess and took a breath.

"Miss, don't say it won't happen. Don't you think the Fourth Miss is strange? After returning to the mansion, she is not close to anyone in the mansion, and she even framed the Second Madam and you. Besides, she and the Second Master don't seem to be father and daughter. Maybe... maybe..." Qinglian said here, looked around and didn't dare to say anything more.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense. How could my father not know about this kind of thing? Let's go." Qu Qiuyan said with a serious face.

"Yes, Miss, I'm just saying this in front of you. I won't really say anything outside." Qinglian nodded repeatedly, and the two of them walked out of the yard where the carriage was parked, one after the other.

At the side door of the yard, Qu Zhizhen frowned and said nothing. The servants following him also lowered their heads, fearing that Qu Zhizhen would notice their reaction.

The fourth young lady might not be the real fourth young lady? Was that what they had heard? It was true. The fourth young lady had grown up on the farm, and no one had ever seen what she looked like. If someone had impersonated her, it was possible. After all, no matter how bad the Minister's Mansion was, it was still an official family.

But isn't this too shocking

How did this fake Fourth Miss get into the manor

"Miss, there is someone at the side door connecting to the outer courtyard! There were many footsteps coming before, but when they heard you talking to Miss Three, they stopped immediately, and then they kept stopping.

Over there." As soon as he got on the carriage, Yu Dong reported to Qu Moying. He had the sharpest hearing and naturally heard the footsteps of Qu Zhizhen.

"I know, it must be my father there." Qu Moying nodded. Her eyesight was not good, but her hearing was better than that of ordinary people. As soon as Yu Dong reminded her, she sensed that there was someone over there. There was a slight sound of branches being stepped on and broken. Maybe someone stepped on a branch and broke it accidentally.

"Miss, why didn't you show a better relationship with the Third Miss just now?" Yu Dong asked puzzledly. Since she knew that the Second Master was eavesdropping outside the side door, and the Third Miss Qu was acting like a harmonious sister, why didn't her own lady cooperate

"Qu Qiuyan is determined to tell everyone that I'm fake, so give her a chance!" Qu Moying curled the corners of her lips and smiled sarcastically. Ever since she learned about the content of Qu Qiuyan's conversation with Pei Yusheng that day, she knew that Qu Qiuyan would go in this direction. Now that the direction is clear, why not give her a hand again

Anyway, she didn't have any father-daughter feelings towards Qu Zhizhen.

For so many years, she let Yu throw her aside and ignore her, even when Yu tried to kill her, she didn't say anything. This so-called father is actually just a title. Qu Zhizhen doesn't care, and neither does she.

"Miss, if the second master really thinks that you are not real, will he deal with you?" Yu Dong said after hesitating for a moment.

"Even if he doesn't believe Qu Qiuyan's words, he won't protect me and may even watch Yu's mother and daughter humiliate me. But if I'm still useful, what does it matter if I'm not his biological daughter?" Qu Moying said sarcastically.

In the past few days, she had also thought about Qu Zhizhen's behavior. The more she thought about it, the more she felt that Qu Zhizhen was an unfeeling person. Not only was he so heartless to his biological mother Yue, but he was also so cold to her. After all, she was just a little girl. The Qu family could just give him an extra dowry when the time came. Why should they make their ex-wife's daughter become like this

But a blind daughter with no talent or looks is useless no matter what. The only marriage that could be considered should have been given to Yu Qingmeng at Yu's suggestion. In other words, even if she married Xu Lipeng, it would not have any effect. What use could an abandoned blind girl have

Her role is not even as important as that of her niece Yu Qingmeng. After all, Yu Qingmeng was raised in the Qu Mansion since she was a child and has a close relationship with the Qu Mansion. If Yu Qingmeng can become the wife of the Prince of Yongning, it will definitely be more important than if she becomes the wife of the Prince of Yongning. After all, Xu Lipeng also likes Yu Qingmeng, not himself at the beginning.

For this reason alone, Yu Qingmeng, her niece, is much more useful than her biological daughter.

Qu Zhizhen's so-called indifference to his ex-wife was only because his ex-wife was of no use to him. As for himself, perhaps at the beginning, Qu Zhizhen also wanted to treat himself well, but later he was blinded by Yu, and then sent away from the Qu Mansion. In the end, he was even told by the female teacher that he had no talent or looks and was not worthy of being taught. This was the real reason why Qu Zhizhen gave up on himself!

It's just that this reason is too cold-blooded and too selfish.

What Qu Zhizhen cares most about Qu Qiuyan is that she has won the Blue Eyes of King Jing Pei Yusheng, which means she may be able to rise to a high position in the world.

All of this is based on interests.

In that case, why bother showing fatherly love

"Miss, will the Second Master check your background?" Yu Dong felt sorry for her young lady, and also felt that the Second Master Qu, Minister Qu, was not a good person.

"Take it slow and see how they come up with a fake identity for me next." Qu Moying said disapprovingly. She remained constant in the face of ever-changing circumstances. There was one thing she was sure of, she was the real Qu Moying. There had never been a fake one, she had always been the real one.

But look at how Yu’s mother and daughter turned her “true” thing into “false”.

"Miss, I am doing what you asked me to do before, to give money to that couple. But this couple is not a good person and they dare not let go." After nodding, Yu Dong talked about something that Qu Moying asked her to handle at the back door before, and she felt a little angry.

This matter is really amazing. This couple lived in the manor. They were also a couple in the manor. I don't know how they came to the door and said that they wanted to find some work and asked Qu Moying for help. Qu Moying asked them to wait because they were indeed people from the manor and wanted to help them ask. Unexpectedly, the couple kept coming and said that they lived outside and had no clothes.

Qu Moying asked Yu Dong to send them clothes once, but it didn't work, so they came again, so he gave them clothes again.

I originally thought it was just an accident, but now I suddenly understood.

In just these two days, he actually came twice. Needless to say, this was prepared for himself.

"Don't bother with them anymore. Let someone check them out to see if they had a daughter before who disappeared." Qu Moying said with a deep look in his eyes. It was hard for Yu's mother and daughter to prepare such a disgusting couple for him so early on.

If I hadn't heard Qu Qiuyan's words yesterday, I might not have understood it so quickly.

This was a plot that had been prepared for him long ago. It should have been prepared for him when he was still in the Prince's Mansion.

Needless to say, when Qu Zhizhen was hiding behind the door just now, Qu Qiuyan would definitely bring up this matter.

"Miss, you mean..." After hearing Qu Moying's words, Yu Dong immediately understood, her face changed, and she nodded immediately, "Miss, don't worry, I will find out the details about this couple very quickly."

As they were talking, the carriage had slowly stopped, and Yue Wenhan's voice came from outside the carriage: "Cousin, we're here! Let's wait a moment."

"Thank you, cousin!" Qu Moying nodded and said to the window.

Outside the carriage, Yue Wenhan jumped off the horse, handed the reins to the servant, and asked another servant to go forward and deliver the visiting card. The person at the door knew Yue Wenhan. Yue Wenhan had come here many times in the past few days, and each time he said he wanted to see the Lord, but he never saw him. Word spread in the mansion, and when this Lord Yue came, he passed the news to the eldest master.

The doorman ran away, and soon, the master of Ling'anbo Mansion, Ji Yongan, walked out quickly. Seeing Yue Wenhan, he hurriedly came up to him and bowed to him: "Master Yue!"

The entire Ling'an Marquis's Mansion was hung with silk cloth at this time. Ji Yongan was also dressed in white mourning clothes. His eyes seemed red and his voice was hoarse. He looked like he had suffered a great blow.

However, all of this, in Qu Moying's eyes, was just a thick mockery like blood...