Reborn to Strive

Chapter 119


Fang Miyan woke up very early.

Her family's house is still well built. Her parents save money. When her father didn't drink too much in his early years, he was willing to work. The husband and wife saved a lot of money. Just got together and built the current house.

The house is two floors up and down, with two large houses facing south and two large houses facing north.

The two north-facing houses on the ground floor were built with walls and divided into four rooms, namely the woodshed, the sheepfold, the kitchen and her bedroom.

The two large rooms in front of the second floor are the bedrooms of her parents and her younger brother. The two rooms in the back are used to raise silkworms. When the number of silkworms grows, the two rooms on the ground floor facing south will also be used for silkworm breeding. Silkworm rearing.

Sericulture is the main source of income for her family. Because they raise a lot, their own mulberry leaves are not enough, so they can only buy mulberry leaves from people in the village who do not raise sericulture or who raise few.

Fang Miyan's bedroom is in the far north, and she has to go in from the kitchen, but there is an advantage to her living here.

Her bedroom had a door facing north, and she could leave quietly.

Her father and her brother didn't have time to pay attention to her, and her mother didn't dare to say anything to her father when she saw that she was not there, so it was convenient for her to go out to work.

You can go later to cook today. After Fang Miyan woke up, she went to the main room outside to check the time, then went back to the kitchen, added rice and water to the pot, boiled it and made a pot of porridge, and then left through the back door.

She walked very fast, and sometimes ran, and it didn't take long before she came to the Guanjia Village that Shi Zhen said.

It was only after six o'clock at this time, but people in the villages got up early, and some people were already drinking porridge at the door and even working in the fields.

Fang Miyan asked someone to ask, and walking forward, she saw what Shi Zhen said.

There the door was wide open, and there were various things inside, and a young man in old clothes was sorting out bundles of sweaters and tying them with plastic rope.

Fang Miyan walked over, looked at the poor man, and asked, "Hello, do you know where Shi Zhen lives?"

Shi Xingchao turned his head and was stunned.

Since he came to Anshan Town, he has never seen... a young girl dressed like this.

In the rural areas of Anshan Town, there are also poor people who are reluctant to eat meat and turn on the lights.

But most people still care about clothes, and young girls don't wear tattered clothes. It is said that Guanguang country lost money when raising chickens before, and Guan Jinjin was not reduced to wearing tattered clothes.

But the girl was wearing a patched men's shirt, and the liberation shoes on her feet didn't fit...

In general... It's just the old men and women in the village, and the middle-aged men and women who want to go to the ground, will they dress like this

Oh, and he wears that too.

He actually has new clothes, especially recently, his mother bought him new clothes, but he thinks the old ones can still be worn, so there is no need to wear new ones.

"Are you Fang Miyan?" Shi Xingchao asked.

Shi Zhen told him that Fang Miyan would come over today, but he did not expect Fang Miyan to be like this.

"Well." Fang Miyan said.

"Shi Zhen lives in that hut, Shi Daniu and the others live there." Shi Xingchao pointed the way to Fang Miyan.

Fang Miyan nodded and walked towards Shi Zhen.

When Fang Miyan passed by, Shi Zhen had already washed up and was eating noodles.

Fang Miyan asked, "Am I late?"

"It's not too late, I'm just hungry, so I made something to eat... Well, you can just come over and make lunch and dinner these two days." Shi Zhendao, if they don't have to work, they can simply eat breakfast, just cook a porridge by themselves. Now, Fang Miyan doesn't need to cook breakfast specially.

"Yeah." Fang Miyan nodded.

"I'll take you to Shi Daniu and the others to recognize the door." Shi Zhen walked forward with Fang Miyan.

Fang Miyan said few words. Shi Zhen thought she would not take the initiative to talk to him, but after taking a few steps, Fang Miyan suddenly said, "Boss, if you don't work for the past two days, can you reduce the cost of food a little?"

"Oh... how?" Shi Zhen asked.

Fang Miyan said seriously: "You can eat something cheap."

Shi Zhen laughed: "You can save me money, that's the best, but it can't be too bad."

"Yeah." Fang Miyan replied.

Shi Zhen still gave Fang Miyan Thirty some food expenses and asked her to buy food and cook. As for the money, there should be more... I'll pay more tomorrow and make up less.

Shi Zhen thought that after Fang Miyan proposed to cut food expenses, the quality of their lunch and dinner would drop a lot, but it didn't.

Their lunch today turned out to be even better than usual.

Locals don’t like to eat pig lungs, so Fang Miyan bought two for 60 cents, washed them with water, boiled them, cut them open, added leeks and stir-fryed them, and it filled a big pot.

She also spent two yuan to buy a lot of saury, all of which were braised.

Plus a mustard tomato soup... The three dishes only cost three yuan, but they look very rich and the amount is large.

A real money saver.

Speaking of which, Shi Zhen used to give her 30 yuan a day to buy food, but she had never spent so much, basically only 20 yuan a day.

Now... no need to make breakfast, she is estimated to be able to feed the seven of them for ten yuan a day.

Shi Zhen had a good idea. The next day, Fang Miyan bought a pig head with its ears and tongue cut off.

Although the price of pig's head has risen now, it is still cheap to be honest. The most important thing is that there is a lot of meat. She stewed a pig's head and divided it into two meals for Shi Daniu and the others, and then added some cheap salted fish and fried vegetables... Everyone both like it.

When Shi Zhen went over to Shi Xingchao, he took the time to talk to Shi Xingchao about Fang Miyan.

Shi Xing's eyes lit up: "Then she is very good at living!"

"It is very good at living." Shi Zhen said.

It should be said that, like Shi Xingchao, it was uncomfortable without money, so he was stingy.

In fact, there are quite a lot of such people in rural areas, mainly because they were too poor in the past to change.

A similar problem is hoarding. Some people are reluctant to throw away anything, and they pick up things everywhere to go home.

Shi Zhen didn't introduce Shi Xingchao and Fang Miyan deliberately, and Shi Xingchao didn't care, he didn't know Fang Miyan that well.

But the two soon came into contact.

After Fang Miyan learned that embroidering sweaters could make money, she received a sweater from Shi Xingchao to embroider.

After Shi Zhen and the others changed construction sites, Fang Miyan not only cooks for them, but also embroiders sweaters when she has time. That is serious, but she doesn't have much time, so she can only embroider four or five dollars a day.

Shi Zhen was not surprised by this, but Shi Daniu and the others were a little surprised.

Shi Daniu also told Liang Dawen and Liang Weiguo in private that this is a good girl, let them take good care of it.

However, Liang Weiguo was thinking about Shi Xingxing, and Mi Yan was not interested.

As for Liang Dawen, he also refused: "Brother Daniel, I don't have a cent now, how can I marry a daughter-in-law!" The girls here asked for more gifts than theirs.

Of course, there are also girls who don't want dowry, but can people like him

He just thought, when the younger brother and sister grow up and the house is built, he can save money, and then he will talk to a daughter-in-law.

In November, Shi Zhen had another job to complete, and of course, he also took on new jobs.

Before, many masons and so on came to him to work as part-time jobs. Later, when he had a lot of work here, they simply followed him.

Although his work here is a bit heavier, and he doesn't even include food, but if he does it quickly, he will get the money quickly!

He earns 1,000 heavens a month elsewhere, but here he can earn 23,000 a month!

There are more and more people under Shi Zhen's hands.

Shi Zhen pondered, waiting for the New Year to go back, if there are people in his hometown who are willing to follow him out, then he can find a few more people and join his team.

In addition, he also wants to train some people who can take responsibility. Now he is in charge of all aspects of the work site. He is too busy, and he will definitely not be able to do this all the time in the future.

Shi Zhen's first choice is Liang Weiguo and Liang Dawen, both of whom are young and highly malleable.

But it can't be rushed.

Shi Zhen built a lot of houses for people and became famous locally. At the same time, there was a big problem - people who wanted to find him often couldn't get in touch with him for a while.

Shi Zhen had to admit that he needed a lot of things to do business well.

He thought that what he needed most would be a van, but now he thinks... what he needs most is a mobile phone.

If you build self-built houses for those bosses, and the decoration is also included, Shi Zhen can earn tens of thousands of dollars for a flat.

His savings has soared in recent months, and now stands at more than 40,000.

During this period, rural families had so much savings that they were already rich. He didn't save the money little by little, but earned it in a few months, and it wasn't easy.

But this money really needs to be spent, and it is really not spent... Now it costs more than 10,000 to buy a mobile phone!

Well, at this moment, everyone doesn't call mobile phones, they all call them big brothers.

This price can be bought, or the price of the big brother has come down recently... In the early years, the big brother would sell it for 40,000 to 50,000 yuan.

Of course, the current eldest brother is also different from the eldest brother in previous years. Although the current eldest brother still has an antenna, it is smaller and already has a prototype of a mobile phone.

Shi Zhen thought about it, and finally went to buy one.

In fact, it is possible to install a telephone, but it is more convenient to install a mobile phone.

Speaking of telephones... Nowadays, most people do not have telephones, but more and more people need to use them...

After Shi Zhen bought Big Brother, he went to find Shi Dalin.

Shi Dalin and Zhao Meiyun open a shop every day, and they have made a lot of money in the past few months. money.

A few days ago, Zhao Meiyun also bought a bicycle, she called her a baby.

In addition, not long after Shi Ting started wearing underwear, Zhao Qiujuan also wore it, but Zhao Meiyun did not change.

When Shi Zhen arrived, just in time for elementary school, a group of children poured into Shi Dalin's store.

Some people buy stationery and snacks, and some people buy tea egg vermicelli soup with Zhao Meiyun, and cups of instant noodles are equally popular.

Seeing this, Shi Zhen helped collect the money.

Although he came rarely, he still knew the prices of most of the items in the store.

After an hour of busy work, the children dispersed.

Zhao Meiyun and the others had already eaten dinner in advance, and now asked Shi Zhen, "Azhen, have you eaten?"

"Not yet." Shi Zhen said.

"Then I'll make fried rice for you?" Zhao Meiyun asked.

"Okay." Shi Zhen agreed.

Zhao Meiyun quickly fried an egg fried rice for Shi Zhen, with at least two eggs and ham in it. Zhao Qiujuan brought out the vermicelli soup, and gave Shi Zhen a plate of fried peanuts.

Shi Zhen took a big mouth and said while eating, "Dad, Aunt Zhao, I bought a big brother. If you have anything in the future, you can call me."

"What? Big brother?" Shi Dalin was stunned.

Shi Zhen took out his eldest brother and showed it to him.

In Shi Dalin's small shop, there is a toy that sells very well, which is a fake big brother.

The fake big brother does the same thing as the real one, and it also has buttons, and the sound made when pressing the buttons can also be faked.

Children especially like this kind of toy. Recently, there has been news about someone cheating money with a fake eldest brother.

But that's fake, now the big brother in Shi Zhen's hand is real.

Shi Dalin didn't dare to touch it at all.

Zhao Meiyun also took a deep breath, looking at the big brother who was a little smaller than the toy big brother in their store and asked, "How much does this cost!"

"More than ten thousand." Shi Zhen said.

"It's too expensive for something like this..." Zhao Meiyun felt incredible.

Zhao Qiujuan was relatively calm: "Mom, this is nothing, those big bosses all have big brothers, and Azhen is also the boss now, there should be one."

However, despite what she said, she did not dare to touch Shi Zhen's eldest brother.

This thing is so precious!

She has all her belongings now, and it is estimated that she can buy a big brother.

Zhao Qiujuan has been helping in the store every day recently, and Shi Dalin asked Zhao Meiyun to stop charging her for food. In addition, there was no place for her to spend money at home, so she saved money very quickly, and now it has 10,000 taels. thousand.

On the other hand, Shi Dalin and Zhao Meiyun, although they can make good money, but because they have to pay back the money, they only have two or three thousand in their hands.

"I heard that this big brother costs sixty cents a minute to make a phone call," Zhao Meiyun said again, "If it were me, I wouldn't dare to use it."

"It's much more convenient to have a big brother in order to pick up business... By the way, Dad, Aunt Zhao, you should install a telephone in the store."

"Install a telephone? Why do you want that thing? This is for money." Shi Dalin said.

"It's much more convenient to have a phone. You can also put up a 'public phone' sign, and when someone calls, you'll be charged." Shi Zhen said.

At this time, many people in the town already have telephones, and there are more people in the countryside with telephones, but there are still many people who do not have telephones at home.

Installing a telephone is not only convenient for you, but you can also collect money when people around you call.

The most important thing is that he went to inquire before, and now it is cheaper to install a phone than before.

A few years ago, it cost 3,000 to install a telephone. Now in the town, it only costs 700 to 800 to find someone to install one. It is a little more expensive in rural areas, but 1,000 is enough.

Over the years, the country has changed a lot every year.

He remembered that in the early 2000s, public telephone booths were built in many places in Anshan Town to facilitate people to make calls. As a result, within a few years of the popularization of mobile phones, all the public telephone booths were abandoned.

Many people in the town have telephones. To say that Shi Dalin didn't want a telephone would be a lie.

Not long after Shi Zhen proposed to him, he installed a telephone in his canteen.

After that, there were quite a lot of people who paid to make calls, and Shi Daniu and the others contributed a lot of money.

Shi Zhen has a mobile phone, and it is also convenient to contact Guan Baiyu.

In December, the work Shi Daniu and the others were doing was about to end.

This is a self-built house for a pair of brothers. Now the house has been built, and the painting and tiling are almost done. Next, it's time for the carpenters and painters to enter the field. .

Also because he was about to call it quits, there were a lot of things to do, so Shi Zhen stayed here for a long time.

At noon, Fang Miyan made roasted pork with dried plums and vegetables, one bowl per person, Shi Zhen filled a bowl of rice, put the meat in half with the soup, and started eating.

As for the bland stir-fried vegetables... He didn't even want to use chopsticks.

The others, like Shi Zhen, were eating bibimbap with broth. While they were eating, Fang Miyan suddenly asked Shi Zhen, "Boss, why don't you buy a motorcycle?"

"No money." Shi Zhen laughed.

Now, he actually has the money to buy a motorcycle, but it is better to buy a car than a motorcycle.

"There is no money to borrow." Fang Miyan said.

"Why do you borrow money to buy a motorcycle? Do you drive a motorcycle?" Shi Zhen asked with a smile.

Speaking of which, just this year, it has become popular to buy motorcycles in rural areas.

Many well-off families bought motorcycles for their sons this year.

And a young man with a motorcycle... That's really too cool, it's easy to say kiss.

These young people who bought motorcycles, some of them know how to drive motorcycles and drive girls around, while others are different. They will go to town to solicit customers to earn money and become "motorcycle dealers".

If you do well, you will make a lot of money.

Fang Miyan lowered her head to eat and stopped talking.

When she got home, she saw her brother making a fuss again: "They all have motorcycles, but I don't!"

"Everywhere has it, many people don't have it..." Fang Fu said. In their village, there are not even ten families who buy motorcycles.

That's right! Where are the motorcycles? She doesn't even have a boss! Fang Mi slandered.

"Old Qi Ermao has it all!"

"Xiao Liang, their family is rich..." Fang's mother muttered.

"Our family is not very poor, haven't you all saved more than 20,000?" Fang Milang said.

Fang Miliang was arguing about buying a motorcycle and the more expensive one, which cost 30,000 in total.

Fang's father and Fang's mother couldn't hold back their son. Neither of them knew a few words. They usually went to the nearby towns at most. They had never been to the city, and they didn't know how to buy a motorcycle... They borrowed 5,000 yuan from someone, collected 30,000 yuan, and gave them all The son, let the son buy it himself.