Reborn to Strive

Chapter 1


On March 14, 2022, at 7:00 p.m., on the local station of J City.

The hostess in her early thirties was wearing a suit and was broadcasting the news: "Mr. Shi Zhen, a well-known entrepreneur in this city, died in the hospital at 5 am on the 12th at the age of 46."

The host said some information about Shi Zhen, and added: "In the past 20 years, Mr. Shi has donated 170 million to charities. According to Mr. Shi's will, after his death, all the assets in his name will be All donated to charity…”

The TV screen became the scene of the memorial service.

Shi Zhen is a big taxpayer in J City, but the memorial service is very simple, which is in line with his habit of being diligent and thrifty.

But at the moment, this simple memorial service is packed.

These people were old and young, male and female, rich and poor, and all of them had grief on their faces.

They were more or less helped by Shi Zhen.

Shi Zhen has no children or daughters. In addition to making money, he is doing charity work in his life. Making money itself seems to be for the sake of making money for charity. How can such a person not be respected

At five in the morning on March 12, 1994, under the newly built Wenhua Bridge in J City.

Wenhua Bridge spans a large river on the outskirts of J City.

In recent years, the city of J has been engaged in construction. The riverside of the river is built with stones to protect the slope. A spacious bridge has also been built on the river, which can allow four cars to pass side by side. There is also a sidewalk on each side.

The bridge is very big, and the bridge hole under the bridge is naturally not small.

The children of the surrounding peasant households, since the bridge was built, liked to play on the bridge and under the bridge, and there were beggars who beggars who built a shed under the bridge and lived there.

Shi Zhen woke up from the freeze.

J City is located in the Yangtze River Delta. Summer is long and winter is short, but March is still a bit cold. Even if Shi Zhen wears a big padded jacket and wraps a few snakeskin bags on his body, he still can't stop the chills coming from all directions. .

After all, the place where he lives is not a warm house, but a bridge hole.

After he woke up, he looked around, wrapped his snakeskin bag tightly, got up and sat down against the stone beside him, motionless.

Shi Zhen is no stranger to this place.

When he was eighteen years old, he took his cousin Shi Xinghuo to leave the small mountain village where he lived. He first walked the mountain road for a long time, then took a tractor for a long time, and then took a bus for another day. Finally, he came to J City. The money is running out.

He was reluctant to spend money to stay in a hotel, and he didn't feel that the place to sleep at night had to be a house. He lived under a bridge in the suburban suburbs surrounded by farmland not long after the new city of J was built.

He and Shi Xinghuo lived in the bridge hole for almost a month, and then finally found a job, and the two of them moved to the construction site.

Shi Zhen was also born in the Yangtze River Delta.

In Z province, since ancient times, Qifen Mountain has been divided into two parts by water and two parts. There are rich coastal areas and small villages in the mountains.

At the time of his death, Z province was already very developed, and his hometown was also developed into a good place for tourism and vacation. The villagers who came out to work and opened farmhouses all had spare money to go to a well-off society, but in the 1990s, that The isolated mountain villages are still very poor.

The road has not yet been built, and it is inconvenient for people from his family to come out, and everyone does not like to come out.

The only source of income for the villagers all year round is the sale of shiitake mushrooms. Every household uses the old method handed down from their ancestors to grow shiitake mushrooms. When they are planted and dried, they will be picked out to exchange for money.

For a long time, Shi Zhen thought that he would grow land in the mountains for the rest of his life. He is in good health, works neatly, and is good at growing mushrooms. He will definitely save money. When he saves enough money, he can marry a daughter-in-law. , and then have a child to grow mushrooms like him.

But in the 1990s, changes in the outside world still affected their village more or less.

He was the first in the village to come out to work.

Last year, an intern teacher in his early twenties came to them. The intern teacher was from City J. After coming to them, he was stunned by their poverty.

The teacher taught in their primary school for more than a month, and after eating pickles mixed with shiitake mushrooms for more than a month, he suffered from appendicitis.

At that time, he happened to go to his sister who was in the sixth grade. When he saw it, he carried the person out of the mountain overnight and sent him to the county hospital for surgery. After that, the teacher always talked to him and persuaded him to go out to work.

He is not a person who is content with the status quo. When he was young, he had ambitions that his skinny body could not fit in. In addition, there were already people working in the nearby village at that time... He immediately decided to go out.

However, he had no money at the time, so he planted mushrooms for a year to save money, and when the New Year passed this year, he came out with his cousin Shi Xinghuo.

Coincidentally, he also turned eighteen this year.

He and Shi Xinghuo came to J City and saw an outside world that shocked them.

There are five or six-story buildings everywhere, and occasionally taller buildings. There are many cars here, and the people here are all brightly dressed.

The fire in his heart was lit, and strong emotions rushed out from the bottom of his heart - he wanted to make money, he wanted to buy a car, he wanted to live a rich life!

For a long time after that, he was working hard towards his goal.

Shi Zhen exhaled a long breath, the hot air condensed into a white mist in the morning light.

At this moment, there was a rustling sound from the side.

Under the bridge, not only he and Shi Xinghuo lived, but also an old lady. The old lady was a beggar. She built a nest under the bridge with something like bamboo, wood, plastic cloth, and carried a cloth bag during the day. Beg for food nearby and come back to sleep at night.

The old lady was a little afraid of him and Shi Xinghuo. Although he and Shi Xinghuo were poor, they thought they were different from this kind of old beggar. In addition, they didn’t understand the language well. In their last life, they lived together under the bridge for almost a month. Didn't say a few words.

Yes, in a previous life.

Everything in front of him is extremely real. If there were no accidents, he should have returned to twenty-eight years ago, when he was eighteen years old.

Shi Zhen took a deep breath.

The cool air was sucked into his lungs, and he twitched the corners of his mouth to smile, but he didn't.

The old lady next door used broken bricks to build a small stove outside her nest, and carefully smeared it with mud, and she was cooking porridge on the stove with shaking hands.

Shi Zhen looked at her for a while, then stood up and started to clean up the construction waste such as broken bricks and cement blocks under the bridge hole.

There are quite a few of these things here, which Shi Zhen didn't care about before, but today he moved them all out and piled them up in the corner.

He also picked up some broken bricks that could be used, and placed them neatly next to the old lady's shack.

His movement was not small, and Shi Xinghuo woke up with him. He stood up in a daze and asked, "Azhen, what are you doing?"

Shi Zhen said: "Clean up this place, and you come to help too."

Shi Xinghuo said, "Oh!"

After Shi Xinghuo responded, he followed Shi Zhen and started to work, asking a few words from time to time: "Do you want this?"

"Where is this?"

Shi Zhen answered him, and he shouted loudly: "Oh!"

Shi Xinghuo is four years older than Shi Zhen. When his mother was pregnant with him, he contracted what they call jaundice hepatitis, which is hepatitis A. He took a lot of medicine. I don't know if this is the reason. Shi Xinghuo was a little stupid when he was born. , I have been in primary school for six years, and I can only recognize a dozen or so characters, and I have to rely on my fingers to calculate addition and subtraction within ten.

Therefore, although he is Shi Zhen's cousin, he listens to Shi Zhen in everything.

The reason why Shi Zhen brought him out this time was because Shi Xinghuo was obedient enough, and because Shi Xinghuo's parents requested him.

Shi Xinghuo was famous for being stupid in their village, and even in several nearby villages. Who didn't know that when he was studying, he could only draw circles in exams

Their family didn't have much money, and it was very difficult for Shi Xinghuo to marry a daughter-in-law. His parents wanted him to go out and try his hardest. .

In 1994, the monthly salary of ordinary workers in J City was about 200 to 300 yuan, but in the isolated small mountain village, it is very difficult for everyone to earn 10 yuan, and 1,000 yuan is enough to pay the betrothal gift.

Shi Zhen kept saving some money over the years. This time he came out with a total of over 100. Shi Xinghuo's parents also gave him 20 yuan. Apart from the expenses such as the car fee, he still has money on hand. Eighty-nine yuan and five cents.

The money was not small at this time. They used to live in Qiaodong, mainly because he was afraid that he would not be hungry after he could not find a job, so he did not dare to spend it indiscriminately.

He has always been careful.

Shi Zhen is the most capable of the younger generation in their village, and has a great reputation. Although Shi Xinghuo has a stupid mind, he has a strong body. The two of them hadn't cleaned the bridge hole before, so they didn't think about it. Now they're working hard, but In an hour, the place was cleaned up.

The originally messy bridge hole now looks much better.

After finishing, Shi Zhen started to pack up his belongings again.

He and Shi Xinghuo's family belongings didn't add up to much. He put their clothes and shoes in a snakeskin bag, took out a packet of fried rice noodles, and a pickled rabbit leg, and handed them to the old man who had already cooked the porridge and was eating it. Mrs.

When he came out, he brought a lot of food with him. The pickled rabbit legs were made by himself after raising the rabbits. For fried rice noodles, he cooked the rice and then found it in a mill to grind it into powder.

This is what he and Shi Xinghuo ate these days.

The old lady was startled and took it.

Shi Zhen carried the snakeskin bag and said to Shi Xinghuo, "Let's go!"

"Oh!" Shi Xinghuo responded loudly.

Shi Zhen and Shi Xinghuo left, and the white-haired old lady with her back hunched over saw that the stones and bricks under the bridge that had always caught her feet before were gone, and swallowed.

Shi Zhen didn't have a watch, so he didn't know the exact time, but the sun had already come out, it was probably past seven o'clock.

Shi Xinghuo was a little aggrieved: "Azhen, I want to eat rabbit legs."

Shi Zhen said: "Rabbit legs are nothing to eat, I'll buy you meat buns."

Shi Xinghuo was instantly happy: "Oh!"

Shi Zhen took Shi Xinghuo towards the bus station.

Next to the newly built station in J City, there is also a newly built hospital. Although the surrounding area is empty, it has gained popularity and opened several breakfast restaurants.

Xiaolongbao is one piece for five and one cage, and big meat buns are three for one yuan. Shi Zhen looked at them and bought a four-dollar big meat bun.

Meat buns are about the size of an adult's fist, and most people are sure to be full after eating three. For girls with small appetites, one is enough.

But Shi Zhen and Shi Xinghuo were both able to eat, so when they let go of eating, Shi Zhen could eat five or six at a time.

Shi Zhen gave Shi Xinghuo six meat buns, and Shi Xinghuo started to eat them.

They don't grow wheat in their village, and they don't make pasta. Shi Xinghuo used to go to a nearby town with his parents to go to the market to eat buns a few times.

Shi Zhen was very hungry. He ate his six meat buns in one go, and then took Shi Xinghuo into the bus station. He went to the window and asked in the dialect of J City, "Do you have a ticket to Changxi City?"

"Yes, there is one in half an hour, and it will leave at eight o'clock."

"I'll buy two tickets." Shi Zhen took out ten yuan and bought two tickets.

J City is a prefecture-level city, while Changxi City is a county-level city under J City.

There are many top 100 counties in the Yangtze River Delta, and Changxi City is one of them. In his previous life, Shi Zhen mainly developed in Changxi City.

Even, he made a fortune from a town below Changxi City.

The town is called Anshan Town, where the people he loves live.

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