Reborn to Strive

Chapter 106


Shi Zhen smiled: "It's late, go back."

It was already dark at the moment, but it could not be said that it was very late. Shi Dalin did not want to leave so early.

Although some people are robbing business, the price of sausages and ham sausages is the same, so his business will not be robbed.

But his son came specially to let him go home...

Shi Dalin still closed the stall.

Wang Zugen's parents watched all this triumphantly.

Today, they all pushed their stalls and followed Shi Dalin. They would go wherever Shi Dalin went.

Shi Dalin is clumsy and can't shout, but they can shout, and the two of them are busy working together, stealing 60-70% of Shi Dalin's business.

The more they robbed them, the more excited they became—at the end of the day, they found out that they made a lot of money from the kushikatsu stall.

It's just a bit embarrassing. When they set up their stalls, many people they knew came to see them, and there were people who didn't have a good relationship with them, and they came to them and said slander.

A few days ago, their daughter-in-law disliked the fact that their son ran away. Basically, everyone they knew knew about it.

Wang Zugen's parents waited for Shi Zhen and the others to leave, and continued to set up the stall beamingly.

But after a while, they looked at each other and regretted a bit.

They knew that they would marry such a daughter-in-law in the end... When their sons looked at a girl before, they stopped being a demon!

Shi Zhen waited until he was far away, and said to Shi Dalin, "Dad, let's give this fried skewer stall to the uncle's house."

Shi Dalin was puzzled: "Why?"

"Didn't I tell you, I want you to open a small shop." Shi Zhen laughed.

"So soon?" Shi Dalin thought that a store had to be prepared for a long time, and it might not be possible to save enough money to open it next year.

"Of course it's not that fast, but if you open a store to buy goods or something, Dad, you can take out the stall first, and then follow me for a run."

Shi Dalin heard what Shi Zhen said and agreed: "That's fine too."

"By the way, Dad, don't tell Aunt Zhao about opening the store." Shi Zhen said again.

He asked Shi Dalin to give the stall to Shi Dashan, and then concealed the fact that Shi Dalin was going to open a shop. In Zhao Meiyun's view, it was Shi Dalin who was prevented from setting up a stall by the Wang family.

If it wasn't for this incident, Zhao Meiyun might feel sorry for Zhao Dongjuan again.

But when this incident happened, no matter how good-tempered Zhao Meiyun was, she would still blame Zhao Dongjuan.

If Zhao Dongjuan makes trouble again, Zhao Meiyun should be tougher and not be implicated.

Shi Zhen came to town on a tricycle.

When he returned, he gave the tricycle to Shi Dalin, and let Shi Dalin learn to ride and push the fried skewer stall by himself.

He has a tractor and a bicycle now. These tricycles are of little use. He intends to use them for his father in the future, so that his father can buy things easily. There is also the freezer. When his father opens a shop, he will definitely sell cold drink popsicles. A freezer would be more convenient.

For Shi Dalin, learning to ride a bicycle was a bit difficult, but he quickly got started with a tricycle. He rode in front of Shi Zhen for a while, then stopped and waited for Shi Zhen. The more he rode, the more he fell in love with this tricycle. : "Azhen, this car is really good. Before, I wanted to see you, and it took half an hour to walk. Now, with this tricycle, is ten minutes enough? Then I can come and see you whenever I want. Time to come."

Guan Baiyu's house is about half an hour's walk away from the Shi family's rented house, but it only takes ten minutes to ride a bicycle, which is quite a difference.

"Yeah." Shi Zhen laughed.

Shi Dalin said again: "I saw some grandparents in the town. They ride tricycles to pick up their children. I can also pick up your children for you in the future."

"It is estimated that my sister will be born earlier than me." Shi Zhen said.

Shi Dalin smiled and said, "Her children have their own grandparents to pick them up."

In the eyes of people of Shi Dalin's age, if a girl marries, she is someone else's family, and the child born is also someone else's family, which is different from her own.

Such a concept has already been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

But they don't necessarily care about their daughter's children. Zhao Qiujuan lived with them in the last life. Zhao Qiujuan's two children were frail and sick. Shi Dalin took care of them, and they could see their feelings. Chatting, basically talking about these two children.

When he was young, he had little contact with Shi Zhen and Shi Ting, and basically did not hold children. When he was old, he was very obedient to his grandchildren.

When the two returned to Guanjia Village, Zhao Qiujuan also came because Zhao Meiyun had not returned home.

Seeing Shi Zhen and Shi Dalin come back, Zhao Meiyun said with red eyes: "Dalin, they have been robbing you of your business?"

On Shi Dalin Road, talking to Shi Zhen about the store opening, he was in a good mood, but now Zhao Meiyun mentioned that he was robbed of his business, and he was angry again—that Wang Zugen's parents were too much!

Shi Dalin let out a "hmm", Zhao Meiyun looked at it, and saw that it was wrapped up and put aside, and there were no sold out items.

She knows how much Shi Dalin prepares to sell every day. Now that most of these things are left, she feels even more uncomfortable.

Zhao Qiujuan was also very guilty - this was caused by Dongjuan.

Even if the Wang family does the same business, Dongjuan even asked the Wang family to follow her father's side to steal her father's business.

"It's all my fault..." Zhao Meiyun wiped her tears with her hands.

Shi Dalin couldn't see the people around him crying: "It's nothing..."

Being comforted by Shi Dalin, Zhao Meiyun wanted to cry even more.

For Zhao Meiyun, Shi Dalin was the best husband, and he was much better than the man in front of her.

The man in front of her had always cared only about himself and liked to drink. Even though his family was very poor, he had to take the food from the family and go out for wine.

After drinking, I will beat her when I get home.

She has never been able to give birth to a son, and she has been tortured so much that she is asked to do all the work, and she is not given a good meal.

Later, she remarried to Shi Dalin, and she was also afraid.

Shi Dalin's village is in the mountains, and it is recognized as poor, at least much poorer than the village of the man in front of her.

She was very afraid of marrying over, and her life was worse than before.

However it didn't.

She was in her forties when she married Shi Dalin, but Shi Dalin was only in his thirties and was strong, but Shi Dalin did not dislike her.

About because Shi Dalin's wife in front of him was frail and sick, Shi Dalin has always done the heavy work at home. She followed Shi Dalin and didn't have to work as hard as before.

Food and clothing are really close, but Shi Dalin never beats people, she takes care of everything at home, and her stepchildren and stepdaughters get along well. There are no elders or relatives who like to point fingers... She thinks this day can't be better. .

It is also because of this that she is afraid that Zhao Dongjuan will make Shi Dalin angry, and that Shi Dalin will not want her one day.

In the past six months, her life has been getting better and better, and she didn't want such a life to change, but her youngest daughter even let her in-laws rob Shi Dalin's business.

When her youngest daughter was divorced and ran home, Shi Dalin initially helped her youngest daughter to get ahead, and asked her youngest daughter to return the dowry gift, draw a line with the Wang family, and find another partner.

It was her little daughter who was unwilling and they had no choice but to cut off contact with her.

Now that her youngest daughter is reconciled with the Wang family, how could she still do such a thing

Zhao Meiyun couldn't do it with guilt.

Zhao Qiujuan also said: "Why is Dongjuan like this... There are people in town who sell rice balls like me, but they won't sell them next to me! She..."

"Stop talking about her," Shi Dalin said, "go back."

Shi Dalin took Zhao Meiyun and Zhao Qiujuan back home, but left the fried skewer stall behind.

"This stall..." Zhao Meiyun hesitated.

Shi Dalin said, "I'm going to set up a stall tomorrow, and people will definitely be staring at me. I'll stop for a few days."

Zhao Meiyun whimpered: "It's all my fault..."

Shi Dalin was also a little helpless, so he could only comfort him again: "It has nothing to do with you."

Shi Dalin also had no idea about opening a store.

Mainly now, he has no capital.

When he got home and returned to the house, Shi Dalin took out his passbook to see.

Seeing him looking at the passbook, Zhao Meiyun thought he was worried that he would have no money to spend in the future, which made him even more uncomfortable.

After that night, Shi Dalin tossed and turned and didn't sleep well...

The next day, Zhao Meiyun summoned up the courage to go to Zhao Dongjuan, and asked Zhao Dongjuan to tell her in-laws, don't grab the business, and change the place if you want to set up a stall.

However, when Zhao Dongjuan saw her mother begging, she felt happy, but she was not willing to agree: "He didn't buy that place. He can do business, but why can't others go?"

"Dongjuan, you make it difficult for me to do this."

"Didn't you want my daughter?" Zhao Dongjuan opened her mouth and said, but it was just that Zhao Meiyun didn't help her own daughter, and she would be unlucky in the future.

When Zhao Meiyun returned home, she did not dare to tell anyone about it, but fell ill directly.

She lost too much money in her early years, and her health has not been very good. Although she has been eating and drinking for more than half a year, she still can't stand it for a few days in a row.

Shi Zhen originally wanted to take Shi Dalin to Changxi City to see all kinds of goods, but Zhao Meiyun was ill, so this matter slowed down. He first walked around the town, thinking about renting a house.

In a few years, many people facing the street in the town will rent out their homes and open stores for others.

But at this time, there are not so many shops in the town, and many small shops are located in the homes of some residents.

Near the primary school, there are many low-rise, mainly wooden houses, which look similar to the houses rented by the Shi family. These houses are all inhabited by people, and very few people open their doors to do business.

Shi Zhen asked around, but no one planned to rent out the house, but... someone wanted to sell the house.

The entrance of the primary school is a small cement road. After walking along this road for more than 100 meters, there is a fork in the road. The house that is going to be sold is at the fork.

This is a dilapidated house for some years. It has only one floor and covers an area of about 30 square meters. It is especially suitable for opening a small shop.

And the people who are going to sell the house are an old couple. They are actually from the nearby countryside. The house was left to them by relatives. Now they want to build a house in the country, and they don't have enough money. The uninhabitable house was sold.

This house is really broken. There is only one small door and one small window. Probably because of this, no one thought that its location is good, and if you change it, you can open a shop.

This house, the old couple is going to sell it for 8,000.

It's a lucrative business!

This piece, in his memory, will be demolished soon.

That's 8,000 bucks...

Shi Zhen has always been very economical in spending money, but the expenses are also high. For example, recently he built a house for Fang Changming, and he had to bring all kinds of tools himself. Those were all purchased and cost him a lot of money.

Because of this, even if he embroidered sweaters or something, it has always brought him income, and now all his savings are only 8,000.

Originally, he just wanted to rent a house for his father, and he also planned to let his father pay the rent himself.

If his dad doesn't have enough money to buy goods, he can lend some to his dad.

There are many places where he will use the money next. He has already planned to give the tricycle and freezer to his father, so he can't let him subsidize all the store.

but now…

Shi Zhen gritted his teeth and immediately decided to buy the house.

Saving money can be done slowly, but the benefits of buying this house are many.

Not to mention that this place will be demolished in the future, and you won't lose money if you buy this house, let's just say that now... if they rent a house, their business will be good, and they will easily face the landlord's price increase, so he can't change the landlord's house at will.

When you buy a house, you don't have to worry about that.

Shi Zhen has always had the character of doing what he wants to do. After deciding to buy it, he never hesitated.

In fact, he went to the door, and when he was talking to the old couple, someone else wanted to buy this house, and that person should also want to use this house to open a shop.

But the man felt that 8,000 was too expensive, and he kept trying to get them to lower the price. When he arrived at Shi Zhen's place... Shi Zhen agreed to buy it for 8,000 without saying a word, and also said that he would pay for the transfer fees and so on.

In this era when real estate has not yet developed, this is another small dilapidated house with a broken roof... The family agreed without thinking, and felt that they had taken advantage of it.

Shi Zhen soon took them to transfer the house to his name.

When he was just nineteen years old, he bought his first house.

A set of... shabby houses that can't live in.

Shi Zhen didn't discuss the matter of buying a house with other people. He didn't go to Shi Dalin until he bought it.

Shi Dalin has been taking care of Zhao Meiyun at home these days.

Shi Zhen's mother was bedridden for a long time at the end of her life. Before that, her health was not very good.

Shi Dalin learned to take care of people at that time. At that time, when he was working, he would go home from time to time to check, help his wife go to the toilet, etc., and he also had to do laundry at night.

Shi Zhen remembered waking up in the middle of the night to see Shi Dalin squatting behind the house, smoking dry cigarettes and wiping his eyes.

Zhao Meiyun fell ill this time, mainly because of headache and fever, and coughing non-stop. Her body was too sore to get up. She went to the hospital for examination.

Shi Dalin took good care of him.

When Shi Zhen went, Shi Dalin asked Zhao Meiyun to lie on the bed, with his head on the edge of the bed, and was washing her hair.

In his last life, Zhao Meiyun broke his leg. At first, his father took care of him, but then his father ate white sugar at home every day and ate something wrong with his body, so he hired someone to take care of the two of them. Zhao Qiujuan looked at it.

Shi Zhen was not surprised to see this, but Zhao Meiyun was very embarrassed when she saw Shi Zhen and wanted to get up.

Shi Zhen said, "Aunt Zhao, lie down."

Zhao Meiyun breathed a sigh of relief.

She has been taking care of Shi Dalin for the past few days. In addition to being apprehensive, she is actually quite… happy.

Shi Dalin didn't dislike her at all!

Especially when she said that her head stinks today, and Shi Dalin also said that she can wash her hair.

She declined a few words, but couldn't help but agree.

She didn't know how others would feel when this happened... Anyway, she was very happy.

In addition to being happy, I also feel guilty—how long has it been since Shi Dalin made money

Shi Dalin's fried skewer stall, Shi Zhen has already sold it to Shi Dashan.

Shi Dashan has always taken good care of their family. Shi Zhen sold the stall to him at the cost price, and gave him an idea along the way.

Now the house is also bought... Shi Zhen said to Shi Dalin: "Dad, I bought a house, and I will move Tingting and I's hukou in a few days, so that Tingting can take the high school exam here... That house, you It can also be used to open a store.”

Zhao Meiyun was stunned: "Buy a house? Open a shop?"

Shi Dalin was also stunned: "Buying a house? Where did you get the money?"

Shi Zhen smiled and said, "I have some savings, and I have money to sell the kushikushi stall to my uncle, so I borrowed a little from Xiao Yu."

In fact, he only used his savings, the money from the kushikatsu stall was useless, and he didn't borrow any money, but that's certainly not the case.