Reborn to Strive

Chapter 115


Shi Zhen has the habit of carrying money on his body, whether in his previous life or in this life.

This way, when you need money, you can always take it out.

In addition to money, he will definitely bring a pack of cigarettes with him, which is convenient for sharing when he meets people.

However, when he has no money, he will carry less money with him, and when he has money, he will carry more.

Recently, he has taken on several projects. He runs around all day, and takes about five hundred or so with him. Generally speaking, it is enough.

Taking the money out of his pocket, Shi Zhen stuffed it into Guan Baiyu's hand: "Xiaoyu, take this money, don't keep buying things for me, in the end you have no money to spend..."

Guan Baiyu: "..."

Why does his brother like to give him money so much!

"Brother, I don't need it!"

"It's inconvenient to have no money around you." Shi Zhen said, unable to hold back, lightly touched Guan Baiyu's hair.

Guan Baiyu would never take his money in his last life.

Really exactly the same.

"elder brother… "

"Take it... I like your clothes very much." Shi Zhen put the money in Guan Baiyu, and finally added.

He wasn't very good at expressing his love in his last life, but he learned later that when he received a gift, he had to express his love.

Guan Baiyu took the money and felt a little helpless.

It's a bad feeling to give someone a gift and be stuffed with money.

But he could see that his brother actually liked these clothes, so he should give them away next time.

"Brother, try these clothes. If they don't fit, you can change them." Guan Baiyu said.

Shi Zhen smiled and said, "Okay."

It was very hot, so Guan Baiyu turned on the electric fan, pointed at Shi Zhenchui, and asked Shi Zhen to try on his clothes.

Shi Zhen was a little embarrassed to try on clothes in front of Guan Baiyu, but after thinking about it, he still tried one by one.

T-shirts or something, Guan Baiyu has bought the largest size, Shi Zhen is tall and wears very loosely, but it doesn't look too big, it fits perfectly.

It's the shirt... Shi Zhen's arms are a little thick, and wearing the shirt on his body shows all his muscles.

Guan Baiyu's heart beat faster.

Pian Pian Shi Zhen also asked him with a smile: "Do I look good in a shirt?"

"Good-looking!" Guan Baiyu did not hesitate.

Shi Zhen said, "You can buy me more shirts in the future." He remembered that in his previous life, Guan Baiyu liked to see him wearing shirts.

At that time, although he felt that it was not as convenient to wear other clothes, but Guan Baiyu liked it, so he often wore it.

"Okay." Guan Baiyu replied, and was a little annoyed. To be honest, he didn't want others to see his brother like this.

When we first met, his brother looked a little immature, but now he is getting more and more mature...

Don't think he doesn't know, many people in the village want to tell his brother about their daughter.

Shi Zhen also tried on a suit.

The suit also fits very well, and it can be worn when the weather is cold in the future.

After trying on the clothes, Shi Zhen folded them all, and then felt a little depressed.

Guan Baiyu's house is very small and dilapidated, and the only thing in the house for storing clothes is the box left by two of Guan Baiyu's grandmothers.

His brand-new clothes are now... a little out of place to put them.

Shi Zhen suddenly wanted to change the house.

People's yearning for a better life will never disappear.

Especially now that Guan Baiyu is by his side, he hopes that Guan Baiyu can get the best of everything.

Shi Zhen was very enthusiastic about his work for a while. He put away his clothes and said to Guan Baiyu, "Xiaoyu, I want to go out."

"Brother, where are you going?" Guan Baiyu asked.

Shi Zhendao: "Go to the construction site. In the recent construction sites, there are night work. I will go around."

"I'm going too." Guan Baiyu said immediately, and after speaking, he was a little worried: "Will it be inconvenient?"

"No." Shi Zhen laughed.

Going out at night, driving a tractor is easy to disturb the people. Shi Zhen went out on a bicycle.

He has always used the bicycle that Guan Baiyu gave him with great care, and wiped it with a rag from time to time. Now it is shiny and shiny.

He put a cushion on the back seat, let Guan Baiyu sit on it, and then carried Guan Baiyu to a nearby construction site.

Recently, several construction sites of Shi Zhenguan have indeed started night work, not only night work, but also morning work.

On the one hand, it was because it was too hot during the day, and it was not suitable for the workers to work. On the other hand, it was because many of the workers he hired worked in other places during the day.

He took over several projects at once, but he was short of manpower, so he contacted all the masons he knew.

At that time, most people had work at hand, and they all told him that it would take a few months before the work at hand was finished before they could be done for him.

In the end, Shi Zhen told them: "Come to my place to work, don't count the money by the number of days, and count the money by looking at the project. For example, if you help me build the house, no matter how many days you built it, I will give you one thousand at a time. Five hundred dollars in wages."

Others pay thirty a day, and then the workers do it slowly, and it takes two months to build the house.

Here in Shi Zhen, the workers can work for as many days as they want, and they will give you a total of 1,500 yuan after the work is completed.

This is actually more cost-effective than asking people to come home and calculating the money by the day.

For workers... there are benefits too.

In the past, no matter how much work they did, they could only earn 30 a day, and a maximum of 900 a month. In rainy days, they might not be able to earn this money.

But now... if he built the house in half a month, he would earn 1,500 in that half a month, which is equivalent to 100 a day.

Almost all the masons agreed to come to Shi Zhen to do it.

They got up early and went to Shi Zhen's place to work for two hours, and then went to work at other people's houses.

After finishing the day's work over there and having dinner, come back to Shi Zhen's side and work for three hours.

When they were working here in Shi Zhen, they worked very hard in order to finish the work as soon as possible and get the final payment. The five-hour work could often catch up with their usual two-day workload.

For example, the construction site that Shi Zhen took Guan Baiyu to today is a self-built house. The house was almost finished within a month of construction.

And when Shi Zhen and Guan Baiyu passed by, the mason he found was working in full swing with his son and wife.

He wanted to finish the job early, so he called the whole family!

"Boss, you are here! In two days, the house will be finished." The mason said.

"You cover really fast, you deserve to be an old master." Shi Zhen took out the pack of cigarettes and gave him one.

The house is two-storey, but it occupies a relatively large area. He contracted it to the mason for a price of 2,000.

Unexpectedly, this person will be covered for one month.

If he finds workers according to the old method and finds small workers to work, it is estimated that it will take two months to build and the wages will be given at least 3,000.

"This work is done, and there are family members to help." The mason was overjoyed.

Shi Zhen agreed to give him 2,000, of which 1,500 had already been given to him.

The remaining five hundred will be given to him by Shi Zhen in two days.

He still works for others during the day, and his son also has another job. That is to say, their family members, who come out in the morning and night to do more work, earn an extra 2,000 yuan a month!

If there is such a job all the time, then their family can earn more than 3,000 yuan a month, save for a year, and their family can build a big house!

Shi Zhen went on to tell this person that after the house was built, he needed to do the work, such as leveling the ground, tiling and other odds and ends, and Shi Zhen also contracted it to this person at the same price. .

The man agreed immediately.

He is very happy to do such a "part-time job" to earn extra money.

Shi Zhen saw it here, and then went to other places to see it.

Every day he goes to various construction sites, lest the workers do the work of substandard quality, or steal his cement bricks or something.

These are common things.

In the absence of supervision, most people will have the idea of taking a small advantage.

Generally speaking, if it's not too much, he won't care.

After all, really, he was actually exploiting them.

Shi Zhen looked around, and when he got home, it was already ten o'clock in the evening.

There was no one on the road, and the road was very dark, but he could see the road clearly with a flashlight strapped to the front of his bicycle.

"Xiaoyu, these projects can all make money. A construction site earns a few thousand for less, and tens of thousands for more... I will have money in the future." Shi Zhen didn't look back, but he was in a very good mood while riding on the road.

"Brother, you are amazing!" Guan Baiyu hugged Shi Zhen's waist, pretending to be excited, and stuck his whole body on Shi Zhen's back.

He kissed Shi Zhen's back through his clothes, but Shi Zhen definitely couldn't find it.

Guan Baiyu and Liang Qinxuan also had a company to manage, but he had already agreed with Liang Qinxuan that he would take a break a few days before the summer vacation.

So the next day, he got up early in the morning, followed Shi Zhen, and continued to wander around the construction site.

Shi Zhen asked Guan Baiyu to wear trousers, and also found two old shirts, which he and Guan Baiyu wore one by one, and a straw hat before they set off together.

When he went, Shi Zhen also brought Huoxiang Zhengqi Water.

In the summer, workers often suffer from heat stroke, so he often gives workers Huoxiangzhengqi water or something.

Several self-built houses looked at them, and Shi Zhen finally went to the factory.

The workshop was built by Shi Daniu and the others. Because it was too hot at noon, Shi Zhen asked them to work from six to ten in the morning, and from four to eight in the afternoon.

During these two time periods, the weather was not as hot as noon.

When Shi Zhen and the others passed, it was almost ten o'clock, so he went to the neighborhood to find someone who helped to cook to get food for Shi Daniu and the others.

There is already a house built on this side of the factory. After Shi Daniu and the others have finished eating, they can sleep in the house and play cards.

"It's so hot."

"Yeah, it's going to be hot to death."

"Where we are, the summer is not so hot."


Shi Daniu and the others said while pouring black tea from the large kettle next to him.

They brought a coal stove and bought a large kettle. They used this kettle to boil several pots of water every day, and even grabbed a handful of black tea leaves into it.

Black tea is more vigorous than boiling water.

After drinking tea, they rested for a while before they started to eat. Shi Zhen and Guan Baiyu ate some food and went home together.

For a few days, Guan Baiyu followed Shi Zhen around and learned to ride a bicycle.

Ride Shi Zhen's bike with bars in the front.

Every time he rides, he supports the front of the car, steps on the pedal with his left foot a few times, and then lifts his right foot to get on the car. His movements are indescribable.

Seeing Guan Baiyu's high-spirited look, Shi Zhen couldn't look away.

Shi Zhen was reborn for a year and a half, and in this year and a half... Guan Baiyu grew very fast, even more than ten centimeters taller.

He is now more than 1.7 meters tall. Given his late development, it is estimated that he will grow longer. Shi Zhen feels that he will definitely be taller than his previous life.

That is... Even if he prepared a straw hat for Guan Baiyu, Guan Baiyu ran with him for a while, and his face was still tanned.

Of course, this looks pretty healthy.

Guan Baiyu has his own company to work on. In a few days, he will go to Changxi City to "work" every day.

In the past, he and Liang Qinxuan would go around every week, only twice a month. It had nothing to do with Liang Qinxuan's cousin driving around, and it was not a problem to pick him up, but now in the summer vacation, it's not good to be so troublesome every day. .

Guan Baiyu went to the bus station to buy a monthly pass to and from Changxi City. The monthly pass was 90 yuan, but after buying it, you could travel between Changxi City and Anshan Town at will within a month.

This bus costs 3 yuan for a single trip, and 6 yuan for a round trip. For those who take the bus every day, it is definitely more cost-effective to buy a monthly pass.

When Guan Baiyu arrived at the "company", the people in their company were looking at the samples of the newly designed ballpoint pen.

The ballpoint pens they produced before were actually very simple.

Although there are more colors and various patterns on it, but if you look closely, it is actually a plastic pen with a plastic cap, without any complicated design.

But this time, they made something different.

For example, a pen without a cap, press the top of the ballpoint pen, the tip will come out, and press it again, the tip will retract.

There is also a rubber ring in the place where the pen is held, making it more comfortable to hold the pen.

The color of the refill has also increased. Before the ballpoint pens they produced were all blue, now they have more black and red.

Guan Baiyu thinks these pens are pretty good, but he is also worried: "How about the cost of these pens?"

Someone immediately said the cost. These pens are high and low, but they are all within the acceptable range.

Now in China, there are actually quite a few stationery factories, but they are all state-run, and the styles will never change.

They are now getting a few more styles and lowering the price, which helps to seize the market.

This is what Shi Zhen told him.

The cost of having someone process the pen holder is still not low enough. It would be great if they could produce it all by themselves!

However, the development of the company should not be in a hurry. If the steps are too big, it is easy to cause problems... This is what Shi Zhen told him.

Although Guan Baiyu was interested in opening a factory, he was not in a hurry to mention this.

Together with Liang Qinxuan, he chose a few styles and asked them to produce them. Then... Guan Baiyu asked Liang Qinxuan: "Your father knows people from abroad? Shall we ask him to see if we can receive orders from abroad?"

Guan Baiyu has been in contact with a lot of people recently and knows a lot of things.

For example... Many products that are sold cheaply in China are very expensive when they go abroad.

Foreign factories come to China to invest and build factories, and the wages are also very high.

He saw in the newspapers that some foreign-funded enterprises offer workers high wages of four to five thousand a month, while ordinary factory workers here earn four hundred a month.

Now in some big cities, some civil servants have even resigned to work in factories.

Of course, there are more civil servants or teachers who quit their jobs to do business in the sea, and those who have a bit of knowledge can make a lot of money by becoming a dealer.

In addition, there are countless people who are thinking about going abroad. In their school, there is a student's brother who went to Japan after graduating from college. He said that he was working there casually, and he could earn the equivalent of 10,000 yuan a month in Japanese yen. .

In their school, that person instantly became a sought after existence.

If they can receive orders from abroad, their company can quickly develop.

It doesn't matter if you can't get it, but if you can, you must go for it.