Reborn to Strive

Chapter 17


Shi Zhen was very enthusiastic about the people in the village. He said that he was stewing the pig's head and was going to sell it in the town tomorrow. He also said that the pig's head would be stewed for a long time, and it was estimated that the finished product would not come out tomorrow morning.

"If you want to buy it, you can come early tomorrow, and I will sell it to you at a cheaper price." Shi Zhendao, the people in the village get up early, and he doesn't plan to go to the town too early tomorrow morning, so he can sell some in the village before leaving.

It's really tiring to go to town with pork head meat.

Their village is close to the town, and because of this, the village is relatively wealthy.

But even so, people didn't go to town much.

More than ten years later, people think that the distance is very short, but it is very long for people at this time. If nothing else, it is said that Changxi City, which is only more than half an hour's drive from Anshan Town, is the old man in their village. I haven't been there. Those young people will go because it's popular to go to the city to buy a new set of clothes.

Therefore, people in the village do not buy meat very often, and eat cooked food less often. Now that they smell such a good smell, they all say that they will definitely come to buy it tomorrow morning.

After dinner, everyone was idle, and many people came to Guan Baiyu one after another. Guan Baiyu couldn't stay at home, so everyone stayed at the door and chatted.

They talked about the fragrant pork head meat in the pot, and also talked about Shi Zhen, Guan Baiyu's cousin, and asked Shi Zhen about Guan Baiyu's grandfather's house.

Not long after Shi Zhen came to the village, everyone in the village knew about him. The last time someone came to kill a pig, everyone chatted with Shi Zhen, and now, they know more about Shi Zhen.

"You're a good person. Xiaoyu's own grandfather, I don't know what to think. You don't even want to kiss your grandson."

"After you came, Xiaoyu's life has been much better."

"Xiaoyu suffered a lot in the past, but he will be fine in the future."

Shi Zhen is Guan Baiyu's cousin and will not let Guan Baiyu move his household registration and change his surname. To the villagers, he is good to Guan Baiyu, but he is actually subsidizing the Laoguan family and helping the Laoguan family raise their children, so that some people think Shi Vibration is a little silly.

Of course, no one said it face to face.

At about eight o'clock, these people dispersed. Shi Zhen waited for them to leave and dealt with the pig's head before going back to sleep with Shi Xinghuo.

When Shi Zhen woke up the next day, he felt sore all over again—most of his muscles were strained again.

It was only after five o'clock when Shi Zhen and Shi Xinghuo went to Guan Baiyu for breakfast.

It takes a lot of time to cook porridge, and it won't take long after eating to get hungry, so Shi Zhen simply cooked a large pot of rice, enough for the three of them to eat for a day, and mixed two pieces of lettuce.

Before they could eat it, someone came to buy pork head meat.

They are all from the village. Shi Zhen calculated the price a little lower and sold them a piece of 51 jin. He also said that starting from tomorrow, he would sell pork head meat at home every morning and evening. Anyone who wants to buy it can come and buy it, which is cheaper than the town. .

The population density in J City is high, and there are many rural people. Occasionally, there is a fresh food, and everyone wants to buy something to try, so that this pig head is sold out before Shi Zhen can move it to the town.

Guan Jianguo bought two kilograms in one go. He usually drives a tractor and is tired, and his income is not bad, not less than three yuan.

When he bought it, the second grandmother, who brought his daughter to see the fun, was particularly dissatisfied with her son's lavish style: "You can buy half a catty and try it. Why buy two catties, where can you eat so much..."

"I can eat two catties by myself." Guan Jianguo said to his mother.

The second grandmother stared: "What if you can eat it? Your dad can eat a chicken at a time, when did he eat a chicken at a time?"

Guan Jianguo ignored her. If he listened to him, his family would not want to eat meat.

The second grandmother kept talking: "It's really getting better and better now, where can I eat meat at all times before, and I couldn't get enough to eat. That year, there was no food at home, and I was so hungry that my head grew bigger. , and finally waited in line for a few hours, bought a rice ball that didn't cost much, and then recovered..."

Immediately next to him, an old lady who also brought her grandchildren to watch the fun answered: "In the past, sprinkle some salt in the porridge and eat it directly if you need a spoonful of soy sauce. Now people eat pickles and eat them fried in oil. Eat steamed."

Another old lady said, "Yeah! I still remember when we used to eat a preserved egg with the whole family. We could add a piece of preserved egg and lick it with a little soy sauce to make porridge... My grandson ate a preserved egg by himself this morning."

There used to be other houses near Guan Baiyu's house. Before Guan Jianguo and the others built a new house, they lived around him.

Now the house there has been demolished, leaving some stones and other piles, these old ladies are sitting on the stones chatting.

The grandchildren they brought with them played next to them. When they were one or two years old, they were annoyed by being held in their arms, so they reached out to cover their grandma's mouth.

After talking about the previous things, they didn't care that their children were getting impatient, and they started talking about chanting Buddha again.

After Shi Zhen sold the pig head meat, he went to the town and brought back four pig heads in one go.

Foods like cold-cut pork head meat will sell better when it first comes out, and it will definitely not sell in the future. He might as well take advantage of this time to earn more.

The pig head stewed last night was sold out at home, so Shi Zhen could only start the stew again, and went to town after lunch.

He went with Guan Baiyu. When he got to the town, he put down his things and gave Guan Baiyu two yuan: "Xiaoyu, it's rare for you to come to town to buy something to eat."

"No, I have money." Guan Baiyu said, "I haven't spent the money you gave me before."

Shi Zhen gave Guan Baiyu 30 yuan before, and Guan Baiyu only spent a little of that money when he bought firewood.

Guan Baiyu refused to ask for money, so Shi Zhen could only give up, but although Guan Baiyu didn't take Shi Zhen's money, he still went shopping.

He is missing a lot.

His grandmother left him with very little money. If he hadn't often come first in the exam in the past two years, the teacher would reward him with a pen and a notebook. I'm afraid he wouldn't even have the necessary stationery.

Now that he has money, he wants to buy some ballpoint pen refills and some oil, salt, sauce and vinegar.

The first time we met, his cousin gave him 30 yuan. He once thought his cousin was rich, but after observing in the past few days... his cousin should be very poor.

After chatting with Shi Xinghuo, he was even more sure of this.

Guan Baiyu carried a basket on his back and bought everything.

Two yuan for a bag of washing powder, one yuan for twenty boxes of matches, four cents for a pound of salt…

Guan Baiyu spent ten dollars for this.

He didn't move the rest of the money, and his family's food was running out. He wanted to buy some rice with others in the village.

When Guan Baiyu returned, most of Shi Zhen's pork head had been sold, and only one or two catties remained.

"Brother." Guan Baiyu called out and walked to Shi Zhen's side.

Shi Zhen gave him a small stool: "You go over there and sit under the shade of a tree to rest. When I'm sold out, we'll go back."

Shi Zhen himself didn't feel ashamed of selling things at all, but he knew that people of Guan Baiyu's age might feel a little ashamed of selling things.

Guan Baiyu didn't feel that way: "I'll just sit here." He didn't want to be too far away from Shi Zhen.

Guan Baiyu didn't leave, Shi Zhen could not help it, this person was sitting beside him alive, and his heart was calm.

After Guan Baiyu sat down, Shi Zhen saw what he bought, and was slightly stunned: "You didn't buy anything to eat? Ham and soda are delicious, and the meat buns over there are also delicious."

Guan Baiyu shook his head: "I'm not hungry."

"A steamed bun doesn't have much weight," Shi Zhen smiled. He happened to see two old ladies who were selling vegetables at a stall beside them eating a bowl of small wontons, and asked, "Then do you want to eat small wontons?"

The food shops in the town are concentrated near the vegetable market, and the shop that sells steamed buns also sells small wontons.

"No." Guan Baiyu refused.

He has never eaten small wontons, but does not want to spend the money.

"I want it, you go buy a bowl and we will share it." Shi Zhen took out a dollar and gave it to Guan Baiyu. Guan Baiyu likes small wontons very much, and he often eats them when he is with him. When he gets up in the morning, Guan Baiyu will cook him a bowl of small wontons with soup and water, and then fry him a large bowl of egg fried rice or cook An omelette for him to eat.

At that time, he felt that Guan Baiyu was too busy—why do two tricks for one breakfast? Even if you want to make two tricks, why not go out to eat

But later, he made small wontons by himself, but it didn't taste like this anymore.

Guan Baiyu refused to take the money: "I have money..."

"Guan Baiyu?" A voice suddenly sounded.

Guan Baiyu was stunned for a moment, and when he looked up, he saw Yan Jiangtao and two people about his age who happened to be coming out of the steamed bun shop next to him. He knew the two of them, they were not in their class, but they were in the same grade as them.

"Guan Baiyu, are you selling something?" Yan Jiangtao looked at Guan Baiyu with a strange face, "You are so dirty, can you eat what you sell?"

Guan Baiyu lowered his head and did not want to cause trouble.

Yan Jiangtao was reluctant: "What are you selling? It's disgusting when you look at it in the dark. You smell very bad, so the things you sell also smell bad, right?"

Yan Jiangtao came to town with friends on weekends to play.

He has a lot of pocket money, and he comes to town every weekend to buy things and eat something delicious.

He had never met Guan Baiyu in the town before, but now that he did, he couldn't help but criticize him.

Guan Baiyu still didn't speak, Shi Zhen's face turned black, and he asked Guan Baiyu: "Who is this?"

Guan Baiyu said, "I'm at the same table."

Guan Baiyu didn't look at Shi Zhen, so he couldn't tell how he felt.

In the past, when Yan Jiangtao troubled him, he basically endured it. Unless Yan Jiangtao went too far, he would think of something and secretly take revenge.

But he did not dare to go too far, he knew that he could not fight against Yan Jiangtao.

But now, Yan Jiangtao told him in front of his brother...

Shi Zhen clenched his fists unconsciously when he heard Guan Baiyu's words.

Guan Baiyu's classmates met them in the town by accident, and they all talked like this. How did they bully Guan Baiyu in school

He thought that Guan Baiyu had good grades and would not be bullied in school, but he was wrong.

He hadn't found it before!

Shi Zhen's sharp eyes looked at Yan Jiangtao.

The locals are not tall, but Yan Jiangtao is less than 1.7 meters tall and very thin.

Guan Baiyu is stunted and shorter than him, so he is not afraid of Guan Baiyu, but Shi Zhen is 1.8 meters tall.

When Shi Zhen glared at him, he didn't dare to say anything, and walked away cursing.

Behind him, Shi Zhen looked at him for a long time.