Reborn to be a Noble Wife

Chapter 46: Saved the Prince of Yun?


There is a nunnery in a Buddhist temple. This is unbelievable, but it is the case.

There is a nunnery on the top of the mountain. In his previous life, when Qu Moying went up to see it, he only saw two old nuns and no young ones. It seemed like they had been on the mountain for a long time.

Pei Luoan's explanation was that the emperor ordered Dabei Temple to support this nunnery, but the so-called support was just to prepare some firewood, oil, salt and other things, which would be placed on the mountain path on the first day of every month, and the nuns would come down to get them. The rest of the matters had nothing to do with Dabei Temple.

Because it was maintained by the royal family, not just anyone can enter the mountain paths here.

Although Qu Moying felt strange before, he didn't care. How could the royal family have so few secrets? This matter had nothing to do with him, but it also concerned the emperor, so it was better not to know.

Pei Luoan didn't know whether he really didn't know or didn't want to know. Anyway, he just said that and that was it.

I didn't expect that after a lifetime, the door was slightly open again. Pei Yuanjun actually asked me to meet him here

Looking up, I could see the mountain road with twists and turns from time to time. There was no one on the mountain, and no one would have thought that there was a small nunnery in the Cloud Recesses.

"Yudong, it's right up there?" Qu Moying pointed upwards and asked in a low voice.

"Yes, it's right there, miss, please." Yudong moved aside and stepped back.

"Can I go in from here casually?" Qu Moying's eyes fell on the small mountain gate in front of her. The last time she came here, she was accompanied by a monk from the Dabei Temple. Now, there were only her master and servants here. She felt inexplicably surprised.

Pei Luoan is the prince, and he still needs someone to accompany him to open the door. Why is the door open now

Does this matter have no impact on Pei Yuanjun

"No need to go too far up, it's not far away." Yu Dong smiled, "I heard that it's not far away, Miss, shall we go in and take a look?"

"Go in!" Qu Moying hesitated for a moment and made a decision. He walked slowly forward and pushed open the half-closed small mountain gate. The padlock on the door made a heavy sound, hitting the mountain gate, which made people feel a little nervous.

After walking a few steps, Qu Moying suddenly stopped and listened: "Did you hear anything?"

"I didn't hear it." Yuchun shook her head.

"It seems like there is someone here?" Yu Dong had very good hearing and he immediately recognized some sounds. His face changed drastically and he said hurriedly.

The three men hurried over to where the sound came from, and when they turned around a large rock, they found a large area. On the rock stood Pei Yuanjun, who was protected by a large group of guards. On the mountain road opposite him and on the flat ground on one side, there were killers in black and masks.

The two sides were fighting fiercely. Qu Moying stopped in shock, looked at the scene, and then retreated carefully.

"Miss, aren't we going up?" Yu Dong asked subconsciously.

"Go up and hold the prince back?" Qu Moying said calmly. As the Crown Princess, she had also witnessed the scene of the assassination of Pei Luoan. Seeing it again now, she was not so panicked.

The fight for the throne has always been bloody.

The movement on their side attracted the attention of both sides of the fight. Pei Yuanjun's gaze passed through the blood and fell on Qu Moying's face, his eyes were strange.

Seeing that she retreated cautiously and did not rush forward rashly, the corners of his lips curled silently. She was indeed a smart girl.

His gaze turned back again and continued to focus on the several black-clad killers in front of him.


There were originally about twenty killers, but now there are only seven or eight left, and they are making their last struggle.

A man in black who looked like a leader was surrounded by several guards and had suffered several injuries. At this time, he also saw Qu Moying retreating. Suddenly, he moved, and would rather be hit by a sword from the guards than rush towards Qu Moying. His movements were quick.

In three or two leaps, he jumped in front of Qu Moying.

There were no guards blocking him in this area, so of course he moved quickly.

But Yudong was faster. He threw the sharp stone in his hand away.

The man in black never expected that a little maid could have this skill. He was hit hard on the forehead between the eyebrows, and a mouthful of blood spurted out in front of him. Even though Qu Moying turned quickly, he was still hit directly, and his collar was covered with blood.

The man in black fell down, and Yu Dong patted his chest in fear. Fortunately, he saw that there was no weapon at hand, so he picked up a sharp stone on the ground, otherwise something really bad would have happened. There was murderous intent in the eyes of the man in black, and he really wanted to kill the young lady.

"He is not dead yet!" Qu Moying took two steps back and suddenly said.

Yu Dong was startled and looked down quickly, he saw the black-clothed man lying on the ground, who was originally dead. Suddenly he reached out and grabbed his legs fiercely, pulled him to the ground with force, and pressed on him, with the sword in his hand pointing directly at Qu Moying's stomach.

In the flash of lightning and sparks, a sword pierced the black-clad assassin's back. The man in black stopped, his fierce eyes were dull, and then he fell down weakly.

Yu Dong got up from the ground in a flash, his face pale, and said tremblingly to Pei Yuanjun in his hand: "Greetings, Your Majesty."

Failure to protect the master is a capital crime!

"Go back and receive twenty lashes." The sword in Pei Dijun's hand was still dripping with blood, drops of which fell on the dead body of the man in black on the ground. He said expressionlessly.

“Thank…thank you, Your Highness…” Yudong was overjoyed. The prince had spared his life for the sake of the young lady.

Qu Moying's gaze fell on Pei Yuanjun's sword, a sword that could kill with one blow. She knew it. Not only did she know it, but she had also danced with it before. But in the end, this sword fell into Pei Yuanjun's hands

"Not afraid?" Pei Yuanjun shook the sword in his hand, and a few drops of blood fell.

"Scared!" Qu Moying said frankly. She was in a mess right now, her clothes were stained with blood, and her breathing became heavier.

But he did not retreat a single step, nor did he scream when he was hit so hastily.

"If you are scared, why don't you scream?" Pei Yuanjun took out a handkerchief from his arms and threw it to Qu Moying. Qu Moying took it, wiped his face a few times, and immediately the light blue handkerchief was stained with blood.

"I'm still afraid even if I scream. The assassin won't stop killing me just because I'm afraid." Qu Moying said calmly.

Pei Yuanjun raised his eyebrows, looked at the handkerchief in Qu Moying's hand, and suddenly said meaningfully: "You can shout now!"

"Now?" Qu Moying asked.

"Yes, now!" Pei Yuanjun's beautiful sleepy eyes flashed, and he looked at her leisurely.

"Okay!" Qu Moying tilted his head slightly to think about it, understood, then nodded and pushed the handkerchief in his hand forward, "Thank you for the handkerchief, Prince."

"It's all dirty, and you're going to give it back to me like this?" Pei Yuanjun had no intention of taking it. He turned around and left with his sword in hand.

Qu Moying put it in his arms helplessly, and then turned out of this road.

When they arrived at the mountain gate, Qu Moying's body softened and he fell on a stone nearby. He screamed, "There's an assassin!"

Then as

Like all other weak ladies, she could not move and could only shout "There is an assassin."

Yu Dong and Yu Chun supported her one by one, and shouted in panic and fear with her: "There is an assassin, help! Help!"

This place was close to a peach forest, and the master and his servants shouted in panic that there was an assassin, which immediately alerted people. A young man from a noble family came over with his servants, and after asking where the assassin was, they hurried over with their men.

Some women were waiting below, and several of them fainted in panic, which resulted in another round of shouting and screaming.

The battle above ended very quickly. After a while, Pei Yuanjun appeared on the mountain road covered in blood. He looked at the people standing by the peach forest. The cruelty and murderous intent on his face had not yet dissipated. In the eyes of these people, he looked even more murderous. Almost no one dared to look directly at the Prince of Yun.

"Which lady was shouting just now?" Pei Yuanjun's gaze moved around the people on the spot and then fell on Qu Moying.

"It's... it's me." Qu Moying supported Yu Chun and took a step forward, looking panicked.

"Which family are you from?" Pei Yuanjun cast a gloomy gaze on her and asked after a long while.

"Our young lady... is the fourth young lady of Minister Qu's residence." Yu Chun stepped forward to answer with all her might.

"Miss Qu Si, thank you very much. I will bring you a thank-you gift later." Pei Yuanjun snorted coldly, and then he no longer paid attention to Qu Moying and his men as they strode away. Behind them, several young masters of noble families who had saved Prince Yun also hurriedly followed.

There is such a good opportunity to make friends with Prince Yun. Even if they want to give up, their family will not allow it.

Everyone knows that Prince Yun is extremely powerful. It seems that Prince Yun has the final say on who will be the next emperor. The so-called crown prince is actually just the eldest prince.

If the Prince of Yun doesn't like the Crown Prince, what does it matter if the Crown Prince claims to be righteous

After all, the prince has no military power, which is a fatal flaw.

Although they were still afraid when they saw the Prince of Yun, he had contributed to killing the assassin after all. When they walked past Qu Moying, several young masters couldn't help but look at her a little more. Miss Qu was really lucky to have the Prince of Yun say such words of gratitude.

It would be even better if it were me. Apart from those people in the palace, I have never heard of Prince Yun giving a thank-you gift to anyone else.

Just by calling for help, Miss Qu Si won the favor of Prince Yun. How could such a good thing happen

Pei Yuanjun left, and Qu Moying also left with the help of her maid. The people who stayed behind were talking about this Fourth Miss Qu. Of course they had to mention the Prince of Yongning, who had been engaged to her for many years but recently broke off the engagement, and her stepmother, Yu.

According to various rumors, Xu Lipeng had a bad fate. Even though he seemed to be a victim in the cancellation of the engagement, his luck was really bad. Otherwise, since Fourth Miss Qu had received the gratitude of Prince Yun today, he would have benefited greatly as Miss Qu's fiancé.

But right now, of course, I have nothing. This is such a bad fate. There is really no reason...

There were many rumors, some of which were used as jokes. As for the Yu family, there were even more rumors. Some people also mentioned what happened in front of the courtyard gate of the previous young ladies in the Qu Mansion. There were rumors everywhere, and some of the rumors became more and more unpleasant...

Xu Lipeng, who had just learned what had happened here, hurried over. When he heard these bad rumors about him, he became so angry that his face turned blue and he turned and left.

Yu Qingmeng and Qu Qiuyan were also in the crowd. When they saw Xu Lipeng leaving, they wanted to follow him, but were stopped by Qu Qiuyan who also had a gloomy face...