Reborn to Strive

Chapter 15


After Shi Zhen sold the pig head meat, he went to the town again to see if he could still buy pig heads.

He went to the vegetable market a few times before to buy things in the morning. This time, after the afternoon, he found that there were far fewer people than in the morning.

Among these people, some were dressed like him, probably from the countryside, who rarely went to the street to buy vegetables, and some were well-dressed, and at first glance they knew that they lived in the town and had a good family.

The former basically only buys pork and various soy products, while the latter also buys vegetables, eggs and the like.

Shi Zhen went to Butcher Zhu. Butcher Zhu's meat was almost sold out, and the pig's head was gone, but he told others and quickly took a pig's head to Shi Zhen.

Shi Zhen wanted to buy two pig heads, but now he only has one pot for the cooked pig head meat.

After buying the pig's head, Shi Zhen went to Shi Xinghuo's side again, waiting for Shi Xinghuo to go home together.

"Azhen, pig head meat is really delicious." Shi Xinghuo remembered the pig head meat that Shi Zhen gave him in the afternoon, and repeated it several times along the way.

After talking about the pork head meat, he went to talk about the lunch for lunch.

Wang Chengfa is not bad for these small workers. He will have some meat at noon every day. Today's lunch is vegetarian chicken stew with thick oily red sauce.

Shi Xinghuo said while swallowing.

"I kept some pork head meat at home, we can still eat meat tonight." Shi Zhen said.

Shi Zhen did keep the meat, but only the lean meat and the pig's nose were left in a small amount on the pig's head.

He divided the meat into three portions—Shi Xinghuo eats fast, and since he was a child, he couldn’t help but grab something good when he saw something good. If he didn’t separate it, Guan Baiyu wouldn’t be able to eat much meat.

Guan Baiyu is really too thin.

Facing Guan Baiyu, who was a head shorter than himself and scrawny, now Shi Zhen couldn't think of anything other than feeding him more delicious food.

When they went home, before Guan Baiyu came back, Shi Zhen cooked the meal first.

He also asked Shi Xinghuo to pull out two lettuces, peel them, cut them into small pieces, and mix them with salt and monosodium glutamate to make a dish.

It's actually better to fry them, but they only have one pot.

When he has money, he will buy a gas stove, a bottle of liquefied gas, and a pot...

When the meal was ready, Guan Baiyu came back with a dark blue cloth schoolbag. This schoolbag was homemade, and he had no money to buy a new schoolbag.

In the past, Guan Baiyu liked to stay in the school. Although there were classmates like Yan Jiangtao who liked to get along with him, there were also many classmates who had a good relationship with him to talk to.

Better than staying in an empty home.

But now, he returns to his heart like an arrow every day.

Opening the door, at a glance, he saw his cousin sitting behind the stove, the stove was on fire, and his cousin's face was also bright, which made people feel inexplicably warm.

"Brother, I'm back." Guan Baiyu said.

Shi Zhen stood up from behind the stove: "Just right, the meal will be ready soon."

"Yeah." Guan Baiyu smiled slightly, revealing two small tiger teeth.

After waiting for a while to eat the meal, Guan Baiyu packed up the house and took the clothes to wash.

"Leave this clothes for me to wash next time, you can rest for a while." Seeing that he had brought the clothes he had brought over for washing, Shi Zhen hurriedly stopped him.

"No, I'll wash it quickly," Guan Baiyu said. "It's just that there is no washing powder, so it's not very clean."

Shi Zhen realized once again how poor he was.

Guan Baiyu insisted on washing, so Shi Zhen took out the hot water that he was steaming in the pot and gave Guan Baiyu to wash his clothes: "I'll stew pork head meat later, and I can steam a little more hot water."

Guan Baiyu didn't refuse, and started washing clothes with hot water.

He worked diligently, washed it quickly, and hung it on a thread pulled by the door.

The clothes of the three of them are all tattered, and no one will steal them even if they hang out at night.

When Guan Baiyu was drying his clothes, Shi Zhen also got rid of the hair on the pig's head that he had just bought. The three of them cleaned up and ate together.

"This is the best meat I've ever eaten." Guan Baiyu was so impressed with Shi Zhen's pork head that he was even reluctant to eat it.

"Then eat it quickly, I will stew a pig's head later, you can take some to eat at school tomorrow." Shi Zhen said.

Guan Baiyu's rice had already been eaten, and he reluctantly started to eat the meat he didn't want to eat before.

As for Shi Xinghuo... He finished the meat before the meal, and is now eating rice: "This rice is delicious too!"

Shi Zhen smiled when he saw this. He could understand Shi Xinghuo. Although their village also grows a little rice, they usually rely on other food to fill their stomachs.

When he was a child, he felt that eating all-you-can-eat rice was a very happy thing.

After dinner, Shi Zhen went to stew the pig's head, but Guan Baiyu took out a sewing basket from nowhere, took the clothes that Shi Zhen and Shi Xinghuo washed the day before and began to mend.

There was nothing in Guan Jianguo's house rented by Shi Zhen and Shi Xinghuo, and it was difficult to wash clothes.

So, after leaving the village, Shi Zhen, who had never washed his clothes, did not wash the dirty clothes that he and Shi Xinghuo had saved until he met Guan Baiyu, and then hung them on Guan Baiyu's side.

Among these clothes, the jacket is new, but the shirts inside are all torn. If nothing else, his underwear is cut from the trousers after they are worn out, and the cloth on the trouser legs is not bad. made in.

His own mother had long since passed away, so he was embarrassed to let his stepmother do this, so he made do with sewing, and the final product was naturally poor.

Now Guan Baiyu took the needle and thread, found some rags to help him sew clothes, and even took out his shorts...

The teenage boy sewed very seriously, giving people a feeling of quiet time, that is...

Shi Zhen stepped forward and picked out the clothes belonging to Shi Xinghuo to Shi Xinghuo: "If your clothes are torn, you can sew them yourself."

Shi Xinghuo responded, "Oh!" But... he can't sew clothes!

However, Shi Xinghuo didn't feel that his clothes were torn, and it was nothing if no one repaired them.

Just like when Shi Zhen was going to do laundry today, he didn't take it out to wash because he didn't think his clothes were dirty.

Shi Zhen didn't care whether Shi Xinghuo would sew or not, he didn't want Guan Baiyu to sew Shi Xinghuo's clothes.

Guan Baiyu wants to go to university, study hard, and sew clothes... When he has money, he will buy Guan Baiyu a cabinet of clothes and let him change clothes every day.

When Shi Zhen and Guan Baiyu were together in the last life, although the business was not big, they were no longer short of money. Naturally, Guan Baiyu didn't need to mend his tattered clothes. It was the first time he saw this scene, and his heart was sour and sweet. .

The smell in the air is very, very fragrant.

"Dong dong dong." There was a knock on the door, Shi Zhen opened the door, and saw a thin old lady who was less than one meter five.

The little old lady is actually not too old. Her hair is parted in the middle, and she has two big braids on the left and the right. When she came up, she asked, "What are you burning? The incense is coming!"

"Let's burn some pork head meat." After Shi Zhen finished speaking, he saw the little old lady pass under her arm propped on the door and enter the house.

Guan Baiyu had already stopped sewing and called out "Mother", the people here, people who call grandmothers "Mother" or "Grandma" and so on.

When I watched Killing Pigs before, Shi Zhen followed Guan Baiyu and recognized some people.

They lived next to each other, all surnamed Guan, and the few close by were all cousins of Guan Baiyu's adoptive father.

Grandpa Guan Baiyu's generation has three brothers. Among them, Guan Baiyu's grandfather is the eldest brother. He died early, only Guan Baiyu's adoptive father was a son.

And his two younger brothers, called Second Grandpa by Guan Baiyu, are Guan Jianguo's father. He has two sons, Guan Jianguo is his youngest son.

As for Guan Baiyu's little grandfather, he is the husband of the little old lady in front of him. He also has two sons. Now the youngest son is married, and the eldest son is an old bachelor. It is estimated that he will never get married in his life - this person has never been married in his previous life.

Shi Zhen knew these people, but he didn't have much contact with them, and he didn't know much about Guan Baiyu, the little concubine. Seeing her coming in, he wanted to pour some water.

As a result, the little old lady went straight to lift the lid of the pot: "What a big pig's head, if it's not a festival, you even stew the pig's head."

She chanted, saying that young people can't live, and then said: "Xiaoyu, your cousin is very good to you, and he will buy you meat to eat. My Kaikai's cousin will only come to eat rice..."

At first she praised Shi Zhen, and while she was talking, she complained about her grandson's cousin and uncle, and then she started talking about her daughter-in-law.

What daughter-in-law is lazy and asks her to do the laundry if she doesn't do it.

What a picky daughter-in-law, she washed rice and vegetables in the river, and put it under the tap to wash.

What daughter-in-law is so greedy, she even fried rice with eggs in the morning.

Shi Zhen: "…"

This kind of chat, Shi Zhen really can't talk.

If nothing else, he used tap water to wash vegetables and rice.

After all, the river in front of their house is connected to the river in the town. There are still many people in the town who use flush toilets...

Although the river water in 1994 was still clear, he was not interested in letting him eat it.

In addition to doing good deeds in his previous life, Shi Zhen also insisted on some other things, such as not being a Taoist behind his back, and listening to these words.

It never occurred to me that the little old lady said more and more energetically, but she didn't leave.

Shi Zhen thought at first that she was talking too much, but later found out that she was not.

Seeing that the pig's head was almost cooked, the little old lady stood up and said, "This pig's head meat smells really good, give me some, and I'll take it back for Kaikai to eat."

It's also interesting to say that most of the cousins in the Guan family have daughters, and only her family, Kaikai, is a son, so that they are spoiled.

Shi Zhen understood that this little old lady was here to ask for meat. If she didn't leave to chat with them for so long, she probably waited for the meat to be cooked.

Shi Zhen used scissors to cut out a piece of meat, put it in the bowl, and put in some soup, and gave it to this very small old lady: "Mother, I don't eat this myself, I want to sell it, but I can't. too much for you."

"It's okay to give a little more for such a big pig's head, don't be so stingy... My Kaikai doesn't like fatty meat, you can give me some lean meat, otherwise the pig's nose will do. It's not greasy, he wants to eat it." The little old lady kept talking.

This is also picked... Shi Zhen is also quite speechless: "These are also the best to sell... Otherwise you will spend money to buy them?"

The little old lady left unhappy.

When he left, Shi Zhen felt relieved.

Seeing this, Guan Baiyu said, "I'm sorry."

"What are you apologizing for?" Shi Zhen asked.

"She took your things." Guan Baiyu said.

"That's it? Nothing." Shi Zhen smiled. He didn't take such a bit of meat seriously, but instead... "You, don't you like her?"

Shi Zhen noticed that Guan Baiyu didn't seem to like the old lady very much.

Guan Baiyu was stunned for a moment, then nodded.