Reborn to Strive

Chapter 107


Shi Zhen explained in detail about his purchase of a house.

In fact, he has already bought a lot of houses. In his previous life, he bought land directly, and he bought a large piece of land.

So now buying a small house, he is not excited.

Shi Dalin is different.

He was even a little dazed: "You bought a house! Ah Zhen, you bought a house... That's a house... "

For most ordinary people, the house has a special meaning.

What Shi Dalin was thinking about was to go back and build a house.

But if there is a house here... It seems that you can not go back and build a house

Shi Dalin immediately said: "Azhen, you can take me to see the house you bought later."

Even Zhao Meiyun said, "I want to go see it too."

"Don't go, you have a fever." Shi Dalin said to Zhao Meiyun.

Zhao Meiyun's current health is indeed not very good... She can only say: "Then I will go later."

Shi Zhen looked at Shi Dalin: "Dad, that house is very dilapidated, there is nothing to see..."

Shi Dalin said, "Broken? Can it be as broken as our old house?"

There really is!

Shi Zhen took Shi Dalin to the place, and Shi Dalin was a little confused.

The house that Shi Zhen bought was built alone at the corner. It was built with blue bricks from earlier. The exterior walls were not painted and looked very broken. Going up, there were also a lot of tiles missing from the roof.

There is only one small window in the house. Although the window is glass, it is broken, and the door is tattered. Push the door and enter...

The ground in this house is covered with a lot of things, there are two stone slabs and some broken bricks, but it is damp and dirty.

The point is, the house is still very small.

Shi Dalin was originally very happy about Shi Zhen's purchase of a house, but now seeing such a house, he couldn't help being disappointed, and even a little unwilling: "Azhen, this house... This house costs 8,000?"

Eight thousand dollars can buy a lot of bricks! Now building a brand new, such a big house in the countryside, if you don't paint or decorate it, one or two thousand is enough!

How small is this house! That's thirty or forty square feet, right

Shi Zhen said: "Dad, this valuable thing is not the house above, but the land below."

Shi Zhen knew that Shi Dalin couldn't understand it, and at this time, most people couldn't understand it either.

He didn't say this anymore, and put it another way: "Dad, I'll take Daniel and the others to renovate this house. It can be renovated for a small amount of money. You can open a shop here in the future. How much rent can you save?"

Shi Zhen said so, Shi Dalin understood, but still felt it was a bit expensive: "How about eight thousand..."

Shi Zhendao: "This kind of house that can be rented for business will cost at least 500 yuan a year, and it will be 8,000 yuan in 16 years. Now that I bought it, it can be used for more than 16 years."

Of course, this house will not last sixteen years, and it will be demolished in a few years.

It is impossible for the rent to remain the same for so many years. In fact, in the next few years... renting a storefront for 500 a year this year, and doubling it to 1000 next year, there are countless things.

In a few years, a small storefront in the town will be tens of thousands of dollars a year in rent.

No, it won't take a few years... From the end of this year, Anshan Town will start to engage in various constructions.

Shi Dalin couldn't foresee the future. Hearing what Shi Zhen said, he felt that it was a good deal. He talked to Shi Zhen about how to open a store in the future.

Shi Zhen said: "It's not difficult, Dad, you should rest for a while, and wait until I fix this house."

"Okay... By the way, on your uncle's side, nothing happened, right?" Shi Dalin asked again.

Shi Zhen sold the kushikatsu stall to Shi Dashan, but Wang Zugen's parents are still selling kushikatsu.

Moreover, Wang Zugen's parents knew Shi Dashan.

Shi Dalin was a little worried, afraid that his eldest brother, like him, would be targeted by Wang Zugen's parents.

Shi Zhen said: "Dad, today happens to be the first day Uncle and the others set up a stall in the town, why don't we go and have a look?"

Shi Zhen took Shi Dalin and went to find Shi Dashan and the others.

When he sold the stall to Shi Dashan, he definitely didn't want to throw the troubles of the Wang family to Shi Dashan. He was sure that Shi Dashan and his wife could deal with Wang Zugen's parents.

And this... has something to do with his great aunt.

Among the women in this world, there are Zhao Meiyun who hesitate to do anything, and there are women who are very assertive. His aunt is the latter.

She has always been bold.

Shi Zhen couldn't remember what happened when he was three or four years old, and only occasionally remembered a few fragments.

One of the clips is related to his great aunt.

Once, the chicken raised by his aunt accidentally ate the millet mixed with rat poison in the village.

That millet was used to poison mice. After the chicken ate it, it fell to the ground and twitched. Shi Zhen remembered that Shi Xing was crying and calling for his aunt. After his aunt arrived, he did something unexpected. .

She took scissors to cut the chicken crop on the chicken's neck, then dug out the corn that the chicken had just eaten, and sewed a wound on the chicken...

The chicken came back to life later!

At that time, Shi Zhen felt that his aunt was very powerful, just like everyone else.

After he arrived, he also specifically asked his aunt about this. His aunt said that when the village ran a commune, in order to avoid the food being eaten by chickens, they would sprinkle a circle of rat poison outside. Chickens are often attacked. At first, the chicken died, and everyone could only admit it and take the dead chicken home to cook and eat. Later, she was cruel and cruel, and the dead chicken was used as a live chicken doctor... Unexpectedly, the chicken was rescued.

When this kind of thing happens again, she will do it directly.

But not all chickens can be rescued, some chickens will still die, it depends on luck.

It is said that if a chicken has the problem of a sudden enlargement of its stomach and a full stomach, it will definitely die if you ignore it, but if you make a hole in its stomach and let the water out, it may not be able to survive.

Of course, no one knows whether the lifespan of chickens will decrease or not. Most people kill and eat chickens during Chinese New Year.

In short, his aunt is a very courageous person.

She even delivers.

This is not something she was born with. The main reason is that she is very courageous. The women in the village are about to have children.

However, she has always just looked at it and won't promise anything. After all, a woman gives birth to a child, which is a matter of circling around the gates of hell. She is also afraid of accidents. Over the years, she has been persuading people to go to the hospital to give birth.

Shi Dalin has a good temper and few words. When he meets the shameless Wang Zugen's parents, he doesn't know what to do. If he replaces it with his aunt... Wang Zugen's parents will definitely not get any advantage.

Most importantly, Shi Zhen gave his uncle and aunt a new idea.

He chose to sell fried skewers before because during this period, there were some things that he wanted to sell but couldn't.

For example, fried chicken chops, fried boneless chicken fillets, etc. After many years, it is easy to buy chicken fillets that have been processed and can be fried directly, but at this time, there is no place to buy these .

In Anshan Town, you can't even buy Gong Wan.

Do it yourself, he won't.

But not long ago, when Shi Zhen went to Changxi City, he saw someone selling processed "tenderloin".

This meat is marinated, bright red, and skewered with bamboo skewers... It's the kind of tenderloin that can be added to egg pancakes in later generations.

He bought some for his uncle and aunt, and asked a blacksmith to customize a flat-bottomed square iron pan for them.

He remembered that around 2000, this kind of iron-plate tenderloin was once popular in Changxi City. At that time, some stalls even only sold iron-plate tenderloin.

His uncle and aunt, on the basis of the original fried skewers, sells one more type of iron loin, and the business will definitely not be bad.

But also because it takes time to customize this teppanyaki, the kushikatsu stall has to be changed... His uncle and aunt only came to town to sell things today.

Shi Zhen and Shi Dalin were still far apart when they saw a stall crowded with people, and when they got closer, they took a closer look... Isn't the surrounded stall the one of Shi Dashan and his wife

Shi Zhen's aunt's hands and feet are more agile than Shi Dashan, so Shi Dashan was driven to the side by her to do the work of spreading chili powder for the guests, while she fry the iron plate tenderloin.

This iron plate tenderloin is a new thing, and it is also expensive to sell. It is 50 cents for a small skewer and 7 cents for a big skewer, but everyone is still rushing.

Shi Zhen's aunt even developed a deluxe version, which is to crack an egg on a large skewer of tenderloin and sell it for one yuan.

There are many people who want this one-dollar string!

Shi Zhen took a look, and there was another item on the stall that he had not sold - quail.

The killed quails are stretched and skewered on bamboo sticks, which are alluring to look at.

"I want a 50-cent steak loin."

"I want a string of seven centimeter tenderloin with eggs!"

"Give me some chili powder!"

"I don't want spicy!"

"That sausage, fry one for me."

It's not a festival, but because there are new things on the stall, it is actually crowded with people.

There were a lot of people, but Shi Zhen's aunt was not flustered at all, and could remember what everyone wanted.

When she was busy, she looked up and saw Shi Zhen and Shi Dalin, and immediately said: "Dalin and Azhen are here! Dashan, throw two quails into the pot!"

Shi Zhen's aunt's name is Chen Xiaofen. She is like Zhao Meiyun. She is not very good-looking, but she looks much more energetic than Zhao Meiyun. After all, she is five or six years younger than Zhao Meiyun.

Chen Xiaofen is still under forty-five now. She married earlier and had children earlier. When Shi Xinghuo was born, she was under twenty.

Speaking of which, Shi Dashan is actually one year younger than Zhao Meiyun.

On their stall, there are two pots, one for making iron loin, which is always in charge of Chen Xiaofen, and another ordinary pot, for frying, which is in charge of Shi Dashan.

Hearing Chen Xiaofen's words, Shi Dashan immediately threw two quails into the frying pan.

Shi Zhen didn't see anyone asking for quails, so he knew it was fried for him and Shi Dashan, and hurriedly said, "Auntie, no need..."

"If you want it, wait a while! You need to fry the quail more." Chen Xiaofen said.

The quails were already in the pot, and it was too late to refuse. Shi Zhen said, "Thank you uncle and aunt."

"Thank you for what!" Chen Xiaofen said to Shi Dashan again, "Hurry up and move the stool to Ah Zhen and the others."

Shi Dashan moved the stools they brought to Shi Zhen and Shi Dalin to sit on—they were too busy to sit.

Shi Dalin sat down on the stool, watching his eldest brother and sister-in-law doing business in surprise.

He set up a stall before, and the front of the stall has never been so lively!

Shi Dalin was stunned, but Shi Zhen was not surprised at all.

When he set up the stall, he was looking after more than one stall, so he didn't have much time to work on the fried skewers.

Because he can't be busy by himself, there are not many kinds of things he prepares.

After he gave the stall to his dad... His dad didn't have any sense of innovation. How he taught him at the beginning, his dad sold it the same way, and he never changed it.

But his aunt is different!

Although he brought back a lot of tenderloin for his uncle and aunt, and taught them to make iron-plate tenderloin, the egg on the tenderloin, fried quail, etc., should be his own ideas.

This is a man born for business.

Shi Zhen thought so, and saw Wang Zugen's parents staring at them beside them.

He was in a good mood.

Today, his uncle and aunt have new products, and Wang Zugen's business is almost robbed.

When most people buy fried skewers, they just buy one or two skewers to try. If they have already bought tenderloin, they will not buy fried sausages and fried rice cakes.

After saying hello, Chen Xiaofen kept busy. After a while, she turned her head to Shi Zhen and Shi Dalin and said, "Thanks to you guys! This stall is doing really well. I see that after a day, we should be able to do it. Make a lot of money! I finally don't have to rust that flower at home, it's boring to do that job."

Shi Zhen laughed when he heard the words.

Zhao Meiyun and Zhao Qiujuan are very patient, they can do things like embroidering clothes all day long.

But his aunt actually didn't have this patience. His aunt used to be in the village, and she liked to stop by and chat with people... She naturally felt uncomfortable when she was asked to do needlework at home.

In fact, Shi Xingxing is also such a person, and the patience of the wheel is not as good as that of Shi Xingchao.

You must know that this is the girl who would have fought with him in the first place!

However, their family spent a lot of money a few days ago, so even though he was impatient, his aunt still embroidered clothes every day.

Shi Zhen said, "Auntie, how did you come up with the idea of cracking eggs on the tenderloin and selling it?"

Chen Xiaofen said: "Isn't this at home yesterday, I was too lazy to cook, I beat an egg on the tenderloin for my family to eat, they all said it was delicious!"

Eggs are fried with oil on an iron plate. In fact, they are delicious. The tenderloin is also wrapped in the middle, and the seasoning is sprinkled on the outside, which is even more delicious!

While we were chatting, the two quails were fried.

Chen Xiaofen picked it up and asked Shi Zhen and Shi Dalin about their taste.

Shi Dalin can't eat spicy food, but Shi Zhen can eat spicy food. Chen Xiaofen took salt and pepper powder, chili powder, etc., and then gave the quails to Shi Zhen and Shi Dalin each.

This quail is very complete, with its head on it, because the whole body is stretched out, it looks quite big.

When Shi Dalin got it, he bit off the quail head in one bite.

The bones of birds are inherently brittle. After the quail is fried, the bones can be eaten directly.

Shi Dalin bit the quail's head with a "click" sound, looking very appetizing.

Seeing this, Shi Zhen also took a bite.

The two were sitting here eating quail, and someone who came shopping saw it and asked the price of the quail.

Chen Xiaofen said, "This one! It costs five yuan each."

Shi Zhen was shocked when he heard the price Chen Xiaofen said.

Five bucks... that's a bit expensive!

However, the person who asked the price actually bought it: "Give me one."

Chen Xiaofen immediately put a quail into the pot.

After the guest left with satisfaction, Shi Zhen and the others also finished eating the quails. Shi Zhen took advantage of Chen Xiaofen's free time and asked her, "Auntie, why are these quails so expensive?"

Chen Xiaofen said: "Some people like to buy expensive ones."

Chen Xiaofen's words are true.

Some people like to pick expensive ones.

For example, when we go shopping together, others buy fried sausages for 50 cents a piece, and we buy fried sausages for a dollar a piece to eat, and immediately feel that I have more face.

Many people have this kind of mentality, especially at this time.

The fried quail on Chen Xiaofen's stall is the most expensive in the audience. I am afraid that many people will buy it and eat it for others to see.

All they want is to let people know that they have money!

Shi Zhen and Shi Dalin sat here for a while before going back. When they went back, Zhao Meiyun was sitting on the reclining chair outside, watching TV with Zhao Qiujuan.

But she only watched TV, while Zhao Qiujuan was still embroidering clothes.

Seeing Shi Zhen, Zhao Qiujuan asked, "Azhen, I heard you bought a house?"

"Yes." Shi Zhen said.

"Can you take me to see it?" Zhao Qiujuan was absent before, and now wants to see it: "It doesn't have to be today, just take me there when you are free."

"I'm free today." Shi Zhen smiled and took Zhao Qiujuan to see it again.

Zhao Qiujuan was also a little disappointed when she saw the house, and what Shi Zhen told her was different from what Shi Dalin said: "Sister, although the house is broken, it will be repaired. You can't look at this when buying a house. Look at the value attached to it! Let’s just put it this way, if you have a house and your household registration is transferred, your children can study here, and you don’t need to borrow the tuition fee!”

Shi Ting's loan fee, he paid a lot at the beginning.

But there was no way. At that time, he had no money to buy a house, and there was no suitable house for him to buy. It was troublesome to move his hukou.

A few years earlier, the wealthy people in the rural areas would have spent tens of thousands of dollars to buy a household registration for their children.

In the past few years... It's probably because of the urbanization rate. Recently, some villages near Anshan Town have asked each household to select one person and change their household registration to the town.

Most families changed their children's hukou to non-agricultural, and a few people could not see that their children's hukou was not in their household registration book, so they changed the hukou of the elderly in their 70s and 80s to non-agricultural.

Shi Zhen told Zhao Qiujuan about the gap in education between the two sides, and also about the loan and reading fees, Zhao Qiujuan immediately wanted to buy a house.

But at this time, most of the houses were not as cheap as Shi Zhen's, and some houses were distributed by the factory, so it was not easy to buy and sell... Zhao Qiujuan was not easy to buy a suitable house.

Shi Zhen felt that she didn't need to worry. After waiting a few more years and saving up, she would be able to buy a good new house.

After taking the family to see the house, Shi Zhen went home.

Today is Thursday, tomorrow is the big Sunday, and Guan Baiyu should be back.

Waiting for tomorrow, he will definitely take Guan Baiyu to see the dilapidated house.

Besides... how to repair this house, he also has to design it.

It is definitely not possible to demolish the whole house and build it into two or three floors, but if it is slightly higher, it is absolutely fine.

Shi Zhen plans to renovate the original foundation and add a small attic that can store goods.