Reborn to be a Noble Wife

Chapter 99: What happened back then, interrogate!


Yu had lost a lot of weight, and because she lost weight so suddenly, she looked a bit older. Wrinkles that had never been visible before appeared at the corners of her eyes and eyebrows. At first glance, she seemed to be about ten years older.

He leaned weakly on the bed, completely exhausted. The blood loss, paleness, and yellowish color coming from beneath his skin did not seem to be pretended.

However, this did not surprise Qu Moying. It was impossible for all those doctors to be bribed, not to mention that he heard that there was an imperial physician among them.

This matter caused quite a stir and even reached the court. It couldn't be completely false, otherwise it would be a crime of deceiving the emperor. Even if Yu dared to do it, Qu Zhizhen would not dare to do it. But who came up with this plan

There was a thick cushion behind Yu. She looked up at Qu Moying with a hint of resentment in her eyes, lacking the gentleness she usually pretended to be.

"Is the madam in good health?" Qu Moying asked with a smile towards Yu lying on the bed.

"Qu Moying, you framed me!" Yu said hatefully, her eyes still wide open although she was powerless.

"Madam, didn't you send the clothes? I heard there were some bad things in them. Since you wanted to harm me, why are you accusing me of framing you?" Qu Moying looked at Yu with a look of surprise, "I know she is not your biological daughter. You have disliked me since I was a child. My eyes were also damaged by you, but..."

Qu Moying paused here, a hint of mockery flashed in her eyes, "Madam, you have hurt me many times, right? But no matter how many times you hurt me, you will not erase the fact that my mother is my father's first wife, and you were just a concubine in the beginning, right?"

“You…how dare you talk nonsense…” Yu was so angry that his face turned pale and he almost vomited blood. He covered his chest with his hands and started coughing loudly.

Hai Lan saw that something was wrong and hurried forward to pat her on the back.

After Yu calmed down, Hai Lan looked at Qu Moying with some anger: "Fourth Miss, Madam is your elder, you should know how to respect your elders when you speak!"

"Respect elders? If this elder wants to take our young lady's life and his heart is so vicious that it's outrageous, why should we respect him?" Yu Dong sneered and nudged Hai Lan.

"How dare you, a country maid from elsewhere, speak to the Madam like that?" Hai Lan was furious. She was Yu's personal steward and had always been trusted by Yu. She had a lot of face in the Qu Mansion. Not to mention that Yu Dong was just a maid who had just entered the mansion. Even the servants who had been in the mansion for many years had to respectfully call Hai Lan "Aunt Hai Lan" when they saw her.

"I speak without restraint in front of the master, but what about you? Aren't you the same, shouting and yelling in front of our young lady?" Yu Dong said fearlessly. She was really not afraid of this Aunt Hai Lan. When she looked at her and spoke, she raised her eyebrows, which was quite provocative.

Hai Lan's face turned pale with anger, but she did not directly send someone in to drag Yu Dong out and teach him a lesson as she did in the past.

If this happened a few days ago, Hai Lan would not even need to look at Yu's expression, she would know what to do. If the servants dared to offend the lady, they would be beaten to death, so what about a little Fourth Miss? The lady got angry, slapped the Fourth Miss a few times, and made a scene with the lady, which was reasonable.

It is also possible to say that the Fourth Miss deliberately offended her. In the Madam's courtyard, whatever the Madam says is the truth, and even the Madam may not be able to find out anything.

But it’s not possible now. My wife has lost her power.

It was such a serious matter that even the Crown Prince's concubine was implicated, and it happened in front of the Crown Princess's coffin. If it got out of hand, Madam would not only lose her status, but might also be charged with a serious crime. Now Madam is still Madam, it's just that Madam's illness came at the right time.

At this moment, the best thing to do is to do nothing and show weakness. Besides, she had just secretly sent someone to invite the second master.

"Qu Moying, I think I have been very good to you. Ever since you entered the mansion, all the expenses... have been the same as Yan'er's... Why... Why did you frame me like this?" Yu stretched out her hand and pulled Hailan's sleeve, gasping for breath and scolding.

Yu Dong retreated behind Qu Moying. Qu Moying looked up at Yu and remained silent for a long time before asking, "Everyone has seen Madam Yu harm me. I don't want to argue with Madam Yu too much. Even the emperor knows about this. Could it be that Madam Yu still wants to protest her injustice? I want to ask about another thing."

"What's the matter?" Yu was almost fainted by the blockage. She grabbed the quilt under her hands hard and suppressed the anger in her heart. Hailan had just told her that someone would be sent to invite the master to come for dinner, so she should be aware of the situation.

"I heard that my mother went to a nunnery when she was pregnant with me. I was very surprised. My mother was about to give birth to me at that time, right? Why did she go to the nunnery alone? Why didn't she stay in the mansion to wait for the birth? Could it be that Madam Yu was to blame? Otherwise, who would suddenly go to a remote nunnery alone when she was pregnant? It doesn't seem like she was going to worship Buddha, but rather like she was being punished?"

Qu Moying looked at Yu and spoke word by word.

His voice was gentle, but his words were as sharp as a knife. In one word, they brought up what happened that year. The parts that didn't make sense were also the parts she couldn't understand.

But she couldn't figure these out, and now Nanny Zhou has explained them all to her.

There was a flash of panic in Yu's eyes. She didn't expect that Qu Moying was asking about the old accounts.

"Fourth Miss..." When Hai Lan saw that Yu couldn't answer, she hurriedly took over.

"How dare you, a servant like you, explain anything?" Qu Moying scolded coldly, with a sharp coldness in his watery eyes, "Could it be that you were also involved in what happened back then? Could it be that my mother's so-called death in childbirth was due to some other reason?"

"Fourth Miss, what nonsense are you talking about? I... I am just explaining for Madam." Hai Lan panicked and said hurriedly.

"Let your master speak for himself." Qu Moying said coldly.

Even through the veil, Hai Lan could sense the coldness in Qu Moying's eyes. That inexplicable aura made her subconsciously take a step back. After she took a step back, she felt ashamed and angry. She was actually forced back by Miss Qu Si, a person she had never looked down upon.

He became angry and embarrassed for a moment, and was about to speak, but he saw Yu Dong coming forward with a cold look, and even seemed to have a murderous aura. He was so scared that his feet trembled and he dared not take another step forward.

Seeing that Qu Moying actually shocked Hai Lan, Yu's face turned pale with anger. She really had no strength left in her body, otherwise she would have uncontrollably wanted to slap Qu Moying twice.

But it wasn't possible right now, she really didn't have the strength.

"What happened back then has nothing to do with me. If you want to investigate, just go ahead and check it yourself." Yu took a deep breath and spoke more comprehensively.

It's been so long since what happened, she doesn't want to talk about it again.

"I heard that my third sister and second brother were born prematurely. It was said that Madam Yu fell down, causing the twins to be born prematurely.

It was a very difficult birth, and it almost resulted in three deaths." Qu Moying curled the corners of his lips in sarcasm.

"So what?" Yu said sternly.

"That's not a big deal. Madam Yu was so dangerous back then, but she still gave birth to a pair of children. She was fine and nothing happened to her. Why did my mother only give birth to me and she died? And my mother went to the nunnery because she was slandered and wanted to frame Madam Yu, but in the end, Madam Yu was fine, but my mother died. I also lost my mother's care since I was a child, and Madam Yu took care of me and I got an eye disease!"

Qu Moying looked at Yu with a cold expression and unceremoniously lifted the veil from that year.

Needless to say, the ultimate beneficiary of what happened back then was the Yu family.

For so many years, Yu also occupied the Qu Mansion, but his daughter, born to his ex-wife, developed eye disease due to care, and was then left in the manor.

It can be said that he is alone and left to fend for himself.

“You…what nonsense are you talking about…” Yu was a little panicked.

"Am I talking nonsense? Isn't it clear to Madam Yu that the one who benefits the most from these things is Madam Yu? It was like this back then, and it is also like this now. If it is found that I was impolite in front of the Crown Princess's coffin, I will definitely be convicted in the end. Madam Yu can't tolerate me again?"

Qu Moying said.

The first half of her conversation was about things that happened more than ten years ago, and the second half immediately turned to the present. The transition was very natural. She looked at Yu lying on the bed with a cold face, and every word she said was as sharp as a knife!

Yu was weak and her head was buzzing. When Qu Moying mentioned what happened in the past, she was shocked. She was anxious and panicked for a moment. She stretched out her hand and pointed at Qu Moying with difficulty: "You... don't talk nonsense, I didn't... I... it was you..."

"Madam Yu, what happened to mother back then was related to you. I heard that you repeatedly said that the fall was related to mother, so mother had to give in and go to the nunnery. But I heard that premature birth of twins is also a very normal thing. You were only a few days early, so how could it be because of a fall? It's the same now. Madam Yu repeatedly wants to kill us mother and daughter. What is the reason? I can't understand. I'm just a woman and I don't have any impact on my second brother. Can Madam Yu just not tolerate me?"

Qu Moying continued to ask, not allowing Yu to make too many excuses.

I think it would take such a short time to get here from Qu Zhizhen's study. Qu Zhizhen had doubts about the matter between Yu and himself. Since he had the opportunity to hear the private conversation between the two, he would definitely come here.

It's dinner time, come over for dinner, any excuse is fine.

“You… you are talking nonsense…” It seems that this is the only sentence Yu can say now.

"Second Madam, I am talking nonsense, you know it in your heart, what is the reason why you want to hurt me like this? Or do you want to hurt not only me, but the entire Qu family, my grandmother, and my father?"

Qu Moying said aggressively.

Hailan panicked. She looked at the door and was about to speak to help the inarticulate Yu, but she saw Yudong, who was blocking her, stepped forward again. The sinister look in his eyes frightened her so much that she opened her mouth but dared not say anything. She just subconsciously took a step back and bumped into a shelf behind her, making a heavy crash.

Qu Zhizhen hurried to Yu's inner room, and when he heard these words, a cold look appeared on his face. His heart skipped a beat and his expression changed immediately!

Yu wants to harm himself