Reborn to Strive

Chapter 10


Guan Baiyu believed what Shi Zhen said to him, and believed that Shi Zhen wanted to be nice to him.

After Shi Zhen came to him for the first time, he went to inquire about Shi Zhen, and he had also observed Shi Zhen in the past few days.

His life was pretty bad, he could hardly eat anything delicious, and Shi Zhen's life didn't look good.

If nothing else, the clothes Shi Zhen wore were worse than his clothes.

He had also resented his mother before, resenting her for not wanting him, but seeing Shi Zhen's appearance, the resentment disappeared.

His mother should have given him to others because she really couldn't support him.

Shi Zhen was so poor that he still came to him and gave him money, but he couldn't possibly want to harm him.

That is, such a Shi Zhen may not have the money to study for him.

The tuition fee for a secondary school is two or three hundred per semester, and there is also living expenses. After a year, if he is not careful, he will spend one or two thousand.

It doesn't work, I'm still trying to find a job.

When Guan Baiyu returned to his home, he turned off the lights and fell asleep.

He didn't dare to use too much electricity, after all, he had to pay the electricity bill.

Guan Baiyu went to bed early, and on the other side, Shi Zhen also told Guan Jianguo that Guan Baiyu was his cousin.

Guan Jianguo was a little surprised, but he had no doubts like Guan Baiyu.

In fact, over the years, people from the Guan family have always wondered why people from Guan Baiyu's grandfather and mother's side didn't come to look for Guan Baiyu. Now that someone has come, he only has a feeling of "finally here".

After talking about the situation of himself and Guan Baiyu, Shi Zhen also said that he would go to Guan Baiyu for dinner in the future.

Guan Jianguo had no objection, but his mother was a little unhappy—Shi Zhen and Shi Xinghuo didn't eat at their house, so she had no money to take it.

After Shi Zhen said that he planned to leave, Guan Jianguo said again: "The rice over Xiaoyu's side is probably enough for him to eat alone. When you go there to eat, remember to buy some rice over there."

"I will." Shi Zhen said.

Shi Zhen came to talk to Guan Jianguo, and Shi Xinghuo came along with him. When he returned to the house where they lived, he immediately asked, "Azhen, do you have a cousin?"

"Yes! I came here to find him." Shi Zhen said.

There is also a reason why Shi Zhen dared to make up stories like this - he was married from outside the mountains to the mountains, and where she is from, no one in their village knows, not even his father, he doesn't know his fucking origins.

However, her mother was probably not very good, so she hid in the mountains, otherwise her mother was so beautiful that she would not marry his father.

And now, the fuck is gone.

When he was eight years old, his mother died of a disease, leaving him and his sister with his father.

His sister was only four years old at the time, and she was not in good health. She cried all day long. His father couldn't handle it, so he was introduced by someone and married his stepmother.

His stepmother is a few years older than his father, and she is not very good-looking. After marrying his father with two daughters, he can live with his father at ease, and is not bad for him and his sister.

His stepmother couldn't do anything to treat them badly. He and her sister were born and raised in the village, but she and her daughter were foreigners. His father also valued his own flesh and blood, and could not tolerate his stepmother treating them badly.

As for eccentricity... Their village is too poor, and there is nothing materialistic to make her eccentric. As for her being closer to her two daughters, it is inevitable.

Because of this, Shi Zhen forcibly created a cousin for himself, and no one would doubt it, not even his father.

Shi Zhen knew his father very well.

The next day, Shi Zhen woke up after four in the morning.

Rubbing his shoulders, which were sore from digging the river mud, he opened the door and went out to the town.

Going to Guan Baiyu's house for dinner, he can't go empty-handed.

There is a vegetable market in the town. It has just been built. It is divided into two floors. For people at this time, it is quite big.

This is also the center of the town. Upstairs of this building are small shops, which are rented to merchants to sell clothes, toys, needles, thread, brains and other things, and downstairs is a place to sell vegetables.

It was the first time for Shi Zhen to come here. Fortunately, the place was easy to find, but he came too early, and the vegetable market did not open.

However, although the door of the vegetable market was not open, there were people waiting at the door. As soon as the door opened, these people rushed in.

Shi Zhen followed and saw the appearance of the vegetable market.

There is a lingering unpleasant smell here. Each stall is paved by the stall owner himself, and there are all kinds of them, connected into long strips.

As for those who rushed in, some climbed over the booth, and some got in from under the booth.

Not long after these people entered the market, people who bought vegetables also came. Some of these people got up early, and some of them opened stores, planning to buy the ingredients for the day early.

Shi Zhen found a stall and asked about the price of pork.

The stall owner used a bicycle to push half a pig in, and a woman next to him was carrying a basket full of pork. He put the half pig on his stall, unloading the pork, while Answer Shi Zhen: "A piece of meat is 2 yuan and 51 jin, and a piece of meat is 2 yuan and 81 jin."

The so-called strip meat is pork belly, and the rump meat is pork hind legs.

In the past few years, pork belly has always been more expensive, but in recent years, everyone suddenly likes to eat lean meat, and pork hind legs are more expensive.

Shi Zhen asked carefully, and finally bought a pound of pure fat, ready to take home to make lard.

The fat was only one yuan per pound, so when I bought the fat, Shi Zhen bought two chicken racks for two yuan at a nearby stall.

Frozen chicken racks are stripped of chicken breasts, drumsticks, wings, etc. There's not much meat on them, but they're cheap.

After buying these two things, Shi Zhen thought about it and bought ten more eggs.

When Guan Baiyu is growing, eat better.

Shi Zhen returned to the village after buying it, it was half past six.

He brought something, called Shi Xinghuo, and went to Guan Baiyu's house.

Guan Baiyu woke up early, but he hadn't gone to school yet. He was a little surprised to see him come with these things.

Shi Zhenchong smiled at him: "Let's eat together, I just bought some food."

Time is tight in the morning, Guan Baiyu has to go to school at 7 o'clock, he and Shi Xinghuo have to leave at 7 o'clock... Shi Zhen did not delay, he let Guan Baiyu light a fire, boiled lard in an iron pot, and then put the oil residue and All the lard was poured, and finally, relying on the little oil left at the bottom of the pot, put in four eggs and scrambled them, and then put them in. Guan Baiyu made more rice yesterday to prepare for a day's eating today, and scrambled egg fried rice.

The meal was not much. After dividing it into three portions, neither he nor Shi Xinghuo had enough to eat, but Shi Xinghuo had instant noodles, which was barely enough.

As for him, it's okay to eat less.

"You actually put four eggs..." Guan Baiyu was shocked.

He also had fried rice, when his grandmother was alive.

His grandma used gauze-wrapped chopsticks dipped in oil, smeared it on the pan, put rice and salt in it, and fried it. Even if the rice is fried, eggs are absolutely reluctant.

Now Shi Zhen actually put four eggs in one go!

"Eat more." Shi Zhen gave Guan Baiyu a full bowl of rice.

Guan Baiyu lowered his head and started to eat slowly.

The fried rice with egg fried in lard was indescribably fragrant. He hadn't eaten such a delicious thing for a long, long time.

The last time he ate meat was during Chinese New Year, when he went to his adoptive parents' house for New Year's Eve dinner.

But at that time, he couldn't eat too much. The chickens killed on New Year's Eve were used by his adoptive parents to entertain guests.

After dinner, Su Baiyu took the instant noodles that Shi Zhen gave him yesterday to go to school, and Shi Zhen and Shi Xinghuo also went to work.

There is a saying among them who do small jobs, that is, if they change their job, they need to change their muscles and bones.

For example, the work of picking mud and bricks for a day will not hurt here and there, and the body will not be sore. At this time, if you change to the work of dredging, the body will hurt again.

Shi Zhen has been in pain all over the past few days, but he is still full of energy.

He was more motivated than at this time in his previous life.

He is alive, and the people around him are also alive, which is really a good thing.

Today's lunch is roast pork with taro. Of course, taro has more meat and less meat.

Shi Zhen kept the vegetables back two days ago, but he didn't keep them today. First, he ate less in the morning, so he was really hungry, and secondly, he bought vegetables this morning.

"You kid, I'm finally willing to eat food today." Wang Chengfa laughed when he saw Shi Zhen eating with a big mouthful.

He had a good impression of Shi Zhen. After all, Shi Zhen worked hard.

Shi Zhenchong smiled at him, but did not speak.

Wang Chengfa said again: "This silt will be dug in two days, and then the slope by the river will be repaired. Do you want to stay and continue?"

"Yes." Shi Zhen said.

"Then you stay and move the stones." Wang Chengfa said.

"Uncle Wang, I used to be a mason. If there is any other job, I can do it too."

Wang Chengfa said: "Have you also studied mason? Well, I know, then I'll watch to see if you can do something else."

Shi Zhen smiled and agreed.

He worked so hard these days, but he did nothing wrong and could continue to work on the construction site.

He can't find another job for the time being, so he can only do it first.

After finishing work at night, Shi Zhen trotted back, but Guan Baiyu hadn't come home yet.

At this time, many houses in rural areas did not have door locks. They were kept open during the day, and when entering the house at night, the door was bolted inside.

There is a lock in Guan Baiyu's house, but there is only one key, and Shi Zhen doesn't have one.

He sat on a stone by the door and waited for a while before Guan Baiyu and Shi Xinghuo came back and entered the house together.

Guan Baiyu scooped up three small bowls of rice, washed them and put them in the pot to cook. He wanted to steam some dishes by the way, but was stopped by Shi Zhen: "Let's cook them separately."

When the rice was almost cooked, Guan Baiyu stopped burning the fire. Seeing that, Shi Zhen put the raw rice in the pot into several sea bowls, put some water in the pot, and put the chopped chicken rack and Put the oil in it.

After that, he put all the soy sauce that Guan Baiyu had left, chopped up the garlic sprouts that Guan Baiyu had pulled from the vegetable field, and threw them in, so he cooked a pot like this.

When cooking, he put the rice on the steaming rack, covered the pot and steamed it for a while, and the rice was no longer caught.

The chicken rack doesn't taste much, but it's meat after all.

Whether it was Guan Baiyu or Shi Xinghuo, they didn't dislike it at all. Shi Xinghuo even chewed and swallowed some chicken bones.

Shi Zhen was eating, but he was a little dissatisfied. There were still too many things missing at home.

In this era, many households in the city have already had household appliances such as washing machines and refrigerators. Televisions are no longer a rare thing, and gas stoves and the like are used by many people.

But none of these Guan Baiyu!

And the place where they live... The ground is still mud, such a place is very humid, and it is not good for Guan Baiyu to live there!

Shi Zhen was full of all kinds of ways to make money, but he was born a few days ago. He has no capital and no connections, so it is not easy to make money.

After eating, Guan Baiyu packed up, and Shi Zhen hurriedly said, "I'll wash the dishes."

"I'll do it." Guan Baiyu said, Shi Zhen is giving him eggs and chicken again today, how could he be embarrassed to let Shi Zhen wash the dishes again

"I'll come." Shi Zhen insisted: "You go do your homework."

Guan Baiyu paused and could only go to do his homework.

Shi Zhen poured water into the pot and washed the dishes with an old loofah.

Guan Baiyu was with him in his last life, and all the housework was done by Guan Baiyu. He never thought of helping him, but he couldn't do it in this life.

He hopes that Guan Baiyu, like his peers, will be loved and grown up by his family.

Guan Baiyu rarely goes home to do homework.

Their school itself doesn't have much homework, and he can basically complete it in school.

But Shi Zhen asked him to do his homework, he took out the book and read it.

Suddenly there was a new cousin, he thought he would be very unaccustomed, but now... he feels quite happy.

Shi Zhen chatted with Guan Baiyu while washing the dishes, and also said some of the next arrangements: "You don't have to worry about running out of firewood, I'll go buy some mulberry sticks tomorrow."

The so-called mulberry sticks are the branches of the mulberry tree. Nowadays, in the village, except for Guan Baiyu, other people's houses have enough firewood to burn, because they have mulberry sticks that can be burned in addition to straw. The branches of the mulberry tree need to be built every year.

These don't cost a lot of money, and for a dollar, he might be able to buy a truckload of mulberry sticks back.

"Yeah." Guan Baiyu responded.

Shi Zhen also said that he could have porridge tomorrow morning, and also asked how Guan Baiyu was doing at school.

Guan Baiyu had a bad time at school.

Today, Yan Jiangtao came to the school, and he didn't say anything when he was playing in class, and even said he was dirty in public.

But as long as Yan Jiangtao didn't break his things, he didn't care if he just said a few words.

These Guan Baiyu didn't say anything, only said that he was doing well.

"Xiaoyu, how are your grades?" Shi Zhen asked.

Guan Baiyu said: "It's okay."

"How many are you usually ranked in the class?"

Guan Baiyu thought about it for a while, but still said: "It's usually the first place."

"So powerful?" Shi Zhen was a little surprised: "What about in that grade?"

Guan Baiyu said: "It's also the first."

Shi Zhen was even more surprised and puzzled.

Guan Baiyu's grades are so good, why did he go to an ordinary high school, logically... He can be recommended to the best high school in the city, right

He chatted with people at work today and learned that each junior high school has several recommended places, which can be recommended to the best high school No. 1 high school in Changxi City.

Shi Zhen asked, "Then can you go to No. 1 Middle School?"

Guan Baiyu was stunned for a moment, and then said: "I want to go to secondary school, learn normal school, and become a primary school teacher in the future."

Without thinking, Shi Zhen said, "What kind of secondary school, you must go to high school, so that you can go to university!"