Reborn to Strive

Chapter 116


Liang Qinxuan also wanted foreign orders, so he turned around and asked his cousin.

He also knew that it was false that his cousin helped him manage the company. The person behind his cousin was his father.

But his mother is still out of town now, and it is difficult for him to get along well with his father.

Taking foreign orders is not something that can be achieved in a short time. Guan Baiyu and Liang Qinxuan still plan to develop the market in J City first, and then the provincial capital...

To this end, they also found time and went to the provincial capital a few times.

Changxi City is not far from the provincial capital, and it only takes more than two hours to drive. They go in the morning and come back in the evening.

After running around and meeting all kinds of people, whether it is Guan Baiyu or Liang Qinxuan, there have been some changes in how they treat people and things.

Just after the summer vacation, when Guan Baiyu was sticking to him, Shi Zhen was in a trance from time to time, thinking of many things in his previous life.

Now Guan Baiyu is busy... He can't help but think of things from his previous life.

In the last year, Guan Baiyu also had a lot of things to do, which made him feel farther and farther away.

In fact, it's good for them to stay away now, otherwise... What should he do if he thinks about Guan Baiyu again

He asked Guan Baiyu to go to school in Changxi City, but he didn't go to Changxi City to develop, didn't he just hope to maintain an ordinary brotherhood with Guan Baiyu

Shi Zhen was also very busy, so he didn't have time to think about it. His thoughts were soon all on his own construction sites.

The most important thing is... One after another, people came to him and wanted to build a house.

Most of these people are not in a hurry and are willing to wait a few months. Shi Zhen can agree to everything.

This morning, Shi Zhen went to a construction site.

This is a self-built house that a rich man asked him to build. Like Fang Changming, this man contracted all the decoration of the house to him.

Now the house has been built and water and electricity are being done.

The electrician in the nearby cement factory was found by Shi Zhen, a plumber. The man had to go to work during the day, and after get off work at night, he came over to arrange for him to make extra money.

This electrician, Shi Zhen has known in his previous life.

This person has good skills. He has been working outside to make money, earning double income and living happily. Later, someone from the cement factory took this incident and went to the leader to sue him.

At that time, the leader of the cement factory told him that if he was still working outside, he would not be allowed to work in the cement factory.

Then he resigned from the cement factory.

That was five or six years later. At that time, he worked in a cement factory and earned about 1,000 a month. After resigning, he specialized in water and electricity for others, earning at least 3,000-4,000 a month.

Shi Zhen checked the water and electricity and felt that there was no problem, so he simply built a kitchen for the house himself.

Save money.

While doing it, a hoarse voice sounded: "Are you here to recruit people? Can I come to do a small job?"

Although this voice was a little hoarse, it belonged to a woman, and it was… quite familiar.

Shi Zhen turned his head, and sure enough, he saw an acquaintance—Shi Xingchao’s wife in a previous life, Fang Miyan.

In the last life, Shi Xingchao came together with Fang Miyan because Fang Miyan came to their construction site to seek employment.

Building a house for someone is physical work, so the ones he brought out of the village in his last life were, just like in this life, strong young men.

They were in Fang Miyan Village at the time, and they took on a job of building their own house for others.

When they first worked for others, they were provided by the host's family.

As a result, the people who came out of the mountains ate a little too much, and they didn't look good, so they grabbed things to eat.

In fact, like him, he usually doesn't snatch it from others, but at that time, some people under his command would pick up the meat and pull it into his own bowl first, and ate the vegetables hard...

After someone did this, others followed suit in order to avoid losses.

He is also included.

In the end, they ate all the dishes on the table, they didn't even eat the rice, they could only eat white rice...

When the host saw it, they told their neighbors that they were eating like ghosts reincarnated from starvation, and they always said something unpleasant and made fun of them.

In Anshan Town, there is also a chain of contempt.

The people in the town look down on the people in the country, they think they are unsanitary or something, and the people in the country look down on their non-local people.

Some of their subordinates have a bad temper, and they quarrel with others.

Honestly, it was pretty bad for him.

They are building houses for others, and they are still waiting for money, so arguing with them at such a time... is not good for them.

If people don't give money, they'll do it for nothing!

Earlier, he had suffered a lot from the foreman who oppressed him and Shi Xinghuo, and had been bullied by others, so he could bear a few words at this moment, but the emotions of his subordinates had to be appeased, so he followed The hosts discuss and they cook their own meals.

Although the family is broken mouth, but if they really want to say bad, they are not.

They didn't drive them away and didn't let them continue to work, and they didn't give them wages after that. At that time...the food was also paid to them.

Just a little less.

They eat it by themselves.

But the host family was not willing to lend them a stove, and only gave them firewood. They built a stove with bricks, and after buying a pot, they cooked their own food, which was very unpalatable.

It was at that time that Fang Miyan came to ask him if he wanted a small job.

They didn't need the small workers, but they needed someone to cook. In addition, Fang Miyan looked pitiful and asked for little wages, so Shi Zhen kept the people and asked Fang Miyan to cook for them.

And then... Fang Miyan can always use very cheap things to make fairly good meals.

Shi Zhen didn't know that chicken skeletons were cheap. The first time he ate chicken skeletons, it was made by Fang Miyan.

At that time, the meat dishes that Fang Miyan prepared for them were cheap chicken bones, salted fish, pig blood, etc., and they wrapped spring rolls with pickled vegetables and lard residue.

But really... especially saving him money.

Later, Fang Miyan continued to work on their construction site, and not long after, she married Shi Xingchao.

Shi Zhen didn't know much about Mi Yan's situation, but he probably knew a little.

Fang Miyan was two years older than him, and was born in 1974. There was no family planning in those years. Whether it was in the countryside or in the town, unless it was impossible to give birth, otherwise... there was basically no only daughter.

Women born at this time, if they are in the town, it is better, if they are in the countryside... There is a high probability that they will not be spoiled by their parents.

Those who are parents in the countryside have no energy at all to take care of their large number of children.

They occasionally have the energy to pay attention to their children, and they first pay attention to their sons who will support them in the future, rather than their daughters who will marry after they are raised.

It's just that some parents, in general, treat them equally, while some parents go too far and focus on their sons.

Fang Miyan's family is the latter. Her parents treated their sons in the palm of their hands for fear of falling, and held them in their mouths for fear of melting. They wanted to confess it, but they were very ordinary to their daughters. They felt that people who were going to marry off and let them do more work would be taking advantage of them.

His parents gave birth to three daughters in one go, and only then did they give birth to Mi Yan's younger brother. They were not good for that younger brother, and not so good for the daughter above.

The third daughter of Fang Miyan's family.

The first two daughters, her parents still took care of them. When Fang Miyan came here, her mother gave birth to the children, and they all brought them to the eldest.

If this child does not have it, he has no feelings. Fang Miyan has no sense of existence in the eyes of his parents.

The only thing fortunate is that Fang Miyan has two older sisters, so she didn't have to do much work when she was a child.

But when Fang Miyan's two older sisters got married, his parents would support her as a whole.

Fang Miyan's father was a lame man and couldn't do heavy work. He was also addicted to alcohol over the years. He drank at home every day. After drinking for a long time, he was drunk.

Her brother is the treasure of the family, and her parents always feel that her brother is still young.

So, the work in the field was actually asked by Fang Miyan and her mother.

Fang Miyan, who is now 21 years old, is dark and thin, with just a pair of big eyes.

When Shi Zhen saw her like this in his last life, he felt that she was a bit pitiful, and also felt that she was a girl who wanted to come to the construction site to work as a small laborer to earn money. Something must have happened to her... That's why she was allowed to stay.

At first, Fang Miyan didn't tell them about her family affairs. Later, her father and her brother approached them and asked them for Fang Miyan's wages. They also said that Fang Miyan was hanging out with a group of their men, which ruined her reputation and would not be good in the future. After getting married and asking them for money as compensation, he learned about the Fang family's affairs.

At that time, all of them were shocked by the strange behavior of Fang's father and son.

After the shock, they drove them away, and Fang Miyan, she didn't go home at all, and it didn't take long before she came together with Shi Xingchao.

At that time, the Fang family father and son still asked Shi Xingchao for dowry money, can Shi Xingchao give it? Of course not! Therefore, the Fang family's father and son were driven away again.

Of course, they dared to chase people like this, mainly because Fang Miyan had a tough attitude.

If she hesitated, they wouldn't be the villain.

Fang Miyan and Shi Xingchao were exactly the same, Shi Zhen couldn't stand them, but his impression of the other Miyan was still good.

She is a very sober girl.

These days, Shi Zhen also thought about going to Fang Miyan, but none of the jobs he took were from Fang Miyan's village, and there was no shortage of people on his side... He hurriedly went to the door and asked Fang Miyan was working with them, which seemed strange.

Just as he didn't go to Liang Qinxuan directly at the beginning, he didn't go to Fang Miyan in the end.

When is he going to take over the work near Fang's house, and then let out the wind that he wants to find a woman who cooks and let Fang Miyan help with the work.

But what he didn't expect was that it was estimated that it would take 40 to 50 minutes to walk from here to Fang Miyan's village, and Fang Miyan could still come to the door.

Shi Zhen got up and asked Fang Miyan, "Why don't you go to the factory when you are looking for a job?"

Fang Miyan looked at Shi Zhen with no expression on her face, but she was sure: "I want to be a small worker."

It's not the first time Fang Miyan has come out looking for a job. She has worked as a small laborer at other construction sites before.

She didn't go to the factory because if she went to a factory near her home, her salary would be calculated, and her father would definitely spend it.

When she arrives, it is very likely that she will have to go to work and farm again.

What is she tossing about with such hard work and money still not in her hands

Doing small jobs is different. Her parents don't know that the money can come to her.

And doing small jobs is basically calculated on a daily basis. She can do it when she is free, but not when she is busy.

Shi Zhen doesn't need a small worker now.

All of his work is outsourced to masons, and many of those masons bring their family members over to work as small laborers.

But he wanted to keep Fang Miyan behind.

Shi Zhendao: "I don't need a small worker here, but I need someone to help with cooking... That is, the cooking place is not here, it's a bit far..."

He doesn't need a laborer, but if someone can cook for Shi Daniu and the others, that's fine.

Now Shi Daniu and the others have two meals at the place where the factory building is built.

If Fang Miyan is willing to cook in the past, he can ask her to help with the three meals.

Fang Miyan is a very reliable person, especially good at saving money, and she will not steal things home.

"Where?" Fang Miyan asked.

"In Anshan Town." Shi Zhen said.

It is best to build the factory in a place with convenient transportation. The factory he helped build is not far from Anshan Town, next to the national highway.

He has been to Fang's house and knows where Fang's house is. It takes about an hour to walk from Fang's house to the place where he built the factory.

Fang Miyan has no bicycles.

"I can do it! How much do you pay someone to cook?" Fang Miyan was very direct.

Shi Zhen said: "The people who eat there, plus the seven of me, have to eat three meals a day, two hundred a month."

He gave Shi Daniu and the others a salary of 300 a month. Although he would give red envelopes in addition, the overall amount of money given was not much.

Fang Miyan cooks meals for seven people, the work is not heavy, and it is almost two hundred a month.

He asked someone nearby to help him cook, but he couldn't ask for the money.

"Do you want to eat it?" Fang Miyan asked.

"Package." Shi Zhen said.

"I'll do it!" Fang Miyan began to ask Shi Zhen's specific situation.

Shi Zhen said it one by one, and then agreed with Fang Miyan to let Fang Miyan go to the factory tomorrow to see the way, and start cooking for them from the day after tomorrow.

Fang Miyan agreed.

Shi Zhen couldn't hold back and said, "You're a little girl with a lot of courage, so you're not afraid of being tricked by others?"

Fang Miyan glanced at Shi Zhen: "I will talk to people. If I don't go home, someone will come to me."

"Okay, tomorrow at noon, I will wait there." Shi Zhen said.

Fang Miyan nodded and left quickly.

Shi Zhen looked at Fang Miyan, a little confused.

Shi Xingchao is now sending and receiving sweaters, and he is doing well.

Forget it, the boat will naturally go straight to the bridge.

Shi Zhen sent Fang Miyan to the door, but he was distracted, and Fang Miyan had run far away.

Yes, run.

On such a hot day, it was amazing that she ran under the sun.

The best part is... She runs very fast.

Shi Zhen watched Fang Miyan leave and went back to work.

When he went to Shi Daniu and the others, he said by the way that someone might come to cook for them.

Shi Daniu and the others don't care who made the rice, they care more about how it is eaten.

Shi Zhen packed the food, and he did not treat them badly at all, and they were all satisfied.

Shi Zhen had seen Shi Daniu and the others, and when he went back at night, he went to see Shi Xingchao specifically.

The two houses in the recently closed country were left to Shi Xingchao's toss, and Shi Xingchao was about to turn it into a canteen.

He did a good job sending and receiving sweaters, and Shi Zhen had no problem with him doing a side business.

"Brother Xingchao, the aunt is in a hurry to tell you about your daughter-in-law recently?"

"Yeah!" Shi Xingchao sighed: "She sets up a stall every day, and I thought she wouldn't have time to mess with my marriage. I didn't expect that when she set up a stall, she could tell people that she had two sons who were not married."

Shi Zhen sympathized with Shi Xingchao for a while.

His aunt is very capable, but she is such a person, it is not easy to change her mind.

When it was replaced by Shi Dalin and Zhao Meiyun, he was unwilling, so they let him go.

"Brother Xingchao, what do you expect from your future daughter-in-law?" Shi Zhen asked.

Shi Xingchao thought for a while before saying to Shi Zhen, "Azhen, let me be honest with you."

"Huh?" Shi Zhen waited for him to continue.

Shi Xingchao said: "You know me, I can't stand spending money. I must have money in my hand, so that I can be at ease... When I look for a partner, I always have to find someone like this, otherwise I will be too uncomfortable."

That is really only Fang Miyan suitable.

Speaking of which, it was the first time he saw Fang Miyan in his last life, and Fang Miyan was wearing tattered clothes, which was one of the reasons for his sympathy.

Shi Xingchao said again: "Also... it's better not to give gifts."

Shi Zhen: "..." Nowadays, in rural areas, dowry gifts are all given.

However, Fang Miyan did not ask for a dowry.

Fang Miyan's father is very strange, and his younger brother is a "thrower".

When they came to ask them for money, one of the reasons was that Fang Miyan's younger brother owed money for gambling.

Once gambling, it is a bottomless pit. Fang Miyan didn't give a penny to her family when she got married, which is very smart.

Shi Xingchao sighed: "Oh, it's hard to find, let's do it first."

When Shi Zhen left, he patted Shi Xingchao on the shoulder.

He might be able to be a matchmaker for Shi Xingchao.

At noon the next day, Shi Zhen was waiting at the factory.

What they ate today was braised pork, which was bundled with straw.

Shi Daniu and the others all grabbed the fat to eat, and he ate the thinnest one.

They were eating when Fang Miyan came.

With sweat all over her head, she ran to Shi Zhen and the others and asked, "Is there any water?"

Shi Zhen and the others ate here recently. They had prepared some pots and pans. Shi Zhen brought her a clean bowl.

Fang Miyan drank two bowls of tea in one breath, and then said to Shi Zhen, "I'll cook here for you in the future? How long will it take?"

Shi Zhendao: "The work here will take about a month to complete. I have taken over another work next to me. If you do well, you can work for more days."

This piece was set aside by Anshan Town to build a factory for people.

Shi Zhen and the others built the house very fast, and the price was not high, so another boss asked them to help build the factory.

There is no rush to do the follow-up painting here. Shi Zhen has already planned to start working on the work next door in a few days.

He felt that he was here, at least three months to do.

"Okay! I cook well, don't worry!" Fang Miyan glanced at the braised pork that Shi Zhen and the others ate, and swallowed silently.

Shi Zhen told her about their situation in detail, and then said: "We people, plus you, the food cost is 30 per day, divided into three meals in the morning, noon and evening, and then a supper... You can prepare supper in advance, you don't need to open it. Night work."

For a late night snack, just fry the egg fried rice or something in advance and put it aside.

At the moment, the price is ok. Thirty people a day, less than ten people eat, and each person is divided into four yuan a day, which is very good to eat.

As for the food that was particularly good... Shi Zhen wasn't so rich yet.