Reborn to be a Noble Wife

Chapter 49: Don't even think about this Gong Hua matter!


"Cousin, wait a moment." Qu Qiuyan gritted her teeth.

The existence of this bitch is a constant reminder to the world of her mother Pujing's shameful past. No one will mention this bitch anymore after she dies.

"Cousin, is the prince angry? I'll go and see." Yu Qingmeng wanted to see Xu Lipeng more. When Xu Lipeng left, his face didn't look very good.

"What are you doing at this time, cousin? Are you going to get scolded? I just saw Miss Duan Er, and it seemed that Miss Duan Er was chasing after Master Xu. If she found out that you were following Master Xu, given her temper, she might get angry with you on the spot." Qu Qiuyan let go of Yu Qingmeng's sleeve and sneered.

"Then... what should I do?" Yu Qingmeng was also a little panicked. Duan Jinxiang was known to be arrogant and unreasonable. She was very unhappy about her affairs and might find a reason to beat her up on the spot. If she was humiliated in public, how could she face people in the future

But when did she come? Was it because of the prince

"What can we do? Let's go and have a look later. I didn't see it clearly just now. Maybe I saw it wrong!" Qu Qiuyan said sarcastically without caring.

"I'll be there later." Yu Qingmeng said immediately.

Seeing that she was no longer in a hurry to go over, Qu Qiuyan was quite satisfied and asked, "So how are the preparations going? When will we take action against Qu Moying?"

The more popular Qu Moying becomes, the more unlucky she will be. She absolutely cannot let Qu Moying overshadow her.

"Second Master Yan said he would help me with this matter, but..." Yu Qingmeng said hesitantly.

"If you can help, do it quickly. The longer you stay at night, the more trouble you will have. By then, even if you want to do it, I'm afraid you won't be able to do it." Qu Qiuyan said coldly, "It's okay with me. She won't have much to do with me in the future, but she has a lot to do with you. If it weren't for her, you should be the wife of the Yongning Marquis's son now, not a concubine who is nothing, or even a concubine. Cousin, I really don't know what you are thinking. You actually agreed not to be a concubine."

Qu Qiuyan mocked again.

Yu Qingmeng's face turned redder and redder.

In front of Qu Qiuyan, she had always said that she was the future wife of the Prince of Yongning, and that this was a sure thing. She also said that Xu Lipeng was sincere to her and would never let her go no matter what.

The words now seemed to slap her in the face, making her unable to speak clearly, or rather, she was too embarrassed to talk about it.

If possible, Yu Qingmeng would rather have never said such big words.

"I understand. You...what you said last time about Gong Hua..." Yu Qingmeng lowered her head, bit her lip and asked.

"Forget about the palace flower." Qu Qiuyan said coldly, looking Yu Qingmeng up and down. "It's not that I don't trust you, cousin. I just can't believe you can accomplish anything, so I kept a backup plan. The palace flower was given to me by King Jing. Even if something goes wrong, it can't be blamed on me. It's very useful. If the prince sees it... maybe it will have unexpected effects."

This means that the matter regarding Gong Hua is a backup plan in case Yu Qingmeng fails to succeed.

She hadn't even started yet, but she was mocked for being unsuccessful. Yu Qingmeng's face turned ugly, and she stamped her feet vigorously, "Don't worry, cousin, this time it will work."

"That's even better. I'm relieved. I'll go back first and won't go with you, my aunt, to avoid being laughed at. Qu Moying might come out to worship Buddha or something. You can prepare for anything early. Grandmother believes in Buddhism the most. After what happened to Qu Moying, she must go and thank the Buddha for blessing her."

Qu Qiuyan curled the corners of her lips, gave an order in a cold voice, and turned to leave.

Yu Qingmeng was left alone, her face turning blue and white, looking very ugly. She gritted her teeth and looked with jealousy in the direction where Qu Moying had disappeared long ago. This time, she must succeed.

After Qu Moying washed up and changed her clothes, she hurriedly followed my nanny to the lady's courtyard.

When she heard that something happened to Qu Moying, the lady immediately asked my nanny to find someone.

"Ying girl, are you okay? Are you hurt?" As soon as she saw Qu Moying coming in, the lady stood up immediately, reached out to pull Qu Moying, looked her up and down carefully several times, and only when she saw that she was not hurt did she breathe a sigh of relief and pulled Qu Moying to sit down again.

Upon hearing the news that Qu Moying was in trouble, the lady was so anxious that she almost fainted.

"Don't worry, grandma. I'm fine. I just accidentally ran into an assassin on my way there, so I came out and shouted a few times. I didn't do anything else." Qu Moying said rather embarrassedly.

"How do you go there, kid? The door is always closed and locked. Not everyone can get in." When the lady heard Qu Moying talking about that place, she immediately remembered it. That place was so mysterious that it was obvious that something was wrong. The lady had seen it several times when she went up the mountain.

At first she was a little curious and wanted to go up and take a look, but after seeing that a prince and princess were also stopped, the lady no longer had any idea about that place.

Many people in this world die because they know too much!

The lady-in-waiting was not from a prominent family in the capital and had always been cautious.

“Grandma, I don’t know. I saw the door was open, so I went up to take a look. I didn’t expect to... meet..." Qu Moying lowered his head, looking a little timid.

Any young lady would be scared if she encountered such a thing.

"Fortunately, fortunately nothing happened. I'll go find some Bodhisattvas to pray to later." The old lady was terrified, and then she stretched out her hand to press her brow, "I'll go with you later."

"Madam, you are not in good health. You should focus on resting." My nanny reminded me hurriedly.

The old lady has an old illness. Although she has gotten better after taking medicine, she still needs to rest mainly. She originally thought that nothing would happen if she went to the Great Compassion Temple, but she didn't expect that not only would there be so many things, but they would happen one after another, and they all seemed to be related to the Fourth Young Lady. How could the old lady not be panicked

"I'm fine. I'm just taking a walk and saying goodbye. It's no big deal." said the lady.

Seeing that the lady was determined to do this, Qu Moying also advised: "Grandma, it's really nothing. You see, I was fine despite such a big incident this time. It shows that the Bodhisattva is protecting me. Don't worry, I will be fine. I just went to worship the Bodhisattva. Nothing else will happen."

"I'm still worried, so ask your eldest sister to accompany you this afternoon." The lady thought for a moment and said.

Qu Moying wanted to refuse, but seeing the determined look on the lady's face, she knew that even if she refused again, her grandmother would not let her go alone, so she nodded obediently: "Yes, I will follow your wishes, grandmother."

"That's good, that's good!" The old lady felt relieved. Among her granddaughters, the eldest granddaughter was the most stable and had a good relationship with all of them. She was like an older sister. She was not at ease leaving the care to other people, but she was at ease leaving the care to the eldest granddaughter.

After putting this matter aside, another matter came to my mind.

"Is that really the Prince of Yun?" the lady asked after a moment of hesitation.

"Yes, that's what everyone around me said." Qu Moying replied.

"The Prince of Yun is the Emperor's cousin.

He had to be liked by the emperor. When he was young, the emperor raised him in the palace. When he was a teenager, he asked to go to the border and rarely returned to the capital. During this period, the old Prince of Yun left his position to him and became an idle wanderer. The emperor would ask him to return to the capital from time to time, but he refused most of the time on the grounds that he was a general away from home and could not obey the emperor's orders..."

The lady dowager whispered to Qu Moying some of the past events of Prince Yun.

Qu Moying knew that the lady was afraid that she would stay in the manor all the time and not know Prince Yun, and that she would do something to offend Prince Yun, so she was reminding herself.

A general is not subject to the orders of the emperor when he is away from the court? This Prince of Yun is indeed arrogant. Pei Luoan is filled with deep disgust for his words and repeatedly expresses that it can be seen from this sentence that Pei Yuanjun is ambitious. He dares not even listen to the emperor's words, so what else can he not dare to do

But the emperor didn't do anything to him!

In the previous life, Pei Luoan said that the most important reason was that the military power in Pei Yuanjun's hands had made the emperor wary and he did not dare to act rashly, which allowed Pei Yuanjun to become more powerful step by step. He angrily lamented that who would have thought that Pei Yuanjun, who was just a young boy, would become a dragon returning to the sea after leaving the capital.

Therefore, Pei Luoan's ambition is of course to arrest Pei Yuanjun and drain his sea water.

My father knew this past better in the last life, and he also told me about it. At that time, he thought Pei Yuanjun was too powerful to last long. But now, from the words of the old lady, I heard another meaning. How long was it? When did it happen? At that time, Pei Yuanjun should not have been so powerful...

"Grandma, how is my fourth sister?" Qu Qiuyan's voice suddenly came from outside, and while she was speaking, she had already appeared at the door.

"Where have you been? Why did you come back at this time?" The lady said unhappily as she looked at Qu Qiuyan, who was a little out of breath.

"Grandma, I just heard the news and rushed over. I went to enjoy the peach blossoms before." Qu Qiuyan stepped forward and bowed, then looked at Qu Moyingtong with concern, "How is Fourth Sister? Is she hurt?"

With such a concerned look on her face, and the slight sweat on her head, other people might really think that she had just heard the news and rushed over. Even if there was a grudge between the two of them, it would be alleviated by her action, right

There was a hint of sarcasm in Qu Moying's eyes, but unfortunately she was not someone else, she was Qu Moying, so when she was at the small mountain gate just now, she was not really frightened to death, and she could still see the people around her clearly, including Xu Lipeng, Qu Qiuyan, Yu Qingmeng, and some other young ladies and gentlemen.

Did Qu Qiuyan calculate that she was so panicked and scared at that time that she couldn't see anyone

"Thank you, third sister. I'm fine." Qu Moying stood up and bowed.

"Are you really okay? Let me take a look. I heard that a lot of people died." Qu Qiuyan's face turned pale. These words were extremely scary. The lady's face immediately turned ugly. Qu Moying didn't mention that a lot of people died just now.

Qu Moying reached out and took one of the lady's hands, patted her hand in a comforting manner, and then said to Qu Qiuyan: "Someone tried to assassinate the Prince of Yun and fought with his guards. I just watched from a distance and ran away in fear. Later, other young masters brought people in to rescue the Prince of Yun."

"Okay, let's stop talking about this. It's unlucky. Qiuyan happens to be here too. She'll accompany your sister to worship Buddha later." The lady glared at Qu Qiuyan and said.

"Yes, grandmother... but... maybe..." Qu Qiuyan hesitated and looked at Qu Moying for help. The look in her eyes clearly showed the need for help.