Reborn to Strive

Chapter 14


Early the next morning, Shi Zhen took Shi Xinghuo to his work place and told Wang Chengfa that he wanted his cousin to work instead of him.

They do small jobs, and they don't sign any contracts. It's the same for everyone. Shi Xinghuo is older and looks stronger than Shi Zhen who has just grown up. Naturally, Wang Chengfa has no problem.

Of course, he was so good at talking, mainly because Shi Zhen had a good relationship with them a few days ago.

"My cousin's house is far away, we don't know much about the words here, please look at him." Shi Zhen said to the others.

Everyone agreed.

Shi Zhen felt relieved when he heard that, Shi Xinghuo was not very good at communicating with strangers, but now that he said that Shi Xinghuo didn't understand the words here, these people would not think that Shi Xinghuo had a problem with his intelligence.

As for work, letting Shi Xinghuo follow others to do this kind of work that does not require any skills is nothing at all.

Shi Xinghuo had been digging mud for several days. Although this time digging river mud was not the same as the mud dredging work he had done before, it was similar. He could do it completely.

Wang Chengfa was very satisfied to see that he worked as hard as Shi Zhen.

They are about to finish digging this section of the river, because they did it fast, and they gave them a reward. Next, they will build a rock slope, and they will arrange others to take care of it. , he intends to pick a few who work hard.

Originally Shi Zhen was one of them, but now it can be replaced by Shi Xinghuo.

After sending Shi Xinghuo to the construction site, Shi Zhen carried the pig's head and returned to the village.

He went to the butcher this morning and bought a pig head.

This pig's head has no tongue and ears. It has a total of 12 catties and cost him 6 yuan.

In addition to the pig's head, he also bought a large stainless steel pot, which he plans to use for the pig's head and meat later.

This stainless steel pot was more expensive, costing him twenty yuan... He had to embezzle the money he had saved for Shi Xinghuo.

After a few days, he returned the money with interest.

The iron pots on the earthen stoves in rural areas are very large, and when the pig head is completely stewed, Shi Zhen first uses the fire to burn off the hair on the pig head.

He simmered for three hours, and the pig's head had long since separated from the flesh, so he removed the bones, cut the meat into small pieces, and poured it into a stainless steel washbasin together with the marinade.

Shi Zhen's cooking skills are average. He can't make amazing food, so he plans to make a kind of food that the locals will cook, cold-cut pork head.

The method of cold-cutting pork head is similar to that of cold-cutting mutton, that is, after the pork head is cooked, put it into a container with the marinade, wait for it to cool and solidify, and then add the marinade to the meat and cut it piece by piece.

The pork head meat is the same as the pig's trotters. The marinade is very thick, and it is easy to solidify.

Even the cold-cut mutton does not put soy sauce, and it is crystal clear and cut into small pieces, but the cold-cut pork head here is generally braised.

The pork head meat made by this method is not only delicious, but also has enough weight.

The original pig head weighed 12 pounds, but now all the bones have been removed. With the marinade, it should be 12 or 3 pounds.

After the pork head meat was processed, Shi Zhen first mixed the rice left over from yesterday with the marinade for lunch, and then rested for a while, and then picked up the stainless steel basin that was covered with a piece of gauze and placed the pork head meat, and then put on the back of Grandma Guan Baiyu. The next basket contained a knife and a steel scale, and he went to town like this.

Even though the pot and meat were only about 20 pounds, it was very tiring to carry such a big pot around. Shi Zhen couldn't walk to the town in one go, so he could only stop and go.

He lacks a lot of things now, not to mention the lack of one tricycle.

But in this era when you have to pay for a license plate after you buy a bicycle, a tricycle is not cheap, it costs hundreds of dollars.

He has no money.

After Shi Zhen arrived in the town, instead of going to the market, he went to the place where the river mud was dug.

It's cold today, so the marinade in this pot of pork head meat has long since solidified, and it is inseparable from the chopped pork head meat.

Shi Zhen came at a good time, Wang Chengfa and the others were having their afternoon snacks, and when he saw this, he took the bowl and went over: "Uncle Wang, I made cold-cut pig heads at home and wanted to sell them. I'll come and see you when I pass by. , cut a little for you to taste."

After Shi Zhen finished speaking with a smile, he cut some with a knife and gave it to the people who dig the river mud to eat.

He didn't cut much, and each person was divided into about two taels, and Wang Chengfa got a little more, about four taels.

This afternoon, Wang Chengfa gave the workers a snack with pickled vegetables and steamed buns.

Especially people at this time, because they have just come from the era of lack of food and clothing, they are not very good at using seasonings for cooking.

In ordinary people's homes, the seasonings are only salt, soy sauce, monosodium glutamate, and not necessarily sugar and vinegar. The pig head stewed by Shi Zhen has spices.

The pork head meat is solidified in the marinade, and when you bite into it, the meat inside is still very chewy!

Most of the pork head meat is fat, and many people don't like it, but the people on the construction site like it. Everyone eats it and it tastes good, and without Shi Zhenti, someone asks: "Shi Zhen, you want to sell this pig head meat. How to sell?"

Shi Zhen smiled: "I plan to sell it for two yuan a pound."

"Two dollars a pound, I'll buy a pound." Someone said. Going to the town to buy meat is more than two dollars a pound, which is not expensive.

Most importantly, the meat is delicious!

He buys meat at home, and every time he cooks it in plain water and eats it with soy sauce, he has never eaten such delicious meat.

Wang Chengfa also said, "I'll buy two kilograms. The taste of your pig's head is almost the same as the braised pig's trotters in the restaurant in town."

Shi Zhen felt that the braised pig's trotters in the restaurant in the town were probably stewed with some spices and seasonings such as soy sauce. No wonder Wang Chengfa felt that it tasted the same.

He came here because he hoped to sell the pork head here... Shi Zhen cut the meat without even thinking about it, and said, "Uncle Wang, I'm going to sell it outside. I'll sell it for two yuan a pound, and I'll definitely sell it to you. You can't sell it so expensively, I'll give you one piece and five kilograms."

Wang Chengfa was very happy that it was 50 cents cheaper: "I'm so sorry... If you cut a little for me, that's all." He made a gesture on the pork head.

Shi Zhen cut it, put it in a plastic bag he bought, and weighed it with a wooden pole. The total was just over three pounds.

Shi Zhen said, "Uncle Wang, four dollars will do."

The name Shi Zhen used was left by Grandma Guan Baiyu. For some years, the weights were not iron, but stone.

Iron scales have only become popular in recent years.

Wang Chengfa originally wanted to say that the name might be inaccurate, but seeing that Shi Zhen only counted four yuan for his three pounds, he was immediately satisfied.

The rest of the people saw this and came to buy them one after another.

Shi Zhendu calculated a piece of 51 jin, and even gave a fraction to it, so that the pot of pork head meat was sold out in a short while.

The pork head he bought for six yuan, with spices and the like in it, cost at most eight yuan, and finally sold for fifteen yuan.

It's almost double the profit, but he can't do much in a day, and he can't sell too much in the town, and it's not easy to keep making money.

But it's also a good start.

"Shi Zhen, are you still making this pork head meat tomorrow? If you do, bring it here, and I'll buy some later." The last few people only bought a pound of it, and they will definitely be able to eat it today when they take it home. Just want to buy some tomorrow - they'd be happy to pay $15 for an extra meal for the family.

Shi Zhen said: "I will do it tomorrow, and I will definitely come over then."

Shi Zhen didn't leave even after he had agreed with these people, he stayed and watched Shi Xinghuo work, giving Shi Xinghuo some pointers from time to time.

Shi Xinghuo has done a good job in order to continue to do it.