Reborn to be a Noble Wife

Chapter 61: A woman and a servant caused trouble


Die in water, live in fire!

Isn't it about her rebirth

The queue moved forward slowly. Qu Moying tightly grasped the signature in his hand and suppressed the anxiety in his heart. There seemed to be something pushing him forward, especially in a place like this, there was an indescribable feeling.

"Ah, why did you bump into me?" A loud voice came from not far ahead.

Qu Moying raised her slightly pale face and looked over.

But then he saw a servant boy bumping into a fierce-looking old woman.

"Hey, how can you talk like that? It was obviously you who bumped into me, but you said it was me? Do you have eyes?" The old woman knew at first glance that she was a powerful person and she immediately got angry.

"You bumped into it, you bumped into it on purpose." The boy looked only eleven or twelve years old, and his clothes were made of coarse cloth, which showed that his master's family was not a prominent one. He actually cried out of grievance, "You bumped into my things, you have to stay with me."

"Where did this kid come from? How dare he blackmail me? This is outrageous. This is under the feet of the emperor. Not everyone can blackmail you." The old woman pulled the servant unwillingly.

When they saw the old woman's figure and then the servant's thin figure, many people immediately stood on the servant's side.

"Whose servant is this? How can he treat a child like this? If he bumped into someone, he should just apologize. But he is holding the child and asking if this is blackmail or not."

"That's right. You're such a grown-up, but you're still arguing with a child. He's already your grandchild."

"She looks so fierce, and you can tell at first glance that she is not a good person. She must have bumped into the child. Look how wronged the child is." Everyone talked about it and blamed the old woman.

The old woman was not someone to be trifled with. She immediately widened her eyes and said angrily, "Can you speak? What do you mean I bumped into him? It was obvious that he bumped into me on purpose. If you didn't see it, don't talk nonsense."

These words angered everyone, and they scolded everyone who had just spoken. Immediately, more people started to blame the old woman.

The old woman was no match for her opponent, so she suddenly sat on the ground and burst into tears, swearing to the sky: "So many of you are accusing an old woman like me. The Buddha will see it. If I hit him, I will die a miserable death. If he hit me on purpose, he will also die a miserable death."

As soon as the old woman started to throw a tantrum and cry, the monks from the Great Compassion Temple appeared immediately.

A thin middle-aged monk walked up to the old woman and bowed deeply to her: "This donor, please stand up and speak. You cannot make loud noises in front of the Buddha."

"They all wronged me. Didn't Buddha see it? I, an old woman, came here to worship Buddha peacefully, how could so many troubles arise?" The old woman cried even louder.

Seeing her swear like this, some of the onlookers felt that it must be true. Although some people would make up stories, since this old woman came to burn incense, she must be a Buddhist. How dare she swear so carelessly in front of the Buddha? Isn't she afraid of having her oath fulfilled

"Hey, little brother, maybe you really were careless. What did you break?"

"Yes, let's see what it is. If it's inconspicuous, forget it."

"We are all here to worship Buddha, so it is better to do less than more."…

Several people spoke up, and everyone's eyes fell on the servant at once. Qu Moying also looked over curiously, and his eyes swept across the servant's face. He saw the servant's eyes turn and his eyes actually swept over him. His heart moved slightly, but it did not show on his face. He still looked over indifferently.

After making eye contact with the servant, the servant looked away in panic.

Coincidentally, the accident happened right next to where they were queuing. At this time, everyone gathered around and surrounded them as well.

“It’s… it’s not important…” the servant pinched the long purse in his hand and stammered.

This makes people feel guilty for some reason.

The long purse looked like it was for men, but on the top of the purse there was a lotus embroidered crookedly. The embroidery was really not that good. Nine out of ten women present embroidered better than this. One could tell at a glance that the embroidery was really not good enough.

Not only was this kind of embroidery done, but it was also done on a man's purse, and the boy looked so guilty.

A picture immediately appeared in many people's minds.

Could this be a gift from a woman to her lover

"What is that? Take it out and let us see it. Don't just sit there saying I bumped into you." The old woman sitting on the ground was the first to react. She immediately pointed at the servant and shouted.

"This... This is my young master's stuff, you can't just look at it casually." The servant was a little panicked, holding the purse tightly in his hand. There was obviously something in the long purse, which seemed to be stretched out by him.

"What's in here?"

Someone asked curiously.

“Nothing… nothing, our master’s things…” The servant became more and more anxious, sweat began to break out on his head. He wanted to turn around and leave, but found that he could not move because his feet were held tightly by the old woman.

"Why are you panicking? Are you scared? Is it something between your master and that shameless woman? Pour it out so we can see it. Don't say that I hit you or you hit me. Let's see clearly what it is. If it is really broken, I will accompany you." The old woman suffered such a big loss, how could she let the servant go.

Just now she felt that she was walking normally, and it was this boy who bumped into her, but he said that he bumped into someone and wanted to blame it on himself. Now she couldn't get rid of this anger, and she would never let this boy go.

"Yes, take it out and have a look."

"If it's really something that was damaged, you can't afford to pay for it, so you'd better take it out and see if it's broken."

"Yes, yes, take it out." Some people who like to gossip started to make a fuss. Originally, this was just an accident of a collision, but now it has become something erotic, which makes the people who like to gossip quite excited.

More and more people are instigating this.

The servant was only an eleven or twelve-year-old boy, and he was really panicked. His eyes were red. He looked at everyone and finally landed on Qu Moying. He subconsciously moved closer to her and whispered, "Fourth Miss Qu."

Yu Dong stepped forward and stood in front of Qu Moying, looking at the servant in front of him with an unfriendly expression.

"If you have something to say, let's talk it over nicely. Don't bump into us and scare our young lady." Yu Dong said bluntly.

"Fourth sister, is this servant calling you?" Qu Qiuyan asked in a low voice. Her voice was not loud, but everyone saw the servant looking at Qu Moying just now. At this time, some people had already noticed Qu Moying, and some people had heard what the servant said, but did not understand what it meant. Now that Qu Qiuyan spoke, people immediately made the connection.

"Miss Qu Si? Is this Miss Qu Si?" The one standing next to the servant, who heard it most clearly, muttered to himself in confusion and looked Qu Moying up and down.

Qu Moying was wearing an eye veil, and it was obvious that her eyesight was not good. But she did not need anyone to support her when she was walking just now, which showed that she was not really blind and could still see a little. In other words, she had an eye disease.

“Your servant… Your servant is… Miss Qu Si…” The servant became more and more panicked and stammered.

sit on the floor

The old woman stood up, grabbed the boy's arm to stop him from running away, and looked at Qu Moying and said, "Miss, is this the boy you brought with you?"

In fact, the servant had just said that his family was a young master, and most young ladies were accompanied by maids and old women, so how could they bring a servant with them

"Our young lady doesn't know him." Yu Dong raised his head, snorted at the old woman, and stretched out his hand to push her away, "Stay away from our young lady, don't get too close to her, this kind of thing has nothing to do with her."

"If not your young lady, then who else could it be? Your young lady looks like she has an eye disease, right? I guess only a young lady with an eye disease could embroider such patterns." The old woman staggered when she was pushed, and immediately became furious again. She glared at Yu Dong hatefully.

First she was bumped by a servant, and now she was pushed by a maid. The old woman was so angry that she couldn't calm down.

"What's wrong with our young lady having eye disease? Can a young lady with eye disease do embroidery? Where do you get so many ideas? Stay away from our young lady. Our young lady is precious. Don't bump into her casually." Yu Dong said in an unfriendly tone, putting his hands on his waist, describing the image of a sarcastic maid to the fullest.

“Yu…Sister Yudong…” The servant suddenly reached out and pulled Yudong’s sleeve, as if asking for help.

Yu Dong shook his hand off, "Who are you? Why do you know my name?"

"Sister Yudong..." The servant panicked after being scolded by her, and hurriedly shook his hands, "I... I don't know you, I don't know you."

Although he said he didn't know her, he could tell the name of a maid accurately. The name of a maid who was always by the side of a young lady in a secluded place is not something that anyone can know if they want to know it.

Before, everyone was just a little skeptical, but now more people think there is something fishy going on. It is clear that this servant knows this Fourth Miss Qu in front of him.

"What do you mean I don't know her? It's obvious that something happened between your young master and this young lady. You bumped into me in a hurry because you wanted to give her something, right?" The old woman was a country girl and dared to say anything. She was feeling aggrieved about what had just happened, but suddenly she understood. She pointed at Qu Moying behind Yu Dong, then pointed at the servant and stomped her feet hard.

"No wonder you bumped into me when I was walking peacefully. So you were looking for this lady. She was not far behind me just now. You bumped into me but didn't notice me. You only saw her. No wonder you want to put the blame on me."

The old woman started yelling loudly, with full of confidence.

"Fourth sister, is this true?" Qu Qiuyan asked cautiously in a low voice.

A gleam of cold light flashed in Qu Moying's eyes, and he said calmly, "Whether this is true or not, we'll have to wait and see. Now that it's said like this, we have to read on to find out."

She looked calm and not panicky. Even with her veil on, one could still see her calmness. She didn't look like a woman who had an affair with anyone. Compared to the servant who avoided his gaze in panic, this lady didn't look like the kind of person who would have such a thing happen.

"Whether it is true or not, you'd better take it out and see. You can't just say what it is. When I was framed just now, I only listened to this kid's one-sided story. It's better to see it clearly now." The old woman stretched out her hand and snatched the purse from the servant's hand. The servant was so anxious that his eyes turned red. He wanted to come over to grab it, but he was not as tall as the old woman and was very thin, so he couldn't grab it at all.

The purse was ripped open by the old woman fiercely. Everyone immediately heard a "clang" sound. In front of their eyes, something shiny fell out of the purse and fell to the ground. A few purple flashes flashed in the golden light, dazzling everyone's eyes...