Reborn to be a Noble Wife

Chapter 78: Who will take the blame?


"Aunt, I don't know why this happened. I was knocked unconscious. I walked over here and was knocked unconscious. When I woke up, I was here."

Yu Qingmeng knew she could no longer hide it, so she burst into tears, pushed away the old woman who was pulling her, and threw herself in front of Yu.

This is putting all the blame on He Dapan.

He Da Pang was not stupid. He immediately refused to do it. He shook his arms and said loudly, "Hey, what are you talking about? What do you mean by being knocked out? I wanted to say that I was drugged! I fell asleep inexplicably, and when I woke up, I saw you climbing onto my bed. I was thinking that the Qu Mansion's way of entertaining guests was good."

These words were spoken frivolously, and Yu's face flushed red, she was angry and resentful. Even Yu Qingmeng was not as pleasing to the eye as before. She was clearly told not to come at that time, but she came anyway. Now she had implicated the reputation of Miss Qu and most importantly, the reputation of her own daughter. Her daughter had fallen in love with Prince Jing, and her reputation could not have the slightest flaw.

"Someone, take my cousin away!" Yu said sternly.

"Aunt, someone really framed me. It was... Qu Moying. It was her. It must be her." Yu Qingmeng screamed.

"I was also framed. A woman came here out of nowhere and said she admired me." He Dapan added lazily.

The meaning of Yu Qingmeng's words was immediately diluted.

Although He Dapan is lustful, it doesn't mean he is willing to fall into a trap. Putting today's events in context, he is not stupid. It seems that he has really fallen into a trap, but it also seems that it was a combination of reasons.

That's good. There is one thing he is sure of, Yu must have played a role in it.

"Prince, Prince, Prince, please save me, I am innocent, and I have nothing to do with him." When Yu Qingmeng saw that Yu was unmoved, she immediately turned around and rushed to Xu Lipeng again, hugged him and cried loudly.

Xu Lipeng didn't expect Yu Qingmeng to suddenly turn around and hug him, and was hugged red-handed.

He Da Pang, who was always looking for trouble, laughed loudly: "Sister, you like to be pretty, but I am not as good-looking as Master Xu!"

In one sentence, the relationship between Xu Lipeng and Yu Qingmeng is implied to be the relationship between a patron and a prostitute.

Xu Lipeng pushed Yu Qingmeng away, and Yu Qingmeng was pushed back two steps and fell heavily to the ground.

Patting his sleeves as if they were stained with something dirty, Xu Lipeng turned around with a cold look and strode away, ignoring Yu Qingmeng who was crying behind him.

“Prince…Prince…” Yu Qingmeng cried out of grievance, almost unable to speak.

"Take my cousin away!" Yu said coldly.

Two maids from the Qu Mansion came over and pulled the person up. This time Yu Qingmeng did not struggle and followed the two maids away.

"Mrs. Qu, can I leave now? Let me explain again, Miss Yu here bumped into my bed by herself. This is the place where Madam Qu asked me to rest, right?" He Dapan pointed around and laughed, as if what happened just now was not his scandal.

One look at Yu Qingmeng's appearance showed that she was an unfaithful woman. He was not willing to take the responsibility for this. If he took her back, the woman at home would make trouble again. It was not worth it.

Upon hearing He Dapang's words of shirking responsibility, Yu was so angry that she almost exploded. At this point, Yu Qingmeng had better enter the gate of the He Mansion, but He Dapang was so disgusted. When she thought about it, when she plotted against Qu Moying, she also plotted against He Dapang's wife. She was a real tigress. If she took him there and He Dapang didn't protect her, it would be a dead end.

Yu hesitated!

"Mrs. Qu, I came here today because of my cousin. Since there is nothing else, I will leave!" He Dapan warned with a smile. He was not willing to take on such a slut. As soon as he saw the relationship between Yu Qingmeng and Xu Lipeng, he knew it was not clean.

Thinking of her daughter and King Jing, Yu no longer hesitated, forced a smile, stepped aside and made way: "Mr. He, please!"

My daughter is going to marry King Jing, and it would be a bad idea for my niece to enter the He Mansion without any clear reason. It might even affect my daughter's marriage.

"Thank you for the hospitality, Madam Qu!" He Datap walked past her with a swagger, tugged at his clothes, and left with a smile on his face.

After all the annoying people left, Yu looked at the wife of Yongning Marquis and said after a moment's consideration: "Madam, Qingmeng and the prince..."

Yu was well aware of the affairs between Yu Qingmeng and Xu Lipeng. Now that the route to He Mansion was blocked, they could only go through Yongning Marquis Mansion.

"Madam Qu, it's impossible for Miss Yu to enter the Yongning Marquis' Mansion. She is such a lowly person that she flirts with men, and she wants our mansion to bear the brunt of it?"

The wife of Marquis Yongning was almost angry to the point of laughing. Such a thing happened right under her nose, and in the end she had to let her son take the blame. How could such a thing happen in this world

"Madam Hou, Qingmeng and the prince... have been together for a long time. What happened just now was not Qingmeng's own fault. It must be Mr. He... You also know what kind of person Mr. He is!" Yu said humbly with a smile, pushing everything onto He Dapan. Qu Moying's affairs could not be involved anymore, otherwise people would suspect her.

"What Madam Qu said is really funny. I'm going to make this clear today. Our mansion absolutely does not want such a lowly and promiscuous woman."

The wife of Marquis Yongning gritted her teeth in anger, secretly hating her son for not living up to her expectations. After saying that, she turned around and strode away.

Yu had no choice but to follow, and a large group of people suddenly retreated...

"Miss, why don't we go over and take a look?" Yu Chun asked in confusion when she saw the figure at the window leaving.

"Watching the excitement too closely can often lead to disaster." Qu Moying stroked the teacup in his hand, and curled the corners of his lips silently, "It's safer to watch from a distance."

"Miss, you are right. Miss Yu is like this." Yu Chun rolled her eyes and immediately understood the meaning of Qu Moying's words.

"Miss Yu is vicious. She knows that the Second Madam is plotting to harm Miss Yu, so she wants to come and watch Miss Yu's fun. If she didn't want to take advantage of her misfortune, why would she come here?" Nanny Miao sneered. She saw things more clearly than Yu Chun and understood Yu Qingmeng's psychology.

She just thought that the young lady was framed by them, and they wanted to step on her hard a few times, making it best if the young lady had no face to live, so that she could become a couple with Master Xu.

They wanted to steal someone else's fiancé, and also attacked someone else's fiancée, destroying her reputation and taking her life. This shows how vicious Yu and Yu Qingmeng were.

"Miss, what should we do now? Do you want to go back to see the lady?" asked Nanny Miao.

"Don't rush over." Qu Moying shook his head and looked towards the window thoughtfully. After Yu Qingmeng left, Yu and the wife of the Marquis of Yongning said a few words inside. Although no one knew what they talked about, the wife of the Marquis of Yongning turned away in anger, which seemed to be about something else.

Her eyebrows frowned slightly. In this situation, what was the meaning of the wife of Marquis Yongning not leaving immediately but still talking to Yu

What conditions did Yu put forward

Did Mrs. Hou just leave in anger

Yu Qingmeng and He Dapan were caught in bed together. What did he say to the wife of Yongning Marquis? Explanation or request? Whether it was an explanation or a request, there must be a reason. Could it be...

There was a hint of sarcasm in his eyes. Xu Lipeng was really a hypocritical person!

"Let's go back to Qianyueju and count and record the missing items in Qianyueju." Qu Moying stood up and said slowly.

My grandmother is having a headache now. The wife of Marquis Yongning and Yu went in that direction. There were quite a few servants who had just witnessed what happened between Yu Qingmeng and He Dapan. Yu went there with the intention of embarrassing myself and forcing me to submit. There must be my grandmother's people involved.

How could I not explain it at this moment

My grandmother already understood my feelings. Right now, Yu Qingmeng and Xu Lipeng seemed to be entangled in a complicated relationship. Even if my grandmother didn't cancel the engagement at this time, she would not agree to keep the situation as it is.

After everyone leaves, my grandmother will definitely send someone to let me go over, so it would be better not to join in the fun now.

He understood the situation and was not in a hurry. He took Nanny Miao and Yuchun back to Qianyueju.

The main room was a bit messy. Yu Qingmeng just wanted to take away the things she liked and was used to, and didn't care whether it was messy or not. In her mind, even if Qu Moying saw it, he wouldn't dare to say anything.

After today, Qu Moying will no longer have time to talk about such trivial matters.

After taking inventory, he called the housekeeper of Qianyueju and asked her to clarify that all these things had been moved to the guest rooms.

As they were talking, Wu Ma Ma came in, bowed to Qu Moying and said, "Fourth Miss, the Madam invites you to come over."

"Have the people from the Marquis' Mansion left?" Qu Moying stood up with a smile and asked softly.

"He's gone." My nanny nodded.

"Madam, Miss Yu said she liked some of the items here, so they have been moved to the guest room where she is staying temporarily. What should we do here now?" Qu Moying asked, pointing to the messy main room.

"Let the fourth young lady move back. Miss Yu is not living in the guest room anymore. She is going back to the mansion to recuperate!" My nanny had just been with the old lady and already knew the whole story. When she thought of Yu Qingmeng's incident, a sneer appeared on her face. She looked like a good person, but unexpectedly she was such a lowly person.

The lady-in-waiting had just ordered the second lady to send Miss Yu back home.

No matter what happens, it has nothing to do with the Qu family.

Looking at these messy furniture, my nanny felt that this Miss Yu really regarded this place as the Yu Mansion. The Fourth Miss was moving back, and she actually moved many things away. She was really shameless.

I called the woman in charge and told her to move everything back the same way she had people move it there, without leaving anything behind.

Seeing that it was my nanny who had given the order, the maid in charge did not dare to refuse, and brought the people who had moved things before to move things again. Although the items were not the heaviest, there were a lot of them, which made the maids and maids very busy again. Many people secretly hated Miss Yu for being nosy.

Some clever servants sensitively felt that things were going to change in the mansion. At this time, many people remembered that Miss Yu was not a lady from the Qu Mansion, so how could she have the nerve to occupy the best courtyard in the mansion.

The fourth young lady is the master of the mansion!

Amid the suspicion of everyone in the courtyard, Qu Moying sorted herself out for a while and followed Wu Ma to the courtyard of the old lady. Unexpectedly, she met Yu on the way...