Reborn to Strive

Chapter 110


Zhao Meiyun is very interested in Zhao Qiujuan's marriage, but whenever someone wants to match Zhao Qiujuan, she is very kind to them.

However, having experienced Shi Zhiqiang, and Zhao Dongjuan has found a very unreliable family, Zhao Meiyun does not dare to call the shots by herself. When someone introduces a person to Zhao Qiujuan, she will tell Shi Dalin and Shi Zhen as soon as possible, and ask the two of them. Views.

Shi Dalin didn't know much about the situation in Anshan Town, so he couldn't give much advice. When he got to Shi Zhen's place, Shi Zhenquan rejected it.

Those who came to match Zhao Qiujuan, said a total of three candidates, and in Shi Zhen's opinion, none of the three were good.

Whether it is him or Zhao Qiujuan, their personal conditions are considered very good in their hometown, and not bad in the surrounding countryside of Anshan Town.

But in the eyes of the people in the town... They are foreigners, they have no education and no formal jobs, and even if their income is good, they can barely match the conditions of young men and women from surrounding rural families.

What they introduced to Zhao Qiujuan were all those people in the town who were not in good conditions and could not find a partner.

For a man in a good town, in the 1990s, no one would introduce him to an out-of-town woman who set up a stall. That would offend people.

The same goes for gender swapping.

Of course, in the nearby countryside, whether it is Shi Zhen or Zhao Qiujuan, as long as they show their intentions, there will still be many people who are willing to see each other.

In a few years, the situation will be different. After more and more people make money from small businesses in rural areas, there will gradually be a saying that "rural people are rich".

"Alas, my Qiujuan is still young, I don't want her to get married so early..." Zhao Meiyun refused again.

The people here are not the same as their hometown. The introducer made a point at the beginning, but Zhao Meiyun was unwilling, so the matter was silent.

Zhao Meiyun and others left, and together with Zhao Qiujuan, they broke the boiled eggs and prepared to make tea eggs.

Zhao Meiyun doesn't prepare much tea eggs every day. After selling the eggs, he has leftovers and eats them at home without wasting anything.

In addition, she also started selling fan soup.

Fans are cheap, and for little money, you can cook a big pot.

The pot is filled with salt and monosodium glutamate. If someone wants it, just scoop out a bowl, and then put in a little lard, a little chopped green onion, a little mustard, and ham sausage, which cost 50 cents.

Every day after school, Zhao Meiyun also puts the vermicelli soup in a disposable cup, builds a disposable spoon, and sells a 50 cents cup to students after school.

Profits are still pretty good.

After the tea eggs were boiled, it was time for lunch, and Zhao Qiujuan was in charge of cooking.

Shi Dalin went out to stock up on a tricycle, and Zhao Meiyun was sitting behind the counter watching TV, watching when someone came in.

"What do you want to buy?" Zhao Meiyun asked subconsciously, looked over again, and then her expression froze.

It was Zhao Dongjuan who came.

"Mom, you've really been lying to me! You told me that my family had no money, but I ended up with the money to open a shop!" Zhao Dongjuan accused me as soon as she came in.

Zhao Meiyun hadn't seen her daughter for a long time, and the thought that came up disappeared with a "slap".

"You two, you know that you are helping the Shi family and making cattle and horses for them, but you don't care about me at all." Zhao Dongjuan said again.

Zhao Meiyun didn't want to hear this.

She didn't know what to do before, so she coaxed Zhao Dongjuan and told her not to say anything.

But now, Shi Dalin and Shi Zhen already knew what her little daughter was like, so she didn't care.

Zhao Meiyun asked, "What are you doing here?"

Zhao Dongjuan reached for the dried tofu on the counter.

This is a kind of dried tofu packed in a transparent plastic bag with pieces the size of nails. It tastes very good. It is one of the most popular and best-selling snacks in the store.

Zhao Meiyun quickly stopped Zhao Dongjuan's hand and asked, "What are you doing here?"

Zhao Dongjuan's expression froze, but her attitude was a little better: "Mom, where did you buy the tenderloin they sell, uncle?"

Zhao Meiyun was extremely disappointed for a while.

Zhao Dongjuan said again at this time: "There must be Shi Zhen who found the ridge, right? He is so kind to the uncle and the others! He is for the fried skewer stall, and he helped them get this thing... He just takes care of their Shi family. !"

Zhao Meiyun said, "Let's go."


"Aren't you always thinking of your in-laws? And let them steal your dad's business... Don't come here in the future!" Zhao Meiyun said.

Shi Dashan and Chen Xiaofen bought the fried skewer stall with money and Shi Zhen, but they didn't take advantage of them.

And... Shi Dalin was followed by others to rob him of business, and he couldn't sell it anymore, so he sold his stall to others!

Chen Xiaofen and the others are also grateful. These days, she sends them something to eat from time to time, such as fried chicken legs, fried quail, etc. She has eaten them all.

Her daughter didn't buy her any food, and when she came here today, she didn't take anything.

Zhao Dongjuan was stunned when she saw Zhao Meiyun like this.

Zhao Meiyun said again: "Qiujuan, let your sister go out, look at her a little, don't let her take the things in the store."

When Zhao Qiujuan heard the words, she stopped cooking and stared at Zhao Dongjuan.

Zhao Dongjuan was not angry, she turned around and left: "You treat me like a thief! You don't want me to come, I won't come in the future!"

When Zhao Dongjuan left, Zhao Meiyun breathed a sigh of relief.

That night, the Shi family ate at the restaurant as usual.

When the students of all grades in the primary school left, Zhao Qiujuan and Zhao Meiyun started to cook.

The meat dishes are usually stewed in the afternoon, and the rice is also prepared in advance. The so-called cooking is to fry two vegetables.

While they were cooking, Shi Zhen and Shi Ting both came back.

As soon as Shi Ting came back, she took Zhao Qiujuan's bicycle and learned to ride.

When Zhao Qiujuan first learned to ride a bicycle, she knew it as soon as she learned it. Shi Ting was short and her feet could not reach the ground while sitting on the seat. In addition, she was timid, so she did not learn it after a long time.

Today is another day when Shi Ting did not learn to ride a bicycle.

Also... Another day when she was drooling over the various snacks in the store.

But Shi Dalin listened to Shi Zhen and asked her to spend money to buy it, so she didn't dare to take it apart and eat it.

Shi Zhen also noticed... His sister seems to be only interested in the food in the store now, but she doesn't care that much about those toys, various pens, etc.

In her previous life, she didn't just like to eat.

However, it is normal for her to do this. At this time, most of the toys are not packaged.

There are in the store, she can play with them directly, and those pens are also, she can play with them at will.

Probably so, she thinks it doesn't matter if she buys it or not.

The food is different, it can be eaten in the stomach.

Now what Shi Ting wants most is a bicycle. Shi Dalin made an appointment with her to buy her a bicycle as long as she can get into the top 30 in the class at the end of the semester.

She has to go to school every day, and having a bicycle will be much more convenient.

Shi Ting's appetite is very good now, and she eats more rice at dinner than Zhao Qiujuan.

Seeing her eating so fast, Shi Zhen suddenly noticed... His sister seems... a little fat

In her last life, Shi Ting had never gotten fat from beginning to end.

Not long after she came out of the mountains, she fell in love and got married. The first husband's family was very stingy. She didn't give her anything if she wanted to eat. She was pregnant and had children, and she was not fat at all.

Later, she knew that she loved beauty, and she would control herself not to gain weight.

The current Shi Ting is not tall yet, but her legs are much thicker than in her previous life.

Of course, Shi Zhen would rather she be like this, Shi Ting in his previous life, he always felt too thin.

In her previous life, Shi Ting was 1.65 meters tall and weighed just over 90 pounds...

Shi Zhen felt that this height, 100 pounds was just right, the standard weight.

After Shi Ting finished eating, she went to the attic to do her homework.

Shi Zhen returned to Guanjia Village and went to work in Guan Jianguo.

Recently, he has just made some food by himself in the morning, ate with Shi Daniu and the others at noon, and went to Shi Dalin to eat at night, so he spent less time at home.

He didn't really want to stay at home alone, in the end deserted.

Shi Zhen went to Guan Jianguo and met Guan Jianguo.

"Uncle Guan, when did you come back? How long will you be back this time?" Shi Zhen greeted Guan Jianguo.

After Guan Jianguo stopped driving the tractor last year, the boat he bought with his partner was built and launched at the beginning of this year.

Then Guan Jianguo's time at home decreased sharply, often for ten days and a half months when he went out.

These days, there is no mobile phone or anything. Every time he goes out to sail, Guan Er's grandma is always at home in fear, and mentions him a dozen times a day.

Guan Jianguo's wife works three shifts and is very tired. Therefore, she used to not go out very much and slept at home all day. Now she always comes out, and she often runs after her daughter, making her wear cotton coats or something.

"I came back last night, and I have to leave in two days." Guan Jianguo Road.

"You guys are sailing, how's the business going?" Shi Zhen asked. As far as he knew, he should still be able to make a lot of money in 1995.

Unexpectedly, when Guan Jianguo listened to his question, he was so bitter: "It is possible to make money, but those gods of plague have all their money taken away!"

"What's wrong?" Shi Zhen asked.

Guan Jianguo began to talk about some things on the way of the boat, saying that there were always people stopping them on the river, and then they asked for money.

Some people are government workers, some are pretending to be government workers, and they don't understand. Anyway, as long as they are stopped and don't give them 100 yuan, they won't be allowed to leave.

In addition, there are many messy things such as ships robbing each other for business.

Guan Jianguo also said: "When I went out this time, a small boat was knocked over, and the big boat that knocked it over drove away. The couple on the boat climbed up from the river and cried non-stop, but they couldn't find it. their people."

With a sigh, Guan Jianguo said again: "Many Jiangbei people live with their whole families on boats. I have also encountered someone whose children can't be found... Where else can we go on the river? Alas!"

When Guan Jianguo went to sail, not only would he be stopped by people asking for money on the way, but there were also many places to use money when he got to the pier.

A shipment of goods was shipped over, and the profit was indeed a lot, but in his hands, it was actually not much.

He made far less money than he imagined.

But after buying such an expensive boat, the work must be done.

Guan Jianguo also said some things, such as some shipping cement, the owner of the ship was too greedy, and the hull was not much higher than the river surface. As a result, a big wave caused the water to enter the cabin, and the cement was wet...

Shi Zhen has seen many things in his past life, and he knows that there are a lot of miserable people in this world.

Guan Jianguo is old and has been running outside all the time. Speaking of these times, he is also very calm.

On the other hand, Shi Xingchao listened and sighed.

But even that didn't stop him from buttoning his shirts—the most recent job they had done was buttoning women's shirts.

On Shi Zhen's side, in addition to sending and receiving sweaters, he also sells wool, as well as some defective products from sweater factories and garment factories.

After these Shi Zhen were brought at a low price, they were sold to Shi Xingchao at a slightly higher price, and then Shi Xingchao was sold to the villagers…

Shi Xingchao took 300 yuan of salary, then sold and sold inferior clothes, embroidered some sweaters... He could earn a thousand yuan in a month.

But he was still wearing ragged clothes.

In the past, he had to spend some money from time to time, but now the Shi Dashan couple is here... Whether it's washing powder, soap, or toothpaste, he rubs against his parents, and he doesn't spend a penny.

Just like this, many older women in the village still like him very much and are scrambling to introduce him to someone.

It's a pity that he doesn't like ordinary women.

Only those who are as bizarre as him can be like-minded with him.

Thinking of this, Shi Zhen suddenly thought that in his previous life, Shi Xingchao came out with him this year.

After that, Shi Xingchao met his wife not long after.

Shi Xingchao fell in love and married very quickly. In 1997, his wife gave birth to his son.

Now... Does he want to help introduce? Shi Zhen thought about it for a while, but quickly put the matter aside.

Shi Xingchao didn't know his wife until the end of this year, so if he wants to introduce him, he will wait until then.

Now... Fang Changming's younger brother's house has been renovated and can be lived in. Fang Changming's house, he will also speed up the renovation.

Previously, President Wang's house was not in Fang Changming's village.

Fang Changming's younger brother built a three-story building. People in their village are very rare. Many people went to see it, and Shi Zhen also went to see it.

And then a little speechless.

The outer shell of the house was imitated from him, and it was built in style, but the interior decoration was... It can only be said that there was no decoration at all.

It's just tiled, scratched, and nothing else.

Fang Changming's side was different. Shi Zhen arranged the wallpaper and curtains.

He also built a beautiful wall of bricks for the house, with red tiles on the wall, and small square tiles in the yard for two parking spaces for him.

As for the room... the big wardrobe, luxurious ceiling, all kinds of lights... all arranged.

For these, Fang Changming also added money.

Because of this, Shi Zhen made a lot of money.

Decorating this thing, the more complicated it is, the more the person in charge of the decoration can earn...

Shi Zhen also found a large transparent glass window to install Fang Changming's house...

In order to quickly decorate the house, carpentry and so on, Shi Zhen looked for several at a time.

Finally, in mid-May, Fang Changming's house was completed.

Next, he was left to buy furniture or something, and it was impossible for Shi Zhen to do it for him.

Fang Changming is very concerned about buying furniture.

In the city next door to Changxi City, there are several factories that specialize in making furniture. Fang Changming took his wife there and brought back a truckload of European-style furniture.

When Shi Zhen talked to Fang Changming at the beginning, he found that Fang Changming was a bit trendy, so he did not do Chinese-style decoration for Fang Changming, and the wardrobes were all white.

With such a decoration now, with European-style furniture, Fang Changming's house looks bright and stylish.

During the later decoration, Shi Zhen did not allow others to come in to see it, for fear that Fang Changming's younger brother would follow him to learn. Now that it is installed it will be fine...

When Shi Zhen came over this day, took Shi Daniu and the others, and helped Fang Changming clean the house, Fang Changming came with his younger brother, along with some of their relatives and neighbors. people.

When they saw Fang Changming's house from a distance, they thought it was beautiful.

Waiting to enter the house...

The first living room they saw when they entered the door shocked them.

European-style sofas, TV cabinets, wallpapers, gorgeous lamps and beautiful ceilings... All are different from the houses they have seen before!

The toilet and kitchen inside are also very different. On the kitchen, there are also hanging cabinets!

Even the stair railings are different from ordinary ones, they look like those on TV.

There are many things in here, but Shi Zhen specially went to Changxi City to pick them up.

The three-story building of Fang Changming's younger brother was copied from someone else's house, but Fang Changming's house is absolutely unique.

Before, many people wanted to build a house like Fang Changming's younger brother, but now everyone is surrounded by Fang Changming, wanting to know how the house was built and how much it cost.

Shi Zhen smiled and went out to hand over the business card he wrote himself.

Don't worry about his next business.